insecure20something · 4 years
Its a special kind of pain when you have a close friend that is just so much prettier than you. I mean I suppose I should be blaming my own insecurities and not the fact that my friend looks like a fucking sports illustrated model. But I really struggle with feeling this way. It's not so much that I'm jealous of how she looks, it's more like whenever we hang out, especially if we are going out or something, I can't help but compare myself to her and just end up feeling so terrible about myself. I just look at her and see how pretty and thin my friend is and then I look at myself and see how plain and fat I am. Oh and don't even get me started on the fact that she just has men just falling at her feet. Seeing that on a regular basis certainly doesn't help my self confidence either. Can anyone else relate?
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insecure20something · 4 years
Example #1387 Of Me Being a Crappy Person:
A good friend of mine recently told me that she had been accepted into Georgetown University to get her master’s degree. Upon hearing the news I readily congratulated her. However, the first thought that popped into my head was “God I’m so much smarter than she is! How is it that she is going to Georgetown and I’m not?!” Now I did not apply to Georgetown for grad school, I’m going to school part time and working full time. But I find myself getting really pissed when I think about the fact that she will have a degree from Georgetown and I won’t. Okay tumbler, go ahead and tell how I’m a really crappy person/ friend.
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insecure20something · 4 years
Superpower: Invisible to Men
I am convinced that no guy has ever looked at me and thought, “wow she's really pretty.” I’m basically the pre-makeover Mia Thermopolis but without the emo guy friend that is secretly in love with me. 
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