inniedream · 3 years
summary: what’s worse than a heavy snowstorm when you’re on your way to your parents house on a christmas eve? your broken down car in the middle of nowhere and the only source of living around was a small cafe with a cute guy working there. maybe the day was not ruined after all.
pairing: lee minho x fem!reader
warnings: basically none, just some curse words and a lot of fluff
a/n: okay basically this turned out a bit different than what i’ve planned and the ending is shitty and it’s not proofread and yeah it’s a mess
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inniedream · 3 years
Anything But Normal
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A/n: this was such cute Idea I hope I did it justice. It’s been a while since I’ve written a comedy piece. There are probably spelling errors I’ll go back and fix them later. also I love Jon Favreau as Happy so I had to put him in. (i swear he is one of my favorite actors) btw this is not edited (i’ll come back and do that eventually)
Requested by: @tokiokiedokie​
Warnings: Cussing,(come on it’s me guys), partial nudity.
Member: Han Jisung
Summary: When Y/n’s best friend goes through a drastic change he starts keeping secrets. Secrets that include him being New York’s one and only friendly neighborhood spiderman. Shit hits the fan when his new secret life is exposed and she gets dragged into it.
Genre: Spiderman!au, romance, comedy, friends to lovers!au, little bit of angst
There are only three things that truly matter in life. Good friends, good pizza, and a good story. So far I had two of those at the moment. Sadly I was lacking a good story. Our school newspaper had been quite dry despite my efforts to discover new and intriguing stories. 
“Stop sulking and eat.” My best friend said, shoving a piece of cheese pizza in my face. Jisung laughed when I bit the end before returning to look at my laptop. We were at our usual pizza place seated next to the window with the big bright red neon sign lighting up our faces. The sun set over the New York skyline making the moment almost perfect. If only I was writing an exciting article. Instead, I was putting together a riveting look into the school’s menu changes. 
“You know I invited you because I thought you were going to be good company.”
“Please. You invited me because Felix was busy with a stupid Lego project and no one else will eat pizza with you.”
Jisung and I weren’t the most popular people in our senior class. To be frank, Jisung was my only friend. So going out and eating pizza every other day at ten o’clock at night was often the highlight of my week. Having had enough of the lack of attention Jisung slammed my laptop closed and removed it from the already small table. “Hey! I didn’t save!” 
“That’s what Google Docs is for.”
He was right. I needed to stop working. I had been slaving over that stupid and boring article all week. He didn’t have to be such an ass though. “You are such a teenager.” I scoffed, watching him shovel yet another slice of pizza down his throat. “Oh, and you are such an adult!” The mocking tone of his voice threatened a laugh. 
“I swear you are God’s punishment for enjoying sex. Everyone’s libido just disappears when you are around.”
“Hey don’t ruin our date. I was considering sleeping with you tonight.”
He laughed when I threatened to smack him. It had been like this for as long as I could remember. Just me and Jisung. My parents had been friends with his before they passed away in a car accident. Now Jisung lived with his Aunt May and his Uncle Ben a few blocks away from me. 
I remember after the crash I would wake to a tap on my window to see an eight year old Jisung on my fire escape. Not wanting to bother his Aunt with his nightmares, Jisung had run all the way to my apartment and climbed the fire escape to my room on the sixth floor. I would open the window and let him sleep in my bed. My eight year old brain used to think maybe my bed was like force field keeping away the bad dreams about his parents.
“Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?” Jisung asked bringing me out of my thoughts. 
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inniedream · 3 years
genre: fluff. pure fluff for once. (these types of things are literally the only time i can write fluff help)
members: chan, minho & han (i’m so sorry, i got stuck while trying to write for the rest of the boys 😭 maybe i’ll add their parts too someday when i get past my writers block <\3)
warnings: none.
requests: open. i actually really need some right now so i can get back to writing more again, please send some in if you have any idea in mind !
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the very, very patient boyfriend. the type who, it will take a lot to really get mad and annoyed because most of the time he’s always so understanding and gentle.
the type to send long, cute appreciation and love messages to you at 4 in the morning, because even at a time like that, you’re all he can think about. all that’s on his mind
the type to cling onto and literally stick right next to you wherever you go, whatever you are doing, everytime he wants to cuddle but is too shy to say it directly.
the type to open the car door for you and treat you like a royalty. the type to grab you by your waist to move you when you’re in his way. or just in general when he hugs you or wants to pull you close.
the type to see your face and immediately know what you need, engulfing you in a big, warm hug if he senses you need it.
the type who you never have to prove yourself to. no insanely high expectations to rise up to, no fear of being judged, no fear of being unloved, unwanted, unworthy. no fear of being abandoned, thrown away.
the type to kiss you so lovingly, so longingly and never make you question yourself if you’re really special, really loved.
the type to, if he sees you asleep when he comes back home late from work, adjust the blanket for you and tug you in more so you stay warm, then leave a soft kiss on your forehead before he washes up and joins you on the bed too.
the type to admire you the whole night if he finds himself having a hard time to sleep. looking over every inch of your face because he finds you so, so beautiful, so ethereal. he believes you’re an angel.
the type to listen to you with all the care in the world whenever you want to vent about your frustrations, feelings, problems, etc, etc. he’d make you feel so understood, so heard.
the type to want to hug you any chance he gets, always touching you in some way even if he isn’t able to fully embrace you.
the type to spoil you—with gifts, endless amount of love, things you like, flowers, food, anything else you like and want.
the type to send you songs that made him think of you, and playlists that are full of songs like those, specifically designed for you <3
also the type to write songs about you, or just think of you while writing one even if it isn’t exactly a love song. definitely a guy who’d dedicate you a lovely, lovely song as a gift for your anniversary. uses music as a way of showing love and appreciation too.
the type to write love letters to you and give some to you occasionally, either when he feels like it or when he thinks you could use some sweet words. he might feel a little too shy saying some things directly to you at some moments, and that’s when he’d go for the letters.
the type to call you “love” / “my love” or “honey”. he goes for the more romantic and older style of petnames.
the type to look at you as though you’re his entire universe; his sun, his moon, his star, his world. the type to gently kiss your tears away when you’re feeling blue, and hold you without making you fear he’s going to let go. because he won’t. he never will.
the secretly caring and loving boyfriend. the type to act like you’re bothering him and irritating him whenever you ask him to do something but still does it for you everytime because he loves you.
the type to tease the fuck out of you and annoy you as much as he can, but then get all pouty and sulky if you actually get mad at him.
the type to cook for you. his cooking skills are just— 😩 you could tell him about some new food you found and thought looks good and that you’d like to try it, and he’d be looking up recipes and tips on how to make it so he could cook it for you.
the type to say “no, do it yourself, you’ve got hands.” if you ask him to cook for you but then you’ll find him making you whatever you had asked him to. and he’d still act all annoyed, telling you to now “go get your own plate and serve it yourself.”
the type to hold your hand and squeeze it a little as a way of showing encouragement and support when he notices you being nervous or anxious about something.
the type to be like “damn jacky, i can’t control the weather. should’ve bought yourself something warm to wear if you were gonna get so cold 🤨” if you tell him you’re cold, but then take off his jacket and wrap it around your figure while giving you a glare, trying not to show the grin that was forming on his face because of how adorable he found you at the moment.
the type to gaze at you so lovingly when he thinks you’re not paying attention, and try to take in every little detail about you that he sees. smile to himself as he wonders how you’re able to tolerate him when he’s always bugging you so much.
the type to always give you occasional glances to check on you when you’re out in public, so that if he sees even the smallest hint of you being uncomfortable, he can immediately come to you and pull you out of there.
the type to kiss you so passionately, slightly aggressively when he’s in a mood, but it will always be so full of love and adoration. the type to cup your face in his hands so carefully as he does so, as if he’s afraid you’ll slip away from him like water.
the type to have his hands roam all over your body as though he’s trying to grab onto you, hold onto to you just in case you somehow disappear.
the type to make you laugh as easily as you breathe—till your stomach hurts and you’re crying, tears in your eyes yet a wide grin on both your faces as you look at each other for a moment, before rolling on the floor again and laughter coming out endlessly for long, long seconds and you’d wish this moment will never end,
the type to randomly yet so casually grope your ass if he’s behind you and he sees it 💀 if you get flustered and ask him why he did that, he’d just say “what else was i supposed to do? it was right in front of me!”
the type to call you “sweetheart” or “darling” in a teasing way, but also loves just calling you by your name. loves you calling him by his name as well.
the type to smile or giggle softly as he’s watching you, even if you’re not doing anything special or cute. you could be existing and he’d feel his heart bursting with so much love and joy (he’d never say that to you though, so shush, just act like it isn’t obvious that he’s completely in love with you.)
the effortlessly funny, comedian boyfriend. the type to crack jokes any chance he gets and do dumb shit on purpose just to see you crack a smile.
the type to want kisses all ❗ the ❗ damn ❗ time ❗ and will pout and get sad if you refuse to give him some.
the type to want to be the small spoon very often because he loves being in your embrace and being taken care of.
the type to cling onto to you as much as he can, always wanting to touch you in some way or another because he can’t stay away from you for too long :(
the type to kiss you a bit sloppily, in a little messy way, but it’s still cute because it’s han jisung.
the type to bring you to the studio with him because you’re his muse, his motivation, inspiration, and you help him come up with lyrics and tunes faster than when you’re not there with him.
the type to like leaving kisses and pecks all over your face and your hands, neck, tummy.
the type to crack dirty jokes and tease you, turning something you said into something explicit because he loves your reaction when he does so 😭
the type to squish your cheeks, smiling at the pout forming on your lips before leaving a soft kiss there, and then proceeding to squish them even more and messing around with it. you could almost swear he broke your face
the type to love playing with your hair, just you in general, trying all types of hairstyles he found on the internet that he thought looks interesting. often ending up messing it up, but he makes it up to you by doing an actually cute hairstyle on you <3
the type to be a total idiot, a dork, always joking and laughing and making you laugh as well, but so trustworthy. he’ll be there for you, always, whenever you need him (and when you don’t too). he’d listen to you, comfort you, reassure you if he knows you need it and will also know just how to cheer you up and make you smile again.
the type to hold your hand or hug you or just hide behind you when he gets a little anxious or shy. in a room full of strangers and unfamiliar faces, you’re the one he’d turn to and stick with. his safe place.
the type to call you “baby” or “darling”, and he’d die of happiness if you did the same thing back.
