insookmae · 6 years
You guys asked me for my Pão de Queijo (kind of bread) recipe, so here it is:
Each bread is 16kcal, and the whole recipe is 185kcal!
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(because it’s only 16kcal, you can put some jam or cheese)
• Egg whites (2 whites, 66g)
• Tapioca (50g)
• Cream cheese (1 tbsp, 30g)
• Baking powder (1 teaspoon, 5g)
• Salt (a bit, 2 g)
How to:
1. Preheat the oven at 390°F (200°C)
2. Mix the egg whites until its a foam (espuma)
3. Mix all the ingredients
4. Bake for 10 minutes!
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That’s it 💕 a quick breakfast!
I invented this different recipe so I could eat our delicious Pão de Queijo without feeling guilty, so I wanna share with you guys so you can too!
🌻Stay Safe🌻
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insookmae · 6 years
My rules for being perfect
First of all, you DON’T have to follow them. I made those for myself. You are perfect just the way you are. Be who you want to be.
🍒Read a lot and find books that you actually enjoy reading. Watch movies and TV series that you enjoy and find people with the same interests.
🍒Keep your phone clean (inside and out). Cute lockscreen/wallpaper/phone case
Don’t keep awkward photos, videos, apps, conv etc… Useful things.
🍒Make up fresh and clean. Not too much.
🍒Always shave. It doesn’t matter if someone sees your armpits, legs, hands etc.
🍒If you want to dye your hair, you should to it constantly, that way it will look good.
🍒Shower every night, use body lotion. Once/twice a week- hair and face mask. Cute fragrance, deodorant. Your clothes should always be clean and ironed. ALWAYS cute underwear, sock and clean shoes.
🍒Brush your teeth twice a day and make sure that you always have gum in your bag.
🍒Eat as clean as possible. No chocolate, soda, no bread, less meat and more vegetables. Lemon water and tea is life. Just one coffee with milk, don’t add sugar. Fruits just 3 times a week. Lots of water.
🍒Work out 4-5 times a week.
🍒Be polite and kind to everyone, as long as they don’t cross you too much. If they do, don’t scream or swear, show them how smart you are .
🍒Don’t gossip, try to avoid people telling you secrets and don’t help someone unless they want you to. DON’T LIE. No enemies. It’s better if you mind your own business. Be sociable, go out, have fun, make memories and have a lot of friends but NEVER tell them your deepest secrets and fears.
🍒Don’t be slob. Read and listen carefully, talk slow and quiet. Your handwriting and your notebooks should be clean and readable. No matter what you do and where you are, everything should be clean and organized.
🍒Nails at a decent lenghts and use a cute nail polish or top coat ( both manicure and pedicure)
🍒Keep you bags/ backpack organized. Room tidy. Don’t sleep until your bedroom is perfect.
🍒Be thankful for everything you have and be positive. Maybe you don’t have the perfect life and body but less is better than nothing at all.
🍒Treat people the way you want to be treated. Respect yourself but at the same time, respect the ones around you.
🍒No fake relationship and avoid bad boys or mean people that will break your heart.
🍒Always be relaxed and don’t be paranoid.
🍒Sleep, sleep, sleep and sleep. Don’t do drungs, don’t drink alcohol and please, don’t smoke.
🍒Listen that music that makes you want to dance.
Soooo, those were my tips. If you find those “cherries” useful, thank you and you’re welcome.
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insookmae · 6 years
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insookmae · 6 years
C1 in one month (Language Learning)
I’m going to be attempting at becoming C1 in one month. (Just to see I’m not going to be upset If I fail) But I’ve created a pretty solid (Barely, I might edit it later) Study plan to achieve this goal. The results may vary depending on your language choice mine is Korean. I have a small background in Korean, I know may 800 words at max and my grammar is all over the place. (I didn’t even study for an entire year) 
However, I have this entire summer off and I plan to do nothing but learn languages. Mind you, this is MY goal and it IS realistic nothing is impossible. If I fail someone else in the future will or has already succeeded, okay? This is also not my first time studying a language anymore. Let’s not try and put each other down from learning because that’s literally what I’m doing, learning. So, by saying it’s impossible and that I will fail will only make you look like an asshole.
