instantcandytriumph · 2 years
Lost Dog!
We found a dog in our neighborhood today, I don't have a picture but he looks like some schnauzer mix. We think he's deaf and he's very old with maybe some arthritis in his back legs, my dad and I think he's a boy. We took him to the vet and he didn't have a chip in him, I'm going on a cruise so I won't be able to respond but we live in Orlando, Florida and according to our neighbor it's been in our neighborhood since yesterday morning. If you have any information please alert Pine Castle Veterinarian.
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
If you ever need to vent you know where to go, I'm often called the therapist of my friends and will listen and help you with anything you need and I won't judge. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you and I know that most of Tumblr will be too, just please don't ever forget to take care of yourself and get yourself a glass of water if you're reading this please. I hope you have a great rest of your day and I will include your husband and dog into my prayers tonight.
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I’m paying to force seven thousand strangers to see a photo of my late husband having fun with his dog. Tumblr Blaze is totally worth it. XD
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
Your brother did a Fortnite dance on public property and got arrested
*opens the groupchat at breakfast to backread like its the morning paper*
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
I don't take orders from you, I want to see what will happen.
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
I have a normal pillow and two on the sides of my bed so I don't fall off and kill myself, I also use a side blanket because I like to rest my head on it.
If u vote pls reblog :)
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
I saw this and tried to scroll past this I really did but here we are. Sky is 9, Wind is 18, Legend is 12, Time is 11, Warriors is 32, Twilight is 29, Wild is 44, Four is 15, and Hyrule is 13.
Legend wondered what the fuck was up with Sky, when they first met it was clear that he was obviously the youngest no matter how small the captain said he was, and when they were talking around the fire one night Four asked if everyone had faced Ganandorf.
Everyone answered yes except Sky, "who's that?" He asked, Legend looked at Sky like he was insane. "You have had your adventure, right?" Twilight asked from beside Wild who looked mildly intrigued, Sky nodded. "I faced someone named Demise, he was the demon king and a god. I killed him about six months ago I think.''
Legend obviously didn't believe him, "you're a midget, how could YOU have killed a god?" Legend asked, Warriors gasped and wrapped his scarf around Sky. "Don't believe him Sky, don't let his bullying get to you.'' Sky shrugged and it was forgotten for the time being.
A few months later when Legend was taking second watch (he lost a bet to Wind) Sky shot awake and laid back down in his bedroll silently sobbing, Legend sighed and went over to comfort the kid, they all got nightmares but Legend had just gotten comfortable and he didn't feel like getting up but he did it anyway. "What's wrong?" He asked in the softest voice he could muster, Sky looked at him and shook his head. Legend sighed again as he took Sky's head in his lap and started running hid hands through Sky's hair trying to calm the younger one down, "it's alright, it's going to be alright I promise.'' Legend whispered to him, Sky shook his head.
"Remember when I said I killed a god?" Sky asked, his voice was rough from crying. "Yes, I do.'' Legend answered, "I couldn't stop him in time, and he cursed me, at first I didn't know what he meant but know I do and I'm the reason for your suffering and-" Sky broke off into sobs and shoved his little face into Legend's skirt and Legend felt his heart break, "did you want to get cursed?" Legend asked, Sky shook his head still not looking up. "Then none of us will be mad I promise you, you don't have to tell anyone, but if you do I'll be here to protect you if they get angry.'' Sky didn't reply and Legend wondered for a split second if Sky fell asleep but then Sky raised his head and whispered his thanks to Legend before falling asleep on Legend's shoulder, "wait Sky!" Legend whisper-yelled but Sky was already deep asleep, Legend sighed, "my watch is almost over anyway.''
Warriors awoke to a boot coming in contact right into his face, he looked up and saw Legend with a scowl on a face and a sleeping Sky on his shoulder. 'Your watch now' he signed and laid down in Sky's bedroll and made that the younger was okay before he fell asleep.
Oops, my hands slipped.
Occasionally I’ve seen an age swap au for LU, but usually the go with either everyone being their canonical ages or making it where the start of the line is oldest (Sky) and they progressively get younger, making Wild the youngest. (Though usually it’s just letting everyone else keep their ages and making Wild the child) And don’t get me wrong, I love that! However, hear me out- an age swap au that makes no sense. As in, end of the line is the oldest, and they progressively get younger and younger.
Wild is in his late thirties early fourties’, Warriors is like mid to early thirties, etc etc. and then you have Sky, who is like nine or ten, but his entire journey stays the exact same.
Everyone coddles him because he’s what, nine? Eight? But then this kid looks them straight in the eyes and casually mentions how he KILLED A GOD
Anyways idk if I’ll ever actually write this but if someone wants to, be my guest. All my ideas I post are free game btw, feel free to scroll through my stuff and write my ideas I’ve posted here, I really don’t mind
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
Call me Candy, I will chat with you about almost anything! The fandoms I am into right now are LOZ, Linked Universe (Made by the lovely Jojo), Owl House, and Ninjago so feel free to talk to me about any of those things also if you want to share any knowledge about the ocean I will gladly listen!!
