inperceptioveritas · 6 months
Modern!AU, in which Aegon and Helaena had to spend several terribly long years in marriage while the family squabbles lasted, but when it finally ended, and Rhaenyra and her mother were able to come to a compromise, both requested a divorce. It wasn't easy, of course, but each of them deserved a little break from the crazy family, so for the first time since they had been married, Aegon and Hel agreed in something.
— Don't you regret about it?
— Believe me, this is the best option possible.
Despite her timidity, Helaena made her first move — after the death of her father, each of them owed something like a trust fund, so without thinking twice, she took some of the money and drove off to study entomology on some kind of grant, and Aegon said that he needed to unwind.
«Aegspringa», as he called it, lasted much longer than he expected, but in general he was satisfied with everything. He traveled, tried to play both in a group and alone although this is more a passing fancy than a matter of whole life. He was even offered to star in a movie, but he refused, and after a while he thought for the first time that it was probably his credo to miss opportunities. In his travels, changing one hobby for another, Aegon hardly called home and was not interested in the news, and he did not hear about his younger sister at all.They meet in a couple of years, when the family decides to get together again for some reason, and go to drink coffee, because they arrive before everyone else.
Aegon was already anticipating the huge scandal that Aemond would throw — they rarely kept in touch, but the elder brother knew that he had never forgiven Rhaenyra, her offsprings and uncle Daemon (the trial that took place after the unfortunate accident in Storm's End, and the subsequent expulsion from college only aggravated childhood's resentments), and Aegon wanted to see him before it all started. However, he finds only Helaena.
It's awkward for both of them in the cafe, but it's not as bad as staying in a terrible, empty mansion, which still seems to keep the suffocating smell of old age and medicines, so Aegon and Hel calmly demolish each other's company.
Overcoming their embarrassment, they even manage to talk a little: Aegon pays for coffee and talks about why it's not worth taking it to cheap motels after a night of drinking, and Helaena reluctantly (she knows perfectly well how her brother always treated her hobbies) talks about her studies and practice. It seems that, despite her natural tightness and some problems with communicating, she is happy. Aegon can't brag about it.
Nevertheless, when his sister asks, he answers and even throws off a couple of demo versions of songs that he and the guys recorded while they had something like a band. Strangely, the conversation goes easier after that.
They communicate a little more, mostly gossipling about their family, since they haven't been home for a long time. They are discussing Aemond, whose secrets of his personal life are so shrouded in darkness that they must be incomprehensible even to himself. They remember Daeron — the younger brother is the only one of them who tread in the steps of his father and became a designer. And they don't talk about their mother at all. More exactly Aegon doesn't speak, and Helaina simply takes his hand and sympathetically shakes it.
Contrary to the popular belief that Aegon despises his rustic sister, but Helaena is simply too kind and innocent to understand this, there is a lot that connects them.
For example, a traumatic (for both of them) sexual experience, the consequences of which everyone is still raking out, albeit in their own way, and one terrible secret for two people (of course, by the standards of children from an extremely religious family) - Helaena became pregnant literally on the first night, although none of them wanted it. There were already too many problems, and the most ridiculous marriage at that moment did not seem the biggest one, but once! — and suddenly everything changed.
His sister was crying and begging to do something. Aegon did — he went and secretly bought pills, and then he was with Hel all the time that she needed in order to recover and get rid of terrible thoughts. Of course, he didn't hold my hand, but this fool swallowed a double dose out of fear, so they spent a lot of time in the toilet, talking through the closed door. That night, Aegon, even by his own standards, was a good brother. Probably for the first and last time in my life.
Indeed, as soon as his sister got better, he left and got drunk, and they have never talked about it since.
And they don't talk about it now, sitting in a cafe on the terrace (it turns out that Hel smokes, which greatly surprises her brother), but the years of suffering and problems experienced through someone else 's fault burn with a bright fire in their frighteningly similar eyes.
Aegon is the first to ask if Helaena has anyone. She pointedly remains silent in response, but firmly suppresses the gentle advances of her ex-husband, knowing that for him this is only a way to feel sorry for himself. She also refuses him to accompany her to the hotel (since the others have not arrived yet, no one will force them to return to that unpleasant house), and promises to use pepper spray if Aegon follows her.
