inkedshawnie · 5 years
Chanyeol - 191127 Studio NNG Instagram Story
Credit: studio.nng.
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
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EXO - 191127 MelOn profile image update
Credit: MelOn.
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
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❤️ enjoy this new age chapter
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
Spies and Thieves
I understood what he was trying to say this was going to be a solo mission with no back up. Evidence I was even involved couldn't be found by anyone, a ghost mission of a sort. I grimaced. I had already made the decision to help as soon as Dad had given most of the details.
"How long do I have?”
“The ball is this Saturday. I need you to find and bring him back in that time."
    I frowned. "Not a lot of time. I’m assuming I can’t loop my team into this, not that I would want to.”
      I heard him exhale as he rubbed his forehead. He did that when he was stressed about sending me into a bad about a situation. “If I had anyone else, I could call for this, I would do it in a heartbeat.”
      "Don't worry about it, Dad. I am your best asset in this situation. I'll email you when I have something to tell. I got up and went to give him a hug. “Have the guys in the lobby when I get down there please.”
“They are already waiting for you.”
I nodded and walked out of his office. Mentally preparing for this suicide mission.
I was seriously contemplating just knocking on the front door and shooting whomever answered. It would be so much simpler and less disturbing. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved being able to do spy shit, but I didn't like the days where I had to crawl through rat infested air vents, contaminated sewers, collapsing subway tunnels and the like. Like now, I was slinking my way through a presumably haunted insane asylum that had no air and more rat shit in it than I cared to think about or acknowledge.
After about twenty-four hours of digging around on the darknet I had figure out where they were keeping him, and I was not happy about it at all. The Old Tooele Hospital in Utah had opened in 1897 as a family house but in 1913 it had become a Country Poor House, for the elderly and the mentally insane. Then in 1953 it went to back to being, the Tooele Hospital and this time it had better accommodations for its patients.
           The place was beyond creepy, more so because I was doing all of this in the dark with only a half dead flashlight. My over-imaginative mind was fucking me all the way up. I didn’t like it. I shuddered and swung my flashlight around, the dark didn't bother me really, it was the fact that I couldn't really see in front of me and all the pitch blackness surrounding me gave off the impression of it swallowing me up. Ryan had used the dark to torture me when I hadn’t done what he asked and although I had gotten help for it, there were times when the terror engulfed me. I turned and faced the door, the uncontrollable urge to run gripped me and I had to fight it. It was eerily quiet, and I got the distinct impression that I was being watched and followed, yet every time I turned around or moved the flashlight in a different direction than I was walking, there wasn’t anything there. Turning back, I blew out a breath and continued walking. Ryan was not here and even though he was most definitely looking for me, he was not in this place. Shaking myself I did a sweep with my flashlight again before pointing it straight ahead.
For the umpteenth time I wondered what possessed me to accept this assignment when I didn't know the victim from a bird’s nest. But if I was being totally honest with myself, I took the assignment because I didn’t think I had another choice. If I could save him then I would do that. Also, he had intrigued me after I had gotten home from the meeting with my father Joss had handed me page after page of details about the Korean crew. They were apparently some very big people in Korea, they had a cover that was flawless if not a little out there. They were apparently a K-pop group and while I had never heard of the genre Joss was very much a fan. Her eyes were saucers by the time I had finished reading.
Their cover was as the group EXO and this literally allowed them the freedom to go around wherever they wanted and while they had to be extra careful not to be seem or found out they were very good at hiding who they really were and what they really did. There were nine of them in total. Kim Jun Myeon, or Suho was the of leader in the group and their handler in real life. He was also the one who was stopping by the hospital to check on my girls. Kim Min Seok or Xuimin was from what I could tell the well-rounded one of the group he could sing, dance and rap and he was a Thief in real life. Zhang Yixing or Lay was a dancer and Vocalist in the group and was a weapons specialist. Byun Baek Hyun or BaekHyun was the main vocalist of the group and also a weapons specialist. Kim Jong Dae was another main vocalist for the group and a hacker in real life. Park Chan Yeol or Chanyeol was a rapper, vocalist and visual for the group but he was also a spy. Do Kyung Soo or D.O was a main vocalist for the group and a hacker. Kim Jong In or Kai was a dancer, rapper and vocalist for the group as well as a thief. Oh Se Hun or Sehun was the youngest of the group and was a dancer, rapper and sub vocalist he was also a spy.
