indie-hollis · 5 years
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“You were the one throwing water in my face!” As if that had been what was disgusting. He knew exactly what she was talking about. Maybe it was, but Delsin had been in so deep with his addiction that he simply didn’t care. Of course he cared if he had a clean supply, but the main priority was the high. And Delsin was still feeling the high despite the water being thrown in his face.
As soon as she mentioned Dahlia, Delsin paused and glanced over at Indie. It had been a while since he talked with Dahlia. Definitely since before the attack in the market place. He knew he should have been seeing her before then, visited far more frequently especially when she was pregnant with his child. But he also knew she was mad at him, and for good reason. 
“I was planning on it,” he mumbled. “How, uh.. how’s she doing?”
“Boy, you know that’s exactly what you needed to even be able to talk to me coherently,” she shook her head and leaned against the wall. She’d read him the riot act so many times that at this point, the most she could do was what she’d just done. A cup of cold water to the face said more than her words ever could. Unfortunately. “I ain’t gonna get into that with you today. But you know my thoughts. They’re all over your face and shirt.”
Indie examined the way he squinted when she’d mentioned Dahlia. Did he even know she was pregnant? If not, she sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to break the news to him. Hell, he might have already been told and forgotten it all. 
“She’s good,” she cocked her head to the side. “Kinda think it might be good for you to actually walk the twenty feet down to her house and see her.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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Dahlia took notice of little Indie coming up to talk to her. Not that she was that little anymore, but she was more recent of a Victor than Dahlia was. Plus, she had been Delsin’s only Victor he had ever brought home. Not that he probably helped much. More than likely he was stoned off of his gourds when the poor girl won her Games. Dahlia took to her quickly and her fiestiness, knowing that they shared that sort of stabbing outlook at the world around them. 
“Hey, pretty,” Dahlia said with a small smile, willing to compliment each girl she saw, if not only to make sure their confidence stayed up. While Dahlia was (obviously) into men, she didn’t mind spreading a little girl on girl love once in a while in the form of sweet compliments. “Yeah, come on up.”
She invited Indie onto the porch to get out of the direct sunlight. Dahlia maneuvered herself in her chair so she didn’t look completely sleazy sitting there slouched down. She adjusted her shirt a little to make sure it was completely covering the bump as she sat up and looked to the young girl. She grimaced as Reid kicked her particularly rough in the back and she took a deep, pained breath before rubbing it out. 
“Sorry if I’m not the best company though,” Dahlia said with a sigh. “Little mister has been having a field day with my organs since four in the morning.” She didn’t mind revealing the gender to Indie, knowing the girl wouldn’t tell Delsin. It didn’t hurt to remind her, though. “And you’re not saying much about the baby to Del, right?”
“Not a problem,” Indie shrugged, taking the steps up onto Dahlia’s porch. “And no, I haven’t said nothin’. I was actually on my way to his place to give him shit for not seeing me in the hospital after everything went down in the market.”
Indie had a complicated relationship with her former mentor, and that stemmed from the fact that she never really quite knew if he was going on a sober streak or not. He knew very well just how much she hated the very thing that he kept feeding himself, and why, just the same as Indie knew how hard it was for him to give it up. That still didn’t keep her from getting angry at him every time she caught him falling off the wagon. 
“Mister, huh?” she asked. “You got a name picked out? Personally, I think Indie is gender neutral if you’re still looking for a namesake.”
She laughed a little and took a seat on the bench outside the victor’s house. It wasn’t often she spent much time with victors that weren’t from her own district (that is to say, it wasn’t often she spent much time with victors at all, considering ones from Six were about as sparse as they got anywhere closer than District Ten). 
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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As soon as the words left her mouth, Delsin’s shoulders slumped. He knew it was coming one way or another. There was no hiding it from Indie, especially when he had been aware of morphling addiction having hit her family, too. It hit a lot of families in District Six, but even away from home, it still seemed to worm its way into the District Six Victors’ lives. 
“Indie–” he started, shutting the door with a sluggish shove. He turned toward the girl but just as he had, water was flung right at his face. Delsin hadn’t expected it, the water splashing all across his face and the front of his sweatshirt. The only kindness of the gesture was that it was water and not something more solid. 
“Jesus!” he cursed, reaching up with a sleeve to wipe at his eyes. “Couldn’t you have used warm water, at least?”
“Warm water don’t get the point across,” Indie tossed the cup to the side and crossed her good arm over her chest. Her eyebrow lifted with disdain as she watched her former mentor wiping the water from his face. “That shit’s disgusting, Del.”