Okay for starters let’s define C1
C1 Definition : Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer clauses, and recognize implicit meaning.Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
C1 Vocab size: around 8,000 words 
C1 grammar: Advanced 
There that should seem simple enough shouldn’t it? Now let’s break down parts of language learning and a language.                                                                      There’s 4 main parts of a language listening, reading, speaking, writing. To break down the learning process its just vocabulary and grammar.
Again this depends on the language you will be learning but I believe I have found a pretty solid grammar series to reach an advanced level and I have an extra book just in case.
Grammar resources (can be found online): Korean grammar in use series and Korean: A comprehensive grammar  
Those are the resources I plan on using and there’s no guarantee that I’ll reach C1 grammar from using these but hey I can try.  I even broke down the chapters of my grammar books so I can fit them in within the month.There! Grammar is out the way and now I just need to focus on vocabulary. 
Vocabulary is where I’m sort of stumped on because you can know 8,000 words and still won’t be able to understand a lot of things because you just studied nouns or certain words that aren’t in everyday conversations. So even after the challenge ends I still plan on learning vocabulary for a little while. However, with that being said with the memrise courses I’ve collected (there’s going to be a lot of repeat words) I should know 13,066 words. I actually added an extra course that’s almost 2,000 words that I don’t plan on going through within the 31 days of the month but I’m going to use it anyway. 
There both parts of the language are finished and throughout the month I will be focusing on improving my listening skills and speaking skills (I know how to read and write Korean well) Now the only challenge left is to get all of this done in 31 days. That’s the beauty of it really this could work anytime of the year I just prefer working on it in the summer since I have nothing to do. Now onto the actually schedule. 
                               REMINDER: I’m still deciding whether or not I want this to be in July or in August because I was actually planning on studying Japanese for the the 1 month, 1 language challenge @lovelybluepanda   created. As long as every 7 days or Saturday of each month you have off to just review and relax this should work the same for any month that has 31 days in it. This also may be edited later
Also when I’m saying “Units” I mean chapters of a grammar books I’ve broken down my grammar books by unit and the one with the most is 26. Anything that’s not the Korean in use series is a memrise course, Day 19 is when I’ll be finished when grammar. 
Day 1: First four units of Korean grammar in use: Beginner and 500 verbs 
Day 2: Review verbs and Grammar, next four units 
Day:3 500 adjectives and four more units
Day 4. Review adjectives and four more units
Day 5: Four more units and review
Day 6: Four more units and 200 words
Day 7: Mass review (review everything grammar and vocab from the week)
Day 8: 350 adjectives and first 5 units of Korean grammar in use: Intermediate. 
Day 9: Review Adjectives, review grammar and 5 more units
Day 10: Four more units and 350 verbs
Day 11: Four more units
Day 12: Four more units 300 words
Day 13: Four more units
Day 14: Mass review
Day 15: Korean grammar in use: Advanced first 5 units Korean verbs: Level A
Day 16: Five more units and Korean Verbs: Level B
Day 17: Five more units and Korean verbs : Level C
Day 18: Five more units and 6 levels of Comprehensive korean
Day 19: Two units and vocabulary review
Day 20: 6 more levels of Comprehensive Korean
Day 21: Mass review
Day 22: 27 units of Ultimate vocabulary for Korean
Day 23: 27 more units
Day 24: 27 more units 
Day 25: 27 more units 
Day 26:  27 more  units  
Day 27: 27 more units 
Day 28 27 more units and Mass review
Day 29: Vocab review and Comprehensive Korean (Levels unspecified just need to finished by the end of the month.
Day 30: Comprehensive Korean
Day 31: Comprehensive korean
There that’s my schedule wish me luck! I’ll actually be posting day to day whenever I decide which month I want to do it.
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insookmae · 6 years
AP World History: The Least You Need to Know (2018)
A little late, I know- but save this if you’re taking it in the future! Thanks to my teacher for having twenty years of experience with this test! I’m taking this tomorrow, so wish me good luck!
