inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: Penny’s memorial STATUS: Closed for @cinnamonfm​
The memorial was going well. Maybe that wasn’t the right way to describe a memorial for a classmate’s untimely demise, but Inés had to give herself credit where credit was due. She spoke with the family and offered her kindest regards. She offered to help them with whatever they needed for the day. She even spoke to a few other students and gave them some comfort. Anyone who claimed she was doing it for any other reason than to bring people together would look like a real miserable asshole. Whatever benefits Inés received from this were purely coincidental. Things were going well until everyone’s phones appeared to ping at the same time. Reading the message, her expression is blank and she immediately turns her head to Heni. “Did you see this?” She shows her friend the screen and didn’t appear to be bothered at all. “What a joke. There’s a typo.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
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inesosorino · 1 year
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     “ now why would a woman like you want anything to do with someone who’d roll over and stick their tongue out at the very first command you give them ? ” he questions. link was under a spell for sure, but he was still smart enough and defiant enough to know that inés was only trying to play a game with him. and god, link liked that — even if he wasn’t playing with the same rules, he liked it. they scoff at her, “ serious people ? you might be surprised with the fun you might have if you loosen up a bit. even if it’s just a little bit of fun. but i won’t get in the way of your serious business… whatever that might be. ” of all people, he would know. but he stays quiet. 
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“For a second there you certainly seemed more than willing to do just that. Can you play fetch as well?” They had a fair point. While eagerness to please flamed her ego, Inés inevitably grew bored. Link wasn’t the answer to that problem though as delusional as he was. Also, unfortunately, she knew him and like hell she was going to give him any satisfaction for his chase. “Every noteworthy parent is here tonight. Some of us have futures to think about. And others...” She sizes them up and down and decides to leave her statement intentionally vague. Inés didn’t have the time to wonder what Link’s angle was when she was busy making her own. “Now I’m parched thanks to you. Goodnight Link. Have some fun for the both of us.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
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kepler’s gaze doesn’t move from the book in their hands when the door swings open, assuming it was alex. who else would come find him and be so obnoxious about it? but the sound of heels and smell of expensive perfume makes them knit their brows, and they look up at her with immediate irritation. they had to give credit where credit was due. her ability to sour his mood before they could expel a sigh was uncanny. leaning to the side to take a peep at the shoe, they curse bonbon internally, and returns to look back at her all too unbothered. is it really their fault her shoe looks like a chew toy? is that why they’re called jimmy choos? “ looks fine to me, ” they say, shoulders lifting into a nonchalant shrug and brings their attention back to his book, my brilliant friend by elena ferrante. “ very high fashion. you’ll pull it off. ” they turn a page, then lifts their gaze to settle a stern look on inés. “ next time, knock. ”
Inés had heard plenty of roommate horror stories but she was convinced her experience would be different. She was smart and charming and was really great with new people. At least that’s what she told herself. The moment her and Benjamin met however it became clear it was going to be a tough school year. “Do they now?” She nodded. “You can wear them then.” Did he even know how much they cost her? Inés knew for a fact he didn’t. Kep was the kind of rich who decided to ignore it rather than actually use it to his advantage. He could buy a hundred pairs of designer heels if he really wanted to. His dismissive attitude only made her irritation grow. He wasn’t even trying. “I only have to make one call to student housing and the shoe eater can’t live with us anymore. And, well, who knows what could happen next.” She arches a brow and tries to gauge his reaction. The girl knew that that was her roommate’s beloved pet. Kep could cry a river to her about it for all she cared. It wasn’t like she was the asshole. “I wear a size nine.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
birdie !!
