Nobody talks about how hard it is to face people again after you've had an episode in front of them
Once they've seen you do full-force into self-destruct, they always look at you with a sense of wariness and like you're not the person they thought you were
The shame makes me want to rip my skin off
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Nobody talks about how hard it is to face people again after you've had an episode in front of them
Once they've seen you do full-force into self-destruct, they always look at you with a sense of wariness and like you're not the person they thought you were
The shame makes me want to rip my skin off
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I am nothing but a burden
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I need a hug but I’m too disgusting to touch
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bpd culture is why are they being so short with me why why why is it because they hate me and i should be dead
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i don’t fucking know how to communicate that i’m feeling neglected and unloved and like i’m the second favorite. like how do you say that without wanting to fucking die.
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“are you seeing anyone” you mean like a hallucination??
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“i’m fine”
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part of knowing me is watching me self-destruct. you cannot save me, you cannot fix me, and you cannot stop me.
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bpd culture is crying because no one really cares about you like you care for others. bpd culture is making an effort to celebrate all your friends’ birthdays then to be forgotten on yours. bpd culture is struggling to accept the fact that you’ll be unwanted and isolated your whole life.
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thinking you're being overdramatic and paranoid over nothing only to be proven completely right is such a sickening feeling.
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Born to love cursed to be unlovable
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“you’re so mature for your age” thanks I was not allowed to show any vulnerability as a child
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