indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
It’s sick the way you people keep having sex without me.
“It’s sick the way you people keep having sex without me”
He can’t help but laugh at the other´s words, head thrown back , exposing even more the fading bruises staining the pale skin of his neck. A hand tugging lightly on his dress shirt, the first few buttons undone and revealing a little more than they should have been. 
“Is that some jealousy I hear?” His voice was teasing, tilting his head to the side for their eyes to meet briefly before his raked over the clothes which seemed to fit perfectly on the latter´s  body. A lewd smile formed on his lips at the sight, at the faint cologne he perceived in the air. Maybe he had lost his mind, maybe lust was getting the best of him at the moment. The elevator doors had barely closed when his body was already pressed to the other´s. Fingers traced his jawline with a hum, lips almost brushing over his in a mutter. “Angelo…right? This might be your lucky day…”
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
A sigh of annoyance escaped his lips with his fingers threading through his hair. He walked towards the elder once he saw him in the corner of his eye in the hotel entrance. "Yixing.." He whispered softly for no one else to hear, fingers curling around the elder's wrist before he starts to drag him towards the elevator. "I want my cuddles and you're going to give them to me, right?"
Fingers attempted to loosen up the tie which seemed to be cutting the air off his system by now, starting to regret the fact he hadn’t changed out of the stupid uniform. The name caught him off guard, eyes darting instantly from the garment to the man behind him. Ah. Even if the sight is a relief, he can’t help but look around to make sure no one else heard. Regardless of their relationship Sehun and Yixing did not exist in those four walls. They were not supposed to exist in those four walls.
 “I thought I was Allen here.” But the annoyance leaves his tone once eyes fall on the other´s features, not catching the slightest bit of mockery in these. Rarely was he genuinely affectionate as he seemed to prefer teasing him around. Peeking over his shoulder he leans closer to the man, the words leaving him in a breath against his skin. “Rough day, Hunnie?”
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
I have a computer, a vibrator, and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house?
He couldn’t really argue with that logic, even after a few minutes of trying to tuf her out of the room, he hit the conclusion that perhaps, the girl had a point. Still, human contact seemed far more appealing to him than that of a toy. Skin felt better on skin. It felt better with someone to listen, with someone´s breath ghosting over your ear instead of just the same monotonous buzz. Fingers tangle in a strand of her hair, his cheek perched up against an open palm while he eyes her with a hum. The box of pizza almost empty by now while the laptop was placed on her lap. Just the usual. 
“Fresh air? Human interaction? Ah come on you can’t stay in forever“ A chuckle slips past his lips, leaning closer to continue. “Won’t that thing run out of battery anyways?”
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
Check out this sheet of RIDICULOUS potential sentence starters I found:
A hard on doesn’t count as personal growth.
Do I look like a fucking people person?
This isn’t an office. It’s Hell with fluorescent lighting.
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it left.
I pretend to work. You pretend to pay me.
If I throw a stick, will you leave?
And just how may I screw you over today?
And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be…?
I’m just working here ‘till a good fast food job opens up.
I’m not your type; I’m not inflatable.
I’m trying to imagine you with a personality.
Someone here is is thinking about sex. Okay, it’s me.
I have a computer, a vibrator, and pizza delivery. Why should I leave the house?
I just want revenge. Is that so wrong?
It’s sick the way you people keep having sex without me.
I work 40 hours a week to be this poor.
Okay, okay, I take it back! Unfuck you!
Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
You look like shit. Is that the style now?
Earth is full. Go home.
I thought I wanted a career; turns out all I wanted was paychecks.
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
[text; Yixing] Xing, if you’re expecting an apology…You won’t be getting one~ [text; Yixing] I mean you spanked me pretty hard last night so I was obviously going to ride you hard so your body deliberately shifted against the rug. You know me…I’m a little shit. Besides I’m sure you enjoyed it. [text; Yixing] Do I feel guilty? Nope. Want to teach me a lesson? You probably should. [text; Yixing] Come over to my place and I’ll give you lotion???
He rolls his eyes at the texts before replying. Classic Sehun
[SMS> Hun] Why are you always such a shit, my back is in pain and I gotta have it pressed to something most of the day [SMS> Hun] Besides that was your fault, you know the rules Hun, disobedience = punishment, or do I need to refresh your memory hm? [SMS> Hun] You need more than lotion to convince me...anything else in store?
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
[text]: the back of my hand read, "say no to drugs." my palm read, "say yes to shots." when the fuck did I write that?