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inniedream · 3 years
My Turn to Wait
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Bang Chan x fem!Reader
You felt like you were the only one putting any effort in this relationship. Was is worth fighting for anymore?
♩one-shot, romance, break-up, non-au, angst, fluff at the end? hurt & comfort, drunk!chan, mentions of alchohol
♩♩word count: 5.7k
♩♩♩A/N: I wrote this around 3 years ago at this point, found it in google docs the other day unfinished so it might seem a little disconnected. (this is also my first fic on tumblr >_< plz be nice to me i'm scared)
You always knew, getting into this relationship, that he would be frequently busy.
He produced all of the group's songs, wrote the lyrics, and made the beats. He had dance practice and vocal lessons almost every day. He barely had any time for himself, let alone time to spend with you.
You weren't an unreasonable girlfriend, you understood that as the leader of a rising kpop boy band, he would be constantly tired and was not always in his best mood. That's why you had never complained or asked him for anything. You didn't even require him to put your relationship as his priority. You just wanted to be his support.
But sometimes, when he hasn't been sleeping for days, when you see dark circles under his eyes, when he looked pale as paper. You couldn't help but worry.
And today was one of those days.
He had been staying in his studio for over 24 hours without any food or rest. Both Changbin and Han were worried, calling you over since you were the only person he'd listen to.
You knocked on his door. There was no response. Feeling kind of worried, you knocked a second time. Again, no response.
"Channie? Are you in there baby?"
You put your ear next to the door, listening for any kind of sound. You didn't want to be rude and intrude, but when you heard nothing but the sound of the air conditioner, you had no choice but to open the door.
There he was, slouching in his chair, staring at his computer just like always.
"Channie, did you not hear me knock? Why didn't you respond? I was-"
"I'm busy right now, can you leave?"
You stared, then sighed.
"You've been in here for over a day baby, I think you should res- " "Did you not hear me when I told you to leave? I'm really busy right now. Who even let you in here? "
Clearly he wasn't in a good mood. He turned around and shot a look at the two boys that called you over.
"Chan, they were worried..."
The last thing you wanted was for Chan to get mad at the boys. They deserved none of this attitude.
"No need for that. " Chan turned around, finally looking at you, his eyes filled with fatigue. "Look, if you have nothing better to do, why don't you go to the practice room and watch them dance or something? Just leave me alone."
You were just worried about him, but he interpreted that as you having nothing to do. You couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved at the thought.
You wanted to say something, but words just couldn't come out of your mouth. You clenched the bag of food you brought him just in case he was hungry, deciding not to argue with him right now.
'It was normal for him to be emotionally unstable before a comeback, right? ' You think to yourself as you turn around.
You hand the bag of food to Changbin, asking him to take care of Chan while you decide not to stay for any longer.
Jisung shot you an apologetic look, you returned with a smile.
Chan knew he might have overreacted, but he figured that you weren't the kind of girlfriend that would hold grudges.
He decided not to go after you.
The more you thought about it when you got home, the worse you started to feel.
What was your relationship even? Did he still consider you as his girlfriend? If he did, then why do you feel more and more distant from him?
Remembering all the memories between the two of you, you started to tear up.
This relationship didn't make you feel good anymore. If instead of happiness, this relationship only brought you pain and bitterness, why would you keep it? Why didn't you just...end it?
At three 'o'clock in the morning, You heard the sound of keys unlocking the door and knew this was Chan coming back from the studio.
Taking a deep breath, you will organize your thoughts.
Chan Kicked off his shoes and walked slowly into the living room. After finding the lamp still on, he glimpsed at the source of the light with confusion.
"Baby...why are you up so late?"
He approached you, trying to kiss your forehead, but you flinched away.
"Christopher, we need to talk."
Hearing his full name, Chan realized the seriousness of this matter, putting away the pout that had just formed on his face from your rejection of his kiss.
"We should...break things off."
Chan blinked twice, trying to understand the words that were coming out of your mouth.
"Wh-what? Did, did I-" "It's not you, it's me."
You cut him off.
"I was too naive, thinking this relationship won't be as hard as what people say. "
"Don't say that...I can fix-"
Chan reached out for your hand, but you refused again.
"Is that so? What if I told you I don't want to only see you once a week, I don't want to wake up to an empty bed every morning, I don't want you to work until 3:00 every day, I don't want you to be busy all the time, I don't want you to leave for tour for months on end, I don't want you to be tired...could you do that for me? Can you fix everything I just said?"
He was speechless.
"The answer is easy. You can't. Because that's your job. " You stood up. "But I don't wanna live like this anymore. "
Chan followed you, standing up himself.
"Baby, I won't be in this state for long, I promise I'll pay you back what I owe you when I am free...I......"
"Chris, I'm tired." You looked in the direction of the door and sighed. "You should go back and live in the dorms with the boys for a while. "
Hearing that gave Chan a bit of hope.
"So are we..."
"I need time, Chris, that's the least you can do for me now, please. Give me time to think. You should think about this too. "
He lowered his head, pursed his lips and said nothing.
This was almost worse than a breakup.
"Can I...hug you?"
He looked up and asked warily.
You acquiesced.
Chan wasn't tall, But embracing you wasn't difficult. He reached out, gently wrapping his arms around your body, resting his chin on your shoulder.
"I know this is hard for you. I overreacted earlier. I'm sorry. The things you talked about, you were right. I can't change any of those things, but I'll try... I'll try and make it up to you in another way. So please...please don't lose hope in me."
By the end he was choking up on his words. Tightening his embrace around you unconsciously.
"I'll give you as much time as you need. You've waited for me for so long, it's time for me to wait for you. It's my turn to wait."
You have to admit that you are a little touched by that.
"No ma-matter what, for any re-reason, don't, don't ever think I don't love you...or that I don't ca-care about you. "
By this point you could clearly feel his tears soaking through the fabric on your shoulders.
"...I hope this isn't goodbye. "
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1 Missed call
You have a voice message from「Jeongin」
"Noona, it's me...Sorry for calling you so suddenly, but I really needed to get this off of my chest......I'm not even gonna try and hide it, Channie hyung isn't well. I know you guys don't exactly have the best relationship right now. But I felt like I had to tell you. This is seriously impacting his health. Please...just come and see him, talk to him, even just for a moment. He can't function without you Noona you know that."
You couldn't help but start to panic after listening to the voice message.
It's been three months since that night. And despite everything, you had to admit that you were living your best life. The truth is, before receiving this voice message, you had forgotten about Chan's situation and the fact that your relationship problem wasn't exactly solved.
It's been three months, and he was still waiting.
Indeed, it hurt to hear how Jeongin was describing Chan's current state. You wondered. Was he eating well? Was he resting well? Did he stay up late again? Did he hurt himself? He probably wasn't taking good care of himself.
You had so many questions. And with Jeongin's invitation, you made the final decision to go see him. But what would you tell him? What would you say to him? After three months of not seeing him?
Your apartment wasn't far away from their dorm. It only took you about 10 minutes to walk there. With you guys always going to the same restaurants and department stores, the chances of you not seeing or accidentally bumping into Chan was low. So that could only mean two things. Either he was purposely avoiding you, or he just straight up never left his studio.
When you arrived at the doorstep of their dorm, you took out the keys Chan gave you several months ago and successfully opened the door.
You were greeted by Jeongin's worried expression.
"Noona...I was about to go look for you. "
He sounded worried and looked ready to go.
"What's wrong? What happened? "
"Chan hyung passed out during dance practice, he's in his room, Changbin hyung and Felix hyung are out right now."
That meant that he was alone.
"How did that happen? Did he not rest? "
Jeongin sighed and gave me a "don't even get me started" look.
"Chan hyung started producing songs again right after promotions ended. Changbin hyung and Hannie hyung tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. Saying things like "I have to do this" and "this isn't for myself". It's been going on for a few weeks now. We all knew this would happen. One second he was dancing, the next he was passed out on the floor."
You frown, this man really does not know how to take care of himself at all.
"Why didn't you take him to the hospital? "
"Manager hyung said it was just low blood sugar, he'll be fine after some good sleep and food."
"Then why did you call me here? I thought he needed rest?"
"Noona...he was crying the whole time, while calling your name. No one could bear seeing him like that. " Jeongin pursed his lips, eyes drifting to the direction of Chan's room. "He's learned from his mistakes now. I really think he has. "
You sighed while ruffling Jeongin's hair, pulling out a soft smile.
"It's getting late...You should go to bed. I'll see what I can do about Chan."
Standing in front of Chan's room, you paused. Jeongin wasn't lying when he said Chan was crying.
You felt your heart drop.
You open the door slowly. The room was dark. After squinting to familiarize yourself with the darkness, you saw him, huddled up on the bed.
You walked towards him, bending over to take a closer look. Even in the dark, you could tell that his face was unusually red.
You put your hand on his forehead. He had a slight fever.
Just as you got up to go get him a wet towel, your wrist was tightly clenched. You thought you had accidentally woken him up and was about to speak when you realized his eyes were still tightly shut. His brows were furrowed, but his mouth started to move.
"Don't go......"
"I'm sorry..."
"Please...don't leave me......"
Then the strength of his hand suddenly loosened. As if nothing had happened.
His pillow was quite wet. Both from sweat and tears.
Even his lashes were covered in tears.
How long has he been crying for?
He was completely asleep again. You turned around to head to the bathroom and prepared a wet towel and a basin of cold water for him. His vulnerable image not wanting to leave your mind. You could tell that he was not well even in his sleep. His cheekbones were more noticeable and prominent. The bags under his eyes were darker. His lips were white and dried.
How could you trust him to be alone when This was how he's been taking care of himself?
But who were you to him? Were you still his girlfriend? Or ex-girlfriend?
He had nothing to do with you.
You were the one who wanted to break up with him, you didn't forget about that.