Their group had a good balance to it, and I had to give them respect because I couldn’t figure out how they made it work with the covers they had. But it was working, I had done some digging of my own and found out some of the jobs they had done for their government and some for themselves. It had been so long since a man had intrigued me and Chanyeol fascinated me for some reason. So, here I was.
My silent musings were interrupted by a scraping sound above me. I silently took off running, flashlight swinging, and raced down the rest of the hallway and up a flight of stairs. Lucifer himself couldn't have gotten me on that old elevator. Coming to a halt at the top of the stairs I aimed the dim flashlight and looked around. I didn’t want to announce my presence to anyone, not even to the one I was here to help. Well, at least not yet.
I heard the scraping sound again and started walking, my breathing even despite the running. I stopped when I got to a door that was labeled as being a surgical room and shivered. This couldn't be good. I clicked off the flashlight and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. There was a low light permeating from under the door, but I knew it wouldn't help... much. Rolling my neck, I slowly opened the door, praying that it didn't make any sounds. Once I had the door open wide enough to slip in, I closed it again and looked around. My eyes swept the room until I came across a figure tied to metal chair.
I swore, as I quickly looked him over. His hands and feet were cuffed and tied to the chair. He was soaking wet, which could only mean one thing. They had water boarded him, and I hoped whomever had done this hadn't used electrocution too. I was hopeful, only because I didn't see any wires in the room, but that honestly meant nothing. I walked over to the chair, my anger growing until it engulfed me, and I saw spots of red in my vision. They had really done a number on him. I knew he because I had memorized his featured both with make-up and without. I visually roamed his body trying to see if he would need assistance walking or anything. He didn’t look too hurt, but I wasn’t going to take any changes.
"Shit got real in here, I see. Sorry it took me so long to find you, I had to do some detective work before I could come for you." I waited for any signs that he understood me and smiled weakly when he nodded his head.
He tried to speak, but nothing came out his mouth. That was to be expected, I didn’t think they fed him or gave him water that often. I came prepared for this. I walked around the chair, pulled the knife out of my boot, and cut the rope away before I picked the lock of the cuffs. Then I did the same for his feet; inherently trusting him for some reason. When I stood back up, he was exercising his hands, wrists, and arms. I watched him until he looked at me, and when he did, I was hit hard - and surprisingly - with the impulse to kiss him. I ignored it, and only ended up swaying towards him a little before I caught myself.
  "Shit." I looked at the ground before defiantly looking back up at him. He smiled like he knew what I was feeling and made his fingers into the universal sign for a gun, silently asking if I was packing. I nodded but first I took out a nutrition bar and some water. He raised an eyebrow but took both items, finishing one then the other. For some reason I’d had a feeling I'd need the extra heat, so I had strapped up like I was taking on a small army - guns, knives, grenades, and whatever else I'd thought might be necessary. Hoping my strange sense of trust wasn’t going to get me killed, I handed him two guns from the holsters at my waist to him just as a sound by the door snagged our attention. I gave him a nod and slid into a dark corner out of sight. He stayed seated but didn’t bother pretending to still be tied up.
  He was all controlled rage, just sitting in that chair. His hands didn’t tighten on either of the guns and he seemed more relaxed, his face a blank mask. The insane part of me thought it was sexy as all hell, the rational part of me knew all hell was about to break loose and my insane side rejoiced at the notion. I was obviously losing my damn mind.
  I nodded at him, positive he saw me and then faced the door, whoever had taken this man hostage, was now turning the handle of the door. I felt my heart kick into overdrive and my eyes got clearer. I loved the adrenaline rush, it was a high unlike none other, but this was slightly different, there was an undertone of arousal.  I looked over at him one last time, raking my gaze over him, taking in everything I could from my distance and his sitting position. Then I raised my guns and pointed at the door.