Thesis (x,a,b,y + Thinking Skill)
Evidence + Analysis (cite docs)
Additional Evidence
Conclusion (can be BS)
Thesis (x,a,b,y + Thinking Skill)
Evidence + Analysis
Conclusion (can be BS)
Restate prompt
Evidence + Analysis
THINKING SKILLS: (know how to identify)
Continuity and Change Over Time
Keep reading
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insookmae · 6 years
If Chat doesn’t get an aqua transformation
I will lose my mind. Bitch my sunshine prince/king of the night deserves that fucking water costume and dope transformation sequence.
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insookmae · 6 years
Okay, so I am really bad at video games. It doesn’t stop me from playing them, just because I have really bad finger coordination. I play it for fun, not to have people screaming at me and making me feel like shit. You’re probably like, you can’t be that bad right?? Wrong. I suck at Mario, which is the most basic game. I just wanted to have fun with my friends, but imagine the bewilderment when everyone in the room is shouting at me for running out of lives TWICE. I’m sorry, I suck, but I want to have a good time too. It’s like how ugly people get to date as well. I WANT TO PLAY TOO. >:•(
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insookmae · 6 years
Good luck to everyone taking AP tests this month!
We’re here to help you review.
Chemistry: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtPHzzYuWy6fYEaX9mQQ8oGr
Psychology: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOPRKzVLY0jJY-uHOH9KVU6
Physics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtN0ge7yDk_UA0ldZJdhwkoV
Literature: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOeEc9ME62zTfqc0h6Pe8vb
U.S. Government and Politics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOfse2ncvffeelTrqvhrz8H
U.S. History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtMwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s
Computer Science: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNlUrzyH5r6jN9ulIgZBpdo
Biology: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3EED4C1D684D3ADF
World History: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9; https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNjasccl-WajpONGX3zoY4M
Statistics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNM_Y-bUAhblSAdWRnmBUcr
Economics: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtPNZwz5_o_5uirJ8gQXnhEO
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insookmae · 6 years
Other people: I ship Marinette and Luka.
Me: Destroy the traitors.
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insookmae · 7 years
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Tips for when studying is the last thing you want to do!
1. Write out on sticky notes the name of objects in your room, then go ahead and stick them on everything. Next time you turn on your light, make yourself look (or at least glance) at the word. Next time you open your drawer, look at the note. Any time you turn on your lamp, your laptop charger or your speakers, you’ll always have that vocabulary there and you’ll learn each of them in no time.
2. Play the radio/podcasts or a Korean show for background noise. Most of us don’t like to sit and scroll through Facebook in total silence. I recommend 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 (which is available on youtube!) as it is centred around children and any vocabulary you pick up will be helpful. Others include:
• 2 Days 1 Night
• Hello Counselor
• 이웃집 찰스
• Hello Baby
3. Write down phrases on flash cards. Break down the words. Some people have more success reading phrases on flash cards rather than just single vocabulary. Stick these in a place you’ll sit at often, or you could also stick them on items they pertain to just like in tip #1.
4. Just once a day, when you’re out and about or even just at home, search the dictionary for a word. Say you’re out eating, and you don’t know the word for “to order”. Whip out that phone, search it up and try to commit it to memory. One word a day is 365 words a year, and odds are you’ll pick up more than that anyway!
5. Google Play has a selection of multi-language books. Buy a Korean and English children’s book and try to read it (if you’re up to it). The English translation will always be there, so it’s less brain power for you to go and search up everything you don’t know! Plus, you might learn some small phrases in the process.
6. Watch Korean YouTubers. YouTube is fun to watch, so why not watch it in Korean? - 영국남자 (Korean Englishman) is an English man who is great at Korean, he always has English and Korean subs on. By the end of a few episodes you’ll know what “ 남자답다” and “살아 있네!” Means! - Pony’s Makeup is a great channel if you love makeup. You’ll pick up makeup related vocab and phrases, as well learn new techniques and styles. - Maangchi is a Korean lady who teaches you how to cook Korean food. It’s mostly in English but she talks about Korean words sometimes. - 꿀키 is another cooking channel, however there’s no talking, only the blissful sounds of soup boiling and onions frying! She puts small instructions on her videos in both English and Korean. Take notes!
