inhumanistic · 4 years
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haha hi, im still alive. my old computer has been fried for a while, and i finally remembered my log in info to get on this account on my school computer!! I dont have any of my stuff on here and i cant seem to turn off the new dashboard and i also have a lot going on with virtual school so i dont think i will really be on here to write, but i did want to let those of you who are still following me ( which im not sure why you are, but thank you for keeping me in your mind ) know that i am okay and i do miss yall and i do miss writing here its just not something i can do right now. Maybe another time, or maybe not, but still know that the tumblr rp community will always have a special place in my heart.
Always remember that you are loved and you are wonderful and amazing in your own way. The world wouldn’t be the same without you. I love you all and I hope you have an amazing day/night!! <3
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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hello everybody, i am alive - just running very low on motivation. I’ll try to be on here again soon, just gotta get my mental health in order. I’m so sorry to anyone who has been waiting for a reply from me! I really and genuinely appreciate your patience and when I find my way back here we can pick up right where we left off or we can start something new if you are no longer feeling it. I love all of you and hope you are doing well! Remember: You are valid, you are important, and you are loved <3
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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inhumanistic · 4 years
If you are ever scared to send me a meme, remember that I am a nerd who does this every time someone sends me the thing. 
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This has been a very important PSA
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inhumanistic · 4 years
⨳ — MOANA;
send one for my muse's reaction!
“In the beginning there was only ocean…” “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thank you, [name]. That’s enough.” “As long as we stay on our very safe island… we’ll be fine.“ “The legends are true. Someone will have to go.“ “There you are, [name]. What are you doing? You scared me.” “What? I wanna’s go back.“ “There comes a day when you’re gonna look around and realize happiness is where you are.” “Consider the coconut.” “In time you’ll learn just as I did. You must find happiness right where you are.” “I like to dance with the water. The undertow and the waves. The water is mischievous. Ha! I like how it misbehaves.” “You are your father’s daughter. Stubbornness and pride. Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside, and if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star… [Name] that voice inside is who you are.” “Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface.” “Sometimes… who we wish we were, what we wish we could do… it’s just not meant to be.“ “See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me. No one knows how far it goes.” “I can lead with pride, I can make us strong, I’ll be satisfied if I play along but the voice inside sings a different song.” “See the light as it shines on the sea, it’s blinding but no one knows how deep it goes and it seems like it’s calling out to me.” “Why aren’t you trying to talk me out of it?” “If there’s something you want to tell me, just tell me!” “Is there something you wanna tell me? Is there something you want to hear?“ “I can’t leave you.“ “There is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” “When you use a bird to write with… it’s called tweeting.“ “You are not my hero.“ “Okay, okay. I see what’s happening. You’re face to face with greatness, and it’s strange. You don’t even know how you feel. It’s adorable.” “Well it’s nice to see that humans never change.” “Let me out! You lying, slimy son of a…“ “Oh, come on! What is your problem? Are you afraid of it?“ “No! No. (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) I’m not afraid.” “That is not a heart. It is a curse.“ “Stop that. I will smite you! You wanna get smote? Smotten?“ “Listen, that thing doesn’t give you power to create life… it’s a homing beacon of death. If you don’t put it away, bad things are gonna come for it.” “You’d be a hero. That’s what you’re all about, right?“ “Okay, first, I’m not a princess.“ “You’re measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high-five.” “Enjoy your beauty rest?“ “Muscle up, buttercup. We’re here.“ “We’re going to the realm of monsters?“ “If you start singing, I’m gonna throw up.” “I just had to know… how you became so… crabulous?“ “Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are… I will gladly do so.” “I made myself a work of art.” “Did you like the song?” “Listen… I appreciate what you did down there.“ “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be sincere for once, and it feels like you’re distracted.” “You don’t wanna talk, don’t talk. You wanna throw me off the boat… throw me off. You wanna tell me I don’t know what I’m doing… I know I don’t.“ “That is literally the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” “I’m not killing myself so you can prove you’re something you’re not!” “Why did you bring me here? I’m not the right person. Choose someone else. Please.“ “It’s not your fault. I never should have put so much on your shoulders. If you are ready to go home… I will be with you.“ “Why do you hesitate?“ “Sometimes the world seems against you. The journey may leave a scar, but scars can heal and reveal just where you are.” “The people you love will change you, the things you have learned will guide you, and nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you. And when that voice starts to whisper [Name], you’ve come so far… [Name], listen. Do you know who you are?” “[Name]! You came back.” “They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are. Who you truly are.” “Look, what I did was… wrong. I have no excuse. I’m sorry.“
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inhumanistic · 4 years
lloronala‌ // IMELDA :
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❁ ❁ “  Hold your temper, anger is not going to solve anything. I can see that they’re crushed.  ” She could see how visibly frustrated he was over this, & frankly, she didn’t entirely blame him. Her own temper could be pointed out as rambunctious as well, but she knew how to control it (unless the situation called for it). One petal at a time, she began to collect them in her palm.