  Only one person who walked through that door would live through this.  They would be dead soon after but that didn't matter. I didn’t examine why I felt the way I did about it, just accepted it for whatever it was and let the feeling spread through me. I watched the door swing open and the first guy stepped into the room, eyes on the too calm man in the chair.
“I see you have gotten free and acquired guns. I am not sure how you managed this, but I guess it is not so surprising in a way. The guy who hired me told me you were… resourceful, although I have no idea where you were hiding the guns.” Dead guy had a slight Boston Accent, which meant they were from the states. I absently wondered why they brought him all the way to nowhere Utah, but I guess that was the point. Harder to find someone in the middle of nowhere.
“Boss… Something does not feel right.” That was the messenger; he was the smart one out of the two of them sensing the danger around him. The lackey in my opinion was always the smart one, they knew when to run and when not too.
"Shut up, I didn't ask you what you felt." Dead guy sneered at his companion before turning back to stare at a now empty chair. "What the fuck?" He sputtered and swung around, his gun raised and pointing in different directions.
I leaned out, careful to stay in my shadow and cocked my gun, aiming it at the messenger, he would deliver the message to the one that actually called the shots.
"Should have listened to your friend there." I took two shots, one in his knee cap and one in his shoulder. Neither places would kill him. I watched him drop and then focused on the one who would die, but he wasn't mine to kill.
Dead guy fired off random shots from a Glock 17, aiming everywhere and I counted every time he took a shot. He'd took exactly seven shots, I could only operate on the assumption that he had a full clip in there, which would mean he still had 10 rounds left.
  Tracking my guy, I watched him move across the floor towards dead guy. He moved with an ease that couldn't be faked and it was sexy as hell. He never increased his speed or let his emotions bleed through the mask he'd slipped on after I gave him the guns. He was completely in control, and that was why I stayed where I was and let him do what he obviously good at.
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
Spies and Thieves
Chapter Two - Part One 
Walking into Langley was always a surreal thing for me. Me and dad while we loved each, we disagreed on what I had decided to do with my life. He would rather me work under him as a spy and I would rather be locked up. We were at an impasse about it. But despite the fact that he didn't like what I did, he kept me off the Alphabet Soups radar and I did different jobs for him once in a blue moon as a way of thanks of a sort. Which is probably what this little stunt was about, a mission.
I didn't have anything on me, but they still pat me down before giving me a visitor pass and escorting me upstairs. I waved and hugged those I knew, mostly agents who have had the assignment of bringing me in to see him. When we got to the old man's floor, I by passed his secretaries desk and walked right in.
He was sitting behind his desk, phone to his ear and every so often he would nod and make a noise that was obviously in agreement with whomever he spoke to. He held up his hand and I nodded made a hand gesture to tell him to finish his call. While he did that, I texted Joss and let her know I was okay. We exchanged updates; she had hit the mother load of information on our mystery team. She sounded beyond excited. By the time I was done, dad was off the phone and staring at me.      
Dads view on the world was more colorful than most would think, if someone was judging him by what he looked like right at this moment with his full three piece dark gray pin stripped suit, button up shirt buttoned all the way up to the top they would probably say he was one of those sticklers for the rule’s types of guys, the ones who wore tension like a second skin. But he constantly colored outside of the good vs bad color spectrum. He’d married my mother, who’d been a one of the greatest thieves that ever lived, in my opinion. When they had met, he’d been a Captain in the military, stationed in Japan and she was there to steal a Japanese painting. Dad had told me that mom was one of the most honest people he’d ever known. She hid nothing from him. They had been together for twenty odd years before she’d died.
I smiled at him. “Hey dad.”
He got up out his chair and walked around his desk in order to give me a hug. “Hey poppet. How are you?”
“I’m good, but you already knew that. The real question is how have you been?” I sat down in one of the oversized chairs facing his desk.
“Eh, I haven’t had a heart attack, grown an ulcer or killed anyone yet so… we good over here.”
I laughed and shook my head. “So, why all this? You could have just called me. I would have answered or called you back if I was in the middle of something.”
“Well yeah, but I needed this too look official. Which was why I picked up your team. Sorry, they are okay I promise you that. When you leave, they leave right with you.”
“That’s good to know, so what’s happening.”