The nurses in the hospital had had to literally force morphling into Indie’s arm when she was being rushed in for her injuries. And as she’d passed out from its effects all she could do was see the hollow looks in her parents’ eyes haunting her, their sallow and sunken faces withering from addiction. 
She, of course, knew Delsin was also struggling with an addiction of his own. And her little brother had told her to be gentler with him about it. But Indie had a hard time looking for sympathy towards addicts when she herself had been so heavily affected by the ones around whom she’d grown up. Addiction was a disease, sure. But it was one that had many treatments, and people here in the Capitol had access to those. 
“I saw Dahlia on the way here, by the way,” she said. Indie wasn’t sure if Delsin even knew she was pregnant by how out-of-sorts he seemed. “You talked to her recently?”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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Delsin flinched at the knock to his door. But as soon as he heard the familiar voice beyond it, he felt dread overcome him. One way or another, he was going to be facing Indie, he just didn’t expect her back in the Village so soon. He planned on visiting tomorrow– he kept telling himself that– and owning up to all the times he hadn’t. Well, he was about to own up for all that now, whether he wanted to or not.
He pushed himself up from the couch, wobbling slightly from having sat there for how many hours? He was at least coherent enough to answer the door, though he probably looked like garbage. Hood over his messy hair, Delsin rubbed at his eyes to get the sleep out of them as he made his way toward the door. With a deep breath in, he reached for the deadbolt and unlocked the door before opening it slowly to greet Indie.
“Hey, Indie,” he started slowly, mind desperately scrambling for any semblance of an excuse as to why he didn’t go see her other than he was trying to chase a high. He looked her over, immediately noticing the sling and her arm still in a cast. And the scars on her right side had healed over, but looked a bit rougher than before. Fresher. Delsin frowned, taking a slight step back in case she had wanted to step in. 
“Sorry I didn’t see you… I was kinda stuck here,” he murmured. His gaze dropped toward her shoes, hoping she would miss how blown out his pupils were. How sunken in his eyes had been. "Um… glad to see you’re out of the hospital, though.“
When Delsin answered the door, Indie’s stomach sunk to the floor and she raised an eyebrow as she took in his glazed-over expression, and listened to the slow drawl escaping his mouth. If he wasn’t high at the moment, he was coming down from one, and Indie saw the look in his eyes that was all too similar to that of her father’s when he returned home some nights.
“Oh, hell fuckin’ no,” she shook her head and pushed past him into his house, walking directly towards the kitchen. Indie was close enough to her fellow Six victor to feel comfortable walking in here, and it wasn’t like this was the first time she’d caught him in a state like this. She reached up into his cabinet and pulled out a glass, then filled that with water from his tap. 
Upon returning to the foyer Indie tossed the water all over onto Delsin’s face, drenching the hood over his head and the front of his sweatshirt. 
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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The aftermath of the bombing was over, but that didn’t settle Dahlia’s mind. She was thankful that no one from District Seven had been caught in the crossfire and she was beginning to see people come home from the hospital at that point. with her being nearly eight months pregnant, she couldn’t go anywhere. The thought haunted her that she could have accidentally been up there for some reason, whether it be for an appointment or to get out of the house. To think of what would have happened to her unborn son if she had gotten involved in that was horrifying. 
Because of that, and Reid’s insistent kicking into her kidney, left her with minimal sleep. 
So one morning, she decided to go outside, waddling to get to her favorite chair on her porch. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and one of her red flannels and a pair of leggings. Her feet were too swollen to wear shoes so she went outside with socks on. Dahlia eased herself into the chair with a heavy breath, her hair pulled back into a messy bun to keep out of her face as she rubbed her stomach. Reid was flipping and excited all morning and it was starting to wear on her. 
Still, she leaned back in the chair and watched the nearly empty streets. Her eyes traveled down to different houses, looking to see if she could spot anybody familiar. She couldn’t help but lean forward to check further down toward Delsin’s house, unsure if he was out and about. She didn’t see any activity, so she frowned and leaned back again. After a moment, her exhaustion got the best of her and she rubbed her face with her hands, trying to press her palms into her eyes. Once she did, she heard her name and she looked over.
“Yeah?” she asked, blinking the sleep from her eyes to see who it was. 
“Ah fuck,” Indie muttered under her breath as she jiggled her front doorknob. She never stressed all that much whenever she forgot her key at home; there usually was at least one sibling out of three hanging out in there to let her in. Not right now, it seemed. She gave it another knock with her one good hand- her left arm was still hanging in a sling- and gave the door a kick with her right foot before giving up. Eventually she turned and put the effort into squatting down to the turtle statue next to the door, where an extra key usually sat underneath. Only, it didn’t seem to be there today. 