He only snorts in disappointment, but smiles — he likes this version of the sister much more. Perhaps, in this scenario, the dinner will not even be so terrible. In the end, as practice shows, they play well as a team.
This story is not about love, forgiveness, or reunion. It's just that two people who once went through a common path met again by chance.
The squalid celebration will end, and they will leave, each in their own direction: Helaena will play with her favorite bugs, and Aegon will look for a new drummer in the band. They won't call or even text each other on Thanksgiving or Christmas, but when her brother is in her city, he will send her two passes to the concert and hug goodbye — because Helaena said that their demos are really cool.
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inperceptioveritas · 6 months
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the fact that this is one of the best rivalries in the history of westeros the fact that I desperately love them both the fact that my heart will be ripped from my chest god I love this show
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inperceptioveritas · 6 months
“Who wouldn’t want you? Whose most demonic appetite could you possibly fail to answer?” - Penelope’s Song, Louise Glück.
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inperceptioveritas · 6 months
Well, just look at this bitch, huh. I love him 💔 It doesn't matter that he started a war! Aemond, turn off throw show-off, we've all seen your look of a shitting doe.
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
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hoping to provide some comfort after the finale💚
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
He was a poemㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ but she couldn't read
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
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aemond is done with this shit
aegon is a shit
im sorry
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
How everyone sees Vhagar / How Aemond sees your baby girl 😍
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
I love the plot when character A loses his memory and thinks he can trust character B.
By the way, I would love to take a look at this.
For example, Luke loses her memory and says something like: Oh yes, Aemond is definitely my best friend! I think we have something in common... some strong feeling...
Jacaerys: You cut out his eye as a child.
Luke: Okay. This also causes very strong feelings.
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
The moment when Alicent is the only one who rushes to the throne to help Viserys, and Rhaenyra, realizing that her father was still taken care of > > >
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
ㅤDuring the editing, I paid detailed attention to Alicent and Rhaenyra during dinner.
ㅤThat's how Alicent first tenses up, obviously not expecting to hear anything good from an old friend, and then her face becomes sad, almost attracts the eye.
ㅤI guess the last thing she could hope for was gratitude. It didn't seem like anyone often said thank you to her for taking care of the king. Of course, it is implied that a wife should be attentive to her spouse, but Viserys literally falls apart for most of their life together and, apparently, Rhaenyra is the first who note aloud the efforts of Alicent.
ㅤThat's not fair. A woman caring for a sick old man deserves to hear gratitude more often. Even at those times.
ㅤPerhaps it is this appreciation that gives impetus to the fact that after Alicent raises a glass to Rhaenyra.
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inperceptioveritas · 7 months
Aegon, mockingly: I heard you moved in with my brother after all. And how is it?
Luke: It's hard to say. In general, you can live with him if you totally abstract and throw weapons out of the house.
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inperceptioveritas · 8 months
Aegon: I can't rule! I'm not enough good!
Cole: That's not true, my prince. You are strong, you are seasoned! You don't know what it's a giving up.
Aegon: I don't even know what it's a seasoned one.
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inperceptioveritas · 8 months
Luke: Yeah, Aemond, you're clearly not the guy from my dreams.
Aemond: Actually, I don't care about you and your opinion, bastard, but... why?
Luke: I'm not making this shit up.
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inperceptioveritas · 8 months
✨ I believe in jacegan as myself ✨
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inperceptioveritas · 9 months
Cole: I have two pieces of news, my prince: good and bad. Which one should I start with?
Aegon: With any.
Cole: Your father died and now Rhaenyra аnd her husband are flying here to claim their rights. Most likely, they will kill you.
Aegon: ...
Aegon: And the bad one?
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inperceptioveritas · 9 months
Aegon: You're pretending to be better than me again!
Daeron: It's not so.
Aegon: Really? Тhen why did you save me in your contacts as the «ugly husband of our favourite sister»?
Aemond: ...
Daeron: ...
Aemond: 'Сause you're ugly.
Daeron: Аnd you're our sister's husband.
Helaena: And 'cause I'm their favourite sister.
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