He leaned back into his chair. “I’m sure you are aware that one of your team was shot the other night.” I scrunched up my nose but nodded a confirmation. “Well what you don’t know is that it was a sanctioned hit. The group the gunmen was with had no idea and if my information is correct, they have paid for the young ladies medical bills and their handler goes in to check on them every couple of hours.”
I nodded at that too. Excitement sang through my veins as he gave me my first lead into what the fuck was going on. “Why was it a hit? I’m not following. KK is only a… well her job is dangerous, but it isn’t put a hit on her dangerous. Okay, maybe it is, but I was under the impression that she was good with all her clients.”
“She declined a job from a high ranking official in North Korea, and they didn’t take to kindly to that, so they decided to get rid of her. Honestly the entire thing is a shit show. But anyway, the team from that night want you and your team to help them out on several jobs. Two of their hackers found out who put the hit out and they still have the guy who took the shot. They are apparently holding him for you. They represent the South Korean Government, and this will essentially be an unsanctioned mission for you if you decide to accept it. It would seem that your reputation has proceeded you in this case because they are well informed.”
I sat back stunned. “The South Korean Government?”
“Yes. It would seem that they are just like your little team. Made up of different people spies, hackers, weapons etc.” He gave me a pointed look. “But you have a lot more freedom than they do. Well far as the Koreans are aware of anyway but I have a feeling they do what they want, and they are just good at covering up after themselves. Right now, they are in New York on office business and they have asked for you and your team to attend a ball they are having.”
“Well now. This is a helluva lot to take in. But you haven’t gotten to the part where you come in. Come on Dad you wouldn’t bring me all the way to Virginia for this. I know you better than that.”
He smiled. “You’re right. I have a separate mission for you. Well not really separate it still involves the Koreans. One of the guys from the Korean group was taken by Ryan Melo, and since you have intimate knowledge of him and how he thinks… “
He trailed off and I fought the bile trying to rise up my throat. Ryan Melo… he was on every alphabet letter’s most wanted list. His fingers touched everything, nothing and no one was off limits for him. It was said that he had planned, organized and then executed a plot to kill of the world’s top leaders, he’d almost succeed too. Killing at least half of them during a NATO summit a couple years ago, I’d stopped him before he could kill the rest. I’d put two bullets into his chest, at that time he’d been my fiancé.
“Dad…” I choked out a small whimper. Because if Melo was back then it was just a matter of time before he came for me.
“I know sweetie, I know. That’s why you have no obligation to accept this mission, I would have told them hell no if I could have.”
           I took deep breathes throw my nose. “How long since he was taken?”
           “The group has been in the states for two weeks now. He was taken the day they landed. They have been trying to get him back since then, but they could only get the name of who ordered the kidnapping. They don’t know anything else.”
           “Are you sure he is still alive? What was the purpose of him taking him?”
           “I’m honestly not sure. They did say that he sends a video every day showing that he is still alive. They didn’t tell us anything else as far as that.”
           “You know if he catches me, he is going to kill me. Of that there is no doubt.” I felt sweat drip down my back and a headache coming on fast.”
           “This is what they said when they made the call to have us help them. You know how they are, asking for help is unheard of in these situations but this came from the group themselves.” He leaned forward and pressed a button.
"Mr. King, this is Kim Jun Myeon, I need your help. You know we wouldn't call if there had been a better solution. Hell, a better anything. But my team and I are at a loss, we can’t find out anything except his name. Ryan Melo, we know he is wanted by everyone and that only one person has ever succeeded in almost killing him. If you could call us back and let us know if you would be willing to put us in contact with the women Neshawn Davis, that would be most helpful. Thank you.”
 From the way this sounds they didn’t actually want me to do anything but give them information. “They do not know I am your daughter… Interesting. It sounds like they only want information. They don’t actually want me to find him.”
“Poppet nobody knows I’m your father. Your mother and I agreed on this, that is why you have her last name and not mine. Anyway, I agree but you and I know that if Ryan is the one holding him none of them will make it out alive. Honestly speaking we can’t have them getting killed on US soil. We just don’t need that right now.”
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
Spies And Thieves
Since this part is so short I’ll post chapter two, tonight too. 