He could find someone who can afford to wait for him. And you could find someone that you didn't need to wait for.
You bent down and gave him a small kiss on his forehead before placing the wet towel there. When you were done, you got up and left.
Maybe now wasn't the right time.
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Before you knew it, another month had passed.
Chan didn't try to reach out, the other members didn't contact you either. It was like you were completely cut off from them. To them you were probably nothing more than "Chan's girlfriend", it only made sense that they would completely forget about you when Chan moves on.
Maybe he has moved on. Maybe he has completely forgotten about you. Maybe he has already started a new relationship.
The words he said to you during his dreams still rang in your ears.
You were the one that wanted to break up with him. You were the one that said you needed time. So why are you acting so worried? Why does it matter that he's moved on? Why does it matter that he has started a new relationship?
Because you didn't want him to. Because you still loved him. You couldn't stop yourself from checking your phone every 10 minutes. Worried that you would miss something from him. You watched every single video of his recent performances. From the looks of it, he was fine. STAYs didn't seem to notice anything wrong with him.
After a long mental struggle and staring at your contact list, you finally decided to take the initiative and ask Jeongin about him.
But to your surprise, just as you were about to call him, he called you first.
Without thinking twice, you pressed the answer button.
“Hello? Noona?”
“What’s wrong Jeongin? Why are you up at this time?”
You heard Jeongin sigh on the other side, there was a lot of background noise. He wasn’t at the dorms.
"I sure wish I was sleeping in my dorm right now."
That's when you notice what the background noise was, he was at a bar.
"Jeongin, where are you?"
"At the bar, the hyungs are all drunk. We youngins are just sitting here drinking apple juice."
You imagined the scene and smiled.
"... What about Chan? Is he drunk too? ”
"That’s why I’m calling you Noona! We can’t find Chan hyung anywhere! "
"He left? Drunk?"
"Yeah, he could barely walk in a straight line..."
"Where’s the manager? Is he not taking care of you guys?" You frown with concern.
"Yes he is, but he went to help Minho hyung, it only took a few minutes but Chan hyung was gone when he came back. He isn’t answering his phone, he’s not in the bar anymore, so I was wondering if he'd run off to your house..."
You were about to deny it when a noise came from the direction of your front door.
"There's someone at the door. I'll go check. I’ll text you if it’s him."
You hung up before Jeongin could reply and ran to the front door.
Looking out through the peephole, you saw Chan trying to insert the key into the keyhole with the key that was obviously not the key to your house. He was getting impatient with repeated failures.
You open the door for him and Chan falls into your arms.
Chan squints and looks around, and then, to your surprise, starts laughing.
"Hey... Chris remembers, remembers here..." Chan smiles, showing his white teeth. "This is home..."
Then his eyes moved to you.
"Who are you?” Chan tried to get off of you. "Chir-chris has a girlfriend! Don-don’t touch me!"
The way Chan acted entertained you, he didn’t recognize you, but you weren’t at all mad. He was cute, acting all defensive. He was subconsciously protecting himself, at least this meant he wouldn't be touched by strangers.
"Fine fine, I won’t touch you."
You took your hands off of him, watching him slowly make his way towards the living room with a faint smile on your face.
You follow him to the living room, picking up your phone casually, hurrying to send a message to Jeongin before gathering your attention back on Chan.
"Who are you? Why are you in my house?" Chan said, a little irritated as he watched you follow him.
"I'm the one that should be asking you, how is this your home? This is my house, me and my boyfriends."
"You're living with your boyfriend? Lucky......I want to live with my girlfriend again..."
"Did something happen between you and your girlfriend?" You asked, wanting to hear what he’d say when drunk.
Chan's face drops, a sad expression appearing.
"My girlfriend ...... is mad at me ......."
"How did that happen?" You ask, knowing exactly why.
"I ...... didn't treat her right. I didn't ...... give her the life she wanted ...... so, so the two of us are separated now ...... she, she said it was to calm down and cool off, but, but it's-it's been over three months and...... I, I know she-she won-won't be, she won’t want me back...... anymore."
The more he spoke the smaller his voice became and by the time he said the last sentence he was close to breaking down. Covering his face, he started to cry.
You wanted to go up and soothe him, but he didn't recognize you now, and if you did, you would just be pushed away again.
So you had to try something different.
"But I think she's still in love with you."
Chan lifts his head slightly, gesturing for you to continue.
"I think your girlfriend is going to come back to you."
"How do you know that ......"
"So, what do I do then?"
"How about giving her a call? Ask her yourself? Tell her how you feel?"
Chan was quick to react, nodding and taking out his phone. He unlocked his phone, pressing down on the green icon. Three seconds later, your phone rang.
Chan was too drunk to even notice.
You picked up your phone, pressing it to your ear.
Chan froze at the sound of your voice and didn't say anything for a full five seconds.
"Hello? I'm going to hang up if you don't say anything."
"I'm on! I'm talking ......please don’t hang up Y/N......"
"Okay...I won't hang up, now tell me, what are you calling me for?"
Chan was silent for a moment, seemingly torn on what to say.
He shrank back on the sofa, his legs pressed against his chest, lips pursed, eyes filled with sadness.
"I'm sorry..."
You thought he was going to ask if you still loved him or something like that, and even had a line ready for reply. You didn't expect to get an apology.
"Why do you need to apologise? What did you do wrong?"
"I'm sorry... I’m selfish. I, I’m selfish for still loving you ......"
"I really tried, Y/N, I tried to not think about you, tried to distract myself with other things, but I couldn't do it."
"I'm too used to having you around, being my shelter and my support when I'm tired."
"I'm too used to being able to fall asleep with you in my arms when I come home, and to the meals you always leave for me."
"I'm too used to you always tolerating me and always loving me...even though I don't deserve it."
"Every time I think of how much happier you’d be without me, my heart aches like I'm suffocating. But, but I really miss you so much ......"
"I really tried ...... for four months, I didn't see you once for four months. Every time, every time I see you from a distance on the street, you don’t, you don’t know how much I wanted to rush up and take you in my arms and tell you how much I needed you, you don’t know that."
"I've been thinking a lot, about everything, about us. About what it would take to make you feel happy, about how to improve myself, to be able to give you a little, even just the tiniest bit of hope for me."
"I've thought a lot about what happened between us, remembering our every day, every moment. There hasn't been a moment in four months when I haven't thought about us."
“I do, I do love you... Maybe I'm not doing enough to convince you to believe me, but I do love you. I love more than just the dinner you make for me, I love more than just the lights you leave on for me. It's you who I love. It's just that I'm too stupid, I’m too dumb to know how to express my love for you. I was so caught up in my work, taking everything you did for me for granted, ignoring the most important thing of all, your feelings. Now I understand. I know I was wrong. ......”
"But ...... it's too late isn't it?"
Every word that came out of Chan's mouth made your heart ache.
Your phone was still pressed to your ear, but you didn't know what to say. He was only sitting across the couch from you, if you wanted to, you could rush up to him right now and hug him, tell him you love him.
Chan's eyes widened at that.
You took a deep breath.
"It's not too late."
You said as you hung up the phone.
Hearing the beeping sound of the phone being hung up, Chan looked at his phone screen with confusion. He wanted to call back again, but before he could, you spoke up.
Chan seemed to have sobered up quite a bit, and immediately sat up straight the moment he saw you, the fog in his eyes from earlier disappearing.
"Y/N, I..."
"It's not too late." You walked up to him, slowly crouching down, then you reached out to touch his face, looking deep into his eyes, as if looking through them into his soul. "I've thought a lot about us too...it was impulsive of me to bring up the breakup."
"I too am responsible for a large part of our relationship turning into what it is now."
"I shouldn't have been letting you off the hook constantly, shouldn't have put myself below you."
"Perhaps it was my over-pampering that led to what happened."
"Christopher, you say you're used to being loved by me ...... but I'm no different, I'm used to loving you."
You felt like you were just letting words come out of your mouth without any second thought, by the end, you weren’t even sure about what you were saying. Did he even comprehend anything you just said? With the way he was looking at you, with those sincere eyes, you got the message to go on.
"Maybe I should’ve loved you less, or maybe you should’ve loved me a bit more."
Chan shook his head, grabbing your hand that was cupping his face.
"No, don't love me less...and I won't just love you a bit more. I will love you much, much, much more...I’ll make up for what I owe you. I will...I will make sure to love you more than you love me."
You shook your head too in return, your fingers gently rubbing his cheek and wiping away his tears.
"I don't need you to do that, now that I know how you feel. There's only one thing I need you to do."
Chan didn't say anything, gesturing for you to continue.
"I want you to learn how to take care of yourself."
Chan couldn't help but chuckle at those words.
"I'm not joking Christopher," you frowned, a serious look on your face, "do you know how worried I was about you the day you had the fever? Do you know how anxious I was when Jeongin called me to tell me you'd fainted?"
Chan froze, clearly not knowing what you’re talking about.
That's when you realize that he didn't seem to know that you had come that day.
"The person who took care of me, the person who kissed me...the person ...... whose hand I was tugging at...that was really you?"
He asked, eyes full of disbelief. You didn't say anything, acquiescing.
Chan laughed dryly before sheepishly covering his eyes with his hand.
"I thought ...... that was a dream. I thought it was a dream because I missed you too much."
Seems like Jeongin never mentioned to him at all that you'd been there.
He didn't know you'd been there, he thought he was dreaming. That's why he didn't reach out to you the next day. That's why he never contacted you.
"If you came though...why didn't you stay?" Chan asked.
"Chan ......" You didn't quite feel like speaking up.
"Tell me, did you not want to deal with me?"
Of course not, and he knew that that wasn’t the reason. He just wanted to hear you say the real reason.
"Chan...it's not important-" "But it is, to me, it is important."
You sighed, the hand cupping his face slowly sliding down, resting on his knee.
Were you really about to tell him everything? While he was drunk?
“…...Because I was afraid." you finally spoke up, "because I was afraid that if I had stayed for just one more second I'd forget everything, forget about all the pain you've caused me, and forgive you instantly. I was afraid I'd let all the work I've done these past few months go to waste."
