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Ciel Phantomhive
Art inspired by the incredible fanfiction La Petite Mort.
I really really love this story ( but my heart sinks for my dear Ciel)
This is how I imagine him in the cold Paris of 1899. At  18 yo and gorgeous as fuck! 
Hope you like it @bun-o-ween. Thank you for your wonderful story.
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Sebaciel week♥ day 2
I’m soooooo late
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Sebaciel week, day 7:  Intimacy.
Modern AU
Just happily cuddling in bed. ( And taking a selfie XD )  
I´m so happy because I finished it in time!
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Tea Time ! 
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Kuroshitsuji Book of the Atlantic | Sebastian Reaching for Ciel
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Bby Ciel tripping (◕д◕✿)
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✩ Sebastian + Ciel: Learning from each other ✩
Please DO NOT repost here / on other websites!
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Book of Atlantic: Side Chapter (RAW)
In a frustrating hilarious turn of events, the “spoilers” I posted earlier turned out to be the full comic and I actually didn’t need to download the zip file. Regardless, here they are in higher quality! These scans aren’t mine and they’re from a Chinese site here, so don’t worry about asking to use them or anything.
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『 黒執事 Book of the Atlantic 』
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From 0 to 100 real fast
This scene was the funniest thing since Ciel poured boiling tea in his hands
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Titanic AU!
This is three sentences, right?
Sebastian just needed some air - despite the freezing temperatureson deck this time of night, it was still preferable to the stifling nature of thethird class lounge. He pulled a packet of cigarettes from his breast pocket andlit one up, the icy wind numbing his fingers as he tried to shield theflickering match. The flame eventually caught, and he closed his eyes and tooka long, deep drag before holding it for a moment, letting the smoke fill his lungs.
A sound caught his attention. Exhaling through his nose heturned to peer over at the ship’s prow, taking a few steps forward to try anddecipher the vague shape in the gloom.
It moved.
“Hello? Someone there?” He asked uncertainly,raising his voice as the sea roared below.
“Go away.”
He dropped his cigarette in surprise, and it was snatchedaway by the wind. There was a child there, right in front of him - no, a young man Sebastian realised as hegot closer. The stranger was up on the other side of the railings, hanging rightover the ledge of the prow with nothing but a 40 foot drop standing between him andthose roiling waves.
“Hey, come downfrom there,” Sebastian cried out, closing some of the distance betweenthem.
“Leave me alone, I mean it!”
The raven-haired man stopped short, only now noticing thetear tracks on the stranger’s beautiful face.
He reached out automatically. “Take my hand, I’ll pullyou back in.”
“I told you toget away! I’ll jump!”
“No you won’t.”
There was a pause as the stranger looked back at him withoutrage.
“What do you mean ‘noI won’t’? Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don’tknow me.”
Sebastian kept his voice calm and steady. “If you truly intended to, then you wouldhave done it already. Come on, take my hand.”
The slate-coloured hair of the stranger whipped around hisface as he furrowed his brow at Sebastian, thinking hard. He raised one arm to tryand wipe away some of the tears, but a sudden gust of wind almost made him losehis footing. He teetered precariously, his expression one of horrified shock, before Sebastian shot forward with unnatural speed and grabbed his armin a vice grip.
“Don’t fall, now,” he said quietly to the youngman. “I’ll be obliged to come in after you.”
The stranger gasped as he was hauled back onto the safety ofthe deck, taking one last look down at the dizzying drop and clinging to Sebastian’sstrong shoulders. He didn’t move from there, even when he was back on solidground, and Sebastian held him tightly.
“What’s your name?” He asked the shakingyoung-man, finding him to be slight and delicate in his arms, barely reachinghis shoulders.
“Ciel,” came the small reply.
“I’m Sebastian. You’re shivering.”
He took off his jacket and slung it around Ciel’s shoulders,where it hung loosely. The boy leaned in again immediately, closing his eyesand leaning his head on Sebastian’s chest.
“Sebastian,” Ciel said, as if testing the way itfelt on his tongue. “Do you ever feel like your life is just…. not howit’s supposed to be? Like you were meant to be something else but insteadyou’re just stuck, playing a part that was never meant for you?”
Sebastian was about to reply when the sound of runningfootsteps reached him.
