Non Communicable Disease (NCDs)
As a neurosurgeon, I am tired to see stroke patients with hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, dyslipidemia, arthritis, hypothyroidism. Some of them are obese, some are TOFI (Thin Outside, Fat Inside). I am horrified to see the drug lists given to them by their doctors (on an average 10 per patient). Medicine never cures any disease (NCDs), it can only reduce some symptoms. I try to explain every patient about the background of their diseases, it may takes time, but it is very important. This is our responsibility to learn the evidence based science, and learn the art of explaining that science to our patients. Modern disease starts from our kitchen. Please avoid vegetable oils (actually they are seed oils), refined sugar, wheat. Do not hesitate to intake eggs(with yolks) , meat, fish, butter, cheeses as much as you need. This will help you reverse your diabetes, hypertension , hypothyroidism, dyslipidemia, arthritis, migraine...and so on....believe me I am talking about evidence based science.
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