But even that wasn't the answer he wanted, you could tell by the gesture of him leaning closer.
"But you kissed me ......"
Chan was oddly determined when it came to things like this, when he decides to get to the bottom of something, he does.
All he wanted was proof that you still loved him, he wanted to hear those three words.
You knew what he wanted, ‘might as well just tell him.’ you thought to yourself, ‘there was nothing to gain beating around the bush at this point.’
Closing your eyes, you were silent for a moment before making up your mind.
"Because I still love you." His eyes widened slightly, not expecting you to be so blunt, "Because I love you, Chan, I love you so much. Even though it hurts and it's torturous, I still love you so much. I don't want to stop loving you, and I know I can't. I couldn't since the second I saw you."
"Y/N ......"
“To be honest, those few days, no, those few weeks just after I left you were good. I hardly even thought about you, I had no problem being on my own. But after some time, and especially after that night, when you held my hand and pleaded for me not to leave, when you unconsciously said my name, everything changed. I started to wonder how you were, if you were taking care of yourself. Did you faint again from overworking? Did you get hurt? And after you didn't contact me, I started to worry that you might have found another person. I started to question myself and wondered if I had made the right decision to leave that night. I wanted to be wrong, I wanted to hold you and tell you everything was fine when it wasn’t. Because one thing still bothered me. Did you really love me? Or were you just used to relying on me?”
Chan was impacted by your words, especially the last few, he kept shaking his head, trying to tell you through his body language that you are wrong.
“I know now that you're just a dummy. You're just a dummy who doesn't know how to love me. So we have to take it one step at a time. To love me, you have to learn to love yourself first, Chan.”
"So promise me, promise me you'll take care of yourself, okay? That's the only thing I'm asking. Be kind to yourself, don't hold yourself to such high standards. You're human, you can be tired, you can be imperfect. Before an idol, before being leader of Stray Kids, you are a living human being. So don't carry the burden by yourself, always talk to the members, talk to me. You not talking to me hurts me more. And I'm sure your members feel the same way. So, Chan ...... Don't make me worry about you anymore, can you do that for me?"
"...... Will you come back to me if I do?"
Unbelievable...you couldn’t believe him.
You've said so much, and that’s all he wants to ask about?
But you weren’t mad at him, instead, you smiled.
"How can I “come back” if I’ve never even left?"
Hearing these words, Chan couldn't help but embrace you. Harder, stronger than any other time. He didn't cry or speak, he just held you, firmly, tightly.
He smelled of alcohol, but heavier than that was the smell of himself, the smell you missed.
Time seemed to pause, even the sound of your breathing disappeared.
It took a long time, maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour before Chan finally let you go.
"There's no need to wait any longer, is there?"
You smiled and nodded.
"Yes, no more waiting."
"I love you so much..."
“I know."
Chan shifted disgruntled.
"Say it back!"
You laughed and rubbed his messy hair.
"Fine...... I love you."
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You never knew Chan could be so clingy.
It's been two weeks since the incident and Chan has moved back into your apartment.
He was acting like an unweaned baby, as soon as you left him for three minutes, he started whining and complaining. He would be your personal koala, sticking to you at home, in the studio, in the practice room, he would even follow you into the toilet if you let him.
"Didn't I say I wouldn't leave you? Do you not believe me?"
"No (naur), I just wanted to be with you..."
The other members all rolled their eyes together.
Though they all acted like they hated seeing this, they all came to thank you in private. Thanking you for being Chan's pillar of support, thanking you for making him open up to them. You were touched, seeing how they truly cared about your boyfriend.
The two of you were sitting on the couch in the living room, well, you were sitting, Chan was lying down, resting his head on your thighs.
He was talking about the new album shoot, and pinched you when he realized you weren't listening. Pulled back from your thoughts, you look down at your boyfriend whose cheeks were puffed out.
"What's wrong Channie?"
"You weren’t paying attention at all were you?"
"Sorry, was thinking about something..."
"What could be more important than your dear baby Channie?"
"Just about our fight a few weeks ago."
Chan frowned and sat up, scooching over so he was closer to you.
"Why? Don't, wasn’t a nice memory..."
He took your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours, changing topics.
"But speaking of which, I've been looking for a chance to talk to you about something, and now that I finally remembered, I have something to show you."
"Hmm? What is it?" Not knowing that he had hidden something, you look at him with curiosity.
Chan picked up the phone he’d casually tossed aside beforehand and opened the app he used to save songs with, drumming it up before pointing the screen at you.
"I said before that I wanted to make up to you in my own way, but I couldn't think of anything good to do. In the end, I chose a little bit of a cliche way..."
The words "To Y/N" were written on the screen, and there were a few unfinished songs below.
"I've been writing these for a long time, I had so many ideas but wasn’t really satisfied with any of them... I felt like there's something missing."
"Chan... All these, are they all written for me?"
Chan nodded, blushing.
"But none of these are finished... we hadn't made up when I started writing them, and every time I wanted to continue I would think of the fight, and ...... I know this sounds like an excuse but, since we've made up, I didn’t really want to remind myself of how that felt."
Yep, he was still a fool.
"You didn’t have to do this Channie, you’ve already made up by-"
Chan shook his head, interrupting you.
"No, I wanted to do this. Besides, I've already thought of a solution."
"What, do you want to fight with me again?" You said jokingly.
"No. No no no, never, never again... I was thinking about finishing these songs with you."
"With me? But I don't know anything about writing songs ......"
You scratch the back of your head. You didn’t even know simple melodies, not to mention writing and arranging songs.
"I believe you, you are the woman chosen by I, CB97 of 3RACHA." Chan folded his arms and said righteously.
"...So what if we finish the songs, then what?"
Although it was nice to just keep them as a memory between the two of you, based on his expression you could tell that he had something else planned.
Chan smiled, his eyes curving into a crescent moon.
"They’re gonna be made public, both the songs, and our relationship."
You were more than happy to oblige.
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inniedream · 3 years
oh my god i’m obsesseddd with all the headcanon ideas you have!! fr if i could request all of them i would. but for now can i request the one about them having a nightmare about you? it’s such a unique idea and i’m a sucker for angst LMAO
𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦
♩ g/n reader, angst I guess, lots of crying, but then some of them are just fluff?? hurt and comfort, mentions of blood (in a dream) and dying (also in a dream), sickness (cancer in particular, ofc, also also in a dream), and pining?
♩♩ word count: 3.6k (yeah ik i got carried away)
♩♩♩ A/N: all the ones i put on the list are ones i really wanna do and tbh i make you guys choose so i don't have to myself hhhh ANYWAYS yes, a fellow sucker for angst (~ ̄▽ ̄)~(this was wayyyy longer than I expected, so some of these r kind of bad asfheudshc ran out of ideas for nightmares) wip list here
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Chan: (He's your husband)
After a long day in the studio, Chan drags himself back to your shared apartment.
There was no one to be seen, not even the lights were on, which was odd.
Were you not back yet? No, it was almost three o 'clock. How could you not be back yet?
Were you in the shower? Or were you already asleep?
Puzzled, Chan headed for the bedroom.
That was when he found a pool of blood on the floor.
He felt his heart stop beating as he rushed into the bedroom.
No, no, no, you were nowhere to be found.
The blood on the floor looked like it has been dragged all the way to the bathroom.
He slowly walked towards the bathroom.
The door was ajar and the lights were on.
Shaking, Chan reached out and pushed open the bathroom door.
He saw you on the ground, lifeless.
"Y/n? y/n... Don't scare me baby......"
Chan gently picked you up, but you were as light as a feather.
Chan put his ear to your chest and held his breath.
There was no heartbeat.
"No...don't... this is not true...... Y/n! Y/N!!!!!"
"Chan? Baby, what's wrong? Channie baby wake up..."
You shook his shoulders, trying to wake him up.
It was four in the morning, you were woken up, frightened by your husband's uneven breathing.
You thought something has gone wrong. As you turn around, you see that his eyes were shut was sweating pretty bad.
It wasn't health-related, thank god. Clearly he had a nightmare.
He was calling your name, which meant something probably happened to you.
Chan opened his eyes suddenly, turning his head to look at you, quickly scanning you up and down.
"You...you're okay? You were, you were covered in blood, you weren't breathing, or, or moving, and your heart wasn't even-"
"Channie, Channie honey, it was just a dream."
Chan's heart was still beating fast, though he was relieved to see that you were all right.
Finally realizing what was happening, he began to feel embarrassed.
"I told you not to watch horror movies before bed didn't I?"
He covered his face with red ears and dared not look at you.
He was reluctant to admit that he had nightmares just from watching a horror movie.
You sighed, gently patting his back.
"All right, all right, come on, let me be the big spoon tonight."
Minho: (He's your boyfriend)
He was eliminated. He couldn't debut with his brothers anymore.
He couldn't fulfill his dream.
He couldn't dance on the stage.
You're gonna be disappointed in him.
He reached out, trying to grab you.
But you took a step back.
"I've always believed in you..."
"I thought you could do it."
"Lee Minho, I'm disappointed in you."
Your eyes were cold and devoid of emotion.
You weren't like you at all.
He knew you wouldn't talk like that, you wouldn't give up on him, you wouldn't.
You were the one who held him, you were the one who gave him hope, you were the one who believed in him more than anyone in the whole world.
This wasn't what happened, and he knew.
But his heart still hurt when he saw your face, when he heard you saying "I'm disappointed in you."
"Don't... Don't lose hope in me......"
"It's too late, Minho."
You turn around, and it seemed like you were going somewhere he couldn't reach.
Waking from his dream, Minho sweated.
It was a dream. Of course it was a dream.
He sighed, feeling the other side of the bed.
You weren't there.
"Yes baby? What's the matter? Why did you shout so loud?"
He was about to start questioning everything when you opened the door.
With a spatula in your hand, it was obvious that you came rushing from the kitchen.
"I'm fine...just wanted to call you."
You looked at him, frowned, and walked over.
"Baby, you're sweating a lot...and are those tears? Where you crying?"
That's when Minho noticed tears running from the corners of his eyes.
You leaned over and touch his cheek, still worried.
