insomnia-goblin · 6 months
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
Hey creep anon, I’m gonna say that you really need to ask yourself why nothing in real life appeals to you more than harassing randos on the internet.
yall the creep anon is sending people after me now cuz i told him to stop harrasing yard !! wowzers
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
Yikes, no comment.
the BPD experience of yearning for someone to tell you its going to be okay, but then when they do you dont believe them (and sometimes can even trigger you more)
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
This kinda thing is important.
EVERYBODY knows (or should) that you DO. NOT. STOP. in Vidor, Texas. 
It’s best to just run out of gas elsewhere. Whatever you do, black folks, DO NOT STOP IN VIDOR, TEXAS. 
There’s a good chance you’ll get lynched or just come up missing - and I’m not joking.
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also do NOT stop in Harrison, Arkansas!!!! (relatively close to OK and MI) a nazi town with a BIG KKK organization.
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Reblog To Save Life
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
Im bombing you (real)(NOT!!!!!!!!! clickbait)(3am)(i met SLENDERMAN??!!!!!?!!!???!!!!!??!!!?!!?!?!!!?!!!!)
Do it quick I have a lot of stuff to do.
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
No, jokes are meant to be funny not scary T-T
reblog this if your blog is a safe space on april fools and won’t have any jumpers, screamers, or anything scary or anxiety inducing
Highkey I hate April fools
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
I prefer this brand of christianity better thanks.
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
I’ve done this before
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
Face reveal??????
Cutest little McNugget
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
I thought call out culture was dead. /nsrs
my need to care for people i love to the point i tend to come of as overbearing, this is when i'm doing well, if i'm not in a good mood i tend to get stressed about it instead of being able to help :( like your sick?, i could help nurse you back to help, don't you dare over work yourself and get worse! you get hurt?, i have a first aid kit in my bag! you're sad?, i'll buy you your favorite things and we can watch your favorite show even if i don't like it you're bored?, i'll talk to you for as long as you want!
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
No comment.
I know your work schedule. You should still make time for me and yet you barely do. What do I have to do to make it to where you can be on the line to spend endless days with me? It isn’t fair. Your job doesn’t matter, I can find different ways to support us. Just love me!
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
With how much I spam the gc I’m pretty sure I already crossed over into being annoying lols.
It is hard resisting being so clingy and begging for constant attention. But I know it is wrong. But. I still yearn so badly for their complete attention. It is so hard not talking to them and giving them space. All I do is wait for their attention.
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
If I get a stalker I want them to be obvious so that I don’t spiral into self destructive paranoia. I’d rather be certain of being watched then not know.
Wanna be stalked by a boy that's super bad at it and really obvious with it just so I can always figure out he's there and know how much he cares for me
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
how often do i think about the roman empire?
all day long
on one exact day
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
omw To a senate meeting, can’t forget my knives :)
🗡️ 🗡️
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
IT’S THE IDES OF MARCH EVERYONE!!!!!!! Stabby stab!!!
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insomnia-goblin · 6 months
I attempted talking to humans. Joined three servers. Found no one interesting. Left three servers.
Thank you for your participation in the poll everyone!!!
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