inlimahq · 3 years
Hey friends! We are back in action starting today. The masterlist is updated, anons are back on. There may be some more unfollows posted as some people get back to me about restarting with us, but for now come and check us out! We’re a fun Lima roleplay based around a gossip blog that is trying to ruin the town.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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Kitty Wilde
Scarlett Lynn
Blaine Anderson
Timothy Chang
Gemma Puckerman
Carmen Anderson
Myra Chang
Sam Evans
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inlimahq · 3 years
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inlimahq · 3 years
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inlimahq · 3 years
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The following have been accepted into INLIMAHQ:
Danielle as Elizabeth Abrams ( Jenna Coleman FC )
Heather as Imogen Wilde ( Sydney Sweeney FC )
Please refer to THIS checklist before sending in your account. If you do not send in your account within 24 hours, the role will be reopened.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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( + 2/2 )
Imogen Wilde ( Sydney Sweeney FC )
Elizabeth Abrams ( Jenna Coleman FC )
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inlimahq · 3 years
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Birdie Porter will be changing to Birdie Fabray. That means Victoria Pedretti is now an available FC as well. The account should still be remaining the same!
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inlimahq · 3 years
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Birthday: October 26th, 1987
Family: Wilde
Gender/Pronouns: Cismale & he/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Physician at Lima Memorial Hospital
Relation: Full-sibling
Birth Order: Oldest
Secret:  At 17, he totaled his dad’s car and got a dui, his dad still thinks it was the other driver’s fault. / He had a relationship with a woman that was a close friends to his parents when he was 21 and she was 42; the relationship wasn’t serious and they only saw each other for about three months. / Jude cannot remember most of the women he’s been with, by not remembering their names; he came up with a system so that he tells them apart by numbers.
Growing up, Jude Alexander Wilde was sort of a rebel. He was as respectful as he could be to authority figures, but what he did when they weren’t around was far less dignified. Waking up most mornings and smoke a bowl before school, spraying something in his bathroom in an attempt to cover up the smell from his parents. Then he’d go to school and sell weed to his classmates. He attended parties to other schools, trying to stay away from his own peers because he felt like everything he did would be compared to his family in some way and living in anyone’s shadow was far too beneath him.
He became a full on party boy who’s only goal was to outdo whatever he’d done the night before. His grades began slipping, his temper grew shorter, and all around he was not himself in any way. Jude was only coming up on the halfway mark of seventeen when he pissed his parents off for what they said was the last time. They had been going away for a long weekend and asked him to act as the adult to his sisters sleep over party to which he reluctantly agreed. Only instead of actually being an adult he chose to confine his sister and her friends to her room while he threw a party downstairs. The party had gotten out of hand and it caused the police to show up.
A few of Jude's friends, and himself were handcuffed outside of his house when his parents showed up after being called by the police officers. They managed to get him out of a trip down to the station but it didn’t save him from getting yelled at by his father. Ultimately his parents decided to send him to boarding school until he went off to the college, his dad had to pull a million strings to get him in.
After graduating high school, Jude ended up actually doing something that his parents wanted him to do. Going to college. For him, it was less about them though and more about attempting to push all the mistakes he made in his youth as far away as he could. He’d even picked a major that no one would’ve really expected. Pre-med, it was something to busy all his time with and that’s what he needed to not go back down old roads. Busting his ass through medical school was well worth it as he managed to land a job as a physician at Lima Memorial Hospital.
Though he can be a little hesitant at first, Jude is fiercely loyal once someone is able to actually get to that part of him. Have his respect and you’ll have it forever, lose it and you may never get it back. Those he cares about, he cares about them deeply and though he doesn’t like to vocalize it, Jude takes his role as an older brother very seriously. There is no mercy for those that hurt the ones he cares about and he tries to make that quite clear with his actions rather than his words.
Despite how often he says that he’s fine going with the flow, Jude is not really a ‘let someone else take the reigns’ kind of person. He’s a bit headstrong and set in his ways, so if there’s a particular way of doing things that he prefers good luck getting him to change. This also tends to be an issue when Jude is certain that he should be in charge or have a set plan in place - preferably one that he had a hand in creating - while those around him would rather just wing it.