“Those little assholes.”
She loved her siblings. She really did. But would it kill them to return the key back to its spot when they were done using it? Indie gave a sigh before resigning herself to the fact that she was locked out until one of them returned home. So a walk around the block would have to do, she supposed. 
Dahlia from Seven- hugely pregnant at this junction- sat on her front porch, only a couple houses down. She was nice enough, Indie supposed. Well, she was close to Delsin (close enough to have his spawn inside of her, Indie guessed. Not that Dahlia talked about who the father was much, but Indie knew Delsin well enough to time just when the two had stopped hanging out. It wasn’t confirmed, but she was pretty confident in her prediction.). She might make good company.
“Dahlia,” she waved as she walked down the street, moving her good hand up to shield her eyes from the sun. “Need some company? My little turd siblings locked me out and I need something to do while I wait for them to get home.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
Indie’s left arm was still in a cast when she marched up to her neighbor’s door. 
The burns on her right side had mostly scarred over once again, looking the same as they had before but fresher. The good thing about having pre-existing burn scars throughout one side of your body- including your face- was that if there were new ones added at any point, it was nearly impossible to tell. Some of them were simply pinker than others. 
She didn’t think much of those, but her left arm still being broken was a pain in the ass. Indie hated being reliant on other people’s goodwill, but there were times she was absolutely useless with only one functional arm. And her siblings were being great, but she needed to get away to someone else for a bit. Plus, Delsin deserved a little scolding for not visiting her in the hospital.
“Del!” she pounded on the door. “What the hell, man? If you’re not dead, you better a have a good excuse for not seeing me!” // @delsin-rhodes​
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indie-hollis · 5 years
“I am not going to make you go back,” she assured the woman that had spoken to her. Even if she was a nurse, which she wasn’t, Aspen wasn’t sure she could force someone back into those rooms. They weren’t the magical places she had imagined when she had been in District Nine. Capitol hospitals were all hailed as magical places of healing, miracles, and life. This hospital wasn’t that or even close to that. People were in pain and suffering here too.
The good news? Her sister wasn’t here. Aspen had friends she wanted to visit, but part of her had come searching for the word on her sister’s wellbeing. If Aurelia wasn’t there, it meant she wasn’t hurt. It made her think she should have asked her sister where exactly she was living in the Capitol so she could go check up on her.
“Are you okay though?” She asked motioning to the woman’s injuries.
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“Aspen,” Indie smiled a little when she realized who it was that had crept up beside her. She’d been rooting for the girl during the last Games, even though her boy had made it to the final three with her. The kid had been strung out on drugs the whole time, and the other finalist was a Career girl. “I’m fine. I don’t think we’ve been able to talk yet. I’m Indie, I won about nine years ago.”
Despite Indie’s propensity towards harshness here in the Capitol, and the reputation that came along with that, she actually felt rather maternal when it came to victors from outlying Districts. Indie wouldn’t give a victor from One or Two the time of day, but give her this poor girl from Nine, or someone like Mouse from Seven, and Indie went full-on protective.
“You look like you managed to escape all the craziness,” she mentioned. “Is everyone in your family ok?”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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Persephone was so relieved to see her kids again. She wasn’t able to see them for three days, and even during that time, she hadn’t been sure that they were alive. No information was given to her until the lock down had been lifted and she and her husband were able to see them. The Capitol’s methods were beyond unprofessional and questionable, but all she had cared about was being able to see her kids and to talk to Ares.
After a few hours of doting on Mason and Lyssa and staying with them in their room, she had decided to try and see Ares. Mason had told her that he had protected them from the explosion. Putting himself in harm’s way for their sake. Seph was grateful that he had stayed with them, that he kept them safe, and she wanted to tell him.
But she also hadn’t eaten anything first, so she figured maybe she should get something to eat. Seph had made her way down to the cafeteria and was about to pass a girl when she heard her speak. She blinked, glancing behind herself and then looking back at her. “I’m not… a nurse,” she replied slowly, “I was just coming down to get a bite to eat.”
Indie turned her head to see the woman- someone who looked vaguely familiar but not distinctly recognizable- and let out a sigh of relief. “Well I guess that’s one thing to be thankful for.”
She took a bite out of her apple, adjusting herself so that her left arm- hanging in a sling and numbed by all the morphling that had been thrown into her system despite Indie’s protests- sat a little more comfortably on her body. When they’d told her they were giving her the very drug that had turned her parents into shells of their former selves, rotting from the inside out all the way back in District Six, Indie had yelled for help, shouted that they couldn’t make her take that stuff.
It turned out they could make her take it, even though Indie had pulled the IV drip out at every chance she had.