"I...it's nothing really, just a bad dream."
Not wanting to see you worried, he took your wrist and told you the truth.
"Aww baby...that's okay. I'm here for you no matter what."
Yeah, that was what you said to him.
"Go wash your face. Dinner will be served soon."
Changbin: (He's your boyfriend)
"I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I don't think my life is complete without you... Baby, will you marry me?"
Changbin got down on one knee and looked at you with the tenderest eyes, the ring he held in his hand shining.
You covered your mouth.
The corners of his mouth rise, waiting for your reply.
"Changbin, I thought we were just messing around......"
That was not the answer he had expected.
"Y... Y/N?"
"I'm sorry... I can't marry you......"
His heart seemed to have stopped beating.
Then he opened his eyes.
Sweating profusely, he gasped for air.
You weren't there.
Where were you? Was that a dream? Or was that...
Changbin felt in his pocket. The ring was still there, contained in its velvet box.
"Baby? Are you there?"
You came out of the bathroom as you turned off the lights, wiping your hair with a towel.
"What's the matter Binnie? Why are you awake? Are you hungry?"
He was slightly relieved to hear that.
So it was really just a bad dream.
"Baby, can I ask you something?"
You stood still, carefully watching his facial expression. He wasn't acting like himself.
You walked over and sat down next to him, putting the towel aside as you held his hand.
"Sure, what did you want to ask?"
Changbin closed his eyes and took a deep breath before looking up, into your eyes.
"We're not just...messing around, are we? I mean, this relationship, we're serious right? We're not just-"
"Of course not Binnie, what makes you think that? Has anything happened?"
You cut him off before he could finish his sentence, not wanting to hear the rest of it.
Changbin took your hand and placed it over his heart.
Now he was completely relieved.
"What if, what if I said I wanted to be with you forever?"
Your eyes are wide open.
"Changbin, are you......"
Changbin got out of bed, kneeling in front of you and pulled out the velvet ring box he's been carrying for over a month from his pocket.
"I was going to ask you in a more formal setting, but I've been...scared. In case you weren't ready, in case you'd refuse me."
"But I love you so much that I want you to be mine now."
"Y/N, my love, will you marry me?"
No flowers, no party, no beautiful night sky or anything like that. There was nothing but the two of you.
Only him and his heart full of love for you.
Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Of course Binnie, I'd love to."
Hyunjin: (He has a crush on you)
He liked you. He liked you so much he was going crazy.
From the moment he saw you, the feelings began to germinate.
In the time spent with you, the feelings called "love" only increased exponentially, and now it has reached the point of no return.
But you were always like a puzzle that couldn't be solved.
How did you really see him?
In your eyes, was he a brother? A friend? Or, slightly more......
Today, he finally found the courage to talk to you, to make things clear.
But you refused him.
"I'm sorry...Jinnie, I don't think that way about you......"
Your cold eyes, not a ripple in your eyes... everything about you seemed to be getting farther and farther away from him.
Darkness enveloped him, as if he was the only one left in the world.
Immediately afterward, he woke up.
It was thundering.
Hyunjin clutched his legs to his chest.
It was a dream, it was just a dream.
Thank god, it was just a dream.
But...he couldn't bear it anymore.
He wanted to know, he wanted to know what you feel right now.
It was pouring rain outside, but he didn't care anymore.
At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, he knocked on your front door.
You were for sure surprised to see Hyunjin, who was soaked.
You tried to say something, but he didn't give you time to say anything.
"I can't stand it anymore, y/n, I can't stand seeing you so close to Chan hyung and Changbin hyung."
"I can't stand to see you always giving attention to Jisung and Felix."
"Why can't you just look at me? What's not good enough about me?"
Jinnie, Jinnie, Jinnie .....that name again.
Every time you'd call him that, his heart felt like it was going to explode.
Why could you have so much influence on him? Why does he feel like he's already lost when all you did was say his name?
"I like you! Don't you get it? Just how obvious do I have to be for you to......"
He started crying, not giving you any chance to reply to him at all.
"You, like me?"
After realizing what he had said and done, Hyunjin began regretting.
He just said it, and now he was going to be rejected by you, just like in his dream.
You were going to disappear again.
Then, he heard you laugh. You actually laughed.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
See, he knew you were...wait, what did you say?
"If you like me, why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"What did you say?"
"You come over at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night while it's raining just to tell me this? Hwang Hyunjin, are you stupid?"
Hyunjin blinked innocently, not expecting the answer he got.
Hyunjin looked like a mess, tears still in his eyes, there was even snot running out of his nose. He gasps for air since he ran here, hair wet, a few strands in his mouth. He just woke up so his hair was messy, eyes puffed, with no makeup on.
Right now he was probably the ugliest you've ever seen him look, but even then he was still the prettiest person in the world.
“Yes,Hwang pabo, I like you, been liking you since day one.”
Jisung: (He's your boyfriend)
Jisung was having a relationship crisis.
You were saying "I love you" less, you didn't hug him as often, you weren't complimenting him anymore...something was wrong.
He was afraid to ask, too scared to know the truth.
But he still wanted to know what he did wrong, why were you being less affectionate?
But every time he'd ask you, "am I doing something wrong lately?" Your answer was always "no".
He tried looking back at his recent actions, but still couldn't find any clues.
After days and days of thinking, he could think of only one answer.
You must not love him anymore.
After getting this answer, Jisung found himself laying on his side on the couch, sobbing silently.
Unknowingly, he fell asleep.
Half an hour later, you came home, took off your shoes and jacket, and were going to turn on the lights, but found Jisung sleeping on the couch.
Moreover, he was whimpering.
A little worried, you came to his side and shook him gently.
"Please....don't leave me......"
He was sobbing.
You wonder what you did in his dream to make him cry like this.
"Sungie baby....wake up......"
Feeling someone shaking him, Jisung slowly opened his eyes, tears slipping from his eyes.
Jisung immediately sat up, his pupils trembling slightly as he choked out a cry.
"I'm here, I'm here Sungie."
Your hand rests on his knees as you looked at him worriedly.
"I will, I will do better, so...so, don't leave me ...... keep loving me, please......"
You were confused.
"Sungie, that was just a dream, I'm not leaving you..."
"Then why are you!" He shouted at you, quieting down a bit after realizing how loud he was being, "then why are you......not affectionate towards me anymore? Why, why did you stop saying I love you to me? Why-why don't you hug me anymore? Why don't you give me morning kisses anymore? Is it, is it not because......"
Remembering what you said in his dream, he bit his lower lip.
"Isn't it because, you don't love me anymore?"
Seeing him like this, your heart ached, reaching out to cup his face, you began to regret your actions recently.
"No, no baby, my love...... It's not that I don't love you anymore, I... this is going to sound really dumb because I now realize how wrong I was......but believe me, it's not that I don't love you anymore. I, I just...I didn't want to seem too clingy....too needy......."
Jisung cries as he listened to your explanation, shaking his head frantically at the end.
"You're not too clingy, never, I am. I'm the one that's clingy, and needy, and I, I need your "I love you "s, I need your morning kisses and daily praises, I need it, so please....don't stop."
"I'm sorry Sungie, for making you feel this way...... I'm sorry ......"
"So you still love me, right?"
You couldn't help but kiss him.
"Of course, I love you."
"Say it again."
"I love you."
"Han Jisung, I love you."
Felix: (He's your boyfriend)
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to watch sad movies before he went to bed.
Because now he was dreaming about you dying of cancer.
It was clear from the beginning that it was just a dream, but it still seemed too real.
Watching you, lying on the hospital bed, so fragile you could break with just one touch. Him, standing helplessly by your side, unable to do anything but cry.
You repeated the words "I'm sorry" in his ear, telling him not to be upset, even after your death.
The scene shifted and he was standing in front of your grave.
In his hand, he was holding your favorite bouquet of flowers, he stood there silently.
He couldn't do anything.
Facing death, he couldn't do anything.
This feeling of powerlessness drove him crazy.
When the dream finally ended, he jumped out of bed immediately, needing comfort.
He found you in the living room, still watching TV.
You looked up, a little confused to see his sad expression.
"Lixie? What's the matter?"
He came to you and sat on top of you, his legs bent on each side of your body, his arms wrapped around you, his head resting on your shoulders.
"Had a nightmare, you...you got really sick and died...I, I couldn't do anything about it."
You couldn't help but laugh at that, though you still hugged him back, patting his back gently.
"Don't worry, it won't happen, I'm still young and healthy."
"I know...but it's not just sickness, I'm just so afraid, and just...the thought of being separated from you one day scares me so much ......"
You pulled away so he was looking straight at you.
"You won't ever be happy if that's the only thing you think about, yeah? Don't be afraid, we still have plenty of time."
You pick up his hand and place it on your cheek.
"Look, I'm still here, healthy and happy. So don't be sad, it would break my heart to see you sad."
He blushes, then nods.
"Well......maybe it's just because of the movie we watched earlier, I should be fine if you give me another hug."
After saying that, he started to burrow into your arms again.
"I guess Lixie is still just a big baby huh..." you said, gently scratching his scalp.
"Then you should give your big baby a kiss."
Seungmin: (He's your fiance)
You ran away.
You ran from your wedding, during the most important part. During the vows.
Seungmin stood alone, the priest and those who came to the wedding stayed silent, unable to believe what was happening before their eyes.
You actually ran away.
"No, I can't marry you, I'm still... I'm not ready."
That was the reason you gave him.
He wanted to go after you, to take a step, but he couldn't move.
He wanted to shout out, to tell you not to leave.
But he couldn't do anything but stand still.
He never wanted to thank god more when he finally woke up.
You were still sleeping peacefully beside him, like an angel, as if all the evil in the world had nothing to do with you.
But, now that he thought about it, of course it was just a dream.
You would never do such a thing, never.
He chuckled at himself, gently rubbing the back of his neck.
Gosh, why would he dream of such a thing? You were the one who proposed to him.
Of course, that's not to say that he would either. He would never.
Seungmin lied down sideways, propping his upper body on his elbow, quietly watching you.
Tomorrow is the day.
From tomorrow on, you will be his and his alone.