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           “  well  aren’t  you  li’l  miss.  philanthropic  ?  ”  he  arched  a  brow  in  her  direction   ,   his  face  otherwise  devoid  of  expression  as  he  allowed  his  eyes  to  leisurely  wander  over  her   ,   assessing  her   .   it  wasn’t  that  birdie  disagreed  with  the  idea             far  from  it  ,  actually  .    more  than  anything   ,   he  was  bothered  by  her  manner  of  delivery   ,   which  was  both  obtrusive  and  unwelcome   .    let’s  insult  the  man  and  ask  him  for  a  favor  all  in  a  single  breath   .    he  would  laugh  if  the  situation  wasn’t  so  damn  sad   ;   the  situation  being  how  little  her  behavior  surprised  him   .
          birdie  leaned  forward   ,    the  mini  cigar  still  tucked  loosely  between  his  two  fingers  as  he  rested  an  elbow  on  his  knee   .   “  i  must  have  missed  it   ,   but  was  there  an  apology  in  there  somewhere   ?    ”   there  was  not   !    the  knowledge  of  this  resulted  in  a  subtle  smirk  gracing  his  features  as  he  flicked  the  cigar  to  the  ground   ,   the  heel  of  his  shoe  stomping  it  out   .   “   alright   .   you  and  i  both  know  i’m  not  gonna  say  no   .   ”   he  paused   .    “   so  let’s  not  beat  around  the  bush           you  say  ‘   thinking   ’   ,   and  all  i  hear  are  the  gears  turning  in  your  head   .    you’ve  probably  got  everything  already  planned   …    don’t  keep  us  in  the  dark   ;   what’s  your  fundraiser  idea  ?   ”   
In Inés’s defense, who the hell under 50 smoked cigars? The choice felt pretentious. She was sure he indulged in hand rolled cigarettes or something just as obnoxious as well. “Well, I try. People love to come together after a terrible event.” The moment he spoke she knew he didn’t care for whatever act she was putting on. Truth be told she didn’t care. Instead, she gives Birdie a trademark Inés Osorio smile. “And so generous.” She knew him through Greer, of course Greer knew everyone, and their rapport was palatable. Whatever they were both thinking about the other they kept to themselves and that’s how she liked it. 
A laugh escapes her lips at the mention of an apology. “Oh, you’re being serious.” She sighed. The girl purses her lips as if she was weighing the decision. “Fine. Whatever. I’m sorry. Although I’m fairly certain this campus has designated smoking areas so it isn’t like I’m the one in the wrong here.” If he provoked her enough Inés would have no qualms landing Birdie in any kind of trouble for it. She’d play nice, for now. “You would be a real jerk if you did.” She nods in agreement, satisfied that he was going to do it regardless. “That was almost sort of funny but yes, I do. If you want something done you have to do it yourself.” Inés grinned. “A dinner after the on campus memorial. It will be something for all of Ogden’s students to come together and be there for each other.” She said sincerely before breaking characters. “That’s the gist of it. I can send you the details for your show. Or perhaps I could come on and announce it.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: The boathouse STATUS: Closed for @n8-shaw​
This spring was a big deal for Inés for multiple reasons. Not only was the spot for undergraduate student council president ripe for the taking, but it was officially rowing season. To nobody’s surprise she was extremely competitive in and outside of the classroom. And with her filling in as coxswain due to Greer’s absence, the responsibility to lead the team rested on her shoulders. Good thing she’s never cracked under pressure before. After a particularly brutal first practice that she volunteered to run, the team looked exhausted. Not Inés though who even after push ups, planks, and sit ups had a hair out of place. “See you all same time next week.” She grinned and waved to a few of her disgruntled teammates. “Did you notice Julia being a total bitch today?” Very rarely did such an unsavory word escape her mouth. “She wanted to be coxswain. Even when Greer was here. Unfortunately for her you need actual skill to lead and not just your parents donating to the school.” It wasn’t the same without her, but truth be told Nate was the only other person on the team Inés could remotely stand. She could be honest with him. Well— more honest than usual. 
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inesosorino · 1 year
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she tastes like meat, she tastes like blood, she tastes so sweet — an inés osorio playlist . 
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inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: Gray hall STATUS: Closed for @mrsscn​
Inés had always liked Harding since Greer introduced them. It wasn’t uncommon for him to join their friend group and participate in whatever debauchery they had planned for the night. He was definitely more tolerable than his unbearable twin sister. Admittedly he was also someone to rub shoulders with, he was a Morrison and they had enough classes together for her work her magic. That was before, well, everything though. “Did you see Alcott is hosting a game night later? The memorial is literally the next day.” The brunette scoffed as she walked with him out of class. There was some overlap with their respective majors and it wasn’t unwelcome from her end. “Tragedy strikes Ogden and the world keeps spinning, right?” The implication she was talking about Greer was quite obvious. Most of the time she thought highly of the institution but it still had the same issues as every other university. It just had a better reputation. 
