inquisadaartabras · 2 years
please don't forget the bear river massacre that they conveniently bury and ignore as part of their history either. The Mormon militia slaughtered women and children while the braves were away, for no good reason.
Not enough people know the Mormons believe Native Americans are Jewish people who turned away from God and got cursed by having their skin darkened, or that Mormons literally have Manifest Destiny right there in the text, no extrapolation. I’m not Native at all, but frankly, it’s one of the most disgusting things of that faith that caused me to utterly reject it. It is a vile religion that is white supremacist to its very core.
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inquisadaartabras · 2 years
If you have 10 minutes please take the time to make a comment.
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You can add a comment in support of protecting trans kids in school here. 
[Image ID: Tweet made by user Erin Reed with twitter handle ErinInTheMorn. Text reads  Hey everyone! If you have ever asked “what can I do to help trans rights,” I have something for you. Biden’s title IX change protecting trans people in schools is open comment. It is getting FLOODED by TERF comments. GO MAKE A COMMENT IN SUPPORT! followed by a link.]
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In addition to this I would suggest adding some kind of personal comment so it doesn’t get weeded out for being on a script. 
[Image ID: Tweet made by twitter user Jojo twitter handle the other jojo. Text reads as follows  Can anyone come up with a sample script for something helpful to say? I know “my own words” would be best, but I have cognitive difficulties that make this kind of thing hard for me. Text ends then is followed by a reply by twitter user Steph twitter handle SSnorkels. Text reads as follows  “I am in support of trans youth fully participating in sports like their cis classmates! There is no need to monitor, restrict, or ban their participation in activities. They are kids and deserve to have fun in school.” ]
Keep reading
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inquisadaartabras · 3 years
I am looking very disrespectfully 👀👀👀
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❤️ Happy Valentine's from your Commander ❤️
Thank you to everyone who voted on the outfit, you all have excellent taste x
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Funny how the same people who hate Cullen and attack fans of the character don't say boo about their problematic fav Fenris.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Commissions Open
Commission Information , Terms of Service, Detailed TOS
Hello! After some thought, I am opening up commissions. Right now, I am only going to be doing a few, so I’m opening 3 slots for the time being.
Below are the simple rates, and examples. These rates may vary based on what you want. 
Even if you don’t want to commission, or can’t, helping me spread the word is greatly appreciated! ❤️
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
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in truth, for the chance to be by your side I would storm the Dark City itself.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
PoC Dragon Age fans, show off your OCs of color!
Fandom can be taxing and if you’re PoC it’s double that, so I’m starting a thread to show off our beautiful OCs who for a lot of instances, become important aspects of representations for us!
If you’re white, consider boosting this!
I’m Filipina, so my OCs are largely Filipino. As iffy as DA and its fandom can get I’m glad it’s a game I can make people who look like me heroes in their own stories.
Here are my main characters:
My Amell fraternal twins
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Amihan, my main Warden
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Violetta, Amihan’s twin sister who in the main worldstate was at Ostwick and later meets Amihan
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Sinag Hawke, my Champion of Kirkwall
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Tala Lavellan, my Inquisitor
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Imryll Lavellan, Tala’s cousin and the Inquisition’s alchemist in my main worldstate
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Marikit, another Inquisitor who is an elven blooded Circle mage, who’s parents were a Fog Warrior from Seheron and a Dalish elf from Clan Bahaghari (a Filipino-inspired Seheron Dalish clan I made, who Tala and Imryll also come from)
Let’s see yours!
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Reblog for needed info! Lynsi is the best please jump on her list if you are interested!
If I may – I’ve been told to validate this idea. Y’all know I have my pill case business Crystal Case that’s brewing nicely but think about THIS.
I have ALWAYS wanted to work with artists, and just uplift them and shower them with gifts and things and promote them, and bring more happiness into the damn world by being surrounded by things we love. 
So take the  Redbubble/Society6 business model. You upload your work, print to order things. BUT FOR 7 DAY PILL CASES???
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If that sounds like a fun timeeeeuhhhhhhh, can y’all reblog/heart this? I’m tryna see something. 