7. Download a widget on your phone that gives you a new word every time you swipe to unlock. Simple, easy and there in your pocket.
8. Fill your social media with Korean. Follow Korean study blogs (though don’t rely on them 100% as most are run by non-fluent speakers), follow Korean daily vocab twitters and Facebook pages. Everything you see will be Korean and you’ll start to pick up on words that you see all the time.
9. Don’t feel discouraged if you haven’t studied for a week. Don’t feel like you’re the worst at Korean, or that you’re so far behind everyone else. Everyone learns differently and at different paces. Me, I’m competitive and need to absorb as much as is humanly possible in a short amount of time. Others stick to a schedule. Some learn stuff here and there. There is no right and wrong way to learn. Do you. Remember, just one word a day equals 365 a year. 2 words a day is even more!
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insookmae · 7 years
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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A Study In Physical Injury
Medical Facts And Tips For Your Writing Needs
Broken Bones
Unconsciousness & Head Trauma
Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
All About Mechanical Injuries (Injuries Caused By Violence)
Writing Specific Characters
Portraying a kleptomaniac.
Playing a character with cancer.
How to portray a power driven character.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
Playing a character who struggles with Bulimia.
Illegal Activity
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Domestic Abuse
Internet Fraud
Computer Viruses
Corporate Crime
Political Corruption
Drug Trafficking
Human Trafficking
Sex Trafficking
Illegal Immigration
Contemporary Slavery 
Black Market Prices & Profits
AK-47 prices on the black market
Computer Hackers and Online Fraud
Contract Killing
Exotic Animals
Fake Diplomas
Fake ID Cards, Passports and Other Identity Documents
Human Smuggling Fees
Human Traffickers Prices
Kidney and Organ Trafficking Prices
Prostitution Prices
Cocaine Prices
Ecstasy Pills Prices
Heroin Prices
Marijuana Prices
Meth Prices
Earnings From Illegal Jobs
Countries In Order Of Largest To Smallest Risk
Blood Analysis
Book Review
Cause & Manner of Death
Computers/Cell Phones/Electronics
Cool & Odd-Mostly Odd
Corpse Identification
Corpse Location
Crime and Science Radio
crime lab
Crime Scene
Cults and Religions
Document Examination
Fingerprints/Patterned Evidence
Firearms Analysis
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Art
Forensic Dentistry
Forensic History
Forensic Psychiatry
General Forensics
Guest Blogger
High Tech Forensics
Interesting Cases
Interesting Places
Medical History
Medical Issues
Multiple Murderers
On This Day
Poisons & Drugs
Police Procedure
serial killers
Space Program
Stupid Criminals
Time of Death
294K notes · View notes
insookmae · 7 years
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lmaoooo y’all would be pissed if you knew how much I blogged on my other account 😂 I gotta keep you a lil starved so you don’t expect too much
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insookmae · 7 years
100 Common Words in Korean
사실 - Actually
다시 - Again
조금 - A little
많이 - A lot
벌써 - Already
항상 - Always
그리고 - And, And then
아파트 - Apartment
아기 - Baby, Infant 
왜냐하면 - Because 
생일 - Birthday
몸 - Body
책 - Book
근데 - But, However
옷 - Clothes
요리 - Cooking
아빠 - Dad
날 - Day
다른 - Different
꿈 - Dream
특히 - Especially 
매일 - Everyday
시험 - Exam, Test
첫 - First
친구 - Friend
게임 - Game
키 - Height
집 - House, Home
얼마나 - How much, How many
나 - I
이미지 - Image
웃음 - Laughter
인생 - Life
빛 - Light
사랑 - Love
남자 - Man
고기 - Meat
기억 - Memory
더 - More
엄마 - Mom
기분 - Mood
아침 - Morning
돈 - Money
영화 - Movie
음악 - Music
이름 - Name
뉴스 - News
밤 - Night
아니 - No
지금 - Now
기회 - Opportunity, Chance
사람 - Person
사진 - Picture
실천 - Practice
약속 - Promise
질문 - Question
빨리 - Quickly
비 - Rain
정말 - Really
진짜 - Really
방 - Room
비밀 - Secret
학교 - School
쇼핑 - Shopping
잠 - Sleep
노래 - Song
봄 - Spring
아직 - Still
가게 - Store
학생 - Student
공부 - Study
갑자기 - Suddenly
맛 - Taste, Flavor
선생 - Teacher
텔레비전 - Television 
그 - That
그때 - Then, At that time
요즘 - These days, Recently
이 - This, Two, Tooth
시간 - Time
오늘 - Today
함께 - Together
내일 - Tomorrow
너무 - Too
이해 - Understanding
아주 - Very, Extremely
우리 - We, Our
날씨 - Weather
잘 - Well
어떤 - What, Which
무슨 - What kind of, What
언제 - When
어디 - Where
누구 - Who
왜 - Why
겨울 - Winter
고민 - Worry, Concern
여자 - Woman
네 - Yes
너 - You
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insookmae · 7 years
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Hello everyone! I’ve finally came across to writing another advice post. This is going to be in a sort of different format than my usual ones because I am going to make a concise list of what I think are essential to put in your pencil case!
