innocent-sensuality · 11 years
Roleplayer Secret Santa
Hello everyone!! I’m going to be doing a Secret Santa for Alice_mare roleplayers and OCs uwu
All of it is a roleplay thread, so don’t worry about having to draw or make anything for the other!
Great, so now that’s out of the way, here’s the details. Starting now, you have a week to sign up (by either, reblogging, liking, or messaging me your roleplay blog’s URL). Which means the deadline to join is December 13 at 5:00 PM EST. If your blog is a sideblog or you have multiple blogs, please let me know that “Hey, this is also my blog” so I don’t pair you up with yourself!
Either later the same day or tomorrow, I’ll message everybody who their Secret Santa is. Don’t reveal who you are until near the end of your thread! What you’ll do is send Anonymous asks to the person setting up the scene and your character delivering the present. Once you’ve had your fun, feel free to reveal yourself— your threads free to go wherever from there.
You have until Christmas Day to start your thread. If you don’t get an ask, please message me and I’ll ask somebody else willing to do another thread to have one for you. Be careful because Tumblr sometimes eats asks!
Anyways, I hope people are interested and join. Remember to have fun! Please message me with any questions or concerns!
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"Time for me to sleep! Good niiiight~!"
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
Fairytale M!A's
Sleeping Beauty: Muse will be in a deep sleep until kissed by (Anon Decides)
Three Little Pigs: Muse will become obsessed with home security for a week
Little Red Riding Hood: Muse will believe they are being stalked and cannot be convinced otherwise, and everyone trying to prove them wrong will be regarded with extreme suspicion
Hansel and Gretel: Muse will try to eat everything, even people
Rumpelstiltskin: Muse will barter for everything and become very good at making deals and trading
Cinderella: Muse will try to fit a random shoe onto everyone they come across
Snow White: Muse is lost in the woods
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Muse will mistake someone else's house for their own and cannot be convinced they're in the wrong house
Thumbelina: Muse will shrink to only six inches tall
Jack and the Beanstalk: Muse will grow to sixty feet high
Beauty and the Beast: Muse will become a monster for (anon decides)
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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When she wants to be, Lucasta can be quite sneaky and underhanded. But, like her being angry, this is rare.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"Are you all lost, sillyheads?" The three children! Friends of Alice! Or was it Allen, as he so adamantly declared? Oh well! Alice it was! "You! All three! Friends of Alice, yes?"
Jumping from her mushroom shaped perch, the foxgirl giggled; clothing showing off her body in sensual ways despite her obvious innocence. Plucking flower crowns ---- premade by her hands ---- from her perch, each child got one gently plopped onto their head. "For you, for you, aaaaaand for you!"
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"When will my reflection show... Who I am... Inside..."
Singing lightly, the sensually appealing blonde brushed a few balls of fuzz from a few of her tails, switching her current clothing for something lighter. Something cuter. Her entire wardrobe screamed flirty, bordering on promiscuous. But that was her style.
Noticing heels tapping, the naked female turned a blonde head, unaware at her indecencies. "Hello?"
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"Ok!" She clambered after the Queen, tails swishing happily. An ear gave a soft twitch, listening out for sounds that the human appendages could not detect. "I've been... Sleeping!" Such an eventful day. "Oh, and I went and planted new flowers~."
Nodding, she grinned at the woman. Why couldn't all of the Dream World be ruled by her? Simply put... Fuck the Red Queen.
"No, no. They’re mine." Eis let a sigh slip from her lips, doing her best to not look so tired. Goodness, even Faust acted like a child at times. Was she the only responsible one around here?
She was surrounded by children and adult-children.
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After taking the article of clothing back, Eis quickly shoved them into the bag she always carried, teeth nibbling nervously at her bottom lip. Allen put underwear on his head too, didn’t he?
"Besides finding underwear from Caterpillar knows where, what have you been doing all day, Luca?" Her eyes settled back on the girl. "Come now, let’s walk and talk." After all, she had been heading to have tea when she’d been stopped by the kitsune. Might as well bring her along.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
—▪▫✖▫▪— "You can’t just keep me here!"
"It’s not wise to leave, little liar." She intended on harming him. He was close to Alice. Too close. She liked him. He was hers. Claws sliding outward, she bared her fangs and bit his arm.
A scream of pain was revealed as the sharp points of nails raked down his skin; having clawed through a layer of muscle. A scream made her lick her lips; feeling blood on them from her bite.
After repeated slashes of claws; he lay there, dying slowly in pain and discomfort. "You won't leave me, will you? Never?"
"... Tell me...Liar."
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice you watchin' me sleep?"
"..." Caught, huh? Plastering a smile on her face, the girl giggled and wrapped thin arms around the kitten ---- strangely, instead of doing it to harm him the aura was loving.