           A couple hours after I had passed out, I texted my father, so he’d send the suits to pick me up. Everything in me was screaming that I should not go, and I wanted very much to heed the warning, but I knew I had to go. For no other reason than, they had two of my team. I left Joss with the job of finding out as much as she can about the guys that shot KK.
I was a world class thief, a criminal to put it plainly but here I was standing in front of a local coffee shop waiting for the suits from the CIA to come and pick me up. I really didn’t want to go but it was the only way to get my team out of that building. I had become too relaxed, too comfortable in the simplicity of doing shit at my own pace and not having to answer to anybody but myself and my team at times. I had let myself get comfortable having a team to support me, forgot that when you have people to look after and care about you also give yourself a weakness, my team was my weakness and the head of the CIA knew this to be fact and if he knew then others knew too.
If Joss was under the NSA, then I guess you could say I was under the CIA. Neither was by choice though; Joss had made a deal with them in order to stay out of jail after she had hacked and them infected their systems with a virus. When I asked her why she did it, she said she’d been bored, and they had been asking for it. I didn’t even pretend to understand just thanked all of the Egyptian gods that they didn’t lock her up and throw away the key. My situation on the other hand was not that simple. The head of the CIA was my father. Surprising right? Especially surprising knowing what I do for a living.
Now don’t get me wrong I love my father, I just didn’t like him when he was in “head of the CIA” mode. Nothing good every comes out of conversations I have when he is in that mode.  Cursing at my luck, watching the all black town car turn the corner, then park. I saluted them through the window and then walked into the coffee shop.
As I was getting ready to order the suits walked up next to me.
“You two want anything while I am in a semi giving state?” I give both of the a quick once over then, ordered a caramel latte with two shots of express and extra caramel because I just knew I was going to need the extra boost.
"Ms. Davis, we need you to come with us." The first agent said. Let’s call him Agent Gray.
  I cocked an eyebrow and faked confusion. Dad never told them anything, just gave the order to pick me up. "I know why you are here." I watched Agent Grey's lips thin out, in irritation. “Did you think this was some kind of surprise? No, not at all. I have been dealing with your agency for some time now, I know the game better than you do."
"You are a criminal. I don’t see why we have to play nice with someone like you." Agent Grey did not like this situation at all.
 I laughed glad that there was no one behind us because this was taking forever. I turned back to the barista and ordered one more caramel latte, before heading to the pick up side. “Me? A criminal? That's hilarious. For that to be true you would have to have proof of some kind, and we both know your agency doesn't have anything.”
His partner, who was dressed in black coughed into his hand to hide a smile. I wiggled my eyebrows at him, before looking back at Grey. They weren't here to arrest me on any charges of that I was sure. My record was clean, despite the fact that I was in fact a criminal and wanted for that matter in a couple different countries. But they had only put me on their watch list because of the team I ran with.
"You.” I point at the other suit. “Black suit, what did the old man tell you to tell me when you came to get me? I have a feeling this one..." I pointed at Grey. "got the message wrong."
Agent Black shook his head but answered me. "The director said to tell you that he only wanted to speak to you and that at the end of your conversation, no matter what you said or decided you would be permitted to leave the premise with your team. He said that under no circumstances were we to arrest you or agitate you." He looked over at his partner. "Frankly... I got the impression that he was looking forward to seeing you."
I handed him the second latte when it was ready. "Sounds about right. What's your name Agent Black?" I linked my arms with his and started walking the coffee shop.
"Monroe... Last name anyway. First name Michael."
"Nice to meet you Monroe, I’m Neshawn Davis, but you already knew that. Call me Nesha though." I looked back at grey. "Not you Agent Grey, you call me Ms. Davis until we get that stick out of your ass and you learn to loosen up and also notice that everything's isn't always what it seems. You should honestly know that already, nothing is ever what it seems when it comes to the government. You guys practically breath secrets and lies."
"Why are you antagonizing him… Nesha?" Monroe gave me an amused look, but also seemed seriously curious.
"Because I can... mostly. The real reason is because I know he thinks he is just doing his job but with this situation he doesn't actually know anything." I stopped at the car and decided to tell the truth. "Yes, the CIA wants me, but they are more likely to recruit me than arrest me. Dad always fails to mention that little bit of information when he sends you guys to collect me." I smiled and got into the back of the car.
