ingridhagen · 9 days
"Consider yourself to be a bit of a history nerd by any chance?" she couldn't help but tease with a smile. Ingrid would definitely describe herself as such so she certainly wasn't judging. "Now that I would love to see," Ingrid's smile cracking into a grin. "If you need help carrying him into the house I'd love to lend a hand. James can be mad at me too then– happy to share the blame."
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"I think it's such a cool language and the history... it's one of those you can really look deep into the past with because of how much of it is left behind. It's fascinating really." Reid murmured as he looked over her shoulder with keen interest. "Nah, nothing has massively caught me this time but it's probably a good thing. I'd probably end up dragging home a big ceramic dog like Joey from Friends and then James would be cussing the shit out of me."
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ingridhagen · 9 days
"I mean I have always been a woman to enjoy having her options open," Ingrid teased in reply when he'd mentioned him being the only one she was interested in. "So I dunno, I suppose the real question here is– would you like to be the only one I'm interested in?"
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"I try not to take things too literally but now you've made it clear..." Colm responded with a grin of his own. "Jealous isn't the word I'd use. More that I am simply aware of your appeal and I am sure that isn't limited to me alone. Unless you are telling me I am the only one you are interested in." He joked lightly.
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ingridhagen · 18 days
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"I suppose it's just one of those things you'd learn how about just to have the knowledge, not to use in practicality," Ingrid considered when the blonde spoke about it being a little more old-fashioned. "Still fascinating stuff however."
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"I learn a lot from my job and I definitely get that feeling a lot. Feel like I would appreciate it more if I had," Pippa joked, "It's not really in use anymore. Only really old-fashioned learners of divination would still consider it."
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ingridhagen · 18 days
"I thought it was clear my door was always open for you," Ingrid chuckled lightly in reply. She tilted her head lightly at his words, a soft smirk playing on her lips, "Plenty of options, hmm? If I didn't know any better it sounds like someone's a little jealous. Do you know something I don't?"
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"Is that an invitation for now?" Colm asked with a grin though he knew that they'd already decided that without having to really say it. "But I'll certainly remember that when I need a little down time after a work day maybe? You have my number too, though perhaps you have plenty of options to pick from."
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ingridhagen · 18 days
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ingridhagen · 23 days
"Honestly? It's really wholesome. And you always know where you stand with someone," Ingrid considered with a laugh. Just because she wasn't used to it didn't mean she didn't like it. "From personal experience, there's plenty to keep you busy around here. I'm sure we could use your help," she replied earnestly. "Hah– and you should still consider yourself still lucky. The fact that there was so much sun this summer was a blessing. And of course the Brits still found a way to complain," she considered with a soft amusement. "You'll get used to it though."
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"We show our love in great measures. None of that barely there shit." Cooper joked, laughing as he finally let her go. "Yeah, well I can't say I've changed all that much. I figured I'd see what good I could do here. Hopefully plenty. The weathers definitely more predictable though. I think the days without rain so far I have been able to count on one hand."
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ingridhagen · 24 days
"Little? Oh please, get over yourself," she snorted. "I forget how many broken ribs you Americans leave me with," Ingrid then joked when he'd pulled her into a tight hug, appreciating the warm greeting all the same. "Sounds like the Cooper I remember," she smiled when he spoke about what brought him here. "Yeah I've been here for a few years now. I still go out on missions and trips but surprisingly enough I've seemed to settle here a bit," she admitted.
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Cooper practically swivelled around at the sound of a voice he hadn't heard in a long time, immediately pulling her into a bear hug. "There is no way you are little Ingrid. Pretty sure you were practically hanging off my coattails last time I saw you." He joked lightly, though they were both younger then. The rest had stayed practically the same however. "Oh you know me, I could never stick in one place too long, itchy feet and all that. And I ran out of America to explore. Figured I'd hop on over. Didn't expect to run into you though."
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ingridhagen · 24 days
"As I live and breathe," Ingrid commented as she heard a familiar voice, coming up to him with a grin, "Cooper Hudson? I was not expecting to run into you." She kissed him on the cheek in greeted. "How long's it been? Years. What on Earth are you doing in dreary ol' England?"
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"Either you have have too much to drink or this is going to be the most impressive dedication to the start of a pick up line I've seen in a long while." Cooper grinned. "Or maybe I am overreaching but whatever the reason, I'm thoroughly entertained so thank you for that."
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ingridhagen · 25 days
"You're looking at it the wrong way," she insisted. "Where were you headed to when you spotted it? Who left the table? Who did it belong to before? There's so much behind something that might seem so simple."