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Reblogging again to my fan account because I know we need this. Anyone who takes daily meds or vitamins, wouldn't you love a dragon age case for your pills? Art by schoute or pika or any of the other many fab artists in our community (wish I could tag them on mobile lul) being beautiful for this vital part of your lives? Share around!
If I may – I’ve been told to validate this idea. Y’all know I have my pill case business Crystal Case that’s brewing nicely but think about THIS.
I have ALWAYS wanted to work with artists, and just uplift them and shower them with gifts and things and promote them, and bring more happiness into the damn world by being surrounded by things we love. 
So take the  Redbubble/Society6 business model. You upload your work, print to order things. BUT FOR 7 DAY PILL CASES???
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If that sounds like a fun timeeeeuhhhhhhh, can y’all reblog/heart this? I’m tryna see something. 
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
I'm gonna start some drama
First, yes, after my own research and opinion-forming, Greg Ellis is a shit human being. That is not in question. However, I'm tired of seeing people screaming for him to be fired from his job... In ways that make them as bad if not worse. I'm tired of seeing a LOT of people in this fandom attacking content creators who make fanart of Cullen, or write fanfic with him. I'm tired of seeing these assholes threaten people for their love of a fictional character. And I'm tired of seeing these fucking crusaders be horrible to people, and act in such a way that honestly, y'all make Greg Ellis look like a saint.
Before you start demanding anything from bioware, particularly anything as unlikely as cancelling a ten year old work contact, maybe you should start focusing on how fucking awful this fandom is as a whole.
The racism, biphobia, transphobia, and general bigotry in the dragon age fandom is fucking rampant. And it's especially terrible when these fuckers attack others under the banner of being queer, of being non-white, or some other fake-woke excuse.
Deed for deed, the dragon age fandom is probably the worst fandom I've been in. So next time you feel like telling some artist to kill themselves because they drew Cullen, and that hurts your fake-woke sjw feelings... Go see a therapist and find out why you're such as shitty human being.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
I don’t think people understand what canon disabled Iron Bull means to me. 
Iron Bull who, in canon, wears a leg brace and has an eye patch.
Iron Bull who has chronic pain.
Iron Bull who laughs and grunts when Stitches says “you’re not supposed to drink it chief,” because he knows you’re not, but a poultice doesn’t quite treat those wounds.
Iron Bull who tells you that after the second drink most of the nerves in your throat are dead, but neglects to tell you it aches a little less in the old places as well.
Iron Bull who falls just a bit behind on the treks up the mountains but stops to take in the scenery, Iron Bull who is no less fearsome, no less accomplished of a warrior, no less dedicated, no less.
Iron Bull who is a master of pain, who knows pain so intimately he employs it in battle as a specialty, but for whom pain follows him off of every field and after every foe into the bed chamber. Iron Bull who knows what it means to keep fighting anyway, to keep that pain as a part of yourself and keep moving forward just the same.
Disabled Iron Bull is canon, and words cannot express how important it is.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
3, 18, and 22 plz! Tell me about my HATH BB
3. Other than saving Thedas and dating the hottest mage to ever come out of Tevinter? I think Hath would probably feel his greatest achievement was moving past and away from his clan’s expectations for him. 18. When he’s alone, he sleeps on his side. When with someone, either a little spoon or a sprawl over/under his partner. 22. With most other people, a sleep deprived Hath is very quiet. If he’s with Sera… Mayhem. And lots of jokes/ideas that make no sense.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
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Is this finished? Who knows. It's been 84 years since I've tried manga style art and I've never given water color any serious effort before, so I'll probably continue to tweak it for the rest of my life, but here he is. Hath Lavellan being über dramatic.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
i really couldn't care less if a character has "no redeeming qualities" i chose my faves with my pussy not my brain
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
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And one for Cullen, hope I could get right his facial features :>
This one was inspired by the chant;
Shadows fall and hope has fled Steel your heart, the dawn will come The night is long and the path is dark Look to the sky for one day soon The dawn will come The Shepherd’s lost and his home is far Keep to the stars, the dawn will come The night is long and the path is dark Look to the sky for one day soon The dawn will come Bare your blade and raise it high Stand your ground, the dawn will come The night is long and the path is dark Look to the sky for one day soon The dawn will come
I did not want to use again animal symbolism but the lion helmet from the trailers and that shoulder fuzz was calling for a strong, fierce and powerful lion behind him. 
