How to Relieve Neck Pain With Massage Therapy
Describing any situation as "a pain in the neck" is a sure way of letting people know how bad things are. For many people, that phrase can be taken literally. In fact, the U.S. National Institute of Health Statistics reports that 15% of Americans are troubled by neck pain.
Usually the pain is caused by something simple, like hunching your shoulders over a keyboard or work surface. Posture can be another factor. Other causes include arthritis, whiplash, a pinched nerve, muscle strain or degenerative disease. Whether it's chronic or lasts only a short time, neck pain can be relieved by massage.
Regular massage therapy helps keep your entire body free of pain, and that's the goal of Massage Envy's professional therapists. When you're suffering from neck pain in particular, the massage will focus first on your shoulders and upper back.
"Massage of the neck itself may exacerbate symptoms at first, but gentle massage of the arms, chest, legs and back proves to reduce pain in the neck," says Elaine Calenda of the Boulder College of Massage Therapy. "Myofascial release and thorough massage of all the neck, face, jaw, head and throat muscles, promote full healing and restoration of function."
Along with relieving neck pain, receiving massage on a regular basis helps keep all your joints limber, which reduces your chances of pulling a muscle. It also improves your posture and flexibility, increases range of motion, lowers blood pressure and heart rate,encourages relaxation and relieves stress.
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That lingering pain in a knee, hip, elbow or wrist could be a sign of osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease.
Massage Helps Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain
Better posture. Massage to realign posture will reduce unequal weight distribution throughout the body, which the joints usually receive with unhealthy posture. Joints properly stacked vis-à-vis each other will witness a healthy distribution of body weight and ground reactive force. This will reduce the weight burden load upon each joint.
Joint flexibility. Friction strokes will positively impact joint structures by aiding in the removal of collagenous tissue bound within joint structures. Collagen settles in areas of injury to patch these sites. These patchwork scars contribute to the lack of mobility and stiffness felt by people with osteoarthritis. Proper range of motion can be restored with massage techniques.
Pain management. Classic Swedish massage—effleurage, petrissage and tapotement—reduces pain by directly impacting nerves. Because joint structures have many nerve endings located within and around the local regions, osteoarthritis pain can be managed greatly with massage therapy.
Decreased swelling. Wringing strokes to push extracellular fluid proximally upon a limb can greatly reduce swelling of an affected joint structure. This benefit augments the prior four benefits mentioned and may expedite the body’s healing processes.
Movement re-education. As the massage client begins to experience proper joint mobility, the nervous system will begin re-educating itself via proprioceptive activity. Efficient movement patterns can be restored compared to pre-osteoarthritis patterns.
These benefits of Massage therapy will greatly aid the osteoarthritic patient and slow the progression of this condition. (Information presented is never intended to replace advice from a medical professional. An osteoarthritic massage client should have a discussion with his primary care provider to determine how massage therapy can be implemented into the client’s treatment plan.)
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Top 10 Health Benefits of Foot Massage and Reflexology
Although our feet do a lot of work, they are the least pampered part of our body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage of a few minutes will be enough.
In fact, Foot Massage has been practiced in different cultures for years to promote health and well-being. Also, it has been a valuable part of complementary and alternative medicine.
Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands.
These points are located on the soles, ankles, toes and upper part of the foot. In reflexology, pressure is applied to special areas on the feet with specific thumb, finger or hand techniques.
Stimulating and applying pressure to these reflexes on the feet is definitely pleasurable, but at the same time it helps promote good health.
1. Promotes Better Sleep
2. Improves Blood Circulation
3. Helps You Relax
4. Fights Depression
5. Relieves Aches and Pains
6. Makes Feet Healthier
7. Alleviates Edema
8. Eases PMS and Menopause Symptoms
9. Restless Leg Syndrome
10. Lowers Blood Pressure
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5 Ways a Massage Chair can be Beneficial
As mentioned, there many health benefits of a massage chair.  Some of the best health benefits of a massage chair include the following:
1. Massage Chairs Relax the Muscles and Aids in Good Posture
Massage chairs act on certain muscles and use massage strokes that help to relieve the pain. As the muscles begin to relax, any imbalances in the system can be corrected. Relaxed muscles help the body have an increase in its mobility.
A natural tendency of the body in pain is to compensate by using other muscles to make up for the strained muscles.  This places excess stress on healthy ligaments and muscles.
You may sit unevenly if you have a sore hip and this can put extra pressure on the healthy side of the body.  The lower spine may begin to bear weight unevenly as well.  Massage chairs ease the pain of sore muscles so that you can sit more evenly.
2. It Reduces Pressure on the Nerves and Aligns the Spine
Reclining chairs reduce the pressure on the spin by helping the back be supported horizontally.  There are nerves that run through the vertebrae that supply the peripheral areas of the body including the toes, fingers, feet and hands.
Misaligned vertebrae or tension on the back can compress these nerves.  The massage chair can help the muscles relax and can lengthen the spin so that the vertebrae can go back to their original alignment.
When impinged nerves are pressure-free, the nerve impulses can more easily pass through the spinal canal through to the extremities.
3. It Maximizes Your Circulation
Massage chairs can improve circulation, which promotes muscle healing. It allows your blood to carry nutrients and oxygen to the organs and cells of the body, removing toxins your body doesn’t need.  Tense muscles can restrict blood flow.
Your massage chair can relax your muscles and maximize the blood flow to the organs and tissues.
4. It Relieves Stress
Massage chairs can reduce stress, affecting your well-being and increasing the biological impact on your overall health. Stress can result in high blood pressure, poor appetite, and sleep problems. Your massage chair can reduce the levels of cortisol in your body, which helps to reduce problems with blood pressure.
5. It Stimulates Your Secretion of Endorphins
Massage chairs stimulate the release of neurotransmitters that decrease the perception of pain and decrease the effects of stress on the body. The immune system can be enhanced.
This is 5 Health Benefits of a Massage Chair, what’s your favorite benefit using a massage chair, please share below.
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Why Massage and Men's Health are Meant to be
Men, now it’s your turn.  May was heavy with flowery Mother’s Day brunches, celebratory graduations, and emotional end-of-school-year events.  This month is all about you.  Not only is this Sunday Father’s Day, but right now we’re in the middle of National Men’s Health week.  It’s a great opportunity to take stock of how well you’re doing paying attention to your health and wellness.  What – you’re not used to doing this?  Well it turns out you’re not alone.  In fact, in a Cleveland Clinic study found that the men surveyed would rather talk about almost anything than their health. Favorite conversation topics included current events (36%), sports (32%), and their career (32%).  Way down on the list of tolerable talk topics was their own health, weighing in at 7%.
Many experts believe that this phenomenon, and the fact that a full third of American men refuse to get regular medical checkups, is because many men feel that they are invincible, or are too proud to seek medical attention, therefore avoiding the need to seek out wellness.  These are rather ridiculous philosophies, of course, as taking care of oneself is equally important for both genders for treatment of current issues, and the prevention and detection of future ones.
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