inside-myhead · 6 years
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It’s time for the annual Secret Santa Giveaway. I’ve done this for the past two years but I always end up posting it late when I have an entire year to plan it…
Oh well. Let’s just get onto the giveaway because that’s what you’re here for. 
If you’re unsure what the Secret Santa Giveaway is, it’s not the usual exchanging of gifts anonymously, but where the winner receives a surprise book, hence the whole Secret Santa element. I know it’s not genius but we’re going with it.
It’s just a bit of fun and the book you get won’t be completely random. If you win, I’ll ask you for your Amazon, Book Depository or any wishlist with books you want. Then I’ll choose a book from that list and lo and behold, a secret book is on the way and you get a lovely surprise in the mail! 
Once I pick the winner I’ll ask you to link me your Amazon, Book Depository or any wishlists where you’ve saved books - or you can compile a new list just for this giveaway. 
I ask that your wishlists have 15+ books on it so it’s more of a surprise for you. 
The book might be paperback or hardback. So be prepared to expect either. 
I’ll ask for your address and your surprise book will be on the way!
I can’t guarantee you’ll get it by Christmas Day but it’s a nice gift to get by New Years.
This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository or Wordery ships to you.
There will be ONE winner.
The giveaway will be through Rafflecopter to keep all the entries together.
The giveaway ends on 20th December 2017.
You must be aged 16 or over or have parental/guardian permission because I will be needing your address.
I will contact the winner through email, Tumblr or Twitter.
The winner will have 24 hours to respond to my email to claim their prize otherwise I’ll have to pick another winner.
Reblogs count! You can reblog this post daily for it to count. Just remember to link the reblog by going onto your tumblr and copy and pasting the exact reblog link into the Rafflecopter option.
Please don’t unfollow my social media. I know giveaways are exciting but please don’t unfollow after it’s over. It’s rude and feels like you taken advantage of me as a person that kindly wanted to do this giveaway for my followers.
Detailed Giveaway Rules & Information
And that’s it! You’ll have multiple ways to enter through Rafflecopter and increase your chance of winning. 
If you can’t see the Rafflecopter form below,  please click here to be taken directly to the website.
If you have any questions about the giveaway, please shoot me a message. You can send me an ask or instant message. Or feel free to send me a tweet on Twitter and I’ll get back to you. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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inside-myhead · 7 years
This was the best damn thing
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Stef’s fucking reaction
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inside-myhead · 7 years
FYI this post was written right after season 4. Don't care what they did in season 5 (not watching it) as it doesn't excuse or erase all of the islamophobia they perpetuated while using her character as a cheap punch line.
While we’re at it, I also want to address Alison Abdullah, the “Muslim” representation in OINTB who I don’t think represented Muslims at all. Like as a hijabi woman myself, I found nothing relatable about Abdullah. Other than the constant jokes about her being a terrorist, there was virtually nothing to show that she was actually a Muslim woman. There was nothing authentic or realistic about her character.
I remember when I was in school and the girls used to ask me and my hijabi friends if we wore our headscarves in the shower, or to bed. Which are two ridiculous and preposterous questions. The fact that Abdullah virtually never took off her hijab, despite being surrounded by solely women for the majority of her screentime does not represent my experience as a hijabi woman. The fact that the only time Abdullah takes off her headscarf is at the very end of the season makes no sense. The fact that she does it in the open yard where anybody could have seen her hair, included male prison guards, does not represent my experience as a hijabi woman. 
Nor did Alison Abdullah represent any tenants of my faith. Though she spoke of knowing East from West because she prays to Mecca five times a day, we never see Abdullah actually praying to Mecca at any point. We don’t see her even own a prayer rug. We never ever see her practise her faith. And while I think that Muslim women should be able to aggressive and loud and what-have-you, but for the sole representation of a Muslim woman to be all of those things instead of upholding standards of peace in accordance to her faith is disappointing.
