infjpersonality · 8 years
I Took Psychology in High School, I Know What I’m Talking About
Actually knows what they’re talking about: INTJ, INTP, INFJ, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ
Sort of knows what they’re talking about: INFP, ISFJ, ISFP, ESFP
Doesn’t know what they’re talking about: ISTP, ISTJ, ESFJ
Knows what they’re talking about but words: ENTP, ENFP
Has never taken Psychology in their life: ESTP
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infjpersonality · 8 years
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infjpersonality · 8 years
The INFJs Feelings
Fi in INFJs is the danger of losing the will to live because of the overwhelming sadness that they feel deep inside. This is Fi in its most complete negative manifestation as a collection of all the terrible feelings in existence. 
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infjpersonality · 8 years
INFJ Internal Battle
Instinct: *sips tea & hates humanity* Let it burn! I don't care.
Impulse: Let me save you! *runs to help the first injured bunny rabbit*
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infjpersonality · 8 years
Cute on the inside serious on the outside INFJ ENFJ ENTP ISTP
Cute on the outside serious on the inside ENFP ESFJ ISFJ ESTP INTP
Serious on the outside serious on the inside INTJ ENTJ ESTJ ISTJ
Cute on the inside cute on the outside ESFP ISFP INFP
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infjpersonality · 8 years
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i have grapheme-colour synesthesia and this just roughly illustrates the colours i see in each mbti type (corrected to better match each other, of course). my letters usually change based on its surroundings but S seems to be consistently green.
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infjpersonality · 8 years
The INFJ Stare
The most distinct quality of Ni dominant eyes is their Steadiness. The eyes will appear focused, present and able to maintain contact on an object or person for long stretches at a time. Ni/Se eyes tend not to blink or divert their gaze as often as Ne/Si eyes. When changing focus point, Ni eyes will often move the whole head in the new direction as opposed to just the eyes.
When in deep thought or searching their memory intensely, their eyes may go out of focus and “zone-out”. When this happens the brain becomes involved in a holistic, zen process and accesses all parts of itself in unison to find its perspective. As such they will often respond in universals - from a collective (rather than specific) perspective they have of reality.
Penetrative Stare The eyes fall into a dream-like state and stare off into the distance. The eyes will appear to be looking through the object of it’s focus, rather than being fixated on it like Se or Si.
When the eyes come out of this state, they reconnect with Se with the environment, but not as strongly. Ni eyes have a mild penetrative quality to them at all times.
(can anyone find the source of this quote? I can’t.)
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infjpersonality · 8 years
~The INXXs Flirting~
INTJ: I won't let you sleep to-Ni-Te gurl 😉
INFP: You're a FiNe SiTe 😊!
INTP: You can't spell turnip without INTP
INFJ: I'm sorry to bother you, but I can't hide these feelings ma-Ni-Fe-sting in my heart anymore!
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infjpersonality · 8 years
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infjpersonality · 8 years
Hi Everyone, This is a personal video where I highlight my INFJ journey over the last 7 years, looking at it from an Ni and Se perspective.
I’d appreciate it if you shared this video to let people know that I am back up and running. Thanks!
Links: Backyard Permaculture: Starting at home… - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gB9lJpIi7zQ&t=3144s
Credits: WWW.INCOMPETECH.COM “Too Cool” “Immersed” “Pyro Flow” “Ascending the Vale” “Fretless” “Funin and Sunin” “Special Spotlight” “On My Way” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Sound Effect: WWW.FREESFX.CO.UK “Morning Country Ambience with Birds” (http://www.freesfx.co.uk) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Please Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe!
For counselling or MBTI® consultations send me a message through my channel, or email me at [email protected].
Watch: The INFJ Personality Type - https://youtu.be/FF2fpOrGVPo
Watch: How to Develop the Se Inferior Function for the INFJ (& INTJ) - https://youtu.be/IHZ4VGwJmKk
Visit Website: http://www.scottericmorgan.com Subscribe Here: http://goo.gl/3jCqjz Google+: http://goo.gl/FDKOrs
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infjpersonality · 8 years
How the Types Respond to Cultural Apocalypse:
ENFP: Things are fine. Super fine. SO GOOD. {runs out and buys several puppies and a baby llama}  INTJ/ISTJ: Now responsible for caring for ENFP’s puppies and baby llama. This is your life now. 
INFJ: Hyperfocuses on possible psychological causes of dictator’s childhood trauma, feels hurt when others point out this is completely impractical.  INFP: Internalizes everything as a personal assault against their emotions, fantasizes about moving to the Netherlands where the people are cool ENFJ: Tries desperately to fix morale, then falls into an underappreciated funk. Wash, rinse, repeat. 
ENTJ: Organizes 12 rallies and marches immediately, getting irritated when the media coverage isn’t balanced
ISFP/ESFP: Consumes inordinate amounts of edible glitter and potato chips, tries to hug everyone to death.
ISTP: Gives political rants on their outdoor survival channels and/or feels vaguely energized by all the turmoil.
ESTP: Attends a few marches, feels slightly guilty for enjoying the excitement
ESTJ: Picks up the slack of all the navel-gazers (so business as usual). 
