Someone please roleplay SnowBaz with me, help
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god is a woman, and that woman is penelope bunce.
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I just really love Simon and Baz
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michael: do you think i can fit 10 marshmallows in my mouth?
jeremy: you’re a hazard to society.
jeremys squip: you’re a coward. do 20.
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Jeremy: We were playing scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Christine: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great!
Jeremy:Not when you’re playing with Michael, it’s not! He puts words like “ephimeral” and i put “sad”.
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Person 1: Are you Michael in the bathroom sad, or Waving Through a Window sad? 
Person 2: I’m more Michael waving through the bathroom window
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Simon after chapter 61
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Connor: Evan, how do I get revenge on those who have forsaken me?
Evan: The best revenge is letting go and living well.
Connor: Jared, how do I get-
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Ily: I love you ilysm: I love you so much Ssiaaiahilwh: Simon Snow is alive. and I am hopelessly in love with him
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Bad Hair Day
Rating: T
Genre: Humour/Mild Fluff
Word Count: 2070
Summary: Baz runs out of hair gel. Simon doesn’t know how to deal with it. Based on “Simon has a gay freak out over Baz’s messy hair” request.
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AN: This was a very specific request, and I changed a few things, but it follows the spirit of the idea. Enjoy! :)
Snow thinks my morning routine takes too long. But he doesn’t understand how much it takes to look this good. A long shower, good products, attention to detail, it’s all necessary. I have a reputation to maintain after all. Snow doesn’t care at all about his appearance. Unfortunately, he doesn’t need to, he always looks incredible. Beautiful tosser.
I’m currently looking in the mirror, slowly combing back all my hair. It’s still wet so it’s far easier to shape, but I know it will try to puff up later. My hair has a bloody mind of its own. Without product, the top of my head will turn in ball of unruly black fluff. Thank Crowley for my-
I squeeze my gel bottle, and nothing comes out. What the fuck? I squeeze it again and again but still nothing. Merlin and Morgana, fuck it all, I’m out of hair gel. When did that happen? Has Snow been using it? I doubt it. He wouldn’t use something like this. And I don’t think any amount of hair gel could control his wild thatch of bronze curls.
Doesn’t matter. Either way, I’m out of gel, which means…my stupid hair is going to explode later. As if my life wasn’t already a complete nightmare.
“For Crowley’s sake, Simon, slow down,” Agatha sighs, shaking her head.
I don’t listen and continue taking huge bites of my roast beef sandwich. It just tastes so good. Plus I need the energy. The Mage wants me to practice sword work later, and that takes a lot of effort. So the six slices of roast beef on a sandwich makes perfect sense in my opinion.
“Where’s Penelope?” she asks, sipping from her teacup.
I shrug. “I dunno. Something about working on an assignment through lunch. How could anyone work through lunch though?”
“Not everyone needs as much food as you.”
“Shut up,” I grumble through the bread.
“Wipe your cheek, please,” she sighs.
I wipe the bread crumbs away and grin brightly. “Thanks, Agatha.”
She smiles back, and it makes my stomach tug slightly. Not as much as it used to but it’s still there. I did think I was in love with her after all. We tried dating last year, and it just didn’t work out. Friends are better anyways. Friends aren’t as annoyed when you have food on your face.
My eyes drift around the room out of boredom. But they soon settle on a far table to my right. There’s Baz’s friends (minions? I don’t know) sitting, eating and chatting, but there’s no sign of Baz. The hell?
“Hey, where’s Baz?” I ask, and Agatha’s sighing before I’m done the second word.
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“Wayward son, the sequel to carry On, is the stunning new YA novel by the bestselling athor of Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell. With all of her signature wit and heart, this is Rainbow at her absolute best.
America will never be the same now that these wizards have crossed the pond.
After graduating from Watford, Simon and Baz and their friends are out in the real world and feeling a bit stuck. Simon has lost his magic and his sense of purpose in the world, and Baz is just well worried because Simon hasn’t got off the couch in weeks. Penelope comes up with the perfect plan to lift them out of their doldrums - a trip to America to visit Micah and Agatha. Of course nothing goes as planned once they get there. What starts out as a simple holiday in the States turns into a high-stakes cross country road trip where the survival of humanity as we know it just might rest in these wizards’ hands. ”
From the site bookdepository.com
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you’ll never guess who i’m drawing
it rhymes with pyrannus dasilton trimm bitch
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how come french doesnt have a word for lime “green lemon” nice job idiots
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Reblog if you’re happy to be part of the Snowbaz Fandom
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your bed is probably as happy to see you as you are to see it. ‘here comes the warmth slab’ it thinks
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baz: ah, the mage
baz: or as i like to call him
baz: ugly
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You’re lying on the sofa under a blanket, lights dimmed, watching your favourite TV show. Your cat is laid across you, sleeping but purring quietly. All is calm. All is good.
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