intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Analysis: Economy scares and ISIS resurgence cloud Trump's 2020 pitch
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/rss/cnn_topstories?d=yIl2AUoC8zA A sudden cascade of events is challenging President Donald Trump’s boasts of an unprecedented American winning streak that is a critical component of his reelection salesmanship. Read More https://is.gd/rX48fC
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: VR Startup VirtualMate ermöglicht Erlebnisse mit Pornostars
https://venus-adult-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/virtualmate-core-300x169.jpg Ein VR-Unternehmen wagt den ersten Vorstoß zur Verschmelzung von VR-Erlebnissen mit smarten Sextoys. VirtualMate bringt einen intelligenten Stroker namens Core auf den Markt, der mit in der VR-Brille gesehenen Inhalten interagiert. Die Besonderheit? Das Unternehmen hat mehrere Pornostars der letzten Jahrzehnte und wie auch heutige Megastars dazu gewonnen, sich digitalisieren zu lassen. So kann der Nutzer in der Kombination ein heißes Erlebnis mit seinem Pornoliebling verbringen. Das von Jeff Dillon gegründete VR-Unternehmen VirtualMate will laut eigenen Angaben ein Kombi-System auf den Markt bringen, mit dem Nutzer sexuelle Erlebnisse mit digitalisierten Avataren realer Pornostars haben können. Dazu benötigen diese die Software, eine VR-Brille und einen von VirtualMate entwickelten Stroker namens […] https://www.intelligence-news.com/vr-startup-virtualmate-ermoglicht-erlebnisse-mit-pornostars/
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: A Summer of Discontent: The Hottest Malware Hits
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~4/UXEPKmm8njY It’s been a summer of ransomware hold-ups, supply chain attacks and fileless attacks flying under the radar of old-school security. With malware running amok while we were lying on the beach, here’s a recap of the most burning strains and trends seen in the wild during the months of July and August 2019. Malware Evolution Trends The heat must have had an effect as this summer saw malwareIt’s been a summer of ransomware hold-ups, supply chain attacks and fileless attacks flying under the radar of old-school security. With malware running amok while we were lying on the beach, here’s a recap of the most burning strains and trends seen […] https://is.gd/uTdFpH
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Google Uncovers How Just Visiting Some Sites Were Secretly Hacking iPhones For Years
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheHackersNews/~4/xKHjXxhN5kA Beware Apple users! Your iPhone can be hacked just by visiting an innocent-looking website, confirms a terrifying report Google researchers released earlier today. The story goes back to a widespread iPhone hacking campaign that cybersecurity researchers from Google’s Project Zero discovered earlier this year in the wild, involving at least five unique iPhone exploit chains capable ofBeware Apple users! Your iPhone can be hacked just by visiting an innocent-looking website, confirms a terrifying report Google researchers released earlier today. The story goes back to a widespread iPhone hacking campaign that cybersecurity researchers from Google’s Project Zero discovered earlier this year in the wild, involving at least five unique iPhone […] https://is.gd/A0hqmo
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Hackers Hit Twitter C.E.O. Jack Dorsey in a ‘SIM Swap.’ You’re at Risk, Too.