Gently picking up your left hand, he kisses the ring on your ring finger.
"Hmmh...? Seungmin, what's wrong?"
He seems to have accidentally woken you up.
"It's nothing......just a little excited."
There was no need to tell you about the stupid dream.
He heard you laugh, softly.
Turning around, you face him, squinting slightly.
"Is my puppy excited? How cute..."
He frowned at the nickname.
"You should stop calling me that..."
"We're gonna be married, how weird is it to call your husband "puppy"......"
In reality, he didn't mind it a bit, it was just that he wanted to hear you call him other things too, like "jagi" or "yeobo".
"That's not happening, you'll be my cute little puppy forever."
You pressed the back of his head towards you, your foreheads touching.
"Go to sleep puppy, I don't want my dear yeobo to have dark circles under his eyes at our wedding."
He smiled happily and took you to sleep in his arms.
This time, it was a sweet dream.
Jeongin: (He has a crush on you)
"Yang Jeongin likes Y/N" seems to be the secret everyone knows except Yang Jeongin and Y/N.
You only had to know Jeongin for more than three minutes to know that.
After all, he just couldn't seem to stop talking about you.
"Y/N hyung/noona is so beautiful today."
"Y/N hyung/noona smiled at me!"
"If only I could talk to Y/N hyung/noona..."
Everyone was encouraging him to confess.
But each time he would say something like " stop teasing! I don't even like them!" to refuse.
Everyone would roll their eyes because his ears were turning tomato red as he said it.
Just when people started to give up, an unexpected helper appeared..
"Jeongin-ah, I found a boyfriend!"
Waking up screaming, Jeongin almost jumped out of bed.
It was a dream! It was just a dream!!!!!
But, but he didn't know if you actually have a boyfriend or not.
What would he do......if you did?
No, he doesn't even like you! It's none of his business whether you have a boyfriend or not!
It shouldn't...
But why did his heart hurt so much?
Did he really......
He checked his phone. It was 2:30 in the morning.
He knew your habits. You've always been a late sleeper, and never went to bed before three o 'clock.
So, if he texted...no, he couldn't do this over text... if he called you now, you would probably pick up.
Should he? Or should he not?
If he did, what would he even say?
"Hi Y/N Hyung/Noona do you have a boyfriend?"
No, no, no, that's weird. Who calls in the middle of the night to ask that?
If he doesn't, he might go crazy.
'Stop stressing and just call them!' his inner self yelled.
And before he knew it, he was calling you.
His hands were shaking, no, his whole body was shaking.
It only rang twice before you picked it up.
"Hello? Jeongin-ah, why are you up so late?"
"Y/N hyung/noona!"
"Huh? What's wrong?"
"I!!! I...I, I!"
(Takes a deep breath) "I like you!"
"Yang Jeongin, are you drunk? Or is this some kind of bet?"
Jeongin was anxious as he shook his head vigorously, even though he was on the phone and you couldn't see him.
"No! I, I really like you! Since...from...from a really long time ago!!"
He heard you sigh at the other end, and his heart sank.
You didn't like him back. Of course you didn't like him back...
But the next words froze him.
"This better not be a bet, or you're going to have a hard time tomorrow."
"Huh? What......do you mean?"
"This means Yang Jeongin, that I like you too, and have also liked you since a long time ago."
You hung up, and for a whole 10 minutes Jeongin thought that this was just another dream.
He slapped himself, feeling the pain on his cheeks.
This was no dream...you really did like him back......
Resisting the urge to rush to your door right now, he laid back down.
He tried to calm down but nothing worked. How could he when you basically just told him that you liked him too?
Shyly covering his face with the blankets, he started kicking around.
For the rest of the night he just tossed and turned in bed, waiting for the sun to rise so he could see you again in person.
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inniedream · 3 years
12 Gifts of Christmas Masterlist
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Happy Holidays! Here's the masterlist for the season prompt! I hope you guys enjoy reading them 💗 I do have to say sorry for the people who requested that it may not reach your expectations 🙇🏽‍♀️ I tried my best, so I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Anyways, it's the holidays so everyone deserves a break! It's time you treat youselves with delicious treats and drinks! Maybe buy yourself some things you wished of buying then? It's a break, and you deserve to spoil yourself! 💗
© December 2021, strwbrryblues. All rights reserved.
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Written song [Lee Felix x Reader]
Oil painting [Hwang Hyunjin x Reader]
Necklace [Han Jisung x Reader]
Poem [Yang Jeongin x Reader]
Baked goodies [Seo Changbin x Reader]
Concert tickets [Kim Seungmin x Reader]
Stolen kisses [Lee Minho x Reader]
A dance [Kim Seungmin x Reader]
Candid photos from dates [Seo Changbin x Reader]
Handmade matching bracelets [Lee Felix x Reader]
A fancy dinner [Lee Minho x Reader]
Proposal [Bang Chan x Reader]
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inniedream · 3 years
𝗔 𝗦𝗢𝗙𝗧 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 a soft morning
lee minho x gn!reader ; fluff, no warnings but very short
hope you enjoy my first writing
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the blankets wrapped you and your boyfriend warmly, protecting you from the cold winter morning.
finding warmth in him, you snuggled closer to minho’s chest, who happily sighed while holding you closer. mornings like this were common, however they always felt like a dream.
you felt minho’s hand finding your hair, his fingers rubbing circles and playing with your messy strands of hair. you nuzzled into his chest while lightly kissing it, he chuckles softly, loving the sensation of having the love of his life all cuddly and snuggly with him.
“good morning, baby” he whispers, you look up to him and see him smiling brightly at you, you giggle for no other reason than to being in love with him.
“morning, min” you peck his nose softly, and he pecks yours back almost immediately.
your intentions were to start the day, but you both knew you were going to stay cuddling in bed for at least two more hours. but to be honest, you were not complaining at all.
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inniedream · 3 years
pretty pretty
*minho as your boyfriend*
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requested by anonnie:
WRITE ONE FOR SOFT AND FLUFFY LEE KNOW PLSS lots of cuddles and kisses and sweet talk like pure fluff that makes u get butterflies heheh
rated PG
warnings: slightly suggestive ig? he stands between reader's legs, but only in a fluffy way
word count: 0.40k
a/n: I hope this is what you were looking for, my lovely anonnie >//< <3
You felt like a little kid waddling into the kitchen with Minho’s sweater on. It was practically a dress on you, and it swallowed up your hands in its giant sleeves. You were feeling particularly cute and clingy this morning, and you stood patiently at the entrance of the kitchen, waiting for your boyfriend to notice you.
He was as beautiful as ever, even while bustling about with his spatula, making pancakes for breakfast.
He noticed your presence fairly quickly, glancing up at you with a smile.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
He walked to you as the batter sizzled in the hot pan, settling his hands on your hips and dropping a kiss on your lips.
“You look pretty today,” he whispered, nuzzling against your neck. The tiny, playful nibble he left there elicited a giggle from you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“It’s only your sweater,” you protested.
“Yeah,” he whispered, holding you close, “but you still look pretty. As always.”
He patted your bum, whispering, “Up, darling.”
So you hopped, wrapping your legs around his waist, and he carried you to the counter, sitting you there as carefully as though you were made from china.
“I love you,” you whispered, pecking his mouth softly over and over again.
A contented sigh slipped from between his lips as you kissed him, and his hands massaged softly at your bare thighs. “I love you, too.” Then, with a playful lick on the tip of your nose, he pushed out from between your legs. “Let me flip the pancakes, love.”
You nodded, even as your nose wrinkled with teasing disgust and your hand rose to wipe away the lick he’d left.
Happily kicking your feet, you simply watched as Minho hummed, turning pancakes and looking for maple syrup.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he teased, one brow lifting as he strode back towards you.
You hummed contentedly, feeling complete now that he was in your arms again.  “Nothing.” You buried your face in his shoulder, sniffing deeply of his warm, clean scent, mixed with the delicious aroma of pancakes. “You’re just pretty, that’s all.”
Minho chuckled, the deep sound rumbling pleasantly in his chest. His hands rubbed soothing circles on your back as he softly left a trail of kisses from your ear to your forehead. “You’re prettier, angel.”
{{{[[(never say goodbye, 너와 난 하나니까)]]}}}
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taglist: @oifelixcmerebrou @0x1lovebot @taecup-ontrack @grassbutneo @odxrilove @cherrycxree @staysflower @meraniki @sweetrainwrites @en-core-z @fight-me-m8 @enheun @crispy-chan @jeyelleohe @tenderfrailty @thevampywolf @super-btstrash-post @kimnamshiks @houseofincantations @ficscafe @straykidsland @gongiz
taglist is open!
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inniedream · 3 years
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— first snow —
p — minho x gn!reader ; g — fluff ; wc — 1.7k ; tw — mentions of getting naked, use of insults affectionately, no pronouns are used but reader is referred as the cats' mom once
a/n — this is self-indulgent af bc i looooove snow and i did the same thing reader does here but alone akdjsn also, I had to stop writing midway and take a break bc i got sad and lonely kqifhei at some point i even cried but this isnt that good or emotional or wtv
summary — “you know that saying that when two lovers spend the first snow together their love will last forever?”. reader just wants to go out into the snow. minho doesn't. but they go anyway.
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The now cold wet patch of drool you formed on your boyfriend’s sweater woke you up when you unintentionally moved your head, your cheek accidentally resting on it. Scrunching your nose at the uncomfortable feeling, you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands as you sat up on the couch, the red blanket falling on the floor in the process and Minho’s arm, that was holding you just moments ago, slid down your back slowly. 
The only source of light in your living room were the Christmas lights that, thanks to the cats, were hanging randomly and messily around the Christmas tree, which already lacked half of the ornaments for the exact same reason. It took a while for your eyes to adapt to the light, as faint as it was, leaving you blinking as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend.
