inmyblood-au · 3 years
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Things will get abruptly darker next chapter. I’m inching closer to the end of chap one and it sure will be something.
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inmyblood-au · 3 years
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I wrote this 10 min ago
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inmyblood-au · 3 years
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That two months hiatus turned into a biiiiiiit longer haha,,,
Anyway, if you hadn’t figured the catch yet, here, I just yeeted it on your face at every possible angle!! Cuz who cares about being subtle, am I right? Hopefully next update won’t take this incredibly long
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inmyblood-au · 4 years
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Direct follow up of the last two updates. So this part is finally done and I’ll probably take a 2 months hiatus now :,,)
So basically Mika was bored and then he finds out Yuu went to the library and is like >:T but then Yuu comes back and ohh turns out he went to bring *Mika* some books, so that’s cute.
My personal headcanon is that Mika likes to read about really random subjects, so Yuu picked another plant book and smth about the history of Math. Thanks to kokorohana I settled with an adventure and a romance book (that Yuu picked by accident) for the remaining two.
I made a whole plot as a joke for Thirteen-o-clock, so trust me, this is not the last you’ll see of it. Btw, this whole book is a joke. Gothic romance is a great literary genre if only because of the amount of books with a woman running from a house for a cover. And that’s hilarious.
The alien one comes from my second april fool’s chap of come crashing: ferid getting abducted by aliens. That’s. Yeah, that’s important to mention, totally.
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inmyblood-au · 4 years
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I’m baffled. Incredulous. Shook. 6 months since I updated, 6 months. HOW. I wasn’t even planning a hiatus???? But anyway, this is a direct follow up from the last update, and the next one will also be a follow up. I don’t have much to add, I think this one is pretty clear as to what is going on lol
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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Remember when I said the last update wasn’t supposed to exist? Well, this is why. I wrote that page before the last part even.
A wild Ako appears! The others will show up a bit too btw, eventually.
This is possibly my quickest update, I started this 2 days ago. And yeah, I’m being mean and not transcribing both pages from the notebook, but the main one is under the cut.
Yuu-chan won’t let me get up and I need to do something. The only book lying around right now is that one about vampires that Yuu thinks is somehow useful, and I already read the whole thing. So maybe I should write…?
Alright. Earlier today Yuu-chan and I went to the blood bank and I almost fainted a bit after, and he’s been extremely worried since. We are always tired after it, but lately (two weeks or so) I’ve noticed I’ve been getting increasingly more tired. Of course I didn’t say anything about it (I didn’t want them to worry). Seeing Yuu’s reaction, I’m glad I didn’t.
I’m feeling better now, really. Maybe a bit tired still, but I’m entirely capable of helping Akane with dinner.
(Yuu can’t be trusted with anything in the kitchen except washing dishes).
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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THIS IS FINALLY HERE AHAHAHAHHA. I spent over a week on this bitch. This update wasn’t even supposed to exist, but I thought I was being funny :,,)
OK. Things are happening. Slowly. But they are. Well jeez, I do have the idea for the next update, but dunno when I’ll get around to it.
(random but, I realized as I colored that mikas eyes didnt show in the first 3 pages, and i think thats funny for some reason.)
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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Yuu: It’s easy! We take off the sun guard and the sun burns them!
Mika: Yuu-chan, we are underground.
Yuu: ...
Yuu: There are other ways too.
I am not ok, the quality of this is lower than low. This is 180x600 pixels. But then again, I could’ve just made the txt post. And really, this is just a joke that I think is too funny to pass.
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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And here it is, the continuation from the last update. Simple, but there’s some interesting info in this dialogue.
And now that I finished this I’ll take a hiatus to work on other stuff. I already have the next part planned though, so many it won’t take another 3 months or so haha.
(Also, the third page is a mess. It gave me a headache to organize it and it still looks bad ffs)
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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Hey :) You probably didn’t expect an update so soon, and honestly, neither did I. Also, there are actually 3 more pages to this update (that I haven't draw yet), and they will explain a bit this nonsense (but just an in-universe explanation, I ain't explaining the meaning of this. Next update in 3-5 days, probably.
Any theories? :)
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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[The text in the book is under the cut]
Ok, this is very silly but it will be addressed again in the future. But half of the reason why I wanted to draw this scene is because of the misunderstanding that Yuu made here, and Mika noticed that, hence his line ‘I suggest you pay more attention to what you read’.
The first text that I used in the book (called Memoirs of Those Who Roam the Darkness) is from @sophelia-moon ‘s fic Down till You Fall (reversal AU, it’s g8, you should read) (and I edited the text a bit to make it shorter), while the second text is written by me trying to imitate her style. The thing is, as I thought about some details of this AU, I started to think about the book Yuu is reading on the first chapter of the manga, and then I realized that my idea was pretty close to what Sophie wrote on her fic, so I asked her permission to use it.
