insane--chelly · 7 years
I feel like I’m living in this constant state of too much and not enough, Like the days are passing by too fast and too slow, And I’m always either overwhelmed or empty.
I don’t know what I’m feeling (a.g.)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
He didn’t fuck me over, I knew exactly what he was doing. I fucked myself over
(via phoenixchee)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Never trust somebody who fucks with everybody.
Drake (via vulnerablexgirl)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Saying nothing… sometimes says the most.
Emily Dickinson (via thequotejournals)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
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“Fingers crossed behind your back. You poisonous snake”
Finally had some free time to finish this design
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insane--chelly · 7 years
I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies.
Eric Shaw (via wordsnquotes)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Me as a Therapist
Patient: *Explains problem*
Me: *Writes perscription* Listen to these bands
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Sometimes I change my mind about people, sometimes I change my mind about myself. Sometimes I like things I thought I’d hate and sometimes I grow to hate things I used to love. Sometimes I can’t make up my mind because I don’t like any of the options and sometimes it’s because I like all of them too much. No one has everything figured out and some people don’t have anything figured out, but that’s called living and it means we’re real.
(via i-wrotethisforme)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
I know better. I know better than to fall in love. I know better than to get attached. I know better than to put others before myself. I know better than to care about someone who doesn’t care about me. But when I met you, I disregarded everything that I should’ve done. I let myself go. I shouldn’t have, because now, it’s 2 a.m. and I’m crying into my pillow.
- thanks for nothing, love. (via heavyxdirtysoul)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
I’m realizing now that you really never deserved me, so why did I want you so badly. Oh man, did I want you with every fiber of my being, ever inch of my skin longed to touch you, every brain cell wanted you around me all the fucking time, but you didn’t really deserve any of it. You still don’t, and you never did.
Alysia Van Looy (via alysiavanlooypoetry)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
So many friendships end with “we just stopped talking”
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insane--chelly · 7 years
What if I slept a little more and forgot about all this nonsense.
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis (via wordsnquotes)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Never chase anyone. A person who appreciates you will walk with you.
Unknown (via ohteenscanrelate)
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insane--chelly · 7 years
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insane--chelly · 7 years
‪Despair is a sunken passageway ‬within one’s mind: a place brimming with the darkest hours, a longing for light.‬
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insane--chelly · 7 years
Love isn’t soft, like those poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close.
Stephen King,  The Body. (via wordsnquotes)
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