Representation is not creating a character and tacking on a religion. It’s actually understanding what that religion is, understanding the nuances of a character who would adhere to that faith. It’s adapting her character to that religion, understanding that her character would actually be affected by her beliefs. Representation is NOT creating a Muslim character in order to make jihad and terrorist jokes. So no. OINTB does not got points for creating a “Muslim” character. Abdullah does not represent me as a Muslim woman, nor as a hijabi.
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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On 14 June 2017, a fire in North Kensington, West of London, burned down an entire tower block of residential housing. The Metropolitan Police Commander stated that at least 79 people are dead, or missing and presumed dead. The residents in these flats have lost everything – including their homes and belongings – and have endured great suffering since the event.
In order to help these victims, an online auction called Authors for Grenfell Tower has been set up. The fundraiser aims to raise money for the British Red Cross, which will go to all of those residents affected by the fire. The bidding has already begun and will end on Tuesday 27th June.
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inside-myhead · 7 years
I have always been a reader, ever since I was blessed with the ability to be literate. I had an entire closet filled with books by the age of six (that my grandmother proudly boasted about to anybody who would listen). And sometimes, I used to steal my brother’s school books in order to find something new to read. As a kid, reading came second only to my favourite hobby – writing. But even in my writing, I could never recreate facets of my own reality. I wrote about the characters that I read in books – white girls with blue eyes and blonde hair, despite the fact that the only two countries I had ever resided in were Bangladesh and Saudi Arabia – two countries where blonde hair and blue eyes are rather scarce.
from How Reading Diverse Books Can Change a Writer (via bookriot)
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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53K notes · View notes
inside-myhead · 7 years
how come straight people don’t realize how messed up it is that gay relationships pretty much can’t be shown in kids shows
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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Viola Davis attends the 89th Annual Academy Awards at Hollywood & Highland Center on February 26, 2017 in Hollywood, California.
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inside-myhead · 7 years
Also I’m 100% going to need more scenes of Petra and Rogelio being confused by each other’s accents and neither of them knowing who’s confusing who
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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Netflix has everything you need for a Black History Month binge watch
follow @the-movemnt
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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inside-myhead · 7 years
lauranoncrede replied to your post
omg really? it was foreshadowed? so we shouldn't be pissed or hurt at all right thanks for telling me! (seriously please just don't go tell peeps how to feel about dead characters) 
Here is what I literally wrote in that post “understand if people are upset because a character they loved is now gone”
I’m kind of confused about how everybody is so angry at Jane the Virgin. Unlike most shows, JTV has been foreshadowing this death since the first season. It didn’t come out of the blue. The entire episode was set up to show this death. It wasn’t shock value, or at least that’s not how I interpreted it.
He was a great character and will be missed but that’s the point!! People saying this will change the dynamic of the show? That’s. The. Point.
The latest episode didn’t ignore his death. It was literally centered around it. I thought it was better than just showing his funeral. It showed how three years have passed but Jane is still grieving intensely. How her entire life for three years has been centered around and driven by this grief she feels.
I understand if people are upset because a character they loved is now gone, but this wasn’t unprompted or ignored by the show. It was foreshadowed and engaged with pretty fully.
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inside-myhead · 7 years
I’m kind of confused about how everybody is so angry at Jane the Virgin. Unlike most shows, JTV has been foreshadowing this death since the first season. It didn’t come out of the blue. The entire episode was set up to show this death. It wasn’t shock value, or at least that’s not how I interpreted it.
He was a great character and will be missed but that’s the point!! People saying this will change the dynamic of the show? That’s. The. Point.
The latest episode didn’t ignore his death. It was literally centered around it. I thought it was better than just showing his funeral. It showed how three years have passed but Jane is still grieving intensely. How her entire life for three years has been centered around and driven by this grief she feels.
I understand if people are upset because a character they loved is now gone, but this wasn’t unprompted or ignored by the show. It was foreshadowed and engaged with pretty fully.
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inside-myhead · 7 years
you know..for a show called how to get away with murder, they sure aren’t getting away with murder..
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inside-myhead · 7 years
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