"You just sleep so adorably~! ... I couldn't help myself~..."
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"For once you made a wise decision..." Relaxing herself, the blonde let out a childish hmph sound, crossing arms over an abundant chest; if only to turn away, tails swishing in anger as she walked.
"Go fight with someone else. I’m not in the mood." Cheshire muttered, turning on his heels, turning his back to her, and starting to walk away. Though he kept a good look over his shoulder just in case.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"... Really? I thought they were Alice's...!" Crestfallen, she giggled and smiled at her question. "Wear them on my head and tease Alice. Nothing mean~!" She handed the cute panties back to the motherly monarch, blonde hair bouncing as she skipped over. After all, the White Queen was like a mother to her!
Did she have a mother? She had motherly instincts herself... But did she have one? Who knew! Pushing those thoughts aside, the kitsune giggled as her tails swished back and forth, an innocent hum coming from the alluringly captivating looking woman.
Oh my, oh my. The motherly part of Eis desired to play along with the girl to keep her smiling… But the logical side of her knew those were hers and… well, she didn’t want to know why the other had them nor why she seemed so excited that she found what she thought were to be Allen’s underwear, but still. The logical side won.
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"Sweetheart," She started slowly, "those would be mine… I highly doubt Alice would wear that. As for why you have them, I suppose I won’t question it but my curiosity at least desires to know what you intended to do with those if they had been Alice’s?” Her arms were crossed, an eyebrow quirked upwards, a faint frown at her lips. Mama was ready to lecture if she had to.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
Yandere Sentence Memes
"Now hold still…"
"Stop screaming or I’ll use duct tape."
"They had it coming, they were too friendly with you…"
"No one will find us here."
"You’ll be mine forever."
"I’m going to kill him/her."
"I don’t like people touching my things…”
"Don’t bother to struggle…"
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice?"
"Your friends are too close with you… I don’t like it..”
"It’s for your own good."
"I won’t take no for an answer."
"Keep running, I like the chase!”
"It’d be a shame if your friend was hurt…"
"If you promise not to scream, I’ll remove the gag."
"Oops, did that hurt?"
"You can’t just keep me here!"
"I’m calling the police!"
"Stop threatening anyone I talk to!"
"You’re hurting me!"
"W-what are you doing?"
"Stay away from me!"
"You’re being so clingy, it’s weird."
"Let go of me!"
"Someone is bound to come soon, they’ll notice!"
"What are you planning to do with that?"
"Did you think I wouldn’t notice you watching me sleep?"
"You killed him/her!"
"Don’t hurt me!"
"Put that down!"
"You’re scaring me…"
"That’s a really bad joke, quit it…"
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"You wanna go, ugly boy!?" Oh, that was already getting her mad. Really, she had no control over her emotions in front of someone who had previously made her angry. And Cheshire made her angriest of all. Hand raising, her claws were already out, it seemed. Both literately and figuratively.
"I'll tear your limbs off!"
Cheshire hissed back, claws bared, “Try it again. I dare you. You’ll be losin’ those tails if you do!” Oh yes. He was very much prepared to go at it with Luca again. This time he was actually prepared for it. Then again…this was Eis’s palace…and she was pretty intimidating when she got mad. At least in the, ‘she’s smiling but she’s gonna ring your neck’ type way, “Tch, not worth pissin’ off Queenie.” 
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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Hand raising and fingers bending in a threatening manner, she let out a kitten-like hiss. That was probably one of the few similarities between them; their cat-like instincts and how foxes were similar to both cats and dogs.
"Mmm, I think I might just take your eye again. You got another new one, didn't you? Hm? You don't deserve it!"
"Damn, you’re here." He hissed, tugging his hood down as he walked by, "If you’re lookin’ for another eye to rip out then go find someone else." No way was he losing another eye. He finally had two again and he’d like to keep it that way. It was one of the few things that wouldn’t actually fall off.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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Fingers and hands were innocently grabbing about the other's body, having fallen from the closet. Grabbing his pants and tugging them down by accident as she fell, she let out a yelp. Tails stiffening for a second, they fell before she finally hopped up.
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Ignore the nosebleed, it's from falling.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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"White Queen! White Queen! I found something! I think they're Alice's panties!" Holding up a pair of white, snowflake patterned feminine underwear, the ditzy part of the blonde failed to realise she was holding her Queen's panties.
Oh my.
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innocent-sensuality · 11 years
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When she gets pissed at someone, she's never smiling at them. Why, of all times, must he come near her again? Had he not learned when she threw his eyeball to the ceiling after torturing him for it? It was still stuck up there. Her apologies were still being paid to the White Queen.
"What do you want, Cheshire? I don't feel like dealing with you today." Normally she was as sweet as sugar.
His presence made her mad.
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