inspiritingplums · 2 years
so idk if anyone is even around here anymore but obviously this blog is currently an archive and will remain so. I am still writing on an rp blog over at @mementofloreo if anyone would care to take a look.
If you’d simply like to get in touch ooc, I can be found on @captnfaramir and my handle on twitter is the same.
-Toby <3
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
heads up, this blog is officially closed. I will be moving the muses I intend to keep writing through to this blog in the link. I’m more selective about my partners there so I may not follow back, but ooc interaction is still welcome from nonmutuals.
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
heads up, this blog is officially closed. I will be moving the muses I intend to keep writing through to this blog in the link. I’m more selective about my partners there so I may not follow back, but ooc interaction is still welcome from nonmutuals.
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
heads up, this blog is officially closed. I will be moving the muses I intend to keep writing through to this blog in the link. I’m more selective about my partners there so I may not follow back, but ooc interaction is still welcome from nonmutuals.
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
If they had a kid meme
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
General Appearance:
Special Talents:
Who they like better:
Who they take after more:
Personal Head canon:
Face Claim:
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
//Update on Lief/Soren’s life:
Basically both my physical and mental health have been seeing a rapid and steady decline in the past month. I’ve had a really awful year in general, traumatic in some cases. We are working on things as well as we can but I’m really not doing well right now.
I start a new antidepressant as soon as we’re able to pick it up from the pharmacy. I’m looking into therapists for my gender dysphoria(to update my HRT recommendation letter) and for my PTSD(which I think is getting worse.) I’ve been referred by my psychiatrist for psych testing/screening which will be very emotionally invasive and exhausting, but necessary. And I have a scope procedure at the beginning of december to hopefully figure out some of the physical problems happening.
I would like to come back, but it seems pretty dead around here anyway, so I don’t think there’s any point right now unless I just follow some of my FE mutuals and do FE verses with everyone. I’ll think about it.))
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
((Sorry I still haven’t been around. To be honest, none of the rp partners I’m really comfortable/at home around are active here anymore and it’s been a big deterrant, especially since I’ve had a horrible summer(well, year) and have been hyperfocused on other things anyway.
That isn’t meant to be an affront to the people still here, I just am very...it’s hard for me to be comfortable around people, is all. It doesn’t mean I dislike you, but it does make writing with you a little difficult if I don’t feel enough at ease around you. I apologize.
Hopefully I’ll get to a place where I can come back again. I’ll try and get back into the habit of checking my dash here, at least.))
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
sorry I’ve been dead fire emblem rpc kidnapped me lol
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
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i haven’t made an official promo graphic yet, but if you’re interested in writing with an independent PRIMROSE AZELHART from octopath traveler, feel free to reblog / like this post and i’ll come check out your blog. i’m extremely crossover friendly and i’m so excited to start writing her!
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
Cyrus was fully aware that she appreciated him, otherwise she wouldn’t have been here. It had taken a lot of convincing, and he knew that there was still doubt on her end, as to whether or not she was ready to take on such a monumental task. He’d be there, regardless, to help her through everything as much as he possibly could. She wasn’t alone in this.
His eyes widened at her teasing, a dark flush spreading across his cheeks and up to the tips of his ears. He sputtered indignantly for a moment - he hadn’t meant it like that! That didn’t mean that he was entirely opposed, mind you…
“You know full well what I mean,” he managed after a moment, crossing his arms as he attempted to regain his composure. “Though it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that you’d be inclined to interpret my words otherwise.” A pause, and then, unable to hide his smirk, he added, “Besides, you hardly need implements for a proper reprimanding, I’d wager.”
Odette raised a brow. “Quite eager for a scolding, aren’t you,” She stated, “Noted.”
Not here and now, of course. Because they both knew what they were implying(images of past rolls under the sheets flash through her mind) but this was neither the place nor the time.
Still, the flirting and silliness stirred up old affection that she’d long since tried to put away, and her gaze softened. She placed a hand on Cyrus’ cheek and stroked her thumb across it. “Cyrus, I have missed you.” she murmured, “More than I think you’re aware. Thank you for being here.”
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
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“Forty thous-” Marlene cuts herself off and covers her mouth. Forty thousand. She’s never even dreamed of having that much money in excess to care for her family. And here’s Erhardt, offering it only in exchange for- for what? She feeds him, yes, she mends his clothes and she’s important to him, she- she’s nearly crying.
And he wants to stay. She was always sure he’d come back, of course- but for how long always weighed on her mind. He was a man with no homeland(by his own making) and many demons left in his heart that need facing. And now he’s saying he wants none of anything but to be with her. Here.