Dragon Age requests are still open, more details can be find »here«!
All requests I got and was not drawn before (like I wont draw exactly the same colour+character I did once already) I will complete since I find this “project” fun and relaxing.
The messages I get with the request wont be answered privately, I keep them inbox and delete once the request is done. If you want to see yours, you must at least need to check back time to time to see how yours turned out! :>
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Preach. The ableism is fucking rancid, for a start, and I couldn't be angrier
I love Trespasser, but I also hate it. Because my Inquisitor wouldn't just roll over and play dead because a bunch of shems were nervous about his power. Because losing his arm wouldn't mean his "adventuring days are over" and he'd never say that. Because the ending, no matter what you choose, takes the teeth out of a character that you've spent hundreds of hours making into a bad ass and honestly it feels disrespectful of the player and the choices we've made up until Trespasser. And I hate it so much.
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inquisadaartabras · 4 years
Hey all. I really hate doing this, I've never done this before, but dire times call for humbling so.
My bearded dragon, Max (or, Beardimus Venemous Maximus the Secondus, as some of you may know him by) has been sick for a few weeks now. He has an infection that his vet hasn't been able to find the cause for yet. We're currently in the middle of an antibiotic treatment where we inject saline and antibiotics between his scales under the skin every 48 hours, in addition to giving him an oral pain and anti-inflammatory medication every day. This doesn't seem to be doing anything. He still refuses to eat. He still has a hard mass (either his liver or gallstone most likely) that is causing his stomach to be pushed upwards.
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The first image on top is a radiograph of Max after they gave him a barium solution. That white boy is his current stomach placement. The second picture is how it's supposed to look.
Because this course of treatment doesn't seem to be doing anything, we booked an ultrasound with his vet for July 30th. Because of the nature of this, his vet will be transporting him to an emergency clinic in the next town over that has a much higher quality ultrasound available so that they'll for sure see what's going on, no questions. We had to put down a $980 deposit down for this visit, which was the minimum of what the visit for that day alone will cost. If they have to do a biopsy while there, which will require anesthesia, it could cost up to (and possibly more than) $1716. This is on top of the $889.50 we've already paid out of pocket for his treatment. And we have no idea what the cost of treatment will look like once we determine what's happening.
I'm disabled, currently on my third year of trying to get approved for disability in this country that seems to not believe disabled folx, so we're surviving on my husband's not great income in a city where cost of living is already pretty freaking high. Max means the world to us, he's what gets me out of bed even when I'm in insurmountable pain, and we'll do anything we can to make him feel better. He's only just turned five. His vet is extremely qualified and we know we've done the best for him under her guidance, so the fact that he's going through this is breaking my heart. He could live another fifteen years. It's just not fair.
I hate asking for favors. I know times are tough for a lot of people right now, and if you don't feel like you can spare anything right now I 100% understand and don't expect anything from anyone. But, I feel like I need to put this out there into the universe.
If you can spare anything, even just $1, our venmo is @ dragonparents , ko-fi is https://ko-fi.com/darlingrutherford if you prefer that way
Again, I'm not expecting anything, I know these times are tough. And please don't feel bad if you can't help out. But I figure it's good to put things into the universe. I wish I could offer something substantial in return. If you do donate and would like something, I could offer an over DM tarot reading, I can do a "good energy" ritual for you, send healing energy your way through ritual, etc. Unfortunately my CFS just isn't allowing me to write well right now, so I would feel like I would be offering a disservice offering that up. But, I can offer those (culturally responsible, pulled from my ancestor's culture and not those of other's) energy offerings/readings to you if you'd like ❤️
Most of all, I hope all of you remain healthy and happy, that your pets and loved ones stay healthy and happy, especially in these times ❤️
And, of course, paying the pet tax:
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