Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Guide
If you started looking at hyperbaric chamber for sale or rental but wanted to learn more about how to operate a home hyperbaric chamber before making the decision, allow us to guide you through operating the device safely and effectively to get the maximum benefits of the treatments.
Step 1: Clear your bladder before entering the chamber.
We recommend that you use the restroom before getting into the chamber. If there is pressure on the bladder before you enter the chamber, once the pressure of the hyperbaric chamber hits, it will make the urge to go unbearable, and you may have to cut your session short. Given that it is a six, seven-minute session to pressurize up and four, five minutes down, it would waste a good amount of your HBOT session and interrupt its quality. So a good rule of thumb is to use the restroom before entering your hyperbaric chamber.
Step 2: Make your hyperbaric environment as comfortable as possible.
You are welcome to put some blankets, pillows, or anything else that might make you comfortable in the chamber while doing your session. Since you will be spending some serious time in these hyperbaric chambers, whether it is a chronic condition or something you will work through once a week. Either way, make your little environment inside that hyperbaric chamber as comfortable as you want.
Step 3: Take something in the chamber to keep you entertained
Apart from blankets and pillows, you can also take your books, smartphones, and laptops to work from inside the hyperbaric chambers. Or you can go in there and take a rest. It is all up to you! Either way, you will be spending hours in this unit, so make sure to bring something in there to make it as enjoyable as possible!
Step 4: Setting the concentrator timer and the O2 levels
When setting the concentrator’s timer and the oxygen concentrator’s level, you must remember that the first hyperbaric oxygen therapy session an individual receives should only start at a one-hour session max. As you go through your sessions, the desired maximum time is 90 minutes, but you have to work up to it. In the hyperbaric folder you receive, there is a hyperbaric schedule plan to guide you on how and when to up the times of your sessions. There is also a list of symptoms of oxygen toxicity. If you have any of these symptoms, please contact our office at 435–634–9355, so they can help set up a new gland to make the most of your hyperbaric experience and ensure you stay happy and healthy.
Step 5: Close the valves and zip the zippers all the way.
Check the pressure relief valves are closed while the zippers are tightly closed. During the hyperbaric sessions, you must ensure the zippers are to the end of their tracks. Proper zip-up is essential because once you start the pressurization process, the pressure will leak through the cracks, and you can’t grab your zipper to close it off from the inside because that can cause a zipper to come off the track. If that happens, you have to pressurize down, then re-secure, and then go back up.
Step 6: Equalizing your ear pressure
Clear your ears while the pressure ascends and descends during your hyperbaric treatment. This step is paramount to having a pleasant hyperbaric experience since you can physically damage your eardrums without equalizing the ear pressure. Whether you have a laydown or a vertical unit as your home hyperbaric chamber, we recommend that you sit upright during the pressurization process, as it helps clear your ears better. For laydown units, you can put an extra couple of pillows in the back of it and sit upright until you reach maximum pressure. Other suitable methods include chewing gum, slowly moving your jaw back and forth, or the Valsalva maneuver, where you plug your nose and blow while keeping the mouth shut, which will help clear those ears. You can also manipulate the pressure relief valves when you need to let some pressure off until your ears pop again. You can close the valves and back up in pressure once your ears can pop. This method is beneficial for those who are mildly congested or with sensitive ears.
Step 7: Sit back and enjoy the bliss of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
After you have made the maximum pressure in the hyperbaric chamber, sit back, relax and enjoy your session
Step 8: Depressurizing your hyperbaric chamber
Once the compressor turns off, your hyperbaric session is over. You can let the pressure off from either the outside pressure relief valve or the inside pressure relief valve. Adjust the pace of depressurizing the chamber depending on the person inside.
Step 9: Unzip the zippers
When the pressure gauge reaches zero, you can physically push into the sides of the hyperbaric chamber without much effort. It is time to go ahead and start unzipping the zippers to get the individual out.
We hope this helps prepare you to acquire your hyperbaric chamber rentals or for sale, and have a safe and comfortable at-home HBOT experience!
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Do’s and Don’ts when using a mild hyperbaric chamber
After your rental, lease, or purchase of a home hyperbaric chamber, you now have in your possession the perfect vehicle to keep you and your loved ones healthy and happy even during these extremely trying times. In this article, you will know the do’s and don’ts of home hyperbaric use, so you can feel a hundred percent secure and operate your new hyperbaric chamber. We hope you and your loved ones will get the maximum benefit of its fascinating treatments after reading this article. 