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
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a gift from me 2 u ♡
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instantcandytriumph · 2 years
This is so good I love all the angst in this!!
Writing request: Hunter does get taken during clouds on the horizon.
Warning for Child Abuse
Oh, Titan. No, no, no, no, nonononononono—
Remember the breathing, just…
Hunter sucked in a deep breath, counting on his fingers. One, two, three, four, three, two, one.
And it worked.
For approximately .1 seconds until he remembered where he was and where he was going and who was waiting for him and what he’d do to him and—
Hunter tucked his head between his knees.
What would Luz do?
Befriending the enemy isn’t exactly an option here.
What would Willow do?
Growing giant vines to rip his enemies to shreds wasn’t really an option, either. Hunter wrapped shaking hands around Flapjack.
“The moment the shield goes down, we get out,” he murmured, “We teleport as far away as we can as fast as we can.”
The palisman chirped in agreement, shifting into its staff form in preparation as the Abomaton’s stomping walk came to a halt.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Aaaaaaand…
The shield released, and Hunter was gone in a blur of gold.
Only to be plucked out of the air by a hand that was mostly slime.
“Don’t you run from me again, Hunter.”
The hand flung him down to the ground so hard the recoil threw him back into the air, his back arching as the breath left his lungs and the staff clattered from his hand. Hunter gasped for air, his fingers twitching weakly. An ache spread along his back and the back of his head, burning like one of Luz’s fire glyphs, and his head felt fuzzy.
Can’t breathe
Can’t breathe, can’t breathe, oh titan I can’t breathe—
Red magic pulled him into an upright position, and more brought his staff up. Belos’ eyes widened, and suddenly, he was right in Hunter’s face, clutching a struggling Flapjack in his hands.
“Where did you get this?!” he snarled, his breath somehow cold on Hunter’s face, filled with the smell of decay.
Hunter choked, still struggling to pull air into his bruised lungs. Belos shook him. “WHERE?!”
“It f-found m…” he managed, then stopped, panting.
“Found you. Of course it did, Caleb, you made it, didn’t you, of course it came back.”
Luz would keep him talking.
If he’s talking, then I live.
“Who’s… Ca…” Pant for air (it was getting easier now, it still hurt, but he was able to get the air in) “Caleb…”
“You were supposed to be him,” Belos murmured, pacing, Flapjack still clutched too tightly in his hands, “You were supposed to…” He shook his head. “No, no. This changes nothing, if anything, it seals your betrayal. A palisman, Hunter?”
“You… use them too…”
That was the wrong thing to say (or maybe the right, raging at him was better than the final moment where he’d just kill Hunter, right? If he could keep him preaching, keep him ranting, then…)
Belos tossed him to the side again, and Hunter was sent skidding across the floor. “I destroy them,” he hissed, squeezing Flapjack even tighter, “Vile creatures, evil creatures—”
Flapjack chirped in pain, and Hunter managed to roll over and start to push himself back up. “Don’t hurt it! Please!”
His patch flared up, and Hunter collapsed again, clutching his wrist to his chest. “P-please,” he whispered, “I’ll be Caleb… just don’t hurt…”
And there Belos was again, clutching Hunter’s jaw in his hand, squeezing tight, tightly enough that Hunter heard a crack, and starbursts of bright pain spread out from his jaw. He screamed as Belos snorted.
“You? Be him? Don’t make me laugh, you’ve already failed, and you’ll do it again. As if I’d be such a fool as to let you betray me again.”
Belos pulled him out into the hallway, dangling him over the edge of a pit. “Goodbye, Hunt—”
He was interrupted by a set of vines that slammed into his arm, tangling around Hunter and yanking him away. Willow’s eyes glowed a fierce green, but the vines put him down gently, and Gus caught him.
“Hunter? Hunter!”
His voice sounded tinny and far off, and his face kept flickering in and out of Hunter’s vision. He grasped weakly for his friend’s face, determined not to let him disappear. Gus grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze, then looped his arms under Hunter’s, pulling him into an alcove next to King.
“I want to… help,” King was saying dazedly.
“Hunter’s hurt, and his palisman’s in rough shape, too—can you protect them?”
“Okay, good.”
Hunter grabbed for Gus as he ran, but then he was gone. And then with a bump and a shake, King was gone, too., and it was just Hunter and Flapjack, too tired and achy to move. The draining spell crept further up Hunter’s body, and his heart started to pound harder in his chest.
They came for you…
They’ll come again…
One, two, three, four, three, two, one…
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