inky-parable · 13 days
Take this for now bc it will take a while to make if I take breaks.
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inky-parable · 1 month
Sorry if I am/ever do worry you, my battery runs out quicker than normal (I was àt 31,now 14 just tryna get onto the bc my phone is laggy). I still love you guys.
I probably don't/won't worry anyone on this app, maybe except that one random KinitoPET stan I forgot the user of, and that Dreamtale one, who I also sadly forgot the user of.
Thank you.
Have some bee pictures.
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Thank you, to everyone I have followed,reposted, reposted one of my posts and liked my posts, and followed me. I appreciate it dearly. But for now?
Farewell, see you soon. If.
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inky-parable · 1 month
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"Could never tell you what happened the day I turned 17..."
"The rise of ATTK and the fall of Emotion..."
The fact that they're in a poly relationship and they won't be able to love bc of CROSS.
All characters go to their respective owners (I just found out Underswap doesn't have an owner anymore wtf)
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inky-parable · 1 month
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OK, it's official, I am AMAZING
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Think they slick smh.
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I typed "Nothing."
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inky-parable · 1 month
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"Lol where's Franc-"
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inky-parable · 1 month
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"Lol where's Franc-"
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inky-parable · 1 month
I just found this on Google help-
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inky-parable · 1 month
I just found this on Google help-
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inky-parable · 1 month
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Cutting hair is now bad -C.AI
Also look what I found randomly
"This shit is dangerous and uncomfortable as f@c#! Don't ever use it unless you're a masochist, or... not even then!" (Talking about using bandages instead of a binder)
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inky-parable · 1 month
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No, go fuck yourself.
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inky-parable · 1 month
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Uh- No?-
AmityTale- an AU of peace and understandment. War has done the monsters bad, showing the poor souls violence.
The war was violent, one that no innocent eye could bare to see. It was terrifying. Blood splattered everywhere and shards of glowing souls gleamed in the nights as their hosts’ died.  Screams were audible from miles upon miles away, frightening any monster and any human. Children suffered from hostage as the other was usually poor. In this time, both monsters and humans didn't have much currency in whatever leather wallets they managed to create, so hostages were one big thing they did. Ones who were not involved in the war sometimes managed to get involved, with sacrifice. After the day of the Star, fighting would shrink in violence ever so slightly and often the children from both sides played until the After-Star day ended.
Star was a special time of the month when the moon was perfectly opposite the sun, which humans in the late future called Lunar. Star was seen as special due to the luck it sometimes gave their leaders-  Asgore and Callin.
After-Star was the day after  Star, where the moon would go behind the sun, leading to an apocalyptic theme of heat and annoyance. On this day, monsters went into their cool dens with human friends as After-Star was the one day they could not fight that month. Luckily, After-Star was monthly, therefore meaning friends and bonds could be made (even gay relationships as only male breeds from each side were allowed!). Sadly, After-Star comes to an end and when midnight strikes, a chosen pair of one monster and one human child let a balloon go up into the night sky. Everyone watched it fly up, and when it went, they all went back to their camps and dens, waiting for sunrise and the early crows to signal battle.
Life in war was different for both sides.
Humans woke at 4AM sharp, only at 4:10 if it was the day after After-Star. After waking; they dressed, ate and cleaned their materials and weaponry, preparing for the day's battles (it would be 4:35). At 4:50, the humans went out to practise with targets (moving ones). The humans often used spears and swords, sometimes a slingshot if one managed to find an elastic band somewhere. Practise ended at 5AM. They were allowed to write letters, pollish weaponry, sleep and do whatever for the remaining hour. It ended at 6AM and that's when the crow sang it's song, signalling battle.
Monsters’ routines were slightly different. For monsters, they woke at 4:30, giving them a rough 15 minutes for everything. To dress into their clothes (if they even managed to scavenge any before the war), they got 5 minutes- any bathing was the remaining 10 (4:45AM). After doing so, they practised marching for 10 minutes before going to breakfast (it would be 5AM now). Breakfast was rationed like usual. After breakfast, they were free to write letters for 15 minutes (until 5:15) and catch up on sleep with naps. After the 15 minutes, they practised with arrows and spears with targets for the remaining 45 minutes. After this, the crow squawked it's song and battle came.
War ended and peace arrived. Monsters were banished to Mt. Ebott where they were forgotten about. Humanity won the war and now rule as the main race in the Overworld. However, in the Underground, monsters were the only race of living things (asides from plants like vines, moss, buttercups, etc), therefore ruled. Asgore stayed king and made many great changes. The creator of the whole AU (Hi!), however, left an imprint in them. If they were violent in ANY sort of way, if they broke the peace, then they were to be deleted. Monsters were always tense with this and so children were always supervised, just incase. The creator had a file of every single thing there: every person, every object- everything. The monsters knew this too (Humans did not and never will). Monsters always stayed peaceful no matter what came. If they were hurt? Peace. Taunted? Peace. Given a death threat? Peace. Not like they would survive after being verbally violent. No one in their right mind dared to break the peace. Unless you weren't in your right mind, of course. In all AUs, there is a void. This AU's void was not for Gasters. This Void was for deleted and corrupted files (people) who had broken the peace.
Their file deletes and they go to the void, forever falling with no senses and no stability. They cannot see, hear, feel, taste or smell anything as their consciousness depended on the file which is now deleted, meaning they no longer has any senses or mind. They will stay falling for eternity, no matter what, unless the creator somehow retrieves the file, which is impossible. A recreation of the file will not work either as the creator will take out the violence so it isn't the exact same copy of whatever monster was deleted. They ceased to have any type of thoughts or actions and they just fell in the void with no way to ever get out. Escaping was truly impossible. The monster sent in the void would not remember their past life or actions and their soul breaks into tiny fragments, fragments that become the only light they will ever see before their non-existent mind forgets everything once more. Every minute, the monster loses any sort of memory it could somehow achieve despite having no soul nor consciousness- like a factory reset, really. It's an infinite time loop, the void. You can't escape it as eventually, you'll go back as your file would corrupt any other formerly existing files. Each minute, you forget everything, that's how the time loop plays on your mind. Your mind will think(?) the void is infinite whilst it just resets each minute. You can't reset the timeline or AU as the whole AU will corrupt and therefore, their efforts would not have payed off in a single way. You can also go to the void if you're suicidal or trying to commit it, as that is self violence, therefore sending them to their own void. Each monster gets a separate void as all their files are completely different, too.
The void was terrible, and the creator (Hello again!) made sure the monsters knew that.
The “map" looked alike to the original Undertale's, so there isn't much else. However, not a drop of blood was anywhere. No dust, no blood, nothing. The place was that peaceful.
Maybe you're right, Cross.
Edit: Nvm he wasn't, this is AU lore, not a fanfic. HOWEVER-
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inky-parable · 1 month
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Ink what the fuck
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inky-parable · 1 month
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Ink what the fuck
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inky-parable · 1 month
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inky-parable · 1 month
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Wait I feel scared
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inky-parable · 1 month
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20K VISITS? wowzas, I'm POPULAR
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inky-parable · 1 month
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20K VISITS? wowzas, I'm POPULAR
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