inremoriam · 8 years
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Well that more than definitely settled that. She stood and followed after him, still nursing her  glass of bourbon. Not exactly her favorite drink but it would work until she had time to go pick up some of her favorites. 
“Well then, I’m in no position to refuse.”She let out a laugh, even with all the baggage. Part of her still wanted to try to make it work. To give  them a chance at some sembelance of happiness.
She’d wait forever if she had to. She’d waited this long. At least now she knew that he was alive, even if he was completely in love with a blonde bartender. “Tell me about them?”She asked almost all too abruptly, “Cami and Hope?” The two leading ladies in his life at the moment. She wanted to know everything. Then again if  they could cover a thousand years in a few hours, she’d want to hear about every person he’d ever been infatuated  with. Because for a time---- Those people must’ve made him happy. Even if it was brief.  She paused before speaking again, “I-- uh--- I’m sorry if I over stepped boundries. I don’t know if it’d be awkward to you or not, considering all things being as they are.”
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He thinks on it, wondering if that simply meant that she didn’t want to. Which he could handle given the span of years between them. but the idea that she would go any- where else when he was right here was beyond him. 
There wasn’t anywhere else he would feel safe letting her stay besides here at the Compound given everything that was happening.
“ I insist. “ he stated, leaning forward to set his glass down and then rising to his feet, quick gesture towards the stairs  as he kept his eyes on her. He couldn’t bring himself to even look away - in case she disappeared on him again.
“ The rooms are this way. “
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inremoriam · 8 years
{{ text - princess }}: i don't know i lose control when you're not here to remind me i'm ridiculous
{text: raja <3} okay, let me start by asking how much you had to drink last night. I’m assuming it was a lot more than you should’ve had.
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inremoriam · 8 years
"Do I look like a pillow to you?"// from Daegon
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“Do you honestly want me to answer that? Cause I think you’ll find the answer is---- Ummmm Duh.”
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inremoriam · 8 years
⋚ (Daegon)
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Holy shit. Tol bean and smol bean. He’s 6′5 and she’s 5′2
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inremoriam · 8 years
[text] Just woke up with an entire pack of Oreos in my cheetah onesie. I’ve been waiting for this moment forever. to clary luv raja
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What the hell did she just read? In all honesty, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to know. All she knew was that she was highly confused, and unsure of how to respond. But she managed a response that was just barely that. Unsure of what else she could possibly say in response to that.
{text: Raja
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inremoriam · 8 years
cuddly / platonic-ish memes
“your feet are cold.”
“movies are made for watching, not for asking questions.”
“you’re hogging the blankets!”
“we should cuddle… for warmth.”
“is that your hand on my leg?”
“scoot over.”
“can we watch something else? this is scary.”
“are you shivering?”
“if you start snoring, i won’t be responsible for what happens to you.”
“did you eat all the popcorn?”
“your hair keeps getting in my face.”
“are you even wearing pants??”
“stop kicking me!”
“you’re a good pillow.”
“do i look like a foot-rest to you?”
“do i look like a pillow to you?”
“i’m cold.”
“why can’t you ever just lay still?”
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inremoriam · 8 years
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inremoriam · 8 years
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“Yes, and this is me saying, you’re a pain in my ass. But come on now. Let’s get a grip and try to act civilized. Right?”Elizabeth was laughing, because honestly this entire thing had to be a joke. A poorly timed ill conceived joke of the worst proportion. 
Still laughing she continued to speak, “I can’t believe people actually fucking take you seriously.” She raised a hand, covered in flames, a large ball of fire steadily growing within her grasp. Her expression went serious in a split second and she looked entirely done with everything that had just transpired. “Alright, play times over. Are you going to just stand there, or are you actually going to do something?”
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inremoriam · 8 years
She’s a mess of gorgeous chaos and you can see it in her eyes.
Charles Bukowski (via tearing-myself-apart-x)
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inremoriam · 8 years
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inremoriam · 8 years
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She looked down at her hands for a moment, her  eyes staring into the liquid within the glass she held a tight grip on. Her heart thumped in a way she was sure he could here. 
Her eyes held a soft smile as they turned up to scan the  sky from the courtyard of the Compound. She found it hard to breathe. A past that had died long ago drowning her every time she looked into his face. And yet, she couldn’t tell him no.
“Are you sure? I’d hate to be a bother. You seem to have a lot on your shoulders.” Yeah like a baby, and a girlfriend from her understanding. He seemed to have made a life without her. 
Which was fine, considering she’d a long long time very dead to him. She would definitely rather stay with him.  But she wouldn’t unless he was positive it was what he wanted.
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He wants her to feel comfortable. He doesn’t want to press her with questions. He knows what he’s feeling somewhere inside of him. Trampled on and snuffed by centuries but the feelings never actually go away. Not entirely.
At her question he legitimately thinks on an answer to give her but there isn’t anything to tell her because he can’t seem to process anywhere for her to be but here with him where he can hear all about everything that’s led her here to his city.  
Setting down his glass he leans forward and briefly he thinks of those long silences they had shared in the past. His eyes on her only when she wasn’t looking and he told her that she would always have a place within him, that she couldn’t even be exhaled out. An imprint leftover from the past that he craves still. That reminds him so much  of who he had once been.
“ Only here…at the Compound. “ and he smiles softly then at her. “ Where else would I suggest? “
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inremoriam · 8 years
am i bitter? yes. but do i try to move on and let go of past anger? well, actually, no
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inremoriam · 8 years
                                                                                       It’s killing you.                                                                                        People keep getting hurt                                                             and you just can’t stop it.
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inremoriam · 8 years
                            l o v e  is                            being willing to       d i e                  for someone.                      o b s e s s i o n is                       being willing to                                                                          KILL                       for someone.                       for you,                               i’d do both.                                                                           so what does that say about me?
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inremoriam · 8 years
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But If you loved me
         Why’d you  l e a v e  me?
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inremoriam · 8 years
Send ❝ ⋚ ❞ To Get A Height Comparison Of Our Muses
using this generator
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inremoriam · 8 years
Synonyms for "I love you".
"Did you eat enough today?"
"Are you still hungry?"
"How much sleep did you get last night?"
"I'm worried about you."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Do you need me to spend the night?"
"My phone will be right by my pillow."
"Call me, please."
"Your smile is beautiful."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you."
"I've got your back."
"I appreciate what you do for me."
"Don't forget to buckle up."
"Put the phone away while you're driving."
"Call me when you get there."
"Thank you."
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