infoblog27 · 2 years
Story Of Mother Teresa
 Story Of Mother Teresa
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       Although she was known as " The Living Saint " during her lifetime , Mother Teresa was officially Canonised by Pope Francis on September 4 , 2016 , at St Peter's Square in Vatican City , thus ranking her among the many Saints of the Catholic Church . As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of her passing on September 5 , I venture to write about the physically diminutive but spiritually enormous lady whom I had the honour to meet during her visit to Sri Lanka . 
        Much has been written about Mother Teresa who has been a controversial figure ; admired for her charitable works , she was also criticised for her anti - abortion views . The year was 1910 , the day August 26 , in a little town in Skopje , ( the current Capital of the Republic of Macedonia ) , a girl who was named Agnes Gonhxa Bojaxhiu was born to Albanian parents . She was later to become the woman who has been variously addressed as The Mother of Mercy , India's Angel of the slums , Saint of the Gutters . Whatever one would refer to her as, she was a woman who experienced God's call that she gave up the creature most of us crave for.
        At 18 she entered Loretto Convent in Dublin , Ireland . She took her first profession in 1931 and was to be known as Sister Teresa , after her patroness , St Therese of Lisieux . As the majority of the Loretto Nuns in Ireland served in India , she too got a teaching assignment at Loretto Convent , Calcutta . However , it was on September 10 , 1946 , on a train journey from Calcutta to Darjeeling , Mother Teresa received the " call within a call " which was to give rise to the Order of the Missionaries of Charity . After 2 years of service on the streets of Calcutta , Mother Teresa requested and received Vatican permission to start a diocesan congregation which would officially be erected as a religious institute on October 7 , 1950 .
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infoblog27 · 2 years
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        Michelangelo , a famous Italian architect , painter , and sculptor who lived during the Renaissance , considered ' art ' as his wife and ' his creations ' as his children . Many of his artworks can still be seen in Rome . He has a special place among several artists who nourished Rome with art . This article is about this wonderful artist and his invaluable gifts to Rome . 
        He was born as Michelangelo di Lodevico Buonarotti Simoni on March 6 , 1475 in the village of Caprazzi , Florence , to aristocratic parents . He , who was not very good at school , was sent by his father to train under Domenico Giallandaio , a painter who lived in Florence . In 1496 , members of the Medici family , a powerful and wealthy family in Florence , who were impressed by the talent of the young Michelangelo , who had studied painting well , brought him to Rome. 
        Michelangelo , who came to Rome , created the ' Pieta ' statue depicting the image of Mother Mary holding Jesus in 1499 , and the 17 feet tall ' David ' statue in 1504. The attention of Pope Julius II was drawn to Michelangelo's works as a result . Accordingly , the Pope en trusted Michelangelo with the responsibility of painting frescoes in many churches and other related places scattered throughout Rome .
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infoblog27 · 2 years
The Story Of Barreleye Fish
The Story Of Barreleye Fish
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        In the ocean's shadowy twilight zone , between 600 and 800 metres beneath the surface , there are fish that gaze upwards through their transparent heads with eyes like mesmerising emerald orbs . These domes are huge spherical lenses that sit on a pair of long , silvery eye tubes - hence its common name , the barreleye fish (Macropinna microstoma) .
         The green tint ( which actually comes from a yellow pigment ) acts as sunglasses , of a sort , to help them track down their prey . There's nowhere to hide in the open waters of the deep ocean and many animals living here have glowing bellies that disguise their silhouette and protect them - biolumi-nescent prey is hard to spot against the dim blue sunlight trickling down . But barreleyes are one step ahead . 
        Their eye pigment allows the fish to distinguish between sunlight and bioluminescence , said Bruce Robison , deep - sea biologist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in California . It helps barreleyes to get a clear view of the animals trying to erase their shadows . 
Sensitive eyes
        The barreleye's tubular eyes are extremely sensitive and take in a lot of light , which is useful in the inky depths of the twilight zone . But Robison was initially mystified that their eyes seemed fixed upwards on the small spot of water , right above their heads ." It always puzzled me that their eyes aimed upward , but the field of view did not include their mouths , " said Robison . Imagine trying to eat scraps of food floating in front of you , while fixing your eyes on the ceiling . 
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infoblog27 · 2 years
Communication of Chimpanzees
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                   Communication of Chimpanzees
           When it comes to staying in touch with friends , it appears chimpanzees have their own type of social media . Forget Facebook though , the apes use their own individual drumming beats to send messages to their friends more than 3,280ft ( 1km ) away , a new study has revealed . 
