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    ♛ “You can hear the vines when they’re moving - plus, if they’re moving...” A small crack was heard from behind them. As the inventor continued to walk, he pointed the gun behind him and shot the vine. “You just turn around and shoot it.” They were close to the center...  ♛
~The winds of change~ (closed)
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    ♛ “Yeah! I know it is! All my ideas are good,” he laughed. They kept walking, heading over to the Spirit Wilds. “Now let’s try this darn thing,” he smirked, shooting it at a few of the vines. A few cracking sounds emerged, and the vines seemed to be frozen in place. “Come on - go in before they move again - ” ♛  
Kai was quickly behind the mad inventor, “So um..this thing only shoots in one direction right?” he looked around them nervously, “What if those vines come back at us from different angles?” 
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    ♛ Welding torch in hand, the inventor looked over his newest project. Skeptical eyes looked over a few bolts and connections, and he adjusted his hand to begin welding... ♛
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♛ Varrick looked over the person skeptically. “Can I help you?” ♛
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{ hey guys! sorry I haven’t been on in a while! school has bee really hectic! but I’m here now, and I hope to be on more! x3 }
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    ♛ “Yeah! I know it is! All my ideas are good,” he laughed. They kept walking, heading over to the Spirit Wilds. “Now let’s try this darn thing,” he smirked, shooting it at a few of the vines. A few cracking sounds emerged, and the vines seemed to be frozen in place. “Come on - go in before they move again - ” ♛  
~The winds of change~ (closed)
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    ♛ “Eh - I think we’ll be find kid!” Walking alongside Zhu Li, he muttered something to her before turning back to Kai. “If we do get attacked, we have something that can take ‘em! Don’t worry about it - “ ♛
“We do?” Kai quirked a brow skeptical as to how the inventor could handle something even Jinora, Tenzin, and the Avatar herself had trouble controlling. “What uh..exactly would that be?” 
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    ♛ “Here’s a trick kid - if someone is badmouthing your friends, or hurting them in some way, you just go ‘Hey buster! What do you think you’re doing over there?’ and by that point, you might have got a few lines to say in your mind.” He laughed and ran a few fingers through his hair. “Just turn your anger into words - it’s pretty simple when you actually try it...” ♛
industryxking “Being brave doesn’t mean looking for trouble.” 
Lilo tilted her head to the side, “It doesn’t?” Granted the things that most people considered ‘brave’ were a part of every day life for Lilo. “But if I don’t have moments to show for it, then how will people know I’m brave?” She didn’t understand what he was trying to say but she knew that no matter what it was called, she wouldn’t stop getting in fights defending the kids who couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up to the bullies for themselves. 
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    ♛ “Yeah -Zhu. He’s my assistant - ” As she spoke, a young man came up to her side quickly, hands folded in front of him. At the sight of Zhu Li, not only did Zhu look surprised, but so was she. Zhu leaned over to whisper something into her ear, and she nodded. “Yeah - I know. Something weird is going on...” ♛
♀♂ ♀♂ (HEEEY)
    ♛ Twirling a lock of her curled hair with one finger, the woman laughed flirtatiously before speaking. “I am quite famous, if I do say so myself,” she smirked. “Do you not recognize me? Lemme tell you pal, I’m one of the richest people in the world!” ♛
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    ♛ “A special gun! It’ll tranquilize the vines, making them immobile for a small period of time!” He grinned excitedly. “Cool, huh?” ♛
~The winds of change~ (closed)
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    ♛ “Eh - I think we’ll be find kid!” Walking alongside Zhu Li, he muttered something to her before turning back to Kai. “If we do get attacked, we have something that can take ‘em! Don’t worry about it - “ ♛
“We do?” Kai quirked a brow skeptical as to how the inventor could handle something even Jinora, Tenzin, and the Avatar herself had trouble controlling. “What uh..exactly would that be?” 
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   ♛ Her brows creased in confusion. “The same thing? But...” She gasped, eyes growing wide. “Are you... me? What?” Her gaze skittered over the ground; her fingers twirling a lock of her curled hair as she searched for answers. “Do you have an assistant?,” she asked breathlessly, excitement now gleaming in her eyes.. “Mine is - oh where is he - ?” She looked around at the buildings. “Zhu! Are you out there?” ♛
♀♂ ♀♂ (HEEEY)
    ♛ Twirling a lock of her curled hair with one finger, the woman laughed flirtatiously before speaking. "I am quite famous, if I do say so myself,” she smirked. “Do you not recognize me? Lemme tell you pal, I’m one of the richest people in the world!” ♛
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    ♛ The inventor smirked - oh how this young girl reminded him of all the fun he used to have... “I’m just saying that you can stand up for your friends without hurting other people in the process! Words are much stronger than fists when you use them right!” ♛
industryxking “Being brave doesn’t mean looking for trouble.” 
