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birds on a wire.
[oil slick halogen. the angels gave up on us. we’ll make do with feathers and tar.]
prints (all proceeds go towards purchasing e-sims for Gazans and helping re-locate Palestinian refugees)
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YOU - Why are you doing this? I just want to sleep. I can almost see the dark. ANCIENT REPTILIAN BRAIN - We're trying to help you. All these processes -- these tortures, voices and tremors -- are all just distractions. Flares and countermeasures. To keep you from the last dream. The worst of them all. YOU - The… last dream? LIMBIC SYSTEM - The last dream will be total annihilation. Cinders peeling off the fuselage. We won't be there to help you anymore, Harry. We will be dormant. You will be naked and alone.
Skills version and what came to mind after reading "A Spilled Kaleidoscope" fanfic, what are the consequences of The Pale
YOU - "The pale can damage the mind?" JOYCE MESSIER- - "Extensively." YOU - "How?" JOYCE MESSIER- - "Some say the damage stems from extreme sensory deprivation. Others argue that pale somehow consists of past information, that's degrading. That it's rarefied past, not rarefied matter. They call it the blend-over of the self. The pale does not only suspend the laws of physics, but also the laws of psychology, maybe History, even… The human mind becomes over-radiated by past."
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Skilltober #17 - Shivers
an exposed nerve
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Imagine you're on a comedown, dragging a microphone across a sheet of ice listening to the sounds within and deciding whether they'd be good for music.
You hear two people approaching you and look up. They're militia officers, they're plain clothes militia officers which means they're detectives and have likely been at their jobs for as long as you've been alive.
The bigger one asks if you're cold and offers you his hat, when you say no he proceeds to have a screaming, crying meltdown about it and breaks down in sobs. His partner leads him to the side to have, I don't know, a pep talk and then they return.
The smaller officer then proceeds to *really badly* pretend to be addicted to amphetamines and tries to buy drugs off you. You tell him the drugs (that he used the full chemical name of, like a cop) he's asking after are old-fashioned and he seems perturbed when you tell him the sort of drugs kids take these days.
The bigger one then tells you he might be a homosexual.
The smaller one is wearing a revolutionary pilot's uniform for some reason.
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loser cop
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Has this been done yet.
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 "No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive."
I love Disco Elysium so much, it's such a good game! It's painful in some places and hilarious in others. The characters all feel so real and fleshed out, and the lore we get about their fictional world is so interesting. I want more stories from that world! Fully recommend if you've not played it already.
I know I'll be drawing more for DE because I just can't get it out of my head!
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i love stock images
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realtalk but when i see dudes on steam or ppl on tumblr talking about how disco elysium made them feel pathetic and uncomfortable i just. i don’t know. i cannot relate to that at all. disco elysium is about an alcoholic amnesiac poet in love with a dying city who loves him back. if i had never been an alcoholic, if i had never been suicidally depressed, maybe i would think the world of disco elysium is a bleak one. but when you know what it’s like to go through that darkness and come out of it again? to fall back in love with a world that almost destroyed you? disco elysium is the most hopeful story imaginable. it sees the world for what it is and holds nothing back, none of the horror, none of the wonder, none of the love…
something about art comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comfortable i dunno
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"CAN YOU STAY?" Disco Elysium fan comics
This game really touched my heart... and gave me so much inspiration... this is my tribute
I want to mention @thirdchildart , her work with visual metaphors was huge inspiration for this comics too, especially that stream where she was talking about visual storytelling in her tma animatic
Disclaimer: This is not an instruction on how to deal with amnesia or the effects of alcohol. I've never drank alcohol and have absolutely no idea what to do in alcohol situations. The situation in the comic is fiction, based on the game lore. If you see someone in similar circumstances, or you experiencing something like this, go to doctor
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Kim Kitsuragi shitpost voicelines!
Please see end of post if you want to use these!
Submitted by you, voted for by you, I'd like to present the voicelines you were just dying to hear being said by Kim - dutifully performed by the brilliant Jullian Champenois.
In 10th place,
How did we get here? We walked, believe it or not. You were not entirely lucid.
In 9th place,
I want to have fuck with you.
In 8th place, Normal people, when they go down a slide - they're fine.
Submission idea attributed to this post.
In 7th place, No, detective, I do not just want to go apeshit.
Submitted by bowyooo. In 6th place, Apartment complex? I find it quite simple.
Submitted by elelei. In 5th place, Officer, what the fuck was that?
In 4th place, Trans rights are human rights, detective. Obviously.
In 3rd place, Do I like men? Man is a hopeless creature. I don't like much of anyone. ...Oh, if you meant sexually, then, yes.
In 2nd place,
Detective, Instead of worrying about appearing 'submissive and breedable', please make sure your paperwork is submitted and readable.
Submitted by scrollingdown. And finally, in 1st place, the voice line you all wanted to hear so so badly is...
I'm da king of da highway.
You are welcome and encouraged to use these for memes, shitposts, and other foolish fan content on social media. When you do, please include credit to Jullian Champenois. You can also include a link to his website, tag him on Instagram/Twitter (@julliannailluj), or mention his Youtube channel according to the content you make. Commercial content of any kind - ads, promoted videos, etc - is explicitly forbidden by these usage terms. Anything of this sort will require specific permission by Jullian. Please don't fuck around we love him. That's it! Thank you everyone for participating, reading, and enjoying this silly little project.
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In my mind, Kim and Harry are the type to share a single piece of hard candy.
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Ik its more popular to draw the characters based on their portait images but harrys portrait vs his side profile annoys me so much Give him that nose cartilage back
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There’ll always be room for you, Kim!!
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