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inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: Penny’s memorial service at the quad STATUS: Closed for @charfletchh​
Inés nodded along as a fellow student tearfully shared a heartfelt story about Penny. She wasn’t really listening, not really. Public appearances especially during times of crisis were important though even if she didn’t like the person who passed all that much anyway. She wanted nothing more than to lead Ogden’s students through a tragedy and get her name even more out there. Shooting the breeze wasn’t a crime after all. When she notices a flash of blonde go by, Inés pats the shoulder of the person in front of her and gives it a comforting squeeze before going to Charlie. At least it was someone who wouldn’t turn into a puddle. “I’d give you my whole grief spiel but I’m feeling gracious today so I’ll spare us both the headache.” She then proceeds to shove a pamphlet into the other’s hands with resources to all of Ogden’s subpar mental health services. “Take this though. We printed too many. I suppose the student council won’t be that different without Penny.” The last part she mutters, clearly only for Charlie to hear as god forbid anyone else hears her say anything unsavory. “We’re stronger together and all that.” Ugh.
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inesosorino · 1 year
LOCATION: Their kitchen STATUS: Closed for @coolkep​
Inés was used to living with roommates and for the most part she could keep the peace with just about anyone. Or at least “gently push” them so things could run “more smoothly” in the space they were sharing. What she wasn’t used to was living with an animal. Her father had always wanted a dog, something her mother was vehemently against, and her disdain must have rubbed off on her. She doesn’t look forward to whatever mess the animal left now as she unlocks the door. Inés had already dealt with a long day of classes and impromptu student council meetings. With that in mind, she sees one of her beloved heels visibly ruined and chewed up right in front of that creature. While the dog excitedly runs up to her, she dodges it and swipes up her heel, and walks into Kepler’s room without so much of a knock and drops the show right at the end of his bed. “So we just don’t watch our animals anymore?” The brunette crosses her arms over her chest. “You and your dog owe me a new pair of Jimmy Choos.” 
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inesosorino · 1 year
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     link scoffs at her blunt and rude request to bring her some water — but that was what he enjoyed most about her, no ? that she was a blunt person. even more blunt and rude with link, seemingly one of the few that he knew in ogden that didn’t really fall for his well curated pile of bullshit. he wasn’t sure why he was so attracted to her — was it because he’s discovering he might have a little thing for degradation ? or was it more because he always wanted what he couldn’t have ? “ you’re hot, inés, but i’m not at the stage where i’m ready to be your lap dog. ” yet. teetering at the edge, but she didn’t need to know that. “ so you’re not drinking tonight ? ”     
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“You flirt.” Inés replied in a monotone voice. As much as she couldn’t stand Link, it was nice to say what was actually on her mind to someone. She was used to playing nice and rubbing shoulders even when she didn’t actually care. The was something they had in common, the long game. If Inés wasn’t so manipulative herself she’s sure she wouldn’t be able to see them as clearly as she did. “Not even for a kiss on the cheek— mm, no. What if I bat my eyelashes and pretend to laugh at joke?” The brunette looks out to the crowd of people, noting a few of their classmates already getting a little too messy this early in the evening. “I want to stay sharp. For some of us serious people this isn’t just a party. Even you can understand that.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
aj raised an eyebrow as she turned to the group, shooting out an insult. in which the group waited a pause til someone reached for the cup and changed the music completely. they couldn’t help but laugh, impressed with the power she could command. “oh come on ines, not even a teeny tiny dark secret?” they pouted, tilting their head in her direction. but even though she didn’t agree to the secrets part, there was still hope. “oh, i would love to, so for your first question…” they paused, tapping the rim of their cup to their chin as the thought, the plastic thumping softly. “what’s a secret sex fantasy you have?” they grinned, turning attention to her fully now. 