“Well... good luck finding something decent to eat,” she shrugged. “Whole bunch of Capitolite kids just ran through here and decimated the pickings. They didn’t seem interested in healthy stuff, though, so the produce table is free.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
The hospital was suffocating. 
Indie’s decade-old burn wounds had reopened, the right side of her body screaming with that familiar pain from when she had caused an explosion in her own arena years ago. The burns weren’t as bad as they had been upon her exit from the arena. This time, though, there was the falling rubble. And when a cement block fell on her left arm, pinning her to the ground as searing hot pain returned to her skin and up those scars that remained on her flesh, Indie thought she very well could die here. In what was supposed to be the safest place in the country.
She’d been thrown into the hospital- one of the first to be evacuated from the site due to being a public persona- and had her wounds bandaged, her arm carefully wrapped and placed into a cast. And she’d been left there. The room was stark white, the air stagnant and nearly impossible to breathe.
As soon as she’d been given the go-ahead after several days, Indie spent as much time in the hospital cafeteria as possible. The amount of people here was comforting; she loved the circulation and the motion of people going about their business here. So here Indie sat, slowly munching through an apple that she’d picked up off the produce table, when a figure approached close to her.
“Please don’t make me go back,” she sighed, assuming it was one of the nurses attempting to push her back into that stale room. // @uvstarters
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indie-hollis · 5 years
It wasn’t often that Indie sought her out. Sierra understood why, but she tried to be as friendly as she could be to the young girl. She would never hold it against a Victor, even if her tribute was blown to pieces brutally. Sierra remembered that finale vividly because it had been the first time in a long time that she had thought maybe she could bring someone home. It had hurt a great deal at the time, but Sierra finally allowed herself to really appreciate the ingenuity that Indie showed in those final moments. 
She smiled, one hand wrapped around the other wrist. “These parties are definitely not my favourite ways to spend an evening. It’s why I brought a little bit of light reading to this thing. I was hoping that having won almost twenty years ago, the Capitolites would give me a break. Sadly, you’ve caught me at the only point in the evening where I’ve been left alone.”
Sierra looked over at Indie. “You look quite lovely though, Indie. I hope you’ve managed to find a way to entertain yourself at this party. Besides reading, the only thing I find passes the time is watching the ridiculousness that are the Capitolites.”
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Indie sighed a little, shifting her weight awkwardly onto her other foot. If she could, she would simply bolt away and hide in her house with her siblings, bury her nose in a book (really, Sierra was smart as hell to just bring one along), and stow away in a corner. She was barely in touch with any rebels as of late, since they were concerned about the Capitol’s methods of getting information out of victors, since their thumbs were solidly on top of each and every one of the 94 of them. But that meant most of the time she was bored out of her mind.
“Thanks, Sierra,” she sighed. “Pretty hard to entertain myself in any fashion during things like this, but you probably know how it is. People-watching is kind of the best option. What are you up to, though? I sort of feel like bringing a book was a genius idea.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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He wasn’t surprised by her reaction. There was animosity between the Districts at times, and Fell was no stranger to it, even from his own team. Still, he spared the girl a sideways glare, but figured it best to drop it before a scene started. Last thing he needed was another reason for Ares and Serenity to be pissed off at him again. Especially because he decided to yell at a kid.
She seemed to warm up after the comment about booze and again, Fell wished he was surprised. Alcohol was a coping mechanism for plenty of the Victors, especially at these parties. Anything to help them get through to the end of the night. Fell would indulge once in a while, but not as often as some of the others. “There’s a bar by the tables of food, otherwise I think there’s another bar out near the garden.” He let out a small huff, “Doubt it. I’ve been going to these things for years and they don’t get any better no matter how much you drink.”
Indie sighed, not really wanting to take advice from any Career, former or otherwise, but when it came to booze and getting access to it... well, there wasn’t any harm in obliging that, she supposed. Her strict Anti-Capitol, Anti-Career, Anti-All Of This ethos could take a break if it was something as small as talking to a guy from Two about alcohol.
An avox emerged from the crowd from the direction that Fell had pointed (as much as Indie wanted to call people like this “That Guy From Two”, she did, in fact, know who Fell Vasile was) carrying a tray of bright pink drinks and Indie flagged her down. 
“This alcoholic?” she asked, and when the avox nodded in response she plucked a glass from the tray and took a couple long drinks. Whens he avox walked off she turned back to Fell. “Luckily, I’m a lot smaller than you. And I’ll bet everything in my purse that my tolerance is about half what yours is.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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“You’re telling me,” he muttered back. Fell had only just managed to break himself away from an interview with Caesar Flickerman and while he didn’t drink often, he felt like he needed something just to take the edge off from the nosy, obnoxious questions thrown his way. Fell Wished he had utilized his escape plan sooner, then he could have avoided that damn interview all together. But that also meant leaving Ares, Serenity, and Alex to their devices, and if he got in trouble again, he was pretty sure Ares would die of a heart attack.
