indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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This isn't the final version at ALL but I'm playing around with my Foldy design!
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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Mm... creepy Cyrus jfjfjfj
(Also why were asks off tf)
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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Did some design ideas!
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
I've finally decided on names for all my indulgent au algebraliens :D
One - Oakley
Two - Taylor
Three - Theo
Four - Fallon
Five - Freddie
Six - Shay
Seven - Simon
Eight - Echo
Nine - Niko
X - Xia
0 (1) - Zack
0 (2) - Zabrina
0 (3) - Zion
0 (4) - Zander
0 (5) - Zuri
They originally weren't going to have a role in it but I decided "fuck it" jgjfjf
They're a frat house :))))
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
Gabriela and Ty have a very caring relationship together, one built entirely on mutual trust and years of friendship. They both aim to change their city somehow, and work on all types of machines to see if anything clicks. Most times they end up dismantling them, except for a few.
Gabriela was given prosthetic arms at a young age, and as she experimented more, she made something similar for Ty: a robotic tentacle thing attatched to their back that can read their thoughts and function like an actual arm. How does this work? It's a world full of people with object heads literally nothing has to make sense in retrospect.
Despite their bond, they can have a bit of a rocky time when it comes to Gabriela's mood swings. Ty always wants to help however they can, but sometimes all they can do is stand by Gabriela and wait for them to be over. They do care for her though, and want to find a way to help her with them.
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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Some quick doodles of the lads!
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
Griffin and Flint are best friends, despite being complete opposites. They went to school together, and remained in contact since. Griffin and Percy are really the only two Flint can stand being around for long periods of time
Flint lives alone and never mentions his family or where he came from. He owns a small farm, where he grows all kinds of vegetables to sell to earn a profit. When Griffin decided to partake in the successor to the original contest in order to find his missing sibling, Flint followed him, wanting to offer his full support, as much as he didn't like being there
Flint and Griffin want to collaborate on running a restuarant together in the future (yes, they're aware of the irony), and that's the reason why they participate in Fallon's event: to raise exposure and hopefully make some kind of funds to open it up
As mentioned, the two are complete opposites: Flint is serious while Griffin is childish, Flint lives on his own while Griffin lives with four other people, Flint takes the leadership roles while Griffin is a follower.
Flint has an interesting relationship with Payton and Colin. They love spending time with him, and he can handle the two in small doses, but his temper explodes the more he's stressed out by them
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
Lilly and Atlas actually have a mutual friendship during the original contest, with Atlas genuinely growing to like her and appreciating her friendship, so when Lilly demands the prize out of rage, Atlas hands it to her without hesitation, and that's when she realizes it's fake and they've all been competing for nothing. Atlas doesn't see this as a big deal himself, and thinks that because Lilly cares more about building relationships than material things, she'd find it okay as well
After Lilly is chased and then runs away, Atlas vanishes, nobody knowing where he resides. He was really hurt when Leafy ran away from the city, and reflected on his own actions. Eventually, he decided to leave too, wanting to search for her. He still doesn't know she came back, and is still looking to the current day, wanting to fix his mistakes
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
Brian and Silas are childhood friends and trans
Silas was a REALLY big kid, being taller than both his parents at around 10 years old, and was mocked a lot as a result. This wasn't good, because he had anger issues, which resulted in him lashing out, and he lost an eye when he was only 13 from a scuffle he had with some dick
Brian was a rowdy kid himself, and often did weird things like sharpening branches and finding poisonous slugs. While everyone around him assumed it was for violent purposes, Brian just really liked to mess around with whatever he could find and tried to find a use for it somehow.
When the two of them started to get talked about a lot more (no good news unfortunately), Brian suggested starring up a club where they could be cool and do whatever they wanted without judgement. They both started it, and later Erik, Patrick, Colin, and Faris joined them as well
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
II is a part of this au too (their roles aren't that big but they do exist) so imma yell about them
After a whole scandal and situation happened with a shady contest, Marshall decides to do his own, managing to rope in a few people who don't really have anything going for them and promising them a cash prize (which would clearly benefit anyone who got it). So the contest happens, and like in the og source, Orlando wins, and decides to follow his dream of being a hotel owner, so he builds one and allows all the other contestants to live there too since they've all grown friendships with each other
Peter and Orlando run the hotel together as business partners (totally not boyfriends guys) and assist with any problems that arise. Before that, Orlando worked several jobs at once to try and maintain some kind of control over his life. Peter used to follow Kane wherever he went, Peter finding it hard to manage their thoughts, and Kane was on the run from literally everybody except Peter
Parker and Leona used to be roommates before the contest, only sticking together before because Leona wasn't able to get a handle on her harmful stimming, and had recently decided to come out as a trans girl, and Parker didn't want her to face any hardships until she was mentally better, yet still struggled with their identity themselves
While the newer contestants don't have as shitty origins as the first batch, they still want the prize themselves for various reasons that would benefit them
Finlay loves blogging, and runs about 30 different blogs all about different hyperfixiations he has (projecting go brrr), but his most popular one is where he gathered evidence about the original game show, and what happened to the prize and the contestants during it. While he enjoys running it, he'd love to create a store where he can sell all kinds of merchandise from all kinds of franchises (and keep some for himself but shhhh)
Temperance worked as an assistant to a science professor, but often got in the way of what the professor wanted to demonstrate. Temperance only wanted to share xir own discoveries when accidents would occur, and was proclaimed rather useless in the position. As a result, xe was fired, and decided to try and win the contest with xir inventions and discoveries, in order to prove xirself
Mira had a volume problem, which came from her being a little hard of hearing. Because she can't hear what other people say to her sometimes, some people assume she's stupid. Music calmed her, but she'd tend to play it at a higher level than most others would. As a result, she was evicted from her apartment and entered the contest to gain respect and afford a new place to live
Tyce had a shitty experience his whole life surrounded by toxic people, which ended up rubbing off on him. He realized he was trans at a young age, and was mostly accepted, but those around him insisted that he had to "act like a man" all the time in order to be like one. He adored photography, but gave up that goal when he was teased for it because he just wanted to take pictures of "non-masculine" things that made him happy. He adopted a more rugged and cruel personal to fit in with what his peers believed to be the traits of the best men, and originally entered the contest to prove himself to be the best and to show he was manly as fuck
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
Trevor loved working with kids, especially his own. Lilly was his happy helpful kiddo, Griffin was his mischievous son, and Lori was standoffish, yet offered new perspectives for him to consider. Gary was too young to do anything on their own, but they made Trevor's heart melt with every laugh.
And then Lilly partook in a shady competition, endangering a child, ended up cheating at the end, which made all her friends hate her, and then vanished for months without a single word to her family.
When she came back, as much as they still loved her and were relieved to see her, her family had serious issues with how she acted, and had trouble emotionally connecting to her as they used to. Lori was cold and didn't talk much, Griffin still goofed around, but had trouble making light of situations as he once had, Trevor couldn't even casually talk with her anymore, needing to think about what exact words to use instead of saying them as they came to mind. As for Gary, he was still too young to understand what exactly happened, since Lilly left when he was only a young child.
When Fallon announced his contest, the family made a group choice to partake in it for different reasons, but overall, it was to build a new family experience they could all connect to and hopefully heal together.
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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Au Fries that people on insta seemed to like
Object show blog
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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Drew @asterleavess Lollipop design (right) with my own (left)!
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indulgent-bfb-au · 4 years
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This was a little comic I made for my AU thing that I’m fucking around with (this looks bad, I know)
Object show blog
AU info below!
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