Now he did remember that. It was inevitable for them to end up like that, all thanks to the provoking glances across the room and the copious amounts of alcohol surrounding them. Not to mention more shots than they could probably count (and the marker to blame for the writings on her skin). Their bodies pressed against a wall, the music muted by the red lips moving smoothly along his neckline, staining the pale flesh with bruises all the way up to his jawline. His pulse quickening beneath her lips as he bit back any words that might have tumbled off his lips in the haze. Yixing’s fingers brushed over the ones peeking out of his shirt’s collar with a faint smile on his features, it could’ve been more.
[SMS] Do you really not remember
[SMS] Eh probably before leaving these
[—>File attached
[SMS] You know, alcohol is bad for you love
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
[Text] 'go have sex with her' does not count as a wingman
By the morning, last night´s events were nothing but vague recollections scattered in his mind, along with a splitting headache and a foreign scent on his skin. There was something about the man in his thoughts, some woman and apparently Yixing´s loud mouth through the loud music. He would attempt to do the slighest effort to connect the dots, but there was no abnormal pain in his body so it was easier to assume everything was in order. Aside from the texts…
[SMS] Your fault for not stopping me with the alcohol
[SMS] and it did work so you should be thanking me :
[SMS] …it did work right?
0 notes
indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
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The hotel’s lobby welcomes members of the Ring into a different atmosphere. The refinement that is commonly draped across the are’s every corner is replaced by something darker, rawer. All eyes are urged to the more tangible of changes made to the well known set of the room, a small stage that sits alone in the center of the space, put out of reach by a red velvet ribbon that countours its small circles. Although, that is hardly the only detectable alteration – by each of the walls stands a row of metal poles, towering over the passers-by, nothing inconspicuous about their languid glint under the dim lights. Before the stage, a small yellow sign gloats bold, dark letters, its message reading,
Masters, hold onto your tickets. The raffle will be taking place soon.
This took us longer than expected, but we’re finally doing it! The following are the rules and conditions of Indulgence’s first event.
Each member will be given a position for the event – either that of a pet or of a master.
Each pet will be randomly assigned to a master through a raffle, respecting each muse’s sexual preference.
Dominant muses will be masters, submissive muses will be pets; indifferent and switch muses will have their position chosen randomly by us.
Members will be required to be active throughout the event, since it’ll follow a partner-on-partnet format. Therefore, muses on hiatus will be initially left out, unless the muns come forth requesting participation.
The list with the participating members’ postions will be up on May 28th.
The master-pet assignments will be revealed on May 30th.
The event will officially open on May 28th, and last until June 13th.
Message us if:
You didn’t like the previous post we made but would still like to participate.
Your muse is either indifferent or switch, and you’d prefer for them to be either pet or master.
Your muse is a master and you can open slots for multiple pets.
You’re on hiatus and would like to participate.
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
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indulgexing-blog-blog ¡ 9 years
texts from last night meme 2 (nsfw)
[text]: I was told that I need a reference for my blow job skills. Be expecting a phone call tomorrow.
[text]: I'd apply for another job, but "staring out windows crying" is not a hot qualification right now.
[text]: the back of my hand read, "say no to drugs." my palm read, "say yes to shots." when the fuck did I write that?
[text]: He gave me the "I've pictured you while jerkin off" look
[text]: I'm just that drunk tells people I love them or wants to set them on fire. Accept that.
[text]: Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you let me pee in the grass while barking? And also, how many of you have videos?
[text]: Frankly, since I met you, I practically exist in a state of constant readiness for sex
[text]: was it me or did you scream 'champagne motherfucker' when you punched him in the face ??
[text]: They were arguing about who would hit the piĂąata first so naturally you tore it open with your hands. You broke the piĂąata and their hearts.
[text]: New rule: gentleman callers are required to bring me gifts of beer when coming over to court you. Tell the monster jam dudes so they know.
[text]: Was my shirt on fire at any point last night? Because I'm fairly sure my shirt was on fire.
[text]: its gotten to the point where if her hand isn't on my butt i think we're in a fight
[text]: I came back and almost ran over two people passed out in my driveway I've never met before in my life
[text]: At least I tried to be smart when I brought the alarm clock into the bathroom just in case I fell asleep.
[text]: It was like watching porn, except it was in real life, and it was starring two of your best friends.
[text]: You are a magnificent human being. I love you from head to toe. This wine is DELICIOUS.
[text]: 'go have sex with her' does not count as wingman
[text]: someone left their shoes, a resume, and a pizza in the shower... i am actually speechless
[text]: You were outside cuddling a rock singing Bohemian Rhapsody.
[text]: Be sure to let me know if your relationship crumbles so I can resume hitting on you
[text]: Do you ever just look at me and get embarrassed?
[text]: Who gets call-your-ex-from-4-years-ago drunk on a Thursday??
[text]: You know how I told you I don't have many naked pics? Apparently that changed last night.
[text]: Should we discuss the rug burns on my back or just save that for a separate conversation
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