When Taryn died she thought for a long time she would never feel anything like what she felt for him again. And time passed and she healed, yes, but she didn’t love. Not until Erhardt came along. He’s swept her away from short like a riptide, and she’s lost at sea with him now.
No more skipped meals. No more furtive butchering of her own clothes to mend the girls’ dresses. No more struggling or scraping.
...No more sleeping alone. 
Tears spill down her face, hot and happy, and she sinks into Erhardt’s waiting arms and holds on for dear life. “I love you,” She chokes clumsily, “so much.” It’s not an elegant confession, but they both know already anyway. It’s just in the air now.
“You don’t have to say anything. You’ve done so much for me. I never would have pulled through if you hadn’t been here for me.”
It’s the simple truth. She’d nursed him back to health, and she (and the girls) had given him a sense of purpose again, something to strive for. He wanted to be better. He wanted to be worthy of the adoration they’d shown him. Gifting them with some essentials, to make their day to day lives better, seems like the absolute least he can do.
He lifts her hand and kisses her knuckles lightly, offering a smile just as warm as the one she’s giving him. “That isn’t all. I told you that I was going to Grandport to work, and I did. I intended to keep wandering after the busy season had passed, but I found myself wanting to return here. To come home to you.”
Home. That’s what Marlene has become. With her, he feels safe. He feels complete.  
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“If you’ll have me, I’d like to stay, and contribute to the household properly. I’m sure an extra set of hands to take care of the chores would be helpful. And…” He reaches into his pack, and takes out a large pouch full of coins, hefting it onto the table before them. “I’ll contribute my share financially as well. Forty thousand leaves. I won’t have you struggling to make ends meet anymore, Marlene–shh. I don’t want to hear a word of protest either. I owe you my life. This is nothing in comparison. We can use it to take care of the girls. You won’t ever go hungry again. I promise.”
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
Alfyn listened with a sympathetic look. Sometimes a new friend was easier to open up to than any other, he supposed. There was something about the transience of being on a trip that made deep talks less difficult as well.
“Sorry to hear about that,” he said honestly, “The system’s pretty rough.”
He offered a bright smile after that, though. “Still, you’re into dancin’! Makes perfect sense, a gorgeous gal like you would fit right in on a stage.”
He laughed, “I could never to that type of performin’. Singing is fine, instrumental stuff...I play cello and guitar and piano, my ma was a music teacher so I dabbled in a lot of things.”
Prim’s mouth pressed into a line as she listened to Alfyn’s story. She wasn’t expecting him to share so much about himself, but she could only assume that this wasn’t an easy topic to talk about.  To show that she was there and understood his resolution, Primrose placed a hand on his forearm and smiled to him. 
“I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, Doc. Can’t save lives if you’re not at 100%, neh?” she gave his arm three squeezes before letting go.  She heaved a sigh as she was suddenly taken back to her own childhood. It was a happy one before that night…
In a far off daze, Primrose chuckled as she blinked back to reality. 
“I remember dancing and always being around music as a child. My mother was wonderful composer, but… One day, she just up and left… I’d ask my father about it, but he’d never speak about it.” she cleared her throat, “Unfortunately, I lost my father to a group of men, and I was put in the system… Helgenish wasn’t the best of foster fathers. When I was able to leave that forsaken house, I did…”
She quickly bit back her tongue as she contemplated whether or not to tell Alfyn this bit. Of course, her friends know her reason for dancing, but they didn’t know this extent– yet.  Taking in a breath, she decided against it. Finding her father’s killers isn’t something to mention on a first meeting, so she just masked her uncertainty with a well placed smile. 
“Hopefully you stay in New York, Doctor. If you ever need coffee or something the cafeteria doesn’t offer, you’re free to call me.” 
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
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“Especially then,” Kit says, smile warm and gentle, “I love listening to you talk about the things you enjoy. I don’t think you realize how much you smile when it comes to bugs.”
And she doesn’t smile much, otherwise. Not that she’s always frowning, but Kit does wish he could hear her laugh more often. And that’s beyond the little bit of a crush he’s developing. As her friend, he wants the best for Therese. That she can feel confident and good about herself.
“It’s nice to have a passion for something,” he adds, “For me it’s painting and pottery and for you it’s insects. I don’t see a problem with that- and it’s always fun to go with you on your little bug hunting adventures, even if we have to untangle twigs from our hair after.”
growling. / ( slowly acc. ) / @inspiritingplums
‘ i see beauty in everything, but especially in you. ’ kit for therese bc THERESE DESERVES LOVE AND POSITIVITY!!!!!!
