How many followers will I lose for thinking you’re an irresponsible-ass pet owner if you let your cat roam around outside unsupervised? LET’S FIND OUT
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man, I have very little sympathy for people who’re like “I gotta let them play in traffic, my cat WAILS and acts MISERABLE unless I let them outside!” 
because like……….so does mine? at a certain point each day Grim decides she wants out, and until that happens she a) follows me about SCREAMING, and b) sits atop whatever I’m doing and bites my hands. this is not an exageration
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wanna know what I do? I take her out. either supervised in my backyard or on leash in the front
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she naps in the sunlight, eats copious amounts of grass, rolls in dirt, and murders butterflies. after 15-30 minutes (equivalent to the time you’d spend on a neighbourhood dog walk) I take Grim back in, and she happily sleeps/plays/cuddles indoors for the remainder of the day
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it’s legitimately low-effort
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Wanna know how bad I am at answering asks? I just found a few unanswered ones congratulating me on my wedding. I got married in 2014.
Thanks for the well wishes guys the marriage is going well
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I also think cake, mozzarella sticks, cinnamon rolls and the beach are overrated
I’ve lost three followers for thinking communism and capitalism are both shit let’s keep this party going
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I’ve lost three followers for thinking communism and capitalism are both shit let’s keep this party going
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IM HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK and am also sorry that life has been shit (But also happy that it's ramping up to being not-shit) ALSO Important Question™: Doggos or Puppers? And also: Are all doggos actually puppers because it's so much more fun to say =P
THANK YOU! Yes to both Important Questions and also would like to add that every dog is a good dog thanks for coming to my ted talk
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I mean throw the entire planet directly into the garbage and start over tbh
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I think you've missed the point of the above posts. First of all, nobody's tried to defend capitalism here. I think we can all agree that capitalism is a fucking dumpster fire.
The point was that communism keeps failing because it relies on government officials not becoming corrupt which is a goddamn pipe dream no matter what time period you're living in, and people haven't been touting it as The Perfect System Someday When It's Ready, they've been touting it as something everyone should switch to right exactly now because look, everyone will be happy and won't have to work as much and we can craft the finest of costumes ! Communism is the ultimate ideal ! and they keep up with this bullshit grass is greener mentality all while actively ignoring the people who have lived under communism and have directly suffered the significant drawbacks and maybe have something to say about that. The solution is not to latch onto something that sounds good on paper and denounce anyone who disagrees as selfish, the solution is to find another alternative to capitalism. Whole damn world’s broken kids.
(Yes hello this was supposed to have been posted many moons ago but got saved as a draft instead)
everyone whose always like “What will happen to fashion and style under socialism and communism” is always so gross to me because its like ill give up decadent clothing in place of people not starving to death and if you wont you are a piece of shit 
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Anywho I really am doing alright and I’m super appreciative of everybody’s concern. Life is slowly settling the fuck down (knock on wood) and I hope to start having the time and energy to start having Opinions on tumblr again.
Look @ my dog
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Hello I’ve come back from the dead to remind u all that antivaxxers are wrong have a nice day
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rest in peace everyone
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That’s Louis Rossman, a repair technician and YouTuber, who went viral recently for railing against Apple. Apple purposely charges a lot for repairs and you either have to pay up or buy a new device. That’s because Apple withholds necessary tools and information from outside repair shops. And to think, we were just so close to change.
Follow @the-future-now
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I feel like I should make a post about this because it’s not something that’s very well-known, and that Americans in particular may need to know about given the uncertain state of our healthcare system at the moment. I’ve wanted to write this out for a while, It’s kind of a long post, so sorry about that!
If you have an emergency and have to go to the hospital, you’ll owe the hospital a lot of money. (I got into a car wreck and broke my ankle and my arm. My hospital bill was around $20,000)
You’ll also owe the ambulance provider, if you need one. (My ambulance bill was about $800)
You may get separate bills from the anesthesiologist or surgeon. (My anesthesiologist bill was $1,700)
You may need follow-up appointments. (My orthopedic surgeon billed me for the appointments and his surgery together and it was about $1,000)
You’ve also got to pay for medical equipment you need afterward, like crutches or a walking boot. (Mine cost about $75)
Altogether, I ended up with almost $24,000 in medical debt from one car accident. That’s a really scary number for someone like me who makes $10/hr at a 12 hour a week job.
I got my debt down to $1075 by making some phone calls and submitting some paperwork.