        They take advantage of the huge roots of rainforest trees to carry the sounds of their tap ping with their hands and feet through dense , humid forests . Scientists discovered that some chimpanzees in Uganda's Budongo Forest have a regular rhythm like rock and blues drummers , while others have more syncopated or more variable rhythms like jazz . 
        The University of St Andrews study shows male chimpanzees have their own signature rhythms which allow them to send information that reveals who is where , and what they are doing .
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infoblog27 · 2 years
 Bull Fighting
 Bull Fighting
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 Bull Fighting
Bullfighting is the infamous tradition of fighting and killing bulls still practiced in certain hispanic countries around the world . Though it could arguably be considered a spectator sport , it is more like a ritual or show . Bullfighting is at its core very theatrical , with a massive stage , trained actors , and meticulously timed acts . To its audience , bullfighting is a well loved spectacle with a very long lived and colored history celebrated to this day .
                 However , outside of the countries the tradition is followed in , bullfighting is very controversial and much reviled for the inhumane torture and slaughtering of an animal for the sake of entertainment .
                 Cattle and bulls have for centuries been considered a sacred animal , worshiped for the many benefits people have been able to reap from them over the centuries . And as a sacred creature , many rituals involving it have been developed in many historic and even prehistoric civilizations .
                  Ancient Crete civilizations observed a non lethal equivalent to bullfighting at around 2000 BC with Bull Leaping , which involved rite practitioners leaping over bulls in a show of worship . Contemporary versions of this sport is still practiced in France and Tamil nadu regions of India . Killing bulls have been observed as important rituals in ancient Iranian civilizations . 
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infoblog27 · 2 years
 Story of lost city of Madaman
 Story of lost city of Madaman
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        The Assyrian Empire was a powerful state owned by the Mesopotamian civilization in the middle of the EuphratesTigris rivers . According to historical sources , the Assyrian Empire , which was established around the 25th century BC , collapsed in the period between 612-609 BC . The territory of the Assyrian Empire , which was built on the banks of the Tigris River , currently belongs to the states of Northern Iraq , Northeastern Syria , Southeastern Turkey , and Northwestern Iran . 
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infoblog27 · 2 years
Walk every day for cut your risk of Dementia
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        Want to reduce your risk for dementia ? Slap on a step counter and start tallying your steps you'll need between 3,800 and 9,800 each day to reduce your risk of mental decline , according to a new study . Just 2 minutes of walking after eating can help blood sugar , study says .          People between the ages of 40 and 79 who took 9,826 steps per day were 50 percent less likely to develop dementia within seven years , the study found . People who walked with " purpose " -- at a pace over 40 steps a minute were able to cut their risk of dementia by 57 percent with just 6,315 steps a day .          It is a brisk walking activity , like a power walk , " said study coauthor Borja del Pozo Cruz , an adjunct associate professor at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense , Denmark , and senior researcher in health sciences for the University of Cadiz in Spain . Even people who walked approximately 3,800 steps a day at any speed cut their risk of dementia by 25 percent , the study found . " That would be enough , at first , for sedentary individuals , " said del Pozo Cruz in an email . " In fact , it is a message that doctors could use to motivate very sedentary older adults 4k steps is very doable by many , even those that are less fit or do not feel very motivated , " he added . " Perhaps , more active and fitter individuals should aim for 10k , where we see maximum effects . " What you should know about the         most underrated form of exercise But there was a even more interesting result buried in the study , according to an editorial entitled " Is 112 the New 10,000 ? " published Tuesday in JAMA Neurology . The largest reduction in dementia risk - 62 percent -- was achieved by people who walked at a very brisk pace of 112 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day , the study found . Prior research has labeled 100 steps a minute ( 2.7 miles per hour ) as a " brisk " or moderate level of intensity .
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infoblog27 · 2 years
What Are The Words About Healing Your Life And Change Your Life
What Are The Words About Healing Your Life And Change Your Life
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What Are The Words About Healing Your Life And Change Your Life
         The English language is full of words running in to over half million. All of them are important for various purposes. Among them, however, you find a few words that heal. You can use such words and free yourself from the strain and bitterness of a grudge.
       Some parents and bosses are quick to criticise their children and employees. Some parents never see the positive aspect of their children. Similarly some employers never recognize the latent talent of their employees. To this list can be added spouses who never appreciate the good qualities of their partners.
