infoship2 · 7 years
Personality: Personality: I’m a straight 5'6-5'7 female who is a mix of an INFP/ISFP, very sensitive person/ HSP ( though I do try to hide it and pretend I'm tough), an Aquarius w/ melancholy temperament, a Hufflepuff, a pukwudgie & an ambivert/introvert. I have depression, OCD, anxiety, I can be a perfectionist, I’m used to wearing a mask of happiness all the time, & can have a human chameleon personality (at times it feels like I don't know who the real me is because I always hide my true feelings).I had to grow up quicker mentally when I was younger and had a sheltered life.
While I mostly keep to myself, I get more talkative when the topic is something I'm interested/intrigued by or about an anime). It's also hard to express my opinions because I usually worry what I say isn't important or it's silly/stupid ( especially questions as well). If I’m really comfortable around someone because I become more open, sarcastic, quirky, stubborn, & playful.  I'm lazy, clumsy, get tongue tied easy, have), has trust issues & a daydreamer/ bit of an idealist. I try to be open minded to most things & compassionate/empathetic. I'm usually cautious in what I say, but I do have a temper from time to time (especially if I'm really tired or angry and don't care anymore, or people get too pushy with me).
I get distracted easily, can be indecisive at times b/c I'm always overthinking/over analyzing. I’m loyal, caring, bored easy, I act like I’m indifferent to things, but I don’t like seeing those I care about hurt & I tend to be more of an observer.  Tries best to be a good listener, or at least offer a shoulder to lean on. I tend to trust animals more than people because I can trust them & they’ll love you unconditionally. Family is also very important to me.
Views on relationships/love are: I would like to be one, but it's hard to put myself out there and with how easily it seems people cheat, it's scary. I want a relationship where we can both accept & be ourselves ( even if he's clingy, eccentric, etc), as well as being able to be honest/direct with each other. I don’t believe in love at first sight, I’d prefer to be friends first. I like the feeling of being protected & having somebody to lean on (even when I tell myself otherwise at times). I have a lack of self confidence (some to do with relationships, since I’ve never been in one and I worry I wouldn't know how to be/act like a girlfriend or would be a nad girlfriend). I’m also oblivious to romance/flirting towards me, so (and its not just with romance) I need to be told straightforward/basically hit over the head with it, I'm not that great with subtlety. I want to be treated and know that I'm important and special to them and I would do the same for them. I do feel like I'm kind of weird, becuase things I hear people say are romantic ( like going to a fancy restaurant, getting flowers or strawberries and chocolate) don't give me a feeling of romantic, maybe since I never had a relationship, but I'm just as happy cuddling together watching tv, reading or watching the stars ( something like that).
Habits: I always tend to say 'I'm sorry'  even for mundane things or even when things aren't my fault. I say “I’m fine” even if I’m not, since I feel like I should only show positive emotions to people, so negative/sad emotions. I also feel like if I express myself, some might find me annoying or are only putting up with me to be nice (I’ve had ‘friends’ who did that) so it makes me question myself/others. I'm also a people pleaser, which I really am tired of and am trying to stop, but it's hard. I'm also not that good at directions/can't read a map for anything. I've been told I'm like a house cat, I do enjoy cuddling, but I tend to keep myself reserved towards affection/attention since I'm worried that I might be/become too clingy for them.
Hobbies/Likes: Loyalty, relaxing, listening to music, having fun, trying to learn another language (starting Spanish), yoga, video games, cooking/baking, trying new foods, & reading. Board games, puzzles, watching anime, Disney, Pixar, disneybounding. Interested in seeing the world, sewing, and painting rocks ( it's surprising fun and relaxing). Oddly enough, I actually find it fun tutoring/helping people with some academic subjects.
          Dislikes:  Cheaters( in relationships, cheating pranks, cheating stories, etc. Anything to do with cheating I don't like), abuse (human & animal), when people are too/unreasonably pushy ( i start to lose my temper if the pushiness lasts too long), betrayal, people who are rude/hurt my family/friends, my laugh (I sometimes snort and try not to really laugh I snort), wearing makeup ( will only wear it if it is necessary), flowers (they are pretty, but I'm allergic, so I'm not a fan of being around them), and having to hide my true thoughts/feelings.
 Fears: Abandonment, spiders, heights, being rejected for who I really am, being vulnerable (even though I know its important in relationships and being honest with myself, but its still scary), & being trapped.
Short appearance ( if wanted/needed): blue rectangular glasses, brown eyes and dark brown medium length, thick very curly hair that if you try to run your fingers through it, my hair might take your hand/fingers hostage for a bit ( I have a love-hate relationship with it).
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