iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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“There’s a tale in the Kabbalah that suggests that the Angel of Death is so beautiful that on finally seeing it (or him, or her) you fall in love so hard, so fast, that your soul is pulled out through your eyes. I like that story. 
There’s an Islamic story that declares that the Angel of Death has huge wings covered in eyes, and that as each mortal dies one of its eyes closes, just for a moment. I like that story too, and take pleasure in imagining huge wings, and a ripple of ever-opening, ever-closing beautiful eyes. And there’s a touch of wish fulfillment in there too. I didn’t want a Death who agonized over her role, or who took a grim delight in her job, or who didn’t care. I wanted a Death that I’d like to meet, in the end. Someone who would care. Like her.” Neil Gaiman
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
illiterate dairy maid in 1750, hundreds of years before germ theory was even thought of: because of my exposure to cowpox, im immune to smallpox. if we expose people to cowpox, they won’t die of smallpox
upper middle class college educated mother with internet living in the year of our lord 2018: vaccines are the devils handiwork and a conspiracy i’d rather my child die of polio than be the autism
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
And I ended up being partially right and wrong. I neglected the fact that Okada was a peasant and pretty much the same as Hijikata (since Hijikata was a renown samurai, but did not hail from a samurai/noble class). Aside from all of that, MAN Youchirou’s backstory was compelling, if not super short.
Youichiro’s such a good foil to Hijikata and Nagakura: the former is tired of life, tried to retire with his Ainu wife, but is still cursed until the very end with dementia. Kind of like divine retribution for all those people he killed huh? Meanwhile Hijikata and Nagakura are continuing to chase their dreams for an Ezo republic, fight off the imperial soldiers, and defend what they thought was the “correct” way to govern a country. Hijikata’s question to Nagakura “We can still keep running, right Gamushin?” still resonates in me because he realizes that he too is approaching old age and perhaps, his dream may also come to an end.
I was disappointed that the Nemuro arc was short (only 3 or so chapters) but it’s a poignant one that really points out Hijikata’s character in both GK and IRL. It’s a nice contrast to the Baruto arc where he was portrayed as the real demon vice commander of the Shinsengumi.
GK - Youichirou Predictions
A massive shoutout to #EverydayHeroScans for providing us all the scans to GK. I can’t thank you guys enough for all of your hard work.
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
When you try to drop their hp low enough to catch them and you get a critical hit you really didn’t want
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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iniquiate-blog · 6 years
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“harmless little old man slayer”
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
It is official. Golden Kamuy is on fire with all these famous VAs lined up. For the record: Nihei is voiced by Akio Ohtsuki (VA of Rider from Fate/Zero), the Nikaidō Brothers are voiced by Tomokazu Sukita (VA of Karasuma from Assassination Classroom) and Henmi is voiced by Toshihiko Seki (VA of Iruka-Sensei from Naruto).
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
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Costest of Ogata Hyakunosuke from “Golden Kamui” I wanted to shave my beard so I thought I’d try a costest of ogata 😁 Hope I have some followers that loves golden kamui x) Anyway sorry about the lack of content, I had some work and other stuff to do… Love y’all and keep being amazing ❤️❤️❤️ • • • • #cosplay #goldenkamuy #hyakunosukeogata #ogata #costest #nodasatoru #goldenkamui #cosplayer #goldenkamuycosplay #goldenkamuicosplay #ogatacosplay #ogatahyakunosuke #makeup #beard #costest
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
GK - Youichirou Predictions
A massive shoutout to #EverydayHeroScans for providing us all the scans to GK. I can’t thank you guys enough for all of your hard work.
Reading chapter 151 was definitely heart-wrenching on Asirpa’s part, because really, no child should have to endure the death and truth of their parent. But I’m more interested in the identity of the new convict down at Nemuro. Apparently he’s an old geezer hooray for more elderly representation! and a badass that Hijikata remembers.