“  Usually I’d say it’s terrible, pero es perfecto. Exactly what we need to make rose tea.  ” She shot a glance at him, wanting him to do the same. “  You’re not the practical type, ¿are you?  ” There was no fear in her calling him out for it, & rather than mockery, it was stated out of frankness. “  There’s a lot of things you can do with petals, as long your mind is open to them. A narrow mind will do you no good.  ”
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       Temper was hard to hold, as anger management was not one of the Beast’s strong suits, but stern look and frank talk kept it from growing. Seemed direction was helpful, and so too was confirmation that something could be made from failure - -- rose tea did sound rather nice. Eyes watched her movements, before he followed suit, picking up the petals with one paw and placing them onto the pad of his other. 
        A bit of a grumble tumbled out of lips at her callout, slight offense taken even though words spoken were true. The beast was stubborn, seeing things strictly as black and white, he had trouble viewing things from other perspectives.  —- -    ❝ I -- I can be practical !  ❞ when practicality was noticeable and immediately made sense. —- -    ❝ . . . No one -- - no one ever taught me that flowers had a use beyond . . . looking pretty.  ❞
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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anonymous said : You're the worst friend, you can never do anything right. You just leave and abandon and, in turn, they will do the same to you. Because you're not worth it, you're a terrible human being capable only of disappointment and hurting. ( for modern/human adam. feel free to direct it towards a friend/relation of your choosing or make it general! )
Destroy my muse on anon | accepting.
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      Raised like a PRINCE, the boy had only ever been told sweet lies. Surrounded by yes men and woman who wanted his approval, who wanted his money, they dared not ever say what they really thought of him to his face. Throughout school he heard whispers and rumors of people bashing him behind his back, but they never really meant anything to him, never affected him, there was always someone around to dispel any negativity, to inflate his ego back up.
      But he had grown past that. Grown past the popularity. He had to. Very quickly he learned that the real world was nothing like the carefully cultivated bubble he had been living in. It didn’t take long to realize that he was, in fact, a bad person. That he was selfish, unkind, temperamental, and that all his friendships were fake, and held no weight . . . but once bubble was popped he was actually able to make real connections. He met Cat, Scott, and Laila and he learned what friendship was actually meant to be. He finally had a reason to grow . . . but did he ever actually improve ? After all this time, was any progress made ? He had hoped so, but maybe he was too far beyond changing.
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     Words hit him like a sucker punch to the gut, and for a moment he feels his body should be keeling right over, physically pained by the callout, but instead he stands taller, trying to hide it. Hands ball into fists at his sides. Pride was damaged, but he was always taught not to let that show, although that was easier said than done. He should argue back, should defend himself, but no defense comes to mind, no words reach his tongue.
    There’s no lies in words spoken, that’s what makes it hurt so much, it’s all true. He wanted to be better, he thought he had tried to be better, but history kept repeating and he kept disappointing. He could hide behind excuses all he wanted, say it’s not his fault till his voice was hoarse, but that wouldn’t change what he knew deep down . . . that he was a bad friend.  —- -    ❝  . . .  I know .  ❞   finally words find their way out of mouth, and it’s an admission not a defense. Once again he had been shown the truth he already knew, and once again he had to accept it. 