Therese laughs, blood rushing to her cheeks in embarrassment. It was a very unexpected comment from Kit, it caught her by surprise.
“ R… Really, now. ”
Gods it takes a lot to not dismiss it outright. Though maybe she can allow herself to test the validity of it.
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“ Uh… Hm… Even when I keep talking about insects and such? ”
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
“I’ll be starting my residency next year,” Alfyn provided, “I should end up still somewhere in New York, but I don’t know if it’ll be in Queens.”
He smiled wryly. “Oh, don’t worry about me. Med school ain’t easy, but I’m doin’ what I can to stay healthy. Lots of water, balanced diet...Not getting quite enough sleep, but that’s higher education for you, I guess.”
He looked up. “My health is pretty important to me, though. I gotta take good care of it.”
It was a bit sudden to admit, but Alfyn put out a piece of information that he hadn’t actually told everyone in his life. “I had two tumors removed from a kidney when I was eleven.” he said, “I recovered fine, but I was real sick. Almost died, would have if doctor Crossford hadn’t helped us get the money for the surgery.”
And then he offered another smile. “But that’s all way in the past now, I’m fit as a fiddle these days. Probably fitter than most, actually.” And it was true. Alfyn was in a boxing club at his gym and worked out regularly. He could throw Zeph if he wanted to.
Prim followed along as Alfyn explained where his life journey took him. She’d mentally ‘follow the bouncing ball’ when she heard a new state being named. It was just a fun little game to see how far Alfyn has traveled, and she was most impressed to hear how he started in Texas and found his was to Kansas.
“You all sound very close; being brought up together as children. Oh, and don’t worry about the accent, I find it cute.” Prim soon took a sip from her  own coffee cup. She’d allow the air to clear between them before even daring to make eye contact with him again. 
“New York does get cold in the winter… I might need to buy a new pair of boots in case my current ones tap out on me. A lot of walking.” she chuckled, “But anyhow, you’re a med student? Are you finishing up your residency? A-Are you taking care of yourself? I can only imagine the hours you pull…” Primrose only knew little about the behind the scenes of a hospital due to her own interest of becoming a doctor as a child; however, she just couldn’t let go of dancing.
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
Neither of them has had a close friend their own age in a long time, so Kit always tries to put an active interest in the things Therese enjoys. And Therese finds bugs fascinating.
Kit has always been fairly neutral on them. He’s a little put off by stingers and spiders, of course, but he doesn’t dislike or fear the little crawlers. And that’s been a plus, since Therese loves them so much.
The beetle’s shell is shiny and reflecting light in different colors. “I think it’s pretty,” Kit admits, “Like a little jewel.”
He doesn’t know that he would call it cute, but it certainly is a nice beetle. He can see why Therese was excited about it.
more misc. / ( not acc. ) / @inspiritingplums
“ what did you want to show me? ” kit for therese!!
Therese laughs a little at Kit’s enthusiasm, before she takes his hand gently and guides him to the bushes on the path to Atlasdam’s castle.
She crouches down, and gently lifts up a beetle.
It’s a big one, so she needs to be careful while holding it, because it can very easily push itself out of her grip.
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“ Here! ” she says. “ Aren’t they cute? ”
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
misc sentence starters
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”   “  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ”   “  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”   “  i wish i could hate you.  ”  “  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while.  ” “  i need you to trust me.  ”   “  i missed/miss you.  ”   “  she/he won’t listen to me.  ” “  let me do this for you. please.  ”   “  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ” “  tell me something happy.  ”   “  promise me.  ” “  i just want/wanted to help.  ”   “  let me explain.  ” “  i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me.  ”   “  i’m on your side.  ” “  i’ve got your back, okay? ” “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” “  stay with me tonight.  ” “  don’t go. please.  ”   “  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be.  ”   “  talk to me.  ”   “  i did what i had to do.  ” “  we can’t keep going on like this.  ” “  i’m just tired.  ” “  i’m scared.  ” “  it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ” “  it’s better to expect disappointment.  ” “  hope is dangerous.  ” “  i like seeing you smile.  ”   “  you look beautiful.  ”   “  be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”   “  i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ” “  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”   “  have a drink with me.  ” “  she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice.  ” “  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ” “  can i help you?  ” “  i thought you’d like this.  ” “  do you wanna get out of here?  ” “  walk with me?  ” “  well, shit.  ”
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inspiritingplums · 5 years
((Stayed up way too heckin late and have still only gotten a couple of hours of sleep so I’m up to take some nausea medicine and then it’s back to speep for me for a while longer!! But I’ll be around most of today.))
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