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Now when we hear “manslayer”, most anime fans immediately think of the beloved yet ruthless Himura Kenshin/Battousai from the Rurouni Kenshin series. Since Noda is notorious for creating characters that are inspired by RL people, events, and references; I didn’t even question the possibility that Kenshin was the direct inspiration for Youichirou. But I dug a bit deeper and apparently, even Kenshin was partially inspired by the RL figure: Kawakami Gensai, one of the infamous four hitokiris (manslayers) during the Bakumatsu era. For anyone who needs a bit of a refresher, the Bakumatsu era preceded the Meiji Era and was a period of upheaval between the old shogunate and the New Meiji Government. Both Hijikata and Nagakura were hailed from this era.
So we have potentially four hitokiris that could’ve served as the inspiration for Youichirou. We don’t have much information about Youichirou from chapter 151 by itself, but given the time period of Golden Kamuy, each RL assassin’s activities in Kyoto, and the possible confrontation with Hijikata in the 1860s; we might just be able to predict who Youichirou is. Let’s take a closer look:
Kawakami Gensai
One of the most famous hitokiris of the era and the partial inspiration for Himura Kenshin. He’s a practitioner of a high-speed sword style that allows him to assassinate people in broad daylight, which is an amazing feat in itself. One simply doesn’t assassinate people in broad daylight with a sword where it’s so obvious, so that could be pretty cool to see in GK.
His mentor, Miyabe Teizō, was killed in a Shinsengumi raid that’s known as the “Ikedaya Incident“ in Kyoto, but I have no idea if he was present or not. Gensai’s only confirmed assassination as of far is Sakuma Shōzan, in addition to other assassinations that may have been pinned on him.
After his surrender, he was imprisoned, then released under a new name and occupation, and then imprisoned again for harboring essentially war fugitives. Execution swiftly followed after that.
Kirino Toshiaki
He hails from the Satsuma province and is a practitioner of Ko-jigen-ryū, a much faster version of jigen-ryū. In chapter 99, Ogata states that Lieutenant Koito is a practioner of jigen-ryū, which is a Satsuma swordplay that even the Shinsengumi feared. So consider it this way: Kirino’s swordplay is basically Koito but on steriods. That is fucking frightening. 
After his assassination stints in Kyoto, Kirino because a high ranking officer for the Satsuma forces underneath the new Imperial Army. He apparently died after the Satsuma Rebellion (1877), so that means he outlived the rest of the four assassins.
Tanaka Shinbei
Despite his peasant background, he was such a renown hitokiri that he was elevated to samurai status. He’s regarded as the “Captain of Assassins” given the number of kills he’s racked up over the years and was involved in the assassination of Ii Naosuke, which was the assassination that sparked off the commonplace assassinations that later took place in Kyoto.
Because of him and his organization’s assassinations, the Shinsengumi was created. Around that same year (1863), he was taken in for questioning and later committed sepukku.
Okada Izō
The hitokiri with the least amount of information about him. Born a peasant and eventually scaling up the ranks, he was involved in the same assassination organization with Shinbei. He’s had a record of two assassinations to date before his capture, torture, and execution.
Given all of these clues we have here, my bets on Youchirou’s identity is either inspired by Tanaka Shinbei or Okada Izo. Some people may argue it’s Gensai or Kirino since Gensai has the most information about him to date (and arguably the most popular in media) while Kirino lived onward to the 1877, which makes him a more liable candidate for Golden Kamuy’s early 1900s period. Plus, who doesn’t want to see a Kirino-inspired character who uses ko-jigen-ryu against our GK Hijikata? But knowing Noda, he’s the kind of guy who goes for the most unconventional thing, so Gensai could’ve been considered too mainstream and scrapped. Kirino’s role in the Imperial Government would’ve not made sense GK since convicts like Hijikata were anti-Imperial Government & Kirino’s affairs in the Satsuma Rebellion happens at the southern tip of Japan. It’s unlikely that even if he was captured, Kirino-inspired-Youichirou would’ve be transported all the way to Hokkaido for prison.
So why Tanaka? In Golden Kamuy, Hijikata mentions that Youchirou has “assassinated” countless important people, which is a major highlight of Tanaka’s career than anyone else on the list. Tanaka’s assassinations happened during the same time as the Shinsengumi’s formation, so I imagine that if Tanka = Youchiro, it would make sense that GK Hijikata would’ve only seen him once before the alleged suicide. Furthermore, that kind of grandoise exit sounds like something Noda would want to capitalize on and twist it around so that the suicide turned out to be false. 