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"I mean, I suppose some would have good stories, but I'm not entirely sure that a table I found on the side of the road is very interesting to most," Fred replied.
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ingridhagen · 25 days
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"I've always found history fascinating," Ingrid spoke passionately. "If you prefer the living it probably won't interest you as much," she added with a soft chuckle. "Nothing wrong with that though. We've all got our unique preferences and interests after all."
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"Possibly," Ciara said, "Gosh, I wish I knew more about old things. I'm more of a living things person rather than inanimate objects," she joked.
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ingridhagen · 25 days
"It seems you really have," her fingers trailed from his belt buckle to hook into the loops of his jeans. "You know you're always welcome to get your practice in with me," Ingrid smirked in reply, tugging him even closer to her.
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"It's a talent I've always possessed but I seem to have really honed it in over the years." Colm joked lightly at the woman's words. "And I've really managed to perfect it to suit you in particular. Must be all that practice I've gotten in with you." He teased, brushing their lips together chastely.
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ingridhagen · 2 months
"I'm certainly similar in that sense. Too curious for my own good," Ingrid nodded with a soft chuckle. "I suppose I'll see if there's nothing else here that I enjoy more first."
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"I think if you care to buy something like this though, you would want to know all about it. I certainly know I would." Because things that inspired Everleigh, inspired her to learn about them too.
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ingridhagen · 2 months
Ingrid continued to absentmindedly play with the buckle of his belt, looking up to meet his gaze again with a light smirk when he confirmed that she was anything but boring. As he let his hands rest over her rear comfortably she kept her eyes on his, letting a little of her hunger for him and what he could offer her show. "What can I say? You somehow manage to make a compelling argument every time," she murmured, licking her lips with anticipation.
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Colm felt his mouth dry out as Ingrid's hands travelled along his body to stop at his belt. It was teasing but that was very much something he enjoyed about the woman. "Yes, there is only one of you." And he said it with a fondness that suggested he wouldn't have it any other way. "I do. You're anything but boring." Colm let his own hands swoop over the curve of Ingrid's hips, resting on her lower back and rear in a way that seemed to assert his claim over her for the evening. There would be no doubt in the minds of anyone around them that she was fully occupied already given his actions. "And I feel that is reciprocated given you keep coming back for more."
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ingridhagen · 2 months
"I suppose they're just trying to see if you're a man of your word," Ingrid teased playfully when Jackson mentioned wanting his students to give him a break. "I'm sure we could use a little magic to make it seem like you went through with it if you really end up being backed into a corner," she offered with a chuckle.
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"If you think making at least one of them want to fail just to force me to follow through on that promise is successful." It wasn't his intention but that had definitely been suggested. "I suppose I have to. I wouldn't want to turn around and lie to them but I really hope that they just... give me a break?" Jackson sounded a little unsure as to whether he believed they would actually do that however.
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ingridhagen · 2 months
Ingrid let out a low chuckle in response, "And even if I did? There's only one of me. Looks like we've got a lot of memory jogging to get up to tonight," she said as she ran one of her hands slowly down his torso, allowing it to come to a stop at his belt. "And you seem to like it that way," she remarked when Colm pointed out how she continuously surprised him. "I keep you on your toes."
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"You're really doing me a favour here aren't you?" Colm responded with a laugh when Ingrid said she supposed she could free up her schedule for him. He was more than aware of just what he did to her though and that there was no real competition when it came to where she would rather be. "Dying to find out? Hm... Whether you have a twin?" He cheekily suggested before grinning. "But you tend to continuously surprise me with things I don't know about you."
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ingridhagen · 2 months
"I suppose you were successful in your original mission to get them invested," Ingrid pointed out with a laugh. "However... are you going to follow through on that? I quite like the hair but you might get an earful from those kids if you don't hold up your end of the bargain."
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"So now I've got a lot riding on this because I made the mistake of telling this one class that if they didn't do as well as I expected them to in their results, that I'd shave all my hair off. It was meant as a encouraging act because I know they are all capable, but I'm a little worried some took it as a challenge."
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ingridhagen · 3 months
"Oh most definitely. It'd be embarrassing otherwise," Ingrid considered with a light laugh. "I suppose if I was committing to a statement piece, I'd do the proper research on it. Especially to avoid not knowing enough to speak on it if asked."
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"If you have the space and the money, it's a pretty nice piece, I agree." Everleigh admitted with a light nod of her head. "And it would make for a conversation starter if you pulled it out. Better hope you have the knowledge on it to be able to follow through though, right?"
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