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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me @ the ‘destroy my muse’ ask that just appeared in my inbox: OOF
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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anonymous said : Belle doesn't really love you. She only pities you.
Destroy my muse on anon | accepting.
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    It’s a thought he’s always had in the back of his mind. Prone to doubt and distrust since curse befell him, it was hard to believe someone like him could be loved, but as he grew closer to Belle, as she stopped shuddering at his paws and started looking into his human eyes instead of at his beastly body, negative thoughts became fewer and farther between … but it doesn’t take much for them to flood back in at full force.
    Hearing the words spoken with another voice … well, it just makes it far more REAL. It's like a slap in the face — - a reality check, even if reality being painted may not have necessarily been true. It's a reality he could easily believe, even if he really and truly doesn’t want to. 
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    Anger and sadness swirl around him as if in a dance, each feeling fighting to reach to the top. Even now, even after working on his temper, It’s no surprise that anger wins. Paws form into fists, claws digging into fur. Teeth grit together as eyes close tightly. Voice came from darkness, there is no one to fight, no one to roar at, no one to release temper on . . . but he has to do something, something to expel the feelings from his system. Eyes abruptly open and with a grunt he swings at the closest thing.     —- -    ❝   NO !!  ❞   Gruff voice booms as he overturns a table, everything atop it spilling and crashing to the floor.  
    Breath quickens, he’s not angry at the voice, he’s angry at himself. How could he have let himself HOPE, how could he have ever thought that he could be FREE, how could he have ever thought that he had actually LEARNED to love and GAINED their love in return. How could he have not seen the truth before him.       
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     Body crumples, head falling into hands, anger having fizzled out, leaving only sadness and regret in it’s wake.    —- -    ❝   … no …  ❞    Voice is much quieter now, word almost a whisper, a plea he knows will go unanswered.   He's a MONSTER, -------- -- - and he always will be.
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inhumanistic · 4 years
“you never listen to me!”
“it mostly gets you killed in very nasty ways.”
“i’m less a player and more the played.”
“honestly i’d totally be fine if i could make it to the next grade.”
“is it me, or is greek mythology not deeply weird?”
“she’s a monster! not literally. i don’t think.”
“dude. i’m your only friend.”
“hey, don’t talk about my mom.”
“you think i’m trouble. just like everyone else.”
“i can’t tell you all my secrets.”
“we’re better off without him.”
“yeah, he sounds like a real winner.”
“was he a screw up too?”
“normal is a myth.”
“the things that make you different are the very things that make you strong.”
“the only thing i seemed destined for is detention.”
“when i say run… run.”
“don’t pass out! don’t pass out! don’t pass out!”
“this is weird, but a good weird.”
“you drool when you sleep.”
“it means a lot more paperwork for me.”
“of course, being alive is temporary.”
“this is way out of my pay grade—which is saying a lot, because i don’t get paid.”
“well, technically i am cursed.”
“yeah, and i half-care.”
“the best thing is to break up with the guy!”
“i don’t have time to fill you in on all the details.”
“you can hate it here but i hated it first.”
“it wasn’t a dream? she’s really gone?”
“you mustn’t blame yourself.”
“we’ll help you adjust.”
“he’s got a lot to answer for.”
“the guy didn’t need to be ‘dad of the year’.”
“it could be… that is to say, the prophecies suggest…”
“no one can blame you for holding a grudge.”
“welcome to the dysfunctional family.”
“prepare to be pulverized, newbie!”
“it’s gonna be bloody murder she wrote.”
“i’ll put you in your place!”
“you losers are a total drag.”
“stay there. it’s your first day. we don’t want you messing this up.”
“heard you were tough—but you don’t look it.”
“you got some issue with me, it’s pretty clear.”
“is the food here really that bad?”
“offering to the gods. it’s not enough that they’re omnipotent and all-powerful. they need to feel appreciated.”
“i met the guy once, and once was enough.”
“i ran away.”
“no one has seen him for thousands of years.”
“i’ll bring home a boy and she’s there in her nightie.”
