insantiix-blog · 7 years
Just apologise for not being active
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
bold which habits your muse has
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals |skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full |humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
bold which habits your muse has
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
Winter Soldier & Black Widow || cold and disconnected
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
Please read rules 
Please read rules
Honestly, I will not write with you if you do not read my rules. It’s a basic thing to do. I’m not asking for much, just read them, skim through them, I don’t care what you do, just read them and respect my wishes. I don’t have a password, them things piss me off, but I do know if someone hasn’t read my rules. For instance, the Steve account that just came with a Stucky romance plot. Stucky is my notp, it’s in my rules, clear as day. I’m also not here to do fluff, I’ve stated I’m not here for Disney Marvel. It’s basic fucking stuff, read rules. Rules are there for a reason, we don’t just type them up for the hell of it, we have reasons and it’s to avoid stuff like this. 
I’m not making any other posts about this, I don’t wanna be a person who rants. I wanna write and have good time. xx
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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      The redhead stood there, not moving an inch, not even breathing any louder than a shimmer of a whisper. She did not dare cause any reaction out of him, she knew what he was capable of - she had seen it with her own eyes. She had watched the Soldier, green orbs wide in awe as she observed him when he trained. Whereas the other young girls died out of boredom at those lessons, she could never tear her gaze away. She could never miss a single move of the man’s limbs, miss a single kick or a punch as he forced the living hell out of a training dummy or a punching bag. It was all so MESMERISZING.
      “You might not consider me a FRIEND, but you surely do not think of me as the ENEMY either.” She replied simply, not picking up the knife, not making any move that would signal her need to fight “—some part of you, no matter how deeply hidden - some part of you wants to believe me, you know that whatever HYDRA agemntns tell you is pure bullshit.” She added, shaking her head as she took in a deep sigh and looked up at him 
      “Yasha.” Her words were whispered softly, the old, childhood nickname she had for him slipping from her tongue, she could remember the image of her, a young child, befriending one of the most dangerous men on the planet. “Please, don’t do this.” The redhead added, green eyes pleading with him “I will not fight you, I can’t.”
      Natalia shook her head, fingers still curled into fists as she gazed at him “— I’ve already done enough damage.”
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‘She said a name to me, I have a name. They said my name’ 
‘Go deeper, clean it all out’ 
His eyes burned and blood rushed through his face, he could taste it in his sinuses. All rushing to his brain to help ease the panic that was happening. He felt as if he was back in the chambers, strapped to the chair with machinery pulling at his skull, electrocuting every thought into ash. A miniature battle of truths in his memory, sending him to his knees as the pain became too much to bear. He could hear his handlers yelling orders through his ear piece, barking orders from the comfort of their nests outside of town. The spike in brain activity probably spiked on their monitors. “I have her” he grunted in his Russian tongue, hissing as he fought away the agony in his brain.
“Do not fight then, die a coward” He near growled, the mask giving the fierceness of it more bass, more sinister. The Solider rushed the traitor with death in his eyes.
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
"🥘" (totally can be based back in the red room or hydra based - whatever you prefer :D)
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One thing the Solider never understood about the academy was...why did it have a kitchen? The girls never had decent meals, they ate some questionable looking stews that always had his throat closing just by the look of it. The bread was...just about edible, if not stale. It bothered the Solider that the girls never ate, and when they did it was in poor conditions. He rarely ate himself, but when he did it was all forced by tubes before and after he came out of the ice. He couldn’t remember the last time he picked up a spoon. So, the Solider spent at least an ten minutes trying to not crush every utensil he grabbed, he was starving...and of all the people to feed him in the world...it was little Natalia, a crust of bread in one hand and some sort of hard candy in the other. Was it silly of him to assume that food as poison? Not at all. Still, he trust this one above all, and with his own hand, the Solider reached out with an open palm.
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
if i see any of you do replies in this font imma fight
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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character posters → bucky barnes
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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Who you running from? S a l v a t i o n ( for @bbarnes )
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insantiix-blog · 7 years
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