ISTJ/ISFJ: Tries to carry on as best they know how. Wishes everyone would settle down already. 
ENTP: Writes and erases 13 think pieces, desperately looks for a way to help everyone beat the system. Finally, explodes in a ball of fireworks.
INTP: Gives the entire world the middle finger in between reblogging acrid political commentaries.
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infjpersonality · 8 years
This is sooo good!
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Thank you so much for the nice feedback on Fi vs Fe post. Here’s introverted thinking and extraverted thinking!
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infjpersonality · 8 years
Okay so I live with an ISFJ and I can confirm 1. Is a huge lie lol. They're not obsessed with the task, they're obsessed with the results!
1. ISFJs are not obsessed with cleaning.
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infjpersonality · 8 years
The “I broke my heart trying to love you” squad
INFP, INFJ, ENFP, ISFJ and sometimes INTPs.
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infjpersonality · 8 years
What is behind the eyes of the MBTI types?
INFJ- Soul
INFJs are very intense individuals with a deep understanding of others. It is often said that INFJs have a penetrating stare in their eyes, and have the capacity to stare into your soul. Their ability to connect with others can be powerful and almost entrancing. INFJs have an often disarming way of looking at others that can make them feel understood on a deeper level. INFJs have a strong internal world, and because of this there is an intensity behind their eyes. They are complex and caring individuals, with an often warm and giving heart.
ENFJ- Empathy
Behind the eyes of an ENFJ is compassion and caring. They have a strong sense of others and want to connect with them deeply. They are constantly giving and affectionate people, who just want to make others happy. ENFJs strive to understand people and make them feel comfortable. They enjoy connecting with others and often look at people with adoration and affection.
INFP- Brightness
INFPs have very warm and open feeling to their eyes. They have this ability to draw others in, and have a strong sense of emotion emanating from them. INFPs are often sensitive and dreamy individuals, with an intense inner world. It is evident that there are a million thoughts behind the eyes of an INFP. They have a deep capacity for emotion, and love being able to express themselves. INFPs have almost a whirlpool around them that pulls people in. Often wide-eyes individuals, ready to absorb everything that the world has to offer.
ENFP- Yearning
ENFPs are very passionate and enthusiastic individuals with a hunger for life. There is an excitement and intensity behind the eyes of an ENFP. Their positive and intense personalities are often visible in the way they look at their surroundings. They are often absorbing their surroundings and attempting to take in everything that they can. ENFPs love exploring new possibilities and are excited by passion. There is something very dreamy about an ENFP, and their need to take in everything.
INTJ- Intelligence
INTJs are very focused and often intense individuals, and that intensity shows in their eyes. They spend much of their time thinking and figuring out new ideas, which can translate to an intense stare. INTJs have what some people have called a “death stare”, which is merely from their intensely thoughtful minds. They enjoy thinking about the future, and have a very active inner mind. There is something focused and hungry about the eyes of an INTJ.
ENTJ- Hunger
ENTJs are very driven and engaging individuals. There is something very powerful and sometimes overwhelming about the ENTJ. They have a hunger and drive to accomplish their goals that is prominent in their eyes. There is a mischief behind the ENTJ that is sometimes overlooked by others. It is true that ENTJs are intense and driven, but they are also fun and sometimes mischievous individuals. They are very fun to be around and have a way of drawing others in.
INTP- Exploration
INTPs have a powerful intensity behind their stare, and often appear angry when they are in the process of deep thought. They spend a lot of time inside their minds, just thinking and exploring new possibilities and ideas. When an INTP is deep in thought sometimes people can be caught in the intensity of their glare. Their eyes can almost appear glazed over when they are in their thinking mode. Almost as if the INTP is somewhere else, because mentally they are.
ENTP- Fire
ENTPs may intimidate others with their stare, because there is clearly a lot emanating from them. ENTPs are passionate individuals who enjoy excitement and love exploring new possibilities. Sometimes ENTPs become lost in their own thoughts, their minds clearly turning with new ideas. There is clearly a lot going on behind the eyes of an ENTP, which often keeps others intrigued. ENTPs enjoy taking in everything and attempting to acquire a deeper understanding of their surroundings.
ISTJ- Focus
ISTJs are often very comfortable with eye contact and do not become uneasy with it. They are often very focused individuals who have a clear path in front of them. They have a strong sense of duty and are loyal and dependable. Their strong sense of focus is often present in the eyes of the ISTJ. They have a desire to get the job done and nothing will stand in their way.
ESTJ- Courage
ESTJs are outgoing and driven individuals. They strive to get things done and have a strong sense of community. They want to provide for their family and are often willing to do whatever it takes to do so. There is often a sense of courage and strength behind the eyes of an ESTJ. They know what they must do to accomplish their goals are not fearful of doing so. ESTJs are strong individuals but often have a welcoming expression and easy.
ISFJ- Gentleness
ISFJs are often very warm and sometimes demure individuals. Their eyes may sometimes be avoidant of eye contact, but there is something welcoming and calming about them. ISFJs care very deeply about others and strive to make everyone around them happy. There is a warmth to them that is often hard to miss, and they will often do whatever it takes to put others at ease.