Lilo tilted her head to the side, “It doesn’t?” Granted the things that most people considered ‘brave’ were a part of every day life for Lilo. “But if I don’t have moments to show for it, then how will people know I’m brave?” She didn’t understand what he was trying to say but she knew that no matter what it was called, she wouldn’t stop getting in fights defending the kids who couldn’t or wouldn’t stand up to the bullies for themselves. 
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{ I got tagged by pro-bendingnationalgames }
Name: Iknik Blackstone Varrick [Of The Southern Water Tribe] Birthday: March 30th, 1979 [35 years of age] Gender: Male 
Sexuality: Straight 
Height: 5’9″  
Favorite Color: Light blue 
Favorite Book: Are you kidding me? I don’t have time to read! [I just listen to Zhu Li read aloud her books...] 
Favorite Mover: All of them of course! I made them! 
Favorite Drink: There’s nothing like a good ol’ cup of sake. 
Last Mover I Saw in Theaters: I don’t remember - we’re working on a few new ones. It’s hard to remember them all. 
Dream Wedding: I’ve already had mine. My only dream was to get married to my beloved Tiger Seal. 
Dream Job: What I’m doing right now! Who doesn’t love inventing things for a living! [Plus, who doesn't like being a billionaire for a living!]
{ I tag whoever would like to do it, along with winflings and hardtocatchkai. }
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    ♛ “Eh - I think we’ll be find kid!” Walking alongside Zhu Li, he muttered something to her before turning back to Kai. “If we do get attacked, we have something that can take ‘em! Don’t worry about it - “ ♛
~The winds of change~ (closed)
Kai shook his head, “to be honest I wasn’t sure where I was a few moments ago…I was tossed to the other side of the city…they could be everywhere but, you said you checked around the spirit wilds? Did you check inside them?”
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    ♛ “I… I never thought of that,” he murmured. “Inside the Spirit Wilds… woah. We should search there first!” ♛
“It’s..probably not going to be safe,” Kai frowned picking a bit of stray glass from his attire. “I’m sure the wilds are stirred up from the storm.” 
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{ geez louise - I’m gone for a little under a month and my follower count has spiraled up!? O-o woah! thank you! welcome new followers! x3 
I would like to apologize for not being on much. School is screwing me over this semester, and I was also trying to get my new blog up and running - lamuexte - so go ahead and check it out if you’d like!
I should be online a bit more often now, but don’t expect much from me... }
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    I N D E P E N D E N T R O L E P L A Y B L O G
         ❀                    —  ❝ All the word is made up of stories. ❞   —                 ❀
[ мυѕє | La Muerte/Mary Beth (tour guide) | The Book Of Life | any age | Independent | Canon | ask & rp blog ]
[ (η)ѕƒω | sfw preferred | uncensored language | {trigger-tagged} blood, violence, psychological, angst | smut is not allowed ] [ѕнιρριηg | canon ship: married to Xibalba in most verses | multi-ship | single-ship | mutually-exclusive | open to all | FxF | FxM | genderbent shipping | all types of ships | OC-friendly ] [ 4 years roleplay experience ] [ѕtуℓє | para and/or multi-para | one/multi-liner/short | gif-war | simple text | crack! | adaptive rping | third-person | first-person optional | multi-verse | AU | crossover- & multifandom-friendly ] [ Also, don’t be afraid to talk to me - IC or OOC! ] [ written by the mun of grucylover18 ] «[ VISIT ]  [ ASK ] [ GUIDELINES ]     »
        ❀  ❝ Anyone can die. These kids…                                                                        they will have the courage to live. ❞ ❀
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    ♛ “I’m all about not being safe! Everything I do isn't safe!” A soft nod from Zhu Li confirmed his statement. “Let’s go - “ ♛
~The winds of change~ (closed)
Kai shook his head, “to be honest I wasn’t sure where I was a few moments ago…I was tossed to the other side of the city…they could be everywhere but, you said you checked around the spirit wilds? Did you check inside them?”
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    ♛ “I… I never thought of that,” he murmured. “Inside the Spirit Wilds… woah. We should search there first!” ♛
“It’s..probably not going to be safe,” Kai frowned picking a bit of stray glass from his attire. “I’m sure the wilds are stirred up from the storm.” 
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    ♛ “I... I never thought of that,” he murmured. “Inside the Spirit Wilds... woah. We should search there first!” ♛
~The winds of change~ (closed)
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    ♛ “Fine, fine - I guess I can’t get rid of you quite yet,” he groaned. “We looked in all the warehouses and in the buildings surrounding the Spirit Wilds.” He gnawed on his knuckle for a quick second, thinking before saying something else. “Do you have any ideas as to where they could be?” ♛
Kai shook his head, “to be honest I wasn’t sure where I was a few moments ago…I was tossed to the other side of the city…they could be everywhere but, you said you checked around the spirit wilds? Did you check inside them?”
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Me: I'm a heartless bitch with no soul
Me: *Sees OTP*
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