My pencil case is actually small, but I managed to place all the stationery that fits my needs. Thus, you don’t need to have a fancy case with 10 different compartments. Any kind of case that fits all of your stationery will do just fine!
✽2 Pencils: one mechanical and one wooden, or two wooden pencils (never know when you need wooden pencils since sometimes you may need wooden pencils for tests)
✽Blue/Black Ink Pens: your favorite kind~ (gel, ballpoint, felt) choose the one you’re most comfortable writing with. Bring two of these pens at the least—one of them is a spare
✽Colored Pens: at least one of any kind of *visible* color (e.g. red, green, purple). **multi-colored pens are a good option if you want to save more space!
✽Highlighter: 1-2 colors; self-explanatory >u<
✽Erasers: 1 pencil eraser and 1 correction tape
✽extra lead for mechanical pencils
✽paper clips/binder clips: placed in a tiny ziplock bag (which you can find in newly bought clothes that have extra buttons attached :D)
✽ruler: 6 inch ones
✽sticky notes/tabs: one of each
✽markers/brush-pens: if you’re the type of spruce up your notes~
Of course, if a class requires you to bring any additional item, then you should obviously bring it haha. Anyways, I hope you find this post helpful in some way and can also help you reduce some of the little clutter in your pencil case >u<. Have a wonderful and productive day~!
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insookmae · 7 years
Wanted | 05
pairing: Jungkook x reader genre: space!au, alien!au, sci fi, alien!jungkook, soulmate!au words: 9k rating: nsfw (refer to warnings) warnings: gore, blood, death (not main), torture, unpleasantness, pain, etc, kookie gets fucking p i s s e d notes: oh boi ((also this might feel short for conflict but a reminder: this is a miniseries, and was originally meant to be a oneshot c: ))
You were a deserter, a renegade, a wanted “criminal”. It was never in your plans to crash land on that planet, and it most certainly wasn’t in your plans to fall in love with it’s handsome ruler.  
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masterlist | moodboard | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
The butterflies still hadn’t left your tummy.
You were by the window once more, butterflies fluttering insistently against the walls of your stomach as you recalled, once again, the events of the past several days.
You’d woken up yesterday around mid-afternoon, after you’d fallen asleep for the second time following your night of festivities, and had found yourself securely nestled in Jungkook’s arms. There was something about waking up in his embrace, surrounded by the scent and feel of him, that set your heart alight and felt so right, so wholesome and soothing to a deeper part of you, that you didn’t know how to explain it. Unlike when you had awoken earlier, Jungkook was already half-awake by the time your eyelids fluttered open, his fingers sleepily pressing and tracing patterns over your waist and hip.
