infiernogarde · 6 days
Pretend not to be here. Well that was Rin's recommendation.
Now that it's still in weak phase, her strongest magic borrowed from Master Mage Clef, Hikaru wished her magics are quite strong but how? Despite all the training, it won't improve much to her disappointment. Wait... is that girl in a sweater can use magic too? Felt like she knows. Well, almost everyone from the contacts have one too.
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Hikaru tried to use 'Flame Arrow' without incantations, didn't work. She had to say it and aimed upper-diagonally, reason why she had to redo it.
"FLAME ARROW!!" Worked but use count was reduced. If only there was a way to make her magic uses indefinite but alas, no other way. Breathing in and out, the red-haired girl did.
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"So, uh. You use magic too?" Had to say that, ask that.
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Not at all. At least you had the decency to aim it upward.⠀ ❜ ⠀⠀⠀THERE ⠀was a lack of alarm or indignation in her voice, rather composed all things considered. Don't misunderstand— she's extremely curious. That curiosity just happens to overpower any sense of fight or flight; after all, the Grail War exposed her to much more potent magical energy... and even that was only the beginning of a lifelong journey.
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⠀⠀⠀Still, curiosity hasn't robbed her of her common sense. Rin stays at her ( relatively ) safe distance, pushing her hair over one shoulder. ⠀⠀❛ ⠀... Well ? Don't let me interrupt you. With a spell that potent, you'll need all the focus you can get... Just pretend I'm not even here.⠀ ❜ ⠀
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infiernogarde · 9 days
gonna gobble some drafts when I woke up!
fallout 4 is draining my motivs.
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infiernogarde · 29 days
Normally she doesn't accept stuff that isn't for free but it won't hurt sometimes, therefore she appreciates it as silently nodded. His presence alone was already enough. Hikaru was used to the old Cotes before it turned into fantasy. She was there.
She doesn't get the description of his but, fair enough. Hikaru will specify.
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"Her name is Umi Ryuuzaki. That's the blue-haired girl with a pretty school uniform i was talking about. She's good at fencing!" After giving him a detail to Umi, she proceeds to the last one around. "Also watch out for a girl with glasses. She has short blonde hair and wears a green school uniform. She's Fuu Houoji." Hikaru would continue from Cephiro people she knew but it's best she should stop there. No one would believe anyways.
"If any of those two were here, please let me know even if it takes forever." She will need it.
"Golden, hm? Not the worst place to be relocated to." But maybe a young girl would prefer the more fanciful nature of Cotes. "I'll be sure to drop by and bring you something nice. ♪"
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He already had a frequent stop in Golden outside of work: Seaside Bakery. It would be simple enough to get something for both of them there.
With a tilt of his head, he answered, "No, she's too old to be a uniformed student. Older than me, but under thirty, I'm sure. Is this blue-haired girl someone I should be looking out for?"
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infiernogarde · 1 month
random starter - @light-imperfected
Still coping that her friend will never return, at least she wanted to know how was she doing... that time her friend remained and Hikaru disappeared into thin air.
Maybe this one knows.
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"Have you met someone with long blue hair and wears a blue school uniform? She's my friend and we lived in the same world as i am." Her mind can't be at ease. She has to know and must know.
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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"Let's just imagine that we don't age. I'm still fourteen even if i've been here at Spirale for nearly six years."
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infiernogarde · 1 month
In response of attentive eyes from Bloody Mary, she gives a gentle headpat. Dogs are Hikaru's best friend after all, since the time Hikari was with her at home. Cheered up? A little but got to wipe the gloom for a temporary while.
Umi's disappearance and Hikaru's return didn't go well, after all. Might repeat the same, hopefully not if that bow-girl whose a genius or anyone from Cephiro here in this place.
She heard that 'woman barely encountered'. She wondered who.
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"I lived at Golden Ward, Apartment 302. Hope you and Mary will visit me when free." She really does appreciate them visiting her. Nearest apartment number at least, until she goes back on the woman part.
"By the way, is that 'woman' has long blue hair and wears a school uniform that's blue as well?"
"Hello again, Hikaru! Bloody Mary is happy to see you, too." The little dog he was walking had pranced right up to her, looking up at the girl with attentive eyes and a wagging tail. She'd gotten fairly used to Hikaru during their time together.
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"You do look down, but we can fix that! A good look at little Mary should help♪" he encouraged her brightly.
"After you disappeared, there was no one at all sharing the condo space with us for quite some time. Now there's a woman we've barely encountered." He tilted his head, placing a hand on his hip. "Where did you get moved to?"
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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Hikaru shudders the return of that one impersonator that took her looks a year or more ago.
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infiernogarde · 1 month
starter - @inheirit
Hikaru knows there's no one there to use her rarely-used spell so, she practiced aiming on it as she did it upwards where no one gets hurt of its power, asides from limited use of five, now four. The glove she wore was the main source of her magic, after all.