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Inés smirks, physically incapable of not feeling smug that she was listened to. Sometimes these rich kids weren’t all that bad after all. “I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.” She didn’t mean it, obviously. She’d only kill someone if the circumstances depended on it. The brunette quirks a brow to the suddenly very excited AJ and laughs lightly. “Right to the point.” Pursing her lips together, it appears as if she is trying to genuinely think about it. “Do you remember that one scene in Gone Girl when Amy slits Neil Patrick Harris’s throat? Something like that would be fun.” The group is silent, staring at Inés who only laughs again. “I’m joking. You people are so serious. I’m choosing drink.” Admittedly, it was mostly to tease the other. She takes an obligatory sip out of her cup. “Now my darling, darling AJ...” Inés’s eyes narrow in on them. “What is your most humiliating hook up story?”
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inesosorino · 1 year
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inesosorino · 1 year
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“Oh, darling, I know I am,” Lennon winks at her friend, a small semblance of worry rattling through her at the thought of their past. There is an ease between them that she is glad for, always hoping that it will stick around even if ( perhaps when ) things become a bigger problem. After all, it isn’t really Inés’s issue that she had been one of the people caught in her web while she was still with Summer. Swallowing away the past, Len chooses to focus right here, on the present, and deposits one of the two happy pills into the brunette’s hand with a smile. “You’re always more than enough to make my days better,” she coos sweetly, though there’s an ounce or two of her devilish nature gleaming in her eyes. “Tell me about your night, would you? There has to be something you’ve gotten yourself into. I want to hear all about it.”
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“And so humble too.” She chides Lennon softly before withdrawing her arm. “Hey, it’s just us in here.” If you asked her Summer wasn’t someone to be afraid of as unhinged as she was. She knew how to fight dirty. It was just less messy, for everyone involved, to keep what conspired between them a secret. “That’s better.” The girl grins. “I like you a lot more when you’re flattering me instead of moping around by yourself.” She was sure the night wasn’t easy on Lennon. Typically Inés looked down on her classmates when it came to how some of them treated their families, but she supposed if she was born wealthy then she would create issues too. “I might have promised a date with someone’s son so somebody would put a good word in for the summer internship with the Senator.” She didn’t appear to be looking forward to it. “Gag me now. If my mother tried to set me up at a school event I’d realize I’m completely hopeless. I’m ready to have some real fun.”
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inesosorino · 1 year
birdie !!
         finch  bishop  was  a  smoker   .   it  was  an  awful  habit   ,   one  he  picked  up  at  a  very  young  age  while  trying  to  look  cool  like  his  papa  .   it  was  a  shame  he  didn’t  realize  earlier  that  his  papa  wasn’t  ACTUALLY  cool           no   ,   the  bastard  was  an  abusive  drunk  with  a  gambling  addiction   (   quite  the  role  model  for  a  young  boy   )   .   luckily  for  birdie   ,   his  love  for  flavored  mini  cigars  left  him  smelling  a  lot  better  than  his  cigarette  obsessed  companions   ;   vanilla   ,   coffee   ,  and  firewood  was  the  standard  birdie  scent   ,   should  anyone  want  to  create  a  cologne  of  the  curious  mixture   .
        it  was  problematic   ,   however   ,   when  people  would  pop  of  nowhere   ,   ultimately  destroying  whatever  peace  he  was  enjoying   .   the  shock  brought  forward  a  cough   ,   a  cloud  of  smoke  slipping  from  his  lips  as  he  jolted  upward   .   “   jesus  !  ”   he  muttered  as  he  swiped  away  the  lingering  grey  fog   ,   turning  toward  the  person  with  red   ,   watery  eyes   .   the  damn  coughing  almost  made  him  cry   !    “  can  i …   help  you   ?    ”   
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After the very much unexpected turn of events at the ski resort, Inés had been turning herself inside out to be everywhere at once. She didn’t mind. She liked to be distracted. If she was working on things for herself then everything else would fall into place. Damage control was very much necessary after Penny’s untimely death and she took charge. Things were only going to get worse from here so she had to prove herself. The undergraduate student council was missing their president after all and if anybody were to fill in, well, she was definitely the most qualified. 