Keep reading
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insookmae · 7 years
Jungkook / Jeon Jeongguk Masterlist
Disclaimer: None of these fics are mine, they belong to their respective owners/creators. This is just a list of my favourite fanfictions. ** = completed series m = mature content (smut) v = violent content AmAU = Arranged Marriage FwB = Friends with Benefits AU HWau = Hogwarts AU HybAU = Hybrid AU SmAU = Soulmate AU   Vamp = Vampire AU WwAu = Werewolf AU 😍 = Favourite
Animal Crackers
Bad (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Blackjack (m) - Mafia AU
**Bunny Boy** (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The Carrier (v-ish) - GangAU
Casual (m) - FwB
Damn the Delivery Boy (m) 😍
Enderkim thief!jungkook
Fact Over Fancy (m) 
Fast and Definitely Furious (m) 
Five Dates (m) 😍
Future Hearts (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Helping Hand (m) - FwB
His (m) (v) 😍 - WwAu: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
I Got You On My Mind (m) - SmAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
**I Won’t Stop You** (m) (v) 😍 - Vamp: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16/ 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
Jungnoir Gangster CEO!Jungkook - Mafia AU
Like Real People Do (m) - FwB: 1 / 2 / 3
Love Can’t Be Bought (Probably)
Lustrous (m) - HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The Meme and His Tutor 😍: Arc 1 / Arc 2
The Millionaire and His Lover (m) - CEO AU
The Only Exception (m) 😍- Fwb(ish)
Out of the Blue (m) 😍- HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3
**Perverted Bunny Mask (v) (m)** 😍 - Mafia AU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / Epilogue / Extra 1 / Extra 2 / Extra 3
Playing With Fire (m) - College AU
Puppies and a Popstar 
Room for Desert (m): 1 / 2 / 2.5 / 3
Serendipity - SmAU
Sillage (m) - SmAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Snack 😍 - HybAU
**Sweet Tears (m)** - HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Tell Me How (m): 1 / 2
Through The Flames (and into the Lava) (m)
**Tricky Things** (m) - DemonAU: 1 / 2
Under the Bridge (m) - HybAU
Wanted (m) - AlienAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Watch Me Babygirl (m) -FwB 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
Why People Fall in Love (m) - FwB
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insookmae · 7 years
Jungkook / Jeon Jeongguk Masterlist
Disclaimer: None of these fics are mine, they belong to their respective owners/creators. This is just a list of my favourite fanfictions. ** = completed series m = mature content (smut) v = violent content AmAU = Arranged Marriage FwB = Friends with Benefits AU HWau = Hogwarts AU HybAU = Hybrid AU SmAU = Soulmate AU   Vamp = Vampire AU WwAu = Werewolf AU 😍 = Favourite
Animal Crackers
Bad (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Blackjack (m) - Mafia AU
**Bunny Boy** (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
The Carrier (v-ish) - GangAU
Casual (m) - FwB
Damn the Delivery Boy (m) 😍
Enderkim thief!jungkook
Fact Over Fancy (m) 
Fast and Definitely Furious (m) 
Five Dates (m) 😍
Future Hearts (m): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Helping Hand (m) - FwB
His (m) (v) 😍 - WwAu: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
I Got You On My Mind (m) - SmAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
**I Won’t Stop You** (m) (v) 😍 - Vamp: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16/ 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30
Jungnoir Gangster CEO!Jungkook - Mafia AU
Like Real People Do (m) - FwB: 1 / 2 / 3
Love Can’t Be Bought (Probably)
Lustrous (m) - HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
The Meme and His Tutor 😍: Arc 1 / Arc 2
The Millionaire and His Lover (m) - CEO AU
The Only Exception (m) 😍- Fwb(ish)
Out of the Blue (m) 😍- HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3
**Perverted Bunny Mask (v) (m)** 😍 - Mafia AU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / Epilogue / Extra 1 / Extra 2 / Extra 3
Playing With Fire (m) - College AU
Puppies and a Popstar 
Room for Desert (m): 1 / 2 / 2.5 / 3
Serendipity - SmAU
Sillage (m) - SmAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Snack 😍 - HybAU
**Sweet Tears (m)** - HybAU: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Tell Me How (m)
Through The Flames (and into the Lava) (m)
**Tricky Things** (m) - DemonAU: 1 / 2
Under the Bridge (m) - HybAU
Watch Me Babygirl (m) -FwB 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
Why People Fall in Love (m) - FwB
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