"Dad..." They choked that out together and I laughed, shrugged and got comfortable.
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inkedshawnie · 5 years
Spies and Thieves
Okay so this is literally my first official fan-fiction and I like build up. I promise Ill try not to take forever to post updates. I hope you enjoy. All mistakes are my own.
 A phone was ringing.
I rolled to the left and cracked one eye open to look at my night stand, both of my phone’s screens were black, so that meant it was Joss’s phone. I rolled back over and closed my eye; her phone was not my business. The only thing that concerned me was getting more sleep. I had been up for forty-eight hours before climbing into my bed almost three hours ago. I was beyond exhausted but… the phone rang again.
Joss, my best friend and work partner was probably on her computer, which meant she had headphones on and couldn’t hear her phone. I growled and rolled back over, throwing the covers off as I got out the bed. I walked out of my room, grabbed her sat-phone, and sneered at it, wanting to toss it out of our seventeenth-floor window. They would probably start calling one of my phones if I did that though, so I walked all the to the second floor of our three-story loft, into our shared office and hit her in the head with it.
           “Ow, what the fuck.” She pulled her headphones off as she turned to look at me.
I dropped the phone on her keyboard too agitated at having to get up for a phone that wasn’t mine. “The NSA is calling. Keep this shit in here and go get your other one if it ain’t in here already because if I have to get back up before my brain is fully functional, I’m going to throw you and the phones out the window.” I turned and walked back to my room to get into my bed.
           My phone was blinking, I rolled my eyes and stared at it, refusing to even pick it up. Everyone who knew that specific number knew that I had just got back in, so they shouldn’t have been calling me for at least seventy-two hours. The universe was probably trying to tell me something important, but I was too tired to listen to it. My bed was calling my name and I had every intention of answering it. I got back into the bed and closed my eyes. Everyone could wait. I couldn’t do anything for anyone if I was passing out from lack of sleep.
           When I finally wake up, I still felt like I hadn’t slept enough but my mind was ready to start the day, I looked out my window, well looks like I’m starting my night. I got up and trudged to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. Once all of that was done, I got dressed in a simple tank top and cotton shorts.
           “Joss? Joss? You here?” I walked upstairs to see if she was in the office, but she wasn’t, so I kept going up to the third floor which was her “wing” of the loft. I knocked and when I heard her soft come in, I opened the door. She was speed typing on her three-monitor computer system.
           “What are you doing? Don’t tell me the NSA has you on another assignment. You know how you get when you are on one of those. I hate when you get deep into that shit, I should never have to watch you willing jump of a proverbial cliff. We should never have a distress code for situations like that. We should only have them for when one of us has either been locked up, shot or being heavily pursued by said government.” I took a breath and went to continue.
Holding up a hand she raised an eyebrow. “Have you checked your phones since you’ve been up?”
I squinted at her. “Eh… no. They can wait I needed the sleep besides they can go a couple hours without me. If they can’t then I need throw the lot of them away and try again.”
“Nesh… You’ve been sleep for two days. You literally got up to pee and drink water, then got right back into the bed. I think you were sleep during all of that. Like your brain knew how much power it needed to tell your limbs to move but you weren’t conscious. I had a whole conversation with you before I realized you were sleep.”
“Shit. Two days. They probably ran it all into the ground. I’ll be right back.” I ran out of her room and grabbed both phones but the one I was really concerned about was my work phone. I had sixty-seven missed calls and just as many voicemails, two hundred text messages and forty-five emails. I wanted to cry.
I ran back to Joss’s room and collapsed on her bed. “I’m scared to listen or read any of it. Why didn’t you wake me?”
Sitting down next to my head she patted my shoulder. “Because you needed the sleep that last job wasn’t as easy as you made it seem and you were running on fumes. Once they couldn’t get through to you, they started calling me. Remember we are partners. We have each other’s backs no matter what. I learned your trade just like you learned mines. So that we could cover each other if the need ever arises. So, relax and breath.”