“Get away from him! What are you doing?!” Someoneshouted, and he found himself more than a little reluctant to release theperfect creature in his arms.
Ciel was the first to step away, his cheeks pink.
“I’m sorry, Aunt. I was taking a walk and I…. slippedand… well, Sebastian saved me.”
There were four newcomers altogether, all crowding aroundand cooing over Ciel.
“I suppose we owe you thanks,” barked a strictlooking woman, eyeing Sebastian from head to toe. “Even if you are…untidy.”
It looked like she was itching to comb his hair back, and herealised that, judging by their finery, these were all first classpassengers, including-“
“Ciel!” came the shrill voice of another, youngerwoman. “Come inside at once! I shall get Paula to make you some tea.”
“Hmmph. Very well, Lizzie, but first let me at leastthank Sebastian for his help.”
“Oh, he should join us for dinner tomorrow,”suggested one of the men enthusiastically.
“A wonderful idea! What do you say?”
Sebastian found himself nodding and receiving a fewhearty pats on the back. 
“Do come inside now, it’s far too cold out here.”
“I’ll join you in a moment,” Ciel insisted.
Sebastian bade them a polite farewell, watching in silence as the newcomers disappeared back indoors.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” theboy said quietly when they were alone.
“Do you want me to?”
Their eyes met and it was like an electric current passed betweenthem. He had never seen such incredible blue eyes, one of them looking aslightly different colour to the other. It was captivating.
“Then I shall be there,” Sebastian promised,unconsciously leaning in until the fog of their breath mingled. “Thosepeople…. were they your family?”
Ciel’s eyes flitted down and back up again. “Mmhmm, yes,forgive me. My Aunt Francis, Uncle Alexis, my cousin Edward and…. and my fiancé,Elizabeth.”
The ice that flowed through Sebastian’s veins at that pointwas colder than the sea. “Fiancé?”
“Ciel!” Someone called from inside.
“I’ve got to go,” he said, turning. “I’ll seeyou tomorrow night.”
He disappeared inside, leaving Sebastian to stare after him fora long time, a fiery determination gradually replacing the ice.
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
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3 sentence fic: Sebaciel Harry Potter AU
Ciel was confused. He could have sworn they’d just come fromthe second corridor on the left, but now where there was once a doorway therewas only a sheer, dizzying drop.
“Ah, the staircases must have changed!” criedJoanne, clutching his books tighter and looking frantic. “We’ll be late atthis rate…. wait, I think there’s an alternative route behind the portrait ofthat flying bear.”
“How the bloody hell do you know that?” McMillanasked dubiously.
“Because I, unlike some people, have read ‘Hogwarts: aHistory’,” Joanne shot back, locating said painting and pushing it asidewith a smug smile.
Ciel listened to his two friends bicker as they made theirway down the stone steps towards the dungeons but his mind was elsewhere. Histhoughts whirred as they got closer, and he tried to surreptitiously wipe his clammy palms on hisrobes right before they pushed open the door.
“You’re late,” came the deep voice from the front.
In reality, it had hardly been a minute since the rest ofthe class had filed in.
“We’re terribly sorry Professor; we were forced to findan alternative route due to the staircases changing location between -”
“Enough, Harcourt,” the teacher interrupted.“If I’d wanted an essay I would have asked for one. Ten points fromGriffindor.”
The class groaned, and Ciel was unable to keep in anirritated huff.
“Oh? It seems that Phantomhive has something toadd.”
Ciel’s single blue eye met that deep ruby gaze, drawing himin and causing his face to heat up.
“Not at all,” he retorted.
“Not at all ’sir’.”
“You don’t have to call me sir, Professor.”
There was a long silence that stretched out, neither of themlooking away before the teacher’s lips curved into a slow smile. “Detention,Phantomhive. I’ll see you at 9 o clock this evening.”
Ciel took his seat, his heart pounding in his throat as hetried not to let the victory show on his face. “Yes, ProfessorMichaelis.”
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I love the imagery of how Ciel is depicted as having “called to Sebastian”: as if it is saying Ciel’s very soul called out to Sebastian; like they were meant to be together. Fated.“Ahhh…  He is calling me.  Amidst sadness, anger, confusion and despair…  He is calling… me.” <3 :)
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Love Ciel ♥
Cosplayer: Prado 
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