        They inflict hurt on others that may take years to overcome. If you hold a grudge against someone, you tell them the worst of things imaginable. Thereafter you brood over what you had said. Despite religious teachings, many people think revenge is sweet.
        In fact the best way to feel good is the opposite of taking revenge. If somebody has done something wrong to you, be prepared to say, 'I Forgive You' 
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infoblog27 · 2 years
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        Living in space is not easy living on earth as it travels through space, we are potentially bombarded by everything from cosmic rays to meteorites. ironically, it is our lifegiving sun that could pose the greatest danger in the form of harmful ultra violet (UV) radiation. But the earth fortunately has a defense mechanism to protect all life on the planet from these harmful rays. 
        It is called the ozone layer, a fragile shield of gas that protects the earth from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping preserve life on the planet. However, this layer was drastically damaged by certain chemicals we used on a mass scale.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
Importance Of Education
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Importance Of Education For Students
If you do not study you will not be able to find a good job and you will be a burden to all of us , this idea is conveyed by many parents to their children. Parents spend much energy and resources to find appropriate schools for their children with the hope of providing them with the hope of providing them with a good education. They usually try their best to attend to their children's educational needs by providing them with all necessary books and accessories and sometimes even finding tutors for extra tuition . Most parents believe that education is the best gift that they can offer their sons and daughters. But what is education and how can the educational targets be achieved.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
What Is The Martial Arts
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What Is The Martial Arts 
Martial art is a form of combat, a traditional form of art found among different nations in different styles. This is practised for self-defence, mental and spiritual development and sometime for law enforcement. There are two types of martial arts, armed and unarmed. In armed martial arts weapons like swords , shields and daggers are used. However , kicking and punching are commonly used techniques in both armed and unarmed combat. 
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infoblog27 · 2 years
The Past Story Of The Shoes You Wear
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The Past Story Of The Shoes You Wear
Historically shoes were worn primarily for protection. According to archaelogical evidence , experts believe that shoes were invented about 40,000 years ago. However it was not until sometime later that footwear was worn by people frequently.
It is hard to imagine a time before the invention of shoes. Yet, what stared as a practical venture grew into a varied, booming industry. Though all shoes share basic characteristic, their colouring materials and designs have transformed drastically over thousands of years.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
How To Control Emotions Positively
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In a democratic society, all citizens should receive equal opportunities. But inequality exists due to different reasons. Various emotions emerge according to the nature of the experience we encounter. The responses in such situations should be proper and relevant. We should practise ourselves to identify, control and express properly in a way feeling or emotions that come to our minds in various occasions in our daily life.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
Rebild Your Life, Like Wilma Rudolph
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Wilma was born in Natshwill hospital in the Untied States of America .She was suffering from double pneumonia , and scarlet fever .Her left lag was affected by polio .She was crippled. Her legs had to be supported with leg braces . It was annoying for her . Wilma strongly believed that she would be able to remove leg braces at the age of eleven . She engaged herself excessively in exercises with self-confidence disregarding medical advice and without the knowledge of her mother.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
The Best Places To Visit In India
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 The Best Places To Visit In India
India the largest country in the South Asian region is well known for its diversity in cultures, great personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore an for places like Agra and the Himalayas. it is a less known fact that this subcontinent is also rich with a number of places with enchanting scenic beauty that attracts both local and foreign tourists.
Nohkilakai falls [ Jump Of Ki Lakai In The Local Language] in Cherrapunji is one such place hidden within the dense forests in the East Khasi mountains in the state of Meghalaya. Cherrapunji is one of the wettest areas in the world with an annual rainfall about 1176 cm. This is the tallest plunge waterfall in India.
And is fed by the water collected in the plateau above. the pool below has unusually water which makes it more attractive.
unusually water which makes it more attractive.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
How To Relaxing Your Mind 
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How To Relaxing Your Mind 
With the pandemic and lockdown , there has been an increase in 'screen time' . According to the recent research don by the national broadband network (NBN) it is observed to have 70%-80% growth in the daytime screen usage pattern. Screen time can be categorized in to many activity like streaming content, scrolling on social media, attending online classes and answering emails while working from home . An imbalance in the time spent on screen and outdoor activities has hit the lifestyle of both young and old individuals.
Due to an increase in the time spent on social media , there has been a spike in mental health-related issues in young adults. The constant need to present a certain look, aesthetic and lifestyle has triggered anxiety in these young adults. With reduced outdoor activity, parents and guardians and trying to find an effective way of reducing the time spent on social media and making the kids more productive.
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infoblog27 · 2 years
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