The first thing I did was contact the hospital. They don’t make it easy to find, but many hospitals (perhaps most hospitals?) have financial assistance programs for people who can’t afford medical bills. I don’t make a lot of money, and I have bills to pay, so they were able to help me. I called the billing department and asked if they had any assistance programs for low income people who can’t pay their bills. I had to call multiple times, and I got transferred in circles by people who didn’t know what I was talking about. Finally, I got an appointment with someone in “Eligibility Services” (I don’t know what other hospitals call it, if it’s something different). I had to bring my pay stubs and copies of all of my bills. When I got to the hospital for the appointment, nobody knew what I was talking about so I had to wander a little to find where I needed to go. I spoke with the guy in Eligibility Services, and I waited for a decision on how much of the bill they would forgive. A month later, I got a call telling me it was totally forgiven.
I did the same thing for my ambulance bill and my anesthesiologist, but the process was a LOT easier. I just had to mail some paperwork and it was totally forgiven.
I didn’t bother with the medical equipment suppliers, since the bills came from separate companies and I didn’t feel like going through the process twice for $75. I was assured at the hospital that they had similar programs for debt forgiveness, so I could have probably avoided paying that too.
The only thing I couldn’t get taken care of was the surgeon/follow-up appointment cost, but they were able to put me on a no-interest payment plan.
Medical debt is scary because it’s something that can come from stuff that’s already really scary. I didn’t need the burden of $24,000 in debt on top of trying to get around on a crutch with a broken arm (it’s not easy, believe me!).. but I can’t imagine what it would be like with a bigger debt or a more severe medical emergency. I see lots of people in even worse trouble than I was in, both financially and medically. Please know that there are options for you when that GoFundMe doesn’t do enough. Even if your income is higher than mine, it’s worth a shot even for partial debt forgiveness.
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Hi folks, just wanted to swing by and tell you all I’m not dead. I’m sorry for the total lack of posts (again) lately. It’s kiiiiind of been the worst year of my life, a lot’s been going wrong and tbh I haven’t had it in me to do anything on tumblr beyond good old fashioned shitposting on my main (eunuchhorn, if any of you want some form of reassurance that I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth in the form of a lot of really dumb reblogs).
So, anyway. I’m here, I’m still kicking, I hope to get back to inflicting my opinions on those of you still sticking around once my life settles down some, hopefully that’ll happen soon.
Thanks ily all etc. etc.
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it was a mistake to post it i didnt think it would go viral which is dumb i know!! the caretaker is worried about being located and these calves are SACRED and often stolen/killed/skinned !!!!!!! keep it in your heart and delete delete delete!! help me get the word out!!
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Phone scammers...
Ya boi just took some asshole for a ride. Some schmuck called me from a (spoofed) DC number with some cockamamie story about how he’s with the Federal Government and they’ve randomly selected me to receive a $7000 grant, oh and I’ll have to go pick it up at any of several chain grocery stores. Keeps using these “check-in” phrases that are meant to prompt you to say yes.
But see, joke’s on him: I’ve heard of this scam, and I don’t talk like most people. When I answer the phone and someone asks for me by name, I say “Speaking,” not “Yes.” So every single time this assclown tried to get me to say “Yes” I’d say something like “Understood” or “Go on.”
You see, the scam is, they trick you into saying “Yes,” and bonus if they can get you to repeat numbers (esp. 0-9) and/or “I agree.” What these low-lives do is record your voice and then use the sound bytes to make fraudulent charges in your name.
So fuck this guy right off the bat.
The more I dicked him around, the more frequently he started trying to goad me into saying the y-word. The funniest part came when he was going to “give me a confirmation number.”
Him: The confirmation is seven, one, three…
And he just STOPS. The “three” was pitched up to indicate there’d be more. I wait. He waits. I say, “Go on.”
And this bitch goes, “Yes, the confirmation number is seven, one, three…”
And he STOPS AGAIN. I wait. He waits. I say, “Go on,” again.
And he STARTS! OVER! AGAIN! He did this TWO MORE TIMES before giving me the “full confirmation number” and a “number to call,” which together JUST HAPPEN to include all ten digits, 0 through 9.
This entire time I haven’t said a single word that could be construed as agreement. So he asks me to repeat the numbers back to him. I decide I’ve had enough at that point. I tell him to get a better job, hang up, and block the number.
Another “DC” number immediately calls me. I reject & block it.
And then I filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission. :3
BE WARY. Get yourself on the National Do Not Call Registry. If a number you don’t recognize calls you, DON’T REPLY “YES” OR ANY OTHER GENERIC AFFIRMATIVE TO ANYTHING THEY SAY OR ASK.
The original scam is a robocall that starts off with “Can you hear me?” The most correct response is to hang up and report it to the FTC. The second best is “I can hear you,” if you’re not sure or if you forget. But get into the habit of using responses other than “Yes” on the phone. These fuckers are everywhere.
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