“Okay, You’re right.” I was a thief, a good one if I do say myself and Joss was a hacker. When we first decided to form a team, we spent two years learning each others trade, so that we would always have options if something didn’t go according to plan. I took a deep breathe and let it out, then I took another and another until the shaking stopped and I could look at my phone without breaking into a sweat. “Okay, tell me before I start making calls.”
“Okay so the gist of is it Quinn and White were picked up by the CIA when they were on their way back to the club house.  I don’t think the house was compromised but just to be safe lets which places for a little while until we know for sure.” She trailed off and I knew whatever she was going to say was going to be all types of bad.
“Come on Joss, just tell me everything.” I buried my face in her comforter. I wasn’t going to stress the CIA bit. I could handle that one.
“About the job Belle and K.K were doing… from what I understand it was a fairly simple job. But there were… complications.”
“Complications? All they were doing was scoping out the next target. They are seasoned vets at this point. What complications?”
“Well apparently you guys aren’t the only ones who thought the target would be a good target. There was another team there, Belle says that they spoke a foreign language but couldn’t figure out if it was Korean, Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese or something else. So, she recorded them, and sent the voice message through email. A long story short K.K tried to get closer to see who they were, but they had people watching their backs, the girls took heavy fire and K.K was shot in the stomach.”
I sat up and blinked at her for a couple of seconds. “You said shot. She was shot. They shot her.” I got up and started heading back to my room. I was so going to find these assholes and teach them a thing or two about manners and guns.”
“Nesha. Listen.” She ran after me. “They said it wasn’t their intention to shot anyone. The person who shot her was new to their team, some rookie on lone to them. He didn’t get the memo that guns were a no-no.”
“I can understand that, to a point but what the fuck.”
“Well yeah makes no sense but anyway.” She kept pace with me down the stairs. “They took her to Mount Sinai and paid for her medical bills. Aside from blood loss she pulled through just fine and is in recovery right now, the docs say she’ll be out of commission as far as jobs go but if she takes it easy and doesn’t do anything to stress the injury, she will be fine. The bullet didn’t hit anything vital and they were able to go in and get it out.”
“Okay, that’s good news. I guess. They still shot her, and I am going to find them but at least she is alright. When did all of this happen?” I sat down on my bed exhausted all over again.
Joss took the clothes I had in my hand from me and pushed me back onto my bed. “Lay down and I’ll tell you the rest. You probably need more sleep. Belle is with KK and they are fine apparently the other group sends someone over to the hospital every couple of hours to check on them.”
I squinted at her for the second time in less than an hour.
“Yeah I don’t know. They seem really remorseful.” She shrugged. “The most pressing issue though is Quinn and White, it seems they were picked up because the CIA wants to talk to you and since you haven’t been willing to answer their phone calls they thought it would be a good idea to take two of your people to get you in the talking mood.”
“Are they stupid? I’m more liable to go in there hostile as fuck. People don’t think logically anymore. From both of those I firmly think that nobody thinks these days. I’m going to kill him. That will solve everything.”
“You can not kill your father. Now, calm down Anne Ann, just go in there tomorrow and get our people back. It doesn’t matter what he wants just go in there and pretend to think about whatever he says, so that you can bring both of them home.”
“Okay, I don’t really have a choice so, it will happen no matter what. What’s up with Eli and Av?”
“They are fine. Keeping an eye on the girls and trying to not storm Langley. I’ve talked them off the ledge twice already so call them and the girls before you pass out again.”
She handed me my personal phone and I called the girls first. Listening to them tell me about all the cute nurses and then about the man who showed up often to bring food and anything else they needed. They were taking great pleasure in using him. I shook my head, they were fine. Once I hung up with them with a promise of stopping at the hospital soon. Once that was done, I called the guys. They were not calm at all; I think I promised them a kidney if they calmed down and let me handle it. Once I got their agreements, I gave Joss the phone and that’s the last thing I remember before sleep pulled me under. 
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inkedshawnie · 6 years
This !!!!!!!!!!!
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inkedshawnie · 6 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/1SKltjAmqarrBgHW5HrcKW?si=XGXa0U3KSNqEhwbC3WylgA)
sonjit sonjit baby... 
Current vibes
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