“if i tried to sing, it’d probably cause an avalanche.”
“too bad he’s the worst and my life is a mess.”
“i have a destiny?”
“you shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend.”
“everything i ever do is wrong.”
“i keep my head down, i keep my chin up, but it ends up all the same.”
“guess i’m good for nothing at all.”
“the only family that really mattered? well she vanished.”
“i never mean to hurt anyone.”
“no one ever tells me that they’re proud.”
“all i need is one last chance to prove i’m good enough for someone.”
“so what if no one’s come back from the underworld? i’ll be the first.”
“i can’t ask you to come.”
“if you’re going to save the world, i’m the best person to keep you from messing it up.”
“i’m needed here, but how about something for the road?”
“is the whole trip going to be like this?”
“all our food was in there!”
“it’s not safe to stay out here in the open.”
“i don’t smell.”
“well, i don’t wanna die in the garden state!”
“i’m not saying sorry to a squirrel.”
“i think the gods are trying to tell me they hate me.”
“‘smart girl’ only gets a girl so far.”
“someday soon someone will notice me.”
“most girls never win if they’re polite.”
“the best thing you can do is run away.”
“i’ll never be invisible again.”
“look how far we’ve come, we can’t give in.”
“people are counting on us, and i’m counting on you.”
“aw, is that a chihuahua?”
“whoa, whoa, whoa—why are we fighting?”
“relax! i come in peace.”
“tonight, we need a place to sleep.”
“this is… scary.”
“everything is unfolding as i—as we planned.”
“sacrifice is necessary to remake the world.”
“i should’ve told you, but i—i thought that if i did, you’d never want me on this quest.”
“maybe if i’d been a little bit braver…”
“‘maybe’ doesn’t make it alright.”
“we only survived because she stayed to hold off the monsters. she paid for her sacrifice with her life.”
“you ain’t getting out.”
“who do you feel like listening to?”
“you’re dead!”
“everything i try to do will fail.”
“maybe he did the best that he could do…”
“hey, that’s life, and life ain’t fair.”
“i’ll come back for you, i promise.”
“we were set up. and i think i know who did the setting.”
“let the slugfest begin!”
“what do you do when the battle’s won?”
“stay or go: pick one.”
“there’s something left i still need to find.”
“sometimes family is worth the trouble. believe me.”
“i’ve barely seen you since i got back. you avoiding me?”
“time someone put them in their place.”
“it’s about wiping them out and taking our turn.”
“i don’t care if i hurt anyone.”
“there still might be a war.”
“are we ever gonna once have it easy?”
“i’ll make mistakes, but my own, and it frees me.”
“if you’re looking for trouble, then count me in.”
“you’ll see me again.”
“i’ll be back next summer.”
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inhumanistic · 4 years
Destroy My Muse On Anon
Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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once my computer works again it’s gonna be over for you guys
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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okay i did a lot more than I thought I would so proud of myself for that! I’m gonna watch some of the new season of sh.e-ra and then go to sleep. I’m not gonna set up any expectations for myself tomorrow, because they usually always fall through, we’ll just have to see what happens. 
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inhumanistic · 4 years
tinkiisms‌ // TINKER BELL :
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     That was a fair response, she decided. As the beast moved out of the shadows that previously shrouded his menacing form, and seemingly sought the source of her voice, the fairy realized that her luminescence was providing decent camouflage against the glow of torchlight behind her. She was a source of light herself, form not silhouetted by another. The not-so-little part of her that loved a good bit of mischief was already coming up with the idea of taking advantage of this and teasing the beast–if she was to just speak to him and let him try to locate her by sound–oh, it would be funny!
     But the self-preservation instincts she necessarily had, as such an easily preyed upon being, told her not to provoke anything so big-hairy-toothed-and-clawed as he was. Tinker Bell drifted slowly away from the torch, moving herself into the shadows so she could be seen. She was curious about the creature who lived in such a place as this…Perhaps he would talk to her if she behaved herself.
     “Can you see me, now?”