Here are the eight safety rules for your home hyperbaric unit:
1. Setting the Oxygen levels on your oxygen concentrator 
You can turn the dial clockwise for added flow and anticlockwise for less flow. While using your new hyperbaric chamber, please be aware of the oxygen levels set in your concentrator. If you are using a cannula, we recommend turning the oxygen levels to 8 liters per minute. If you are wearing a mask or just filling the entire chamber with oxygen, we recommend 10 liters per minute. 
Please be mindful that if your nose is sensitive to the oxygen when you have it up to 8 liters per minute, you can turn down the oxygen until the level is comfortable for your sessions. 
The last thing you want is a dreadful hyperbaric experience. Depending on the individual that’s in there, you can adjust that level below 8 liters per minute depending on the situation and how they’re handling the oxygen.
2. Check for “Contraindications” (Medical reasons NOT to use an MHBOT Chamber)
Contraindications might interact negatively with hyperbaric treatments. Therefore, please be aware that you don’t have any possible contraindications to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. You were provided with a form with contraindications on it when you first signed up to have a hyperbaric chamber in your home. If you did not receive this, there will be a pdf form provided below where you can access this information, but it’s super important that you go through it in detail and make sure that everything is accordingly. If you have any questions about it, you can always contact us at 435-634-9355 or email us at [email protected]. If you have one of these contraindications, you will need a signed form from your primary caregiver or physician, or a specialist stating that you are okay to do these hyperbaric treatments in your home. This form will also be provided in pdf form in the files below. 
3. Only plug the compressor into the timer 
Plug only the compressor into the timer and not the oxygen concentrator. This will ensure that if the timer kicks off and says you’ve fallen asleep in your chamber, you still have a fresh supply of oxygen flooding into the chamber the entire time. 
4. Do hyperbaric sessions with other adults present if possible 
It��s always best to do your home hyperbaric sessions while there’s another adult present in the home. Although we have never had a problem with anybody being stuck in a hyperbaric chamber, we never want that to happen even though there are two-way zippers on these systems and it’s effortless to let yourself in and out. It’s always best to have somebody there that could potentially help you if you need them.
5. If children are in the chamber, be present 
If you are putting children in the chamber and not accompanying them inside the chamber, stay in the same room to make sure they are okay. We need to do this for multiple reasons. One of them is to make sure the children’s ears are safe and can pop as pressure in the chamber goes up. We also don’t want children to have a negative experience happen where they may feel like they’re stuck inside the chamber with nobody to help them get out. Therefore, if you have your child in the hyperbaric chamber, it’s always best to be in the same room with them during the sessions.
6. No spark or fire producing elements in the chambers 
We don’t want anything that may cause a fire in the chamber. Although the flow of air going in and out of the unit reduces the potential of causing a fire and eliminates a lot of the static, it is best not to risk having anything that may spark or an open flame in your unit. If you have rented one of our hyperbaric chamber rentals, you should also note that InsideOut Hyperbaric + Wellness strictly prohibits open flames in rental HBOT units.
7. Do not touch the zippers until all the pressure is gone
This rule is crucial. When people try to unzip the zippers before all of the pressure is off the units, 90 percent of our hyperbaric chambers get damaged. The best way to do this is to pay attention to the pressure gauge. When the pressure gauge finally gets down to zero, there’s still pressure inside the chamber, which can damage the zipper. So once you see it get to zero on the pressure gauge itself, it’s time to start pushing in on the side of the chamber. When you can make a good indentation with just a light push, you know that it’s okay to unzip the chamber and let the individual out. You can do this from the outside or the inside. Either way, it doesn’t matter. 
8. Install the failed circuit alarm box
The last rule is the failed circuit alarm box. Now, this is a manufactured required spec. This will be expected to be done on every unit whether it is a rental or if you’ve found a hyperbaric chamber for sale. In some instances, you won’t be able to find electricians that will have the time to be able to come and install this, it’s not something you can generally do on your own, so in those instances, you know you just got to do the best with what you can and try to get it done. Most of the time, these are easy to install and can ensure the safety of the people inside the unit.
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