“Why do you all have to sleep with him? You guys know I’m your mom, right?”, you mumbled quietly at the three cats sleeping on top of Minho, unable to keep a smile from creeping in at the endearing sight, “But I guess I’d choose him over me as well.” you chuckle before placing soft kisses on the top of each cat’s head, stopping yourself next to your boyfriend’s face. His brows would furrow from time to time, and he’d mumble some gibberish you did not understand. You noticed how long his hair has gotten, some strands falling right under his eyebrows and covering his forehead completely. You took some of those strands to the side with the tip of your fingers, leaving your thumb resting right between his brows where his skin wrinkled, and you felt his expressions soften under your touch. You kept his hair out of your way as you kissed his forehead first, the tip of his nose second and his cheek for last, not wanting to aim for his lips without him being aware of it.
You picked the blanket from the floor before standing up and covering Minho’s body parts that didn’t have a cat laying on them, laughing because only his arms and the top half of his chest were actually coverable. 
Leaving the living room tip-toeing to not wake him up, you are followed by Dori into the kitchen who sits right in front of the lowest drawer, the one where you kept their food. “I’m your favourite now that I’m next to the treats’ jar, huh?”, you receive a loud meow in return as you give the gray striped cat three small cat-biscuits. Whether it was Dori’s meow or the sound of the jar opening you didn’t know, but soon after you had two yellow cats bumping their heads on your legs and a grumpy Minho leaning against the doorframe, complaining about being left alone and cold on the couch. 
His eyes were barely open when he sat down on the chair closest to the window, “Jagiya, what you doing?”, his voice was still groggy and lower than usual. 
“Tea, you want some too?”, you turn around right after turning the electric kettle on, just to see Minho nod as he yawns and stretches his arms out. “We slept a lot today,” you chuckled looking at the ticking clock on the wall, “it’s already past dinner time, should we go get something to eat?”, you ask, crouching down to pet a very needy Doongie.
“I don’t know, yn, maybe we should stay in,” Minho pushed the curtain a bit to the side as he looked outside the window, “it’s snowing a lot right now.”, he says nonchalantly, earning a loud squeal from you as you jumped up and ran to the window to see it for yourself, Doongie running to the opposite side, scared of what has gotten into you.
“It is really snowing!”, you squealed once more and Minho’s eyes instantly diverted from the view you were so much adoring to you, bent over the window sill to get a better look at the snowflakes that slowly fell from the dark sky into the already formed carpet of snow on the floor.
“Come here.” He stretched his arm out, his hand getting a hold of your wrist to pull you onto his lap, your body easily complied, almost floating to his as if you were magnets of opposite poles. His arms naturally wrapped around your waist, his head rested on your shoulder, and if it weren’t for the boiling water he could’ve fallen asleep again right there. But you didn’t move either, the kettle long forgotten by you.
“We should go outside.” You say all of a sudden, looking into Minho’s dark eyes waiting for a reaction. But he just frowned.
“What? Why?”
“It’s the first snow!” You say it as if it is the most obvious reason in the world, but it wasn’t for your boyfriend apparently.
“I still don’t understand the connection.” He chuckled, leaning back against the chair.
“You know that saying that when two lovers spend the first snow together their love will last forever?”, you once again waited for a reaction, but you knew him, and he was too sceptical about all these sayings, so he just raised an eyebrow at you in response, “Come on! This is perfect! Not only is this the first snow of the winter but also our first snow together! We should really go outside and make this,” you pointed at both of you, “last.”
Minho wasn’t able to keep it in any longer, and as much as he wanted to take you seriously, the whole situation was too amusing to him so he bursted into laughter, while you just stared at him with crossed arms and a pout, “I’m serious, Minho.”
“Oh,” he stops laughing and his face drops, “you are serious. You never call me Minho.”, he feigns sadness, as he too begins to pout now, one of his many tricks for you to fall into his good graces again. “Can’t we just watch it from here? Where it’s warm? Doesn’t it work like this? We’re together. It's the first snow. And we’re looking at it. Shouldn’t this work?”
“Well, you’re a skeptic so I’m afraid it will only work if it snows into your face.”
“We could open the window...”
“No, we have to go outside, please! It will be so much fun I promise! Don’t you wanna jump into the fluffiness of the snow? While it’s still fresh?”, your eyes grow bigger along with your enthusiasm at the possibility of going outside.
“No, I really don’t. But if you want it that much I guess we can go, but just for a little!”, your whole face lights up like fireworks and you squeeze your boyfriend’s cheeks together before kissing him about a hundred times, mumbling thank you’s in between. “But tonight we’ll sleep naked.” Minho retorted as soon as you stopped your kissing spree. 
“With underwear.” You tried to negotiate, already standing up and walking to the door. 
“Sure, whatever, we’ll see.”
You put on your boots, beanie and coat way faster than Minho, running out the door while he still had one boot in hand, laughing at how messily you squeezed your pajama pants into the white boots. 
The freezing air hits your face as soon as you step outside and you shiver excessively from the contrast of your warm skin. Pulling the zipper further up, you step out of the porch and into the white snow, giggling at the satisfying feeling of stepping on cold crunchy cotton candy. You stood there for a while, looking up with the palms of your hands out to feel the snowflakes melt on your skin, having to close your eyes in the process. 
Not long after you feel a warm and soft fabric being placed around your neck and slightly covering your chin, “You dummy forgot this.” You hear Minho say behind you. 
As you open your eyes and turn to face him you feel your heart flutter like after the first time you two kissed, and you like to believe that it was the power of the first snow perpetuating your love for each other. Or maybe it was just because of how cute he looked wrapped in his pale green scarf and beanie, the tip of his nose already red from the cold. 
“Your nose looks cold.”, you giggled, approaching him with the intention of kissing it. However, as soon as your hands touched his cheeks he flinched, pulling away from you frowning.
“Jagiya! Your hands are freezing!”, he looked at you with furrowed brows, proceeding to take his own gloves off, “You know you have like three pairs of these as well, don’t you?” He just kept scolding you for forgetting your gloves as he put his on your hands instead. You wanted to protest, saying that he’d be cold now, but you didn’t dare. It wasn’t worth it, not with him. He’d just say he’d keep his in his pockets, you were the careless one who’d want to play with the snow anyway. So, you just accepted his kind offer, like you always did.
“Can I kiss you now?”, you held his hands in your now covered ones, putting them inside the pockets of your coat instead of his.
“You should. I’ll freeze to death because of you.” He tried to sound annoyed, even rolled his eyes at you, but the way his lips smiled said otherwise, and you just laughed at him as you held his cheeks before kissing the cold tip of his nose, earning a very quiet giggle in return.
You stayed there with your hands on his cheeks and your foreheads pressed together for a little, your breaths warming each other’s faces as the snowflakes kept falling and hanging on the fabric of your clothes.
“If we try to pull away and our foreheads stay glued, does it mean this first snow thing worked?” Minho broke the silence and you broke into laughter, pulling away to look at the grin on his face, slowly breaking into laughter as well. 
“Guess it didn’t work then.” You say as your laughter dies down and he brings you closer to him again, his hands still inside your pockets, “But I do love you, as weird and annoying as you are.” 
His cheeks start to turn red, and you know it’s not because of the cold this time, but still decide to leave the teasing for later, not wanting to ruin the moment as he pressed his lips against yours.
“As stupid as you are, I love you too.”
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·˚ ༘ taglist — @hwajin @treasure-hwa @bobateastay @su-lix @serialee @leihey
: ̗̀➛ fill this form to be added to the taglist. send an ask/dm if you want to be removed ♡
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inniedream · 3 years
ˏˋ. 𝘀𝗸𝘇 - 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽 [𝗹𝗲𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗵𝗼]
genre: fluff ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ warnings: none
author’s note: i know this series is coming out a little slow but i’d rather wait until i’m feeling like writing rather than bs-ing it?? also i’m still gonna be writing a few things in between so feel free to still send asks or requests. thank you <3
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one. y’all know how he’s a tsundere n shit, yeah he’s gonna annoy the fuck outta you, especially when it comes to skinship. he’ll be all lovey dovey in private but if a member walks in, he’ll push you into a wall and walk away, pretending that nothing just happened. he just wants to protect his tsundere image so the members won’t tease him. but if you both were cuddling on the couch and another member walks in, if you trap him inside while he’s trying to run away, he’ll be so flustered, not knowing how to play it off. he’ll come up with a dumb excuse like, “ugh, you see how needy they are? totally annoying, right?” but HE’S the one who asked for cuddles in the first place. so he’s either super tsundere or shameless as fuck. someone walks in while he’s smooching your face? doesn’t bother him the slightest. would plop over your body while everyone’s whining and cringing out loud over him being all cute with you.
[rest under cut]
two. the humor will be off the roof. needs you to be witty with him or at least take a few jokes. inside jokes omg, you both would just say one out of nowhere and the members are like ???? making fun of each other and the members 24/7. sassiest couple agenda fr. constantly roasting each other but will never go too far to the point of hurting each other’s feelings. and if either of you do hurt each other’s feelings, you both would apologize so quick. cue minho being clingy with you with small aegyo here and there bc he’s annoying like that. the type of take photos of something dumb you did and show everyone how stupid of a partner you are, we love a supportive boyfriend <3
three. the type to drag you to random dates without planning anything. it’s usually small dates like going for a late night snack or taking you to an arcade. he doesn’t even notify you, too, especially when he’s confident you don’t have anything on your schedule at the moment. would just show up at your house to pick you up for a soccer match with han and felix or some shit. sometimes, he’ll make up a really stupid story just to get you to go somewhere with him for ‘dramatic effect’ or something. “the little angels said i was chosen to become a god and i need someone to escort me there so therefore i choose you, now let’s go skating.” if you’re busy though, he’ll wine for a few minutes before agreeing to calm his ass down if you promised kisses later.
four. man, he can be so romantic from time to time. hates to admit it though and does it impulsively, but he’ll buy your favorite candies or maybe a single rose, if you’re into that kind of stuff, on the way home. and when you tease him about it, he’ll either take back the gifts (of course, he’ll give it back) or pretend to be oblivious about it, saying that he did nothing and you’re just crazy now that you’re getting old. at the end of the day, he just wants to show you how much he cares, since he’s not the best with expressing himself in words. would imitate a cheesy scene with you from a movie you’re both watching just to cringe at it, but also secretly adore how cute you are. would buy you so many gifts on his tours because “they simply remind me of you so stop teasing me about it or i’m giving it to han.”