Her eyes tilted to a girl with a red sweater in the middle of the incantation that she had to stop immediately.
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"I, uh just trying to test my magic. Yeah, magic..." Awkward situation aside, well she's just trying it. "I didn't hurt anyone and you, right?"
Least Ruby Lightning was indeed her strongest spell, unfair aside with her friends with three spells and four.
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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infiernogarde · 1 month
After standing up from Judar's reach he asked her if she enjoyed the onslaught she had performed to the goblins, she only nodded. After all, they're monsters as she had done that already at a certain forest at Cephiro. As long as they aren't innocent humans, this was fine for her. Perhaps a little experience of killing things.
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"There could be a place where these goblins hiding. A 'nest', possibly." One thing is these goblins she defeated came from elsewhere in this biome. Even another one for them to get them back to Spirale or end up in a next biome. Hoping for a possible way out, she had to ask him again.
"Should we go north, east, or west?" Perhaps one of those might lead to where these goblins coming from or might be lost in this wide biome.
There was always beauty in war. The thrill of destruction and havoc, it made his blood run hot, tickling with his amusement. This would be a mere carnage, his little warrior had proven to be what he thought she’d be. It was clear the expertise of her bladework, the girl, as young as Kougyoku, had spilled blood before. He could only wonder how many times.
A dark grin crossed his face as he held his hand up with the barrier. A goblin trying to sneak from his blindside, impaled by an arrow of pure magic. He missed these killings, if only they weren’t just ‘goblins’.
But then, it was only a matter of time until a king appeared. This wasn’t new to him either. But Judar was used to warrior kings, those who would fight together with their “men” and inspire them. But this… was different.
And the ferocity of Hikaru after the injury.
Judar opened his eyes, grinning visibly as the goblin’s body crumbled.
“You’re a born killer”. The barrier dissipated, and he stepped forward, reaching out for Hikaru to stand up.
“I bet you enjoyed that. ”
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“Like I did.”
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infiernogarde · 1 month
starter - @sunliteve
Despite her return to this place and aware that they aren't roommates anymore, Hikaru was found on a bench at a nearby park at Golden Ward which is her new ward to live in. Again, better than Fibonacci.
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"Oh, hello Hiyori." She only sighed after missing a reunion chance with a dear friend from her world. She tried asking random people from her contacts to know if she was really here but no answer.
It was her fault for not being there last month which she was 'away from the stars'. Regretted, even.
"Sorry if you found me like this."
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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Starter Ad for this month of August! New interactions are alright too!
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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infiernogarde · 1 month
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"Umi? I know you're here! Where are you!"
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infiernogarde · 1 month
ahh i love to see someone roleplaying hikaru, and for so long too!! your love for her really shines through
aaaaaaah, thank you! been roleplaying with her for five or more years now! she's my favorite of all from rayearth!
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infiernogarde · 4 months
"Kind of." The only upgrades Hikaru sought is having Rayearth back. Really, she needed her Rune God to accompany her but in different method of like... a giant vs giant battle if the 'stars' wouldn't mind.
Right when she hears about his job of being a famous idol, she's new to those stuff as it was impressive to hear and being lucky to live with one.
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"It is indeed. I can feel the media press swarming to doorsteps like i've seen on TV!" Yeah, the normal interviewer swarm on a famous person's doorstep. Not surprising but it's a thing at her world. Outdated world.
"I do take kendo seriously, knowing self-defense is a thing. Got to protect myself and others too." After the 'Kronya' incident, she had to be very wary to her surroundings. Especially with people around since a certain blue servant was marked as an accomplice that time.
His eyes widened briefly at her answer, thrown off by the unexpectedly extensive amount of time Hikaru had supposedly been on the island. However, if this was some kind of dream or joke, it was still nothing to worry about. Hiyori would bury the implications "five years" carried for his own sanity.
"I'm aware of Fibonacci being another ward, but I am so new I've yet to see it. Is this an upgrade for you?" he asked with a practiced smile. From there, he was more sincerely pleased to go into his profession.
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"I sing and dance wherever I am, and I'm very good at it, too♪ Lucky you, getting to live with an idol you've never even heard of — my fans are drowning in envy." Somewhere.
"I know almost nothing about kendo, but you must be quite disciplined to practice it seriously."
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infiernogarde · 4 months
Every pet owner is like a parent to a child but as a pet animal of choice. Hikaru had been there too since she was a child at her world. Therefore, she shared the same mutual respect towards pets.
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"They do?" Perhaps if she have enough currency to own one, why not? But she needs to know this first. She never count her monthly salary of being in this place for too long.
"How do i get one?"
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"Haru is like a family to me. Like my little brother so to speak." There was no master and pet when it came to Hanabi. Haru was the only family Hanabi had left.
"I know it's not the same thing, but you can have a pet here. Haru was brought here with me. The stars were kind enough to allow it, I think. But I heard you can get these eggs? And from it, an animal of your choosing can hatch!"
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