She just needed a moment. A moment that was swiftly interrupted at that. Why was it impossible to have a second alone on this campus? “Yes, actually. You can put out that rancid smelling cancer stick. I suppose you like the way it lingers on your clothes.” Inés hardly hides her irritation until she realizes who she’s talking to. “Birdie.” Crap. “That was rude of me.” The brunette eyes him. “I needed to talk to you about your show. I was pawning off ideas to help Penny’s family and wanted to ask if you would be willing to do some advertising. I was thinking a fundraiser to pay for the funeral expenses.” 
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inesosorino · 1 year
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     “ no, actually, i’m a horny university student. but we can x on the body shots if they’re not up to your standards, miss. ” she responds with a hint of a grin on her lips, and a shrug of her shoulders. what wasn’t fun about getting hot people naked and drinking alcohol off of them ? seventy year old summer would probably still fuck with that. “ truth or dare sounds like a cute game right now. ” she says with a small raise of her brow, interest piqued. “ but careful, someone might overhear you having fun and think you’re being immature. ” summer teases.
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Inés scoffed at the miss. It was low hanging fruit but the two of them had such clashing personalities there were plenty of passive aggressive comments to throw around. What had Lennon ever seen in her, anyway? “If you want to do body shots and go streaking into the night or whatever it is you do Summer, be my guest. I won’t stop you.” She wasn’t a stick in the mud, Inés would party with Greer quite often, but everything was different now and she didn’t know what was going to come out of the woodwork next. At least somebody was being vigilant. “Are you sure? I’d hate to bore you and your short attention span.” She couldn’t help but feel smug still around the blonde given the situation. Inés tips her solo cup to her. “This should be interesting. Truth or dare, Summer Mills?” Somehow she was already sure what the girl would pick.
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inesosorino · 2 years
“I was, until I got stuck with you. Remind me to repay Penny for that one later,” Lucia said under her breath, a petulant glare tossed in Inés’ direction as they made their way through the snow. She didn’t bother giving much of a response beyond that. She certainly could make this worse for her, and was in fact brainstorming several ways to do that as they got to the lodge, making their way inside. “Well at least something good would’ve come from this storm if you did,” Lucia said sweetly, finally speaking up again as she let her eyes flick over Inés’ dress, nose scrunching up ever so slightly, the tone complimentary enough that it was quite possible the insult would go entirely unregistered. She swept away from the brunette, glancing around the dark - and what appeared to be empty - lodge, making her way towards the back where she was fairly certain there were staff offices or break rooms or…well, she had seen staff go back in that direction. There was this one ski instructor who was so - okay, not the point. But she was pretty sure, as sure as she could be in the pitch black, at least, that the staff would be in the back of the lodge.
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In response to Lucia’s glare, Inés smiles and gives her a small wave. “What did you just say about complaining? I know you don’t tend to hear yourself when you speak.” If it had been anyone else she would be delegating rather than arguing over petty nonsense. She found it difficult to not respond any chance she got to Lucia, from parties to class she made it her mission to one up her. They were both smart, ruthless, and able to get what they want. In another life they could have been friends, or had mutual respect for each other at the very least. “I don’t expect you to understand.” Inés replies as if she’s about to say something vulnerable. “You need to have taste to be upset about it.” As the other girl went off after they entered the building, she didn’t follow after. It would be smarter to separate to cover more ground she couldn’t promise she wouldn’t murder Lucia in the dark if they spent a moment longer together. Inés walks by each door, even attempting to open a few doors that were either locked or opened with no one inside of them. She knew this would be a waste of time. Tapping her perfectly manicured nails on the desk in another empty room, the fax machine strikes her as odd. Inés didn’t think they still existed. Inspecting the ancient machine, the girl notices the paper right away and the text that was on it. THE POWER WILL BE OUT FROM 3 PM TO 3 AM. Her eyes widen but she acts quickly, folding it up and discreetly putting it down the top of her dress. Thankfully she chose something with a high enough neckline. Inés rushes out and nearly jumps as she sees Lucia. “You need a bell.” She muttered. “Did you see anyone yet?”
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