What about Okada? Okada is another choice simply because he has the least information about himself. While Noda is notorious for his references, Okada’s lack of personal history (at least according to Wikipedia) would’ve allowed Noda a lot of breathing room to craft him into a compelling character that either foils or compliments Hijikata, potentially drawing references from the other 4 assassins or someone else. To be honest, a character that is an amalgamation of the assassins would be pretty cool to see.
Overall, these are just my general thoughts on Youchirou’s identity. I could be absolutely wrong when more information about Youchirou comes out, so don’t quote me as a reliable source. Other than that, feel free to message me or comment below to continue the conversation!
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
Words to replace said, except this actually helps
I got pretty fed up with looking for words to replace said because they weren’t sorted in a way I could easily use/find them for the right time. So I did some myself.
IN RESPONSE TO Acknowledged Answered Protested
INPUT/JOIN CONVERSATION/ASK Added Implored Inquired Insisted Proposed Queried Questioned Recommended Testified
GUILTY/RELUCTANCE/SORRY Admitted Apologized Conceded Confessed Professed
FOR SOMEONE ELSE Advised Criticized Suggested
JUST CHECKING Affirmed Agreed Alleged Confirmed
LOUD Announced Chanted Crowed
LEWD/CUTE/SECRET SPY FEEL Appealed Disclosed Moaned
ANGRY FUCK OFF MATE WANNA FIGHT Argued Barked Challenged Cursed Fumed Growled Hissed Roared Swore
SMARTASS Articulated Asserted Assured Avowed Claimed Commanded Cross-examined Demanded Digressed Directed Foretold Instructed Interrupted Predicted Proclaimed Quoted Theorized
ASSHOLE Bellowed Boasted Bragged
NERVOUS TRAINWRECK Babbled Bawled Mumbled Sputtered Stammered Stuttered
SUAVE MOTHERFUCKER Bargained Divulged Disclosed Exhorted
LASTLY Concluded Concurred
WEAK PUSY Begged Blurted Complained Cried Faltered Fretted
HAPPY/LOL Cajoled Exclaimed Gushed Jested Joked Laughed
WEIRDLY HAPPY/EXCITED Extolled Jabbered Raved
BRUH, CHILL Cautioned Warned
ACTUALLY, YOU’RE WRONG Chided Contended Corrected Countered Debated Elaborated Objected Ranted Retorted
CHILL SAVAGE Commented Continued Observed Surmised
LISTEN BUDDY Enunciated Explained Elaborated Hinted Implied Lectured Reiterated Recited Reminded Stressed
BRUH I NEED U AND U NEED ME Confided Offered Urged
FINE Consented Decided
TOO EMO FULL OF EMOTIONS Croaked Lamented Pledged Sobbed Sympathized Wailed Whimpered
JUST SAYING Declared Decreed Mentioned Noted Pointed out Postulated Speculated Stated Told Vouched
WASN’T ME Denied Lied
EVIL SMARTASS Dictated Equivocated Ordered Reprimanded Threatened
BORED Droned Sighed
SHHHH IT’S QUIET TIME Echoed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Uttered Whispered
DRAMA QUEEN Exaggerated Panted Pleaded Prayed Preached
OH SHIT Gasped Marveled Screamed Screeched Shouted Shrieked Yelped Yelled
ANNOYED Grumbled Grunted Jeered Quipped Scolded Snapped Snarled Sneered
I WONDER Pondered Voiced Wondered
OH, YEAH, WHOOPS Recalled Recited Remembered
BITCHY Tattled Taunted Teased
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
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☀ brighter than the sun ☀
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
This is how I envisioned the actual fight from the Babylon lore.
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Gate of Babylon - The King’s Treasure
Isn’t it glorious. Gil and his gate vs Endiku who too has access to the gate. This is a fight, a proper fight that I dream of when I picture 2 heroic spirits going at it.
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iniquiate-blog · 7 years
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Presented without comment.
EXCEPT to say- commonplacecaz.
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