He didn’t talk much with the Victor from Six, though he didn’t really talk to many of the other Victors outside of Two to begin with. Still, she seemed to be just as pissed about being here as he did, so they already stood on pretty common ground. 
“The alcohol is, too, from what I heard,” he replied, reaching for some food to add to his plate. “Might want to avoid heading out toward the garden. Flickerman’s got his posse out there waiting for any of the Victors to come along so he can bombard them with questions.”
Indie rolled her eyes upon the realization she was standing next to Fell Vasile. That scary guy from Two. The epitome of Career. The very kind of person who was complicit in all of this shit. “Don’t even try, Two.”
It had been about four years since her escort had pulled her aside and told her to stop being, quote, “openly hostile towards anyone and everyone,” unquote. But Indie wasn’t hostile towards everyone. The new victor- the kid from Nine- was someone that she’d been welcoming and nice and everything to. When Mouse from Seven and Pixel from Three had won she’d been there to offer support to the tiny victors. Hell, she loved Rhys and Birch and Sierra and a bunch of others, even.
She did appreciate the tip about Caesar Flickerman, though. Indie hated that guy.
“Where’s the booze, though?” she asked, attempting some kind of... conflict avoidance. “Maybe that’ll make this shit bearable.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
Sierra adjusted the long braids she had adorned for the party. There was a really nice hairdresser in the Capitol that seemed to enjoy Sierra and her hair, choosing a lot of different, but beautiful hairstyles for her for various events. Sierra’s stylist was definitely okay with the hairdresser, even becoming friends with the man who was now her personal hairdresser. 
She had left June in the hands of her Capitol tutor, scheduling the session for the evening and into the night so she could hang out with June in the morning. Despite the reason she thought this event was being called, Sierra was quite happy that it was being held outdoors. Wine glass in hand she wandered the hedges, coming across a bench and taking a seat. 
In her hand bag, she had brought her e-reader, wanting to read if she had a moment or a space to herself. Sierra pulled it out, but quickly placed it on the bench seat when she heard someone coming. “Nice evening for a party, huh?” she said, a little awkwardly. “Maybe next time we can convince them to have the party in actual nature.” // @uvstarters
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Indie took a deep breath and turned away from the center of the party, having made the requisite face time she had promised her escort. Sure, she spent a lot of time antagonizing the Capitolite woman, but sometimes it was easier for Indie to compromise and show up for one or two things to keep her from nagging even more than she already did. The woman didn’t give up, it seemed. Ever. 
At one of the furthest flanks of the party sat Sierra, a mentor from Ten who Indie had avoided for several years following her victory. One thing she’d never really considered was having to face the mentors and family of the person who got in second in each Games. And considering Indie herself had personally blown the boy from Ten to pieces nine years ago, she figured it was easier to avoid the Ten team altogether for a while.
But Sierra seemed nice. Certainly didn’t seem like a Capitol apologist, which is truthfully all Indie could ask for at this juncture. 
“Nice evening,” she nodded, folding her arms across her chest. “Maybe next time we can convince them not to have a party at all. I can’t be the only one who thinks these things suck.”
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indie-hollis · 5 years
“Absolutely fucking not,” Indie crossed her arms over her chest, glaring towards the Capitol reporter. His bright pink hair was so fluorescent and flashing with various sparkles and tinsel pieces that she was practically about suffer a seizure at the hands of this asshole. Are you getting ready for next years Games? Excited? “I thought y’all would’ve stopped asking me this shit by now.”
She turned on a heel, rolling her eyes and leaving the reporter hanging. Indie’s mentors had always told her to attempt patience with Capitolites, but she simply didn’t have it in her. If it were up to her, she would be burning the place to the ground and serving up these clowns’ asses on a platter to all the kids who were starving in the Districts.
Indie grabbed a mini quiche from the small table beside her and bit into it, chewing with her mouth open in the hopes that people would leave her alone if she exhibited so-called “bad manners”. Ugh. 
“Same shit, different day,” she muttered to herself as a figure drew near to her. “But at least the food here is damn good, right?” // @uvstarters
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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25 years old, 88th Hunger Games, FC: Aisha Dee
Loyal, Passionate, Self-Sufficient, Practical, Restless
tw: allusions to drug use, violence
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indie-hollis · 5 years
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