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       Eyes, still scanning, catch the small glow branch off from the light of a torch. At first he thinks mind is playing tricks, that perhaps he’s been too isolated for too long. He blinks rapidly and shakes head slightly, but glow doesn’t go away no matter what he does. It remains, solid and real . . . and it once again talks. Blue hues squint, trying to make out what it could be.  Some kind of figure surrounded by light ? It's too big to be a lightning bug, but too small too be much else. 
       Slowly eyes adjust, and shape inside light comes into focus. Clearer and clearer till he can finally make out the little woman with wings. Eyebrows raise at the discovery, now even more confused.  —- -    ❝   Who --- - What are you ?  ❞
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inhumanistic · 4 years
hridar‌ // ELSA :
SHE FEELS THE PRESSURE HIT THE BARE SKIN OF HER SHOULDER, the sharp sting of the force of the snowball causing her to TENSE UP. It takes her a few moments to PROCESS it, really, a few moments to realize that MAYBE, she should react to the object much DIFFERENTLY. Normal people, people who FEEL THE COLD, jump up when they’re suddenly hit by said cold object.
Unfortunately, for Elsa, she doesn’t react fast enough, and ACTING as never really been her forte ( Anna has always been so quick to remind her of that ), so her painfully awkward jump and YELP feels entirely fake to her, and she strongly doubts she fools the Beast as well.
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Luckily, she has the HINDSIGHT to barrel over her reaction in efforts to RETALIATE. She stoops down and scoops up a handful of snow, packing it TIGHTLY. “You should be careful who you start a SNOWBALL FIGHT with, my sister could never beat me.” She says with a LITTLE GRIN on her lips, rearing her arm back to toss the snowball at him. 
( And, well, if she uses a bit of her powers to make the snowball a bit bigger than she herself could physically pick up, well, no one has to know that, right? )
        Head tilts, playful hint of a smile fading as he watches her reaction. At first the tenseness is enough for him, with his thick layers of fur that shields him from the true sting of the cold - it’s similar to how he reacts. But then she oversells it with a reaction so delayed that it has him confused. ... Is that how people normally reacted ? Was it some JOKE he just wasn’t getting ? Was there something he was MISSING ?
       Mind doesn’t have too much time to dwell on the moment before retaliation is evident. He prepares to take it, too focused on what just happened to find an escape, but snowball grows and eyes become wider . . .  it’s bigger than he expects. 
       Large paws move to block face as snow comes careening towards him, but he’s a little too late.  BAM.  Body tenses as he feels the pressure hit his muzzle and explode over fur. He grimaces as snow starts to flop off face.
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      Head shakes, flinging off what’s remaining, and a SMUG smile crosses lips, surely he can do better --- make something bigger with massive paws. First one was to test the waters, but now real fight has begun. He bends down and paws dig deep into ground, scooping up snow and creating a large snowball.    —- -    ❝   I’m guessing your sister doesn’t have paws.  ❞
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inhumanistic · 4 years
imbicilite‌ // LEFOU :
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          “A SECOND CHANCE, MAYBE, BUT A FOURTH and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh? You don’t.. .you don’t know what I’ve been through, you don’t know how many times I’ve messed up, how many times I’ve ruined lives.” LeFou shook his head. “You shouldn’t forgive me. She and Maurice shouldn’t either. I’m doomed to keep hurting people.”
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              A huff escaped lips, he understood the feelings of hopelessness all too well. Understood feeling that you were beyond forgiveness, beyond hope, beyond kindness, he too felt it as a beast. Felt he was a shameful monster undeserving of love . . .  but Belle showed it to him anyway.  —- -    ❝ That’s true, I don’t know.  But one reason you are staying here is so you don’t hurt anyone else. What you’ve done in the past matters, but what you do moving forward matters far more. Kindness can go a long way.  ❞
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inhumanistic · 4 years
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Is it loving kylie and cat hours rn?? Because I too would like to throw my hat in the mix. 
loudly from yet another corner: Kylie, you are a fantastic person and a wonderful writer and cat is such an amazing and captivating OC. You’ve developed cat so much, thought out every little detail, she’s truly a fully realized creation - like a real person and i love love love writing with you and her. 
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