indigenoustwospirit · 3 years
Please tell me why there are only like 10 bloggers on here from Thunder Bay? Come out and identify yourself! How cool would it be to have a meet up!!
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indigenoustwospirit · 3 years
Dear Diary,
Lockdown in my “city” or the city I live in. I have been here approx. nine years... I think that I won’t ever go back to my homeland. There is nothing there„ for me – I came here to seek treatment. In the very beginning of three years; My life was in good order. I was clean, I wasn’t drinking nor using. Those were the days then the struggle days began and has not ended. But surely, I am constantly trying and repeating the same mistake and routine over and over. Along the way, like right now. I’m learning not to so that’s great! Things will be all better in time and I hope it does for you too, reader
— tintin
Watching Netflix. TWD marathon!ïżŒ
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