five. lee know will drag you to his dance practice sessions, forcing you to dance along with him. strict mentor mode but tries to throw a few jokes and praises in so you won’t feel too intimidated. don’t get me started on the praises omg. he normally doesn’t do it often in a day to day basis but he always compliments you whenever you’re dancing with him. it can be the smallest thing ever and he’ll be like “look at you, babe, you did so well!” jehds please compliment him too. he loves to show off to you but won’t ever admit it and if you do praise him, it’s gonna stay in his mind forever. wants to do well for you, that includes teaching you well and preforming well for your entertainment. you’re probably the reason why he shines much more now when preforming on stage.
six. a big fucking flirt, bye. would lead you on SO MUCH. you getting all flustered and shy is his main goal, stroking his ego n shit. loves knowing he has that much power over you. pulling you close by the waist, his lips just barely touching yours but he’d smirk and pull away. would lift your chin to make eye contact and be like “why don’t you be a good girl/boy and _____” pinning you against a wall or stroking you on any sensitive area he knows (neck, thigh, etc). gosh he’s such a big tease it hurts. if you do it back to him, he’ll probably just smirk and laugh it off at how adorable you are trying to do what he does best. but if you catch him off guard, damn, he wouldn’t even know what to say, probably just walking away, blushing like an idiot until he has a clapback.
seven. a big playfightter. would throw a book at your head and laugh at you. loves it if you join him. would still flirt with you, pinning you on the ground while giving you one of ‘those’ stares he does to seduce you but would quickly flick your forehead or some shit before running away cackling. but sometimes, he’ll let you do it to him, allowing you to slip by and pin him down while laughing at your effort. watch him end the whole play fight by wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek, turning it into a cuddle session in less than three seconds.
eight. cat dates over at his parents! you’d probably be introduced to his family and cats pretty quick? the cats will love you omg, then climbing all over you and you’re probably catching yourself buying stuff for his cats. sleepover at his parents would be kinda common for the both of you, too. waking up to cat hair all over your shirt lmao. i could also see you both volunteering a lot or just helping out animal shelters. definitely wearing matching awareness accessories or clothing! i feel like he’d also brag to stays a little but in such a casual manner.
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inniedream · 3 years
making up after an argument; kim seungmin x reader.
fluff, no warnings (maybe a few curse words)
word count- 1.7k
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inniedream · 3 years
patch up — l.mh
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prompt. #35 - sick x concerned: where there’s a lack lot of mother-henning of ficscafe’s au pairing event
pairings. lee minho x gender neutral reader
genre. fluff, neighbor!au
warnings. mentions of injuries and accidents, swearing.
word count. 1.4k
notes. happy minho day! let’s pretend that i didn’t lose track of the date and panicked when i checked the calendar. yes, i’m aware the banner is empty but it looked better without the title text.
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“Who’s gonna do my work now?!” 
Your voice startled Minho when it boomed across the room, he should’ve seen it coming. Long before you barged into his bedroom, he could already hear your heavy footsteps marching down the hallway outside his room. When you arrived at his door, you didn’t even bother knocking. You swung the door wide open, standing in the doorway with a scowl plastered on your face.
“Stupid boy,” you muttered under your breath. In the quiet of the room, it was loud enough for him to hear you.
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inniedream · 3 years
i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your lips
pairing- lee minho x reader 
genre- fluff, best friends to lovers
warnings- reader skips meals because they’re super caught up with work, so if that might be triggering, please don’t proceed further. also a single curse word :D 
word count- 1.6k
synopsis- minho doesn’t want to be friends with you anymore, and today was just the push he needed, when he sees you giving attention to another male, he finally realises he can’t keep hiding his feelings.
author’s note- that synopsis was absolute crap. very cliché, bestf likes you, gets jealous and confesses. 
this is inspired by the song “i wanna be your girlfriend” by girl in red, specifically the lyrics ‘i don’t wanna be your friend, i wanna kiss your lips; i wanna kiss you until i lose my breath.’ think i stumbled across an edit of minho on this song, which inspired this idea jdjdjdj ok bye. 
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inniedream · 3 years
Prompt #11
Back hugs
Jeongin x gn!reader
Synopsis: hugs make everybody's day better
author's note: I apologize for taking so long, I had some very eventful days and didn't have the time to post or even open tumblr that much, I know its quite short compared to my other content but I hope you guys enjoy this one 🥺
like and reblog to show support
do not copy or translate
Your day started pretty well, you woke up to your boyfriend's cute little face snuggled by your side in bed, had a shower, and got ready to go out, you were even able to have breakfast peacefully before leaving, but that didn't last long.
When you got to work things changed completely, you had the misfortune of coming across some very rude clients and had your supervisor coming for your neck because of it, not to mention you still had to attend a class that day that you were not able to focus on at all.
When you got home, Jeongin had not arrived yet, you got into the shower and tried to relax and release some tension with warm water, you slipped into your favorite comfy clothes and went to look for food and then he finally arrived.
You were busy assembling the ingredients that you didn't notice him slowly approaching you from behind, he wrapped his arms around your waist and let his head rest on the back of your neck. Now Jeongin is not the biggest fan of skinship but you know him well enough to understand what this behavior means.
"Had a bad day too?" You ask
"Yes," he murmurs barely loud enough for you to hear. You turn to him and hold his face in your hands, kissing him on the nose. He blushes like crazy and smiles at you before gently kissing you on the lips.
"Why don't you go take a shower and I will cook something for us" you suggest and he agrees. After a while, he comes back with messy hair and wearing pajamas, the cutest thing you have ever seen.
You serve him some soup and both of you sit on the couch to catch up on your favorite tv show, he snuggles with you and quickly falls asleep leaving you to admire his angelic features and you can't help but feel grateful to have him in your life.
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inniedream · 3 years
Halcyon | Lee Minho
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Halcyon (adj.): denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
Summary: This is an alternate ending to Scintilla’s finale, specifically if y/n had feelings for Minho and ended up with him instead of Chan (thus, this imagine takes place in Scintilla’s universe, a Red Queen-inspired series of mine).
[Red Queen AU] [WC: approx. 5.5k words]
Genre: Romance
A/N: I once said that I’d be writing alternate stories, endings, etc. for my series, Scintilla. Those would serve as mini-stories of sorts. A few readers from earlier on had shipped the mc with Minho (I also personally liked the complexity of their dynamics in the series). But Scintilla is a series where Chan is the endgame! So, this scenario is basically “what if y/n ended up with Minho instead?”. Some parts of the original series are included or mentioned here with adjustments and changes to accommodate this alternate path of sorts! Remember, this is not part of the original Scintilla story line and is not connected with anything that happens there! This is not the official storyline of Scintilla!
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inniedream · 3 years
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Sypnosis. In which you got into an argument with your best friend Minho and he says “let’s just move on to the kissing part.”
Warnings. Foul words ig
A/N. I wrote this when the net got lost sksks 
A Minho drabble.
     A week after the cheerleading competition you’ve been striving off for lately, your cheerleading squad and friend group decided to have a get-together. And your friend group has none other than your very best friend Lee Minho ━ the one who have been ignoring you for a while now, your last interaction was when you told him that you were set up on a blind date. He interrogated you after, asking if you are capable of a commitment, if you can settle your life now without him. He could even call your mom that time if he wants you to get busted.━ Well, you don’t even know if you can consider him as your best friend now. But that’s what friends are for, eh? There will be a dispute.
    You managed to ignore him in the start not until you saw him giggling with some girls as if he is having the best time of his life. You’re starting to get the bubbling thing in your stomach similar to what you feel when you’re watching a Japanese movie were the male lead has now a girlfriend that is attractive and somehow a bitch. You thought that the reason would be you miss talking to him, laughing with him, because of his natural joking. You guess?
   Gladly, Seungmin went to you and checked you up. He lightened up your mood by sharing the story of Jisung from the other block going onto the law department’s dorm naked after showering. Little did you know that Seungmin is now getting murdered into pieces by the person glaring at the two of you chattering lively.
   Speaking of the devil, Minho is now in front of you two, listening to your story. Once Seungmin noticed Minho (AKA his mortal enemy), he excused himself that he needs to get back to his friends.
  “So now you can obviously live without me?” Minho started boiling your blood.
  “Minho, if you just tell me what’s wrong or what did I do wrong then we can actually make our lives easier. “
  “There’s nothing wrong y/n, I swear to God.” That’s your cue to get out of this since you know that he will not say what’s bugging him, but you turned to him again hoping that he will be less annoying than he is now,
  “Then why the fuck are you acting a bitch to me now, huh? Ignoring me like I am nothing? Yet you are treating other girls as if they knew how you are outside school?” You started ranting. Feeling the rising irritation into your veins.
  “No y/n, you don’t understand how difficult is it for me to see you- to imagine you with other guys. They don’t know how you will borrow my shirts and never return them if I don’t remind you, they don’t know that you are the clingiest person ever just to show your love. “ He started moving towards you, “ And I find you annoyingly endearing for that. They will know how caring you are and how you find the simplest things amusing. I can’t seem to risk that, I can’t risk seeing you with other guy’s shirt.” As he confessed, he gazed intently into your eyes.
  You were loss for words, “Then… I will just not wear their clothes?” you joked.
  Minho sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. “No! What I’m saying is- that we- you-“He keeps stopping his words and held your waist, closing the gap between you two. Smiling teasingly,
  “Let’s just move on to the kissing part.”
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inniedream · 3 years
lee minho
* for my absolute favorites ones that you should most definitely read
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one shots & series
— showering together one shot by skzvibes
boyfriend!minho x sick!reader | comfort, fluff, established relationship
— leave the door open one shot by formidxble
sugardaddy!minho x reader | slight angst, smut, fluff ending
— 7 days one shot by yyxgin
bestfriend!minho x reader | fluff, pining, friends to lovers, college au
— and they were roommates series by etherealino *
minho x reader | fluff, angst, pining
based off of joey & rachel from friends
blurbs, drabbles & scenarios
— cuddling by thuderous
minho x reader | fluff, comfort
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