Unlike most of his family, Jude doesn’t eat meat. However, that does not mean that he doesn’t partake in other animal by-products. He still loves his ice cream and cheese and no one is going to take that away from him.
Jude's Saturday nights are usually spent with him watching Sports Center while drinking a glass of rosé. If you ask him, he will deny that he drinks wine and he will say that it is some dark stout. But the truth is Jude likes to spend most of his nights inside.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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Birthday: May 24, 1995
Family: Wilde
Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale & she/her
Sexuality: Closeted bisexual
Occupation: Receptionist at Jones Dentistry
Relation: Full-sibling
Birth Order: Second oldest
Secret: Has a child out in the world somewhere that she gave up for adoption and she’s unsure who the father is, though. Because she was having an affair with Gabriel Anderson, Antonio Lynn, and someone else at the time.
When Kitty was fourteen, a new family moved to town. It was a family of four. A father, mother, daughter, and son. They came to town to take over the church the Wildes attended. Kitty became fast friends with the family’s daughter as they not only went to church together but they went to school together as well. It was all seemingly perfect until the son, who was a few years older than the girls, started showing interest in Kitty. It was sort of innocent at first; he would give her attention and be extra friendly. When it was evident to him that she’d developed a crush on her, he took complete advantage of her one night when she was sleeping over at their house. Kitty felt violated and betrayed and when she told her family and they confronted the boy’s family, of course they denied it. She lost her best friend, the boy she liked, and the family that was like her second family. It was her word against his and instead of making a huge scene, Kitty’s family changed where they went to church and she transferred into McKinley High.
Ever since the incident Kitty's family has never treated her the same and she's been struggling for years with wanting them to love her again. They seemingly blame her for being easy when it came to the boy and had she "not led him on, he wouldn't have felt like he could do such a thing". All she wanted was the approval and love of her family once again but as she lost more and more respect from them, the less she cared.
She felt like a dirty, bad, little Christian and didn't feel like she deserved to be treated with respect so she started sleeping around with anyone who would give her attention to feel special-- to feel the love she'd lost from her parents even if it wasn't real.  When she was eighteen she sparked up an affair with a couple of the biggest names in the town and they both treated her like she was gold and it was exactly what she wanted and needed and therefore she stayed as long as she could. Until she ended up pregnant.
She struggled between her beliefs and her own personal desires and ended up breaking down to her mother and begging for forgiveness-- not knowing what to do or where to turn to. Christine packed up her daughter and sent her away to Henry’s parents to live throughout her pregnancy so no one would ever know that she’d sinned so badly once again and the baby could be put up for adoption and live a happy life with a mother more suitable. It wasn’t ideal and wasn’t necessarily what Kitty wanted but she still went through with it.
Kitty struggles with her identity in every sense of the word (sexuality, religion, etc) She has no idea who she is and is trying to figure it out.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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inlimahq · 3 years
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Isabella Lynn’s FC will be changed from SOPHIA BUSH to NAOMI SCOTT. So Sophia Bush is now available.
Skyler Toussaint is has also been dropped, so please unfollow Skyler.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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The following have been accepted into INLIMAHQ:
Lydia as Birdie Porter ( Victoria Pedretti FC )
Please refer to THIS checklist before sending in your account. If you do not send in your account within 24 hours, the role will be reopened.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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( + 1/1 )
Birdie Porter ( Victoria Pedretti FC )
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inlimahq · 3 years
Hi do you have a mobile nav?
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inlimahq · 3 years
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inlimahq · 3 years
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The following have been accepted into INLIMAHQ:
Vivi as Jude Wilde ( Chris Evans FC )
JJ as Ander Beiste ( Chance Perdomo FC )
Please refer to THIS checklist before sending in your account. If you do not send in your account within 24 hours, the role will be reopened.
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inlimahq · 3 years
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