ESFJ- Love
There is often a sense of enthusiasm and warmth behind the eyes of an ESFJ. ESFJs are rarely seen without a smile, and this often reaches their eyes. There is a happiness and a warmth to the ESFJs eyes, and an often powerful ability to connect to others. They strive to make others happy and have a strong sense of caring for others. They definitely put their close loved ones first, but ESFJs care very deeply about everyone.
ISTP- Intensity
ISTPs are often seen as having a very intense stare. ISTPs have a very active inner mind, and enjoy thinking about solutions to many different problems. They have a way of looking at something and instantly seeing how it works. Their powerful inner mind is often translated to a very intense stare that can be overwhelming to others.
ESTP- Seductiveness
ESTPs often have a very alluring look in their eyes. They have a hunger for life and enjoy excitement. They are very in touch with the physical world around them. This connection to their physical surroundings makes the ESTP often fascinating and charming individuals.
ISFP- Beauty
ISFPs are very perceptive and sensitive individuals, which often shows in their eyes. They have a warm and gentle soul, and are very caring. They are capable of picking up on their surroundings and often notice things that others miss. They are observant and very appreciative of the beauty that others often miss in the world.
ESFP- Playfulness
ESFPs are extremely fun and joyful individuals. There is a playfulness and kindness behind their eyes that is often very hard to miss. They enjoy being around others and thrive on entertaining. There is a playful and enjoyable nature to the ESFP, that often is present in their eyes.
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infjpersonality · 8 years
I love embarrassing myself on the daily 🙃
MBTI Stereotypes VS the Types in Real Life
Stereotype ENTJ: Dominant. Efficient. Strategic and ideal leaders.
Real ENTJ: One of the few people able to actually physically frown, don’t understand how they’re “scary”
Stereotype INTJ: Evil masterminds. Smarter than you. Are the superior beings.
Real INTJ: Misplaces anything that isn’t physically attached to them, no longer able to recognize when they’re being sarcastic or serious
Stereotype ENTP: Quickest thinkers you’ll ever meet. Witty. Intellectual masters of debate.
Real ENTP: Used memes so much that they became one and are accepting of this fact, catchphrase is some version of “Well, actually–”
Stereotype INTP: In possession of more knowledge than the Internet. Reclusive geniuses. Know all, are humble.
Real INTP: Sexually attracted to science, volunteer plethora of useless facts every hour, zero spatial and social awareness
Stereotype ENFJ: Kind. Loving. Hearts of gold and wills of steel.
Real ENFJ: Will replace your mother and be okay with that, judge being judgemental of judging judgemental judgments
Stereotype INFJ: Mysterious and tricky to get to know. More unique than anyone you’ve ever met.
Real INFJ: One way or another, embarrass themselves every single day, somehow, consistently
Stereotype ENFP: Full of life and love. Passionate lover. Always fighting for a cause.
Real ENFP: Blink abnormally fast and probably should not drink coffee ever, have to make conscious effort to not smile, should take more things more seriously
Stereotype INFP: Gifted with emotional intelligence. Spiritual and believes in the soul, the natural course of the world, and love.
Real INFP: Really good at laughing at themselves which is necessary because they f*ck up constantly
Stereotype ESTJ: Intelligent. Dependable. Productive and competent. Forward-thinkers.
Real ESTJ: Remind teachers about homework distribution and collection every single day of the week, get off on educational videos
Stereotype ISTJ: Rule-followers. Responsible. Duty drives their perfection.
Real ISTJ: Sometimes sleep over 12 cumulative hours in a day
Stereotype ESTP: Daredevil. Live life on the edge. Famous and popular.
Real ESTP: 100% of decision-making is weighing the pros, ignoring the cons, and shrugging, then doing whatever stupid thing they got dared to do
Stereotype ISTP: Cool as hell. Detached and indifferent. Smart tinkerers.
Real ISTP: Won “Most Stubborn and Silent” for Senior Superlative page in high school yearbook
Stereotype ESFJ: Genuine and affectionate. Would take care of a sick stranger if needed. Make friends everywhere they go.
Real ESFJ: Value self-worth based on quality of and feedback for homemade baked goods, the holiday season is their life source
Stereotype ISFJ: Sweet. Innocent. Fragile and caring hearts who love their friends.
Real ISFJ: Hate conflict so much that they get second-hand anxiety from watching cliché emotional plot twist movies
Stereotype ESFP: Epitome of style and fashion. Impossibly cool. At every party and loved by everyone.
Real ESFP: Physically CANNOT stop making noises and fidgeting, all storage on their phones is taken up by hundreds of selfies in various poses
Stereotype ISFP: Exceptional artists. Emotionally deep. Humanitarians and always helping the planet.
Real ISFP: Just want to become trees, don’t get why people can’t just love one another, f*cking hippies
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infjpersonality · 8 years
Ah yes, I am the best™ with emotions
Me: *has a crush on another person*
*avoids them*
Me:*knows somebody but not that well*
*avoids them*
Me: *sees another person*
*avoids them*
Me: *has a feeling*
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