I have no idea when the next part will come out, but I know already what I want to do. And the angst will begin.
Learn ye well, nightcrawlers, from the story of Florin Dan.
Turned in the eleventh century by Lady Stela Antonia, nineteenth progenitor, Florin Dan became a commoner of some skill. For over five hundred years he lived out serving his sire admirably, until he, as most of our kind tend to, fell into a rebellious phase.
In 1571, I happened to make a visit to her residence, where I obtained the account of what transpired from the lady herself. 
Five years ago, Florin Dan, along with some other vampires of little wisdom, had decided to make overtures to another noble: Lord Marcel Gabor, fourteenth progenitor. It was well known at the time that he was looking to expand his territory, and no doubt would have taken them in if the opportunity arose.
However, his plotting could not come to fruition. I suspected that my child had grown restless, and had ordered a trusted servant to mark him. This servant witnessed a meeting in the early morn at the German church. With such undeniable evidence, I could not mistake his treachery. 
I accused him according to law in the presence of witnesses. As the minister of the territory, I performed his execution personally. Politically, that put an end to the affair. I must say that the occasion moved me so close to rage that I could swear I almost tasted its shadow. I stomped on Florin Dan’s head several more times than necessary as a result, ruining my shoe in the process.
Stela Antonia
Braşov, 18 of August 1571
This story is notorious for its second-hand embarrassment, but I think it portrays quite well the extends of one’s pettiness. It happened in the Iberian Peninsula in 1640, when the human crowns once more split in two.
After the division, arose the need for a similar rearranging in the vampire's territory as well. After some discussion, it was decided that one of the current monarch’s subordinates (Cecília Almeida, eightieth progenitor, and Felipa del Bosque, twelveth progenitor) would be in charge of the other country.
There wasn’t actually a competition, since Cecília was by far the favorite of the two—and Felipa knew it. I can’t say I blame her for wanting such prestigious position, but I’d rather remain defeated than to execute her crude and quite embarrassing scheme.
I never got the full story at the time, and who told this in details was another subordinate, Emília Cruz, fourteenth progenitor:
“No one really expected it, if anything we all gave Felipa our silent condolences. Not that any of us were particularly bothered; she was rather difficult to deal with actually.
She wasn’t the brightest either, but one thing she understood: she wouldn’t be the one selected unless Cecília would suddenly look lesser in the eyes of the Commission. And that’s exactly what Felipa tried to do. She spread calumnies about Cecília and even paid false attestants against her. They said, among other things, that she was consorting with humans! The audacity...
She was quickly discovered of course, those ludicrous claims towards Cecília were hardly taken serious. Felipa was judged before the Commission for her calumnies and mock of the higher jurisdiction. They confiscated her ring1 and sentenced her to the Croix.2”
The sentence she got was quite fitting for her transgression: just as garish as the commotion she caused and just as painful for her as it was for whoever watched it unravel.
A curious thing I noticed though, was that the Croix is a sentence much more common among nobles and progenitors. When it comes to commoners, the verdict is usually considerably less flashy—yet quite deadly. Commoners certainly have been killed for way less.
1- A quite rare substitute of the common sun guard. Only a few progenitors possess it.
2- A punishment in which the culprit is tied to a cross under the sun.
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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I actually drew this before the prologue, but I decided to post it right before the next part. Which is really simple and short. I’ll probably be posting it tomorrow.
Fun fact: One of the title ideas I had for the AU was ‘Wine Asphodels’ (asphodel is a flower, the one Mika is holding in the pic) but I decided against it because I thought it was a bit too complicated for people to remember.
(And I’d say I didnt forget about this AU but I actually did so. But I’m back with stuff)
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inmyblood-au · 5 years
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“I feel a bit silly doing this, but it's pretty hard to find a notebook, and since the kids aren't using it (they don't like the lines) I might as well put it to use.
...So I guess I'll write down what happened.
It all started on Christmas, four years ago. There was nothing out of the ordinary and no warning at all. And then the director was suddenly coughing up blood. There was nothing that we could have done, she was already dead by the time she hit the floor.
And as if it wasn’t enough, soon after came the vampires. They took us to the underground city, where we’ve been ever since. On the way there, I could only get glimpses of the streets, but it was enough to see the trail of corpses and destruction.
On that day, the world ended.
...But it was also the day that I met Yuu-chan.“
OK SO. This is an AU that I first came up with in January I think, but I wont say any details cuz it would spoil the damn thing. But I decided to make this sort of comic, which will happen slowly, but hopefully, you know, happen.
This first part is just an intro, so if it looks too similar to the manga is because it really does. But the next parts will be more original and less text heavy. Hopefully.
And yes, I totally changed Mika’s line; that’s the whole point here.
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