insecurityhits · 2 years
My Insecurities about gettiNG Married
I have to start to write again because my overthinking start to bothering me again. If I can't control it well, then my professional works will certainly got hit.
Yesterday my boss told me that he will help anything about my works and future career, but things that he could never help with me with is the "pressure of the Married."
Yes. Its the first time he said that. "The Pressure from the Married Lifes." We alll knew that married life will giving pressure instead of happiness, and that's why people said "Accept his/her bad" at the beginning. The good in marriages is a bonus, the only reality that will hit first are the bad ones.
I always think I can accept the goods and bad of my Spouse, but not his family. His family is a good family, but good is not enough to make you 'click'. My principle is always 'keep the distance', I will never try to be supersweet in-laws just to fit in. The fact, is I always be me. I wont change any of me for my mother in-law, or any in-laws. I wont try to Fit in, because in my mind my marriage is about me and my spouse making a new family. And which is, this value slightly different with general concept of half woman of my country.
I am good in making relations I think, in offices, schools, of any networking I have to. But I do it all like let it flow. Sadly here, I have sense that I can't just 'make it flow' formula.
And I am kind of person that always didn't want to answer the question, such as when I will have baby. I do have answer, but my kind of answer will never be accepted in my society, I knew, and I will never argue with boomer. But, just to *keep silent* and holding your feeling to not argue with the boomers is tiring. I realized that.
I am afraid that this will affect my career.
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