Hackers have been targeting regular people and celebrities with the attack. Last week, it was used to hijack the Twitter account of Twitter’s C.E.O.Hackers have been targeting regular people and celebrities with the attack. Last week, it was used to hijack the Twitter account of Twitter’s C.E.O.Read More https://is.gd/vvHJwB
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Identical triplets who 'tried to exploit their identical DNA' jailed for gun crimes
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/rss/cnn_topstories?d=yIl2AUoC8zA Identical triplets have been jailed for firearms offenses, after police were able to establish that all three brothers were involved in the crimes. Identical triplets have been jailed for firearms offenses, after police were able to establish that all three brothers were involved in the crimes.Read More https://is.gd/CQmAWk
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: NATO seeks intelligence functional services support
https://www.intelligence-news.com/ On September 4, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) issued a presolicitation notice. NATO intends to issue an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for Intelligence Functional Services (INTEL-FS) Spiral 2 and BMD functions for INTEL-FS. The application process must be complete by September 26. Potential U.S. prime contractors must 1) maintain a professionally active facility (office, factory, laboratory, etc.) within the United States, 2) be pre-approved for participation in NATO International Competitive Bidding (ICB), 3) hold a facility security clearance at the level of SECRET, and 4) be nominated to the bidders list by the U.S. Government. In addition, execution of the proposed contract may require that personnel […] https://is.gd/yCVWwi
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: NATO: Two Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan; Taliban Claims Kabul Suicide Blast
https://www.intelligence-news.com/ NATO: Two Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan; Taliban Claims Kabul Suicide Blast NATO: Two Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan; Taliban Claims Kabul Suicide Blast Ayaz Gul – Voice of America NATO-led military alliance says an American soldier and a Romanian soldier were killed “in action” Thursday in Kabul, Afghanistan, raising the number of U.S. military fatalities to 16 this year. The Resolute Support mission did not immediately disclose additional details, citing policy restrictions. The announcement came hours after the Taliban took responsibility for a suicide car bombing in the city the insurgent group claimed killed foreign and local military personnel. Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi confirmed in a statement the […] https://is.gd/uMXWdk
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: U.S. Deal With Taliban Meets Afghan Resistance as Violence Intensifies
https://www.intelligence-news.com/ U.S. Deal With Taliban Meets Afghan Resistance as Violence Intensifies U.S. Deal With Taliban Meets Afghan Resistance as Violence Intensifies by Mujib Mashal – New York Times The Afghan government is pushing back against American diplomats on the eve of a troop withdrawal deal with the Taliban, concerned that the proposed agreement lacks assurances that the insurgents will honor their promises once American troops leave. Zalmay Khalilzad, the American special envoy who has finalized “in principle” a deal with the Taliban after nearly a year of negotiations, has met with President Ashraf Ghani and his senior officials in Kabul at least four times over the past few days to […] https://is.gd/c9ZYPU
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: FBI Admits Monitoring Antifa, Leftist Militias Inciting Violence At The Border
https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/inline-images/Screen-Shot-2019-03-02-at-5.09.17-PM-696x389.png Via SaraACarter.com, An exclusive Yahoo News report revealed Friday that the FBI is monitoring groups protesting at the US Mexico border. The documents disseminated by the FBI field office in Phoenix obtained by the news site revealed that groups are “increasingly arming themselves and using lethal force to further their goals” and are emboldened by the “perceived mistreatment or targeting of immigrants.” The document, published on May 30, attributes the violence to “anarchist extremists” who are “increasing risk of armed conflict.” For example, one of the leftist groups cited in the report includes Antifa. According to the document, the protestors are targeting law enforcement officials and their offices along the border. See below for the […] https://is.gd/W3T4jV
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Meghan McCain Pounces on Pam Anderson Over Julian Assange: ‘He’s a Cyberterrorist!’
https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_360,w_640,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_585/fl_lossy,q_auto/view_56_bzlct5 Things got heated Friday on The View when conservative co-host Meghan McCain angrily confronted Baywatch star Pamela Anderson over Julian Assange, calling the WikiLeaks founder a “cyberterrorist” who has put America’s security at risk. Anderson, who has repeatedly declared her love for Assange, told The View panel that Assange’s health is “really deteriorating” since he was booted from the Ecuadorian embassy and imprisoned on conspiracy charges.  “It’s devastating that people have fallen for this smear campaign especially in America,” she added. “I feel like an outsider looking in, looking at how America has embraced all this—this propaganda.” Read more at The Daily Beast. Got a tip? Send it to […] https://is.gd/G7ZyUn
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: This Week in Security News: New Zero-Day Vulnerability Findings and Mobile Phishing Scams
https://blog.trendmicro.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Week-in-Security-News-Logo_RGB-300x300.jpg Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn how music festival goers need to be on guard for phishing attacks when trying to find a lost iPhone. Also, read how Trend Micro researchers went public with their findings on a zero-day vulnerability impacting the Android mobile operating system.  Read on: Finding a Better Route to Router and Home Network Security New research published reveals that many of the home routers sold in the US today are still missing basic protections. Read on to learn about how your router is […] https://is.gd/UQlGDg
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Apple calls iPhone exploits 'narrowly focused,' accuses Google of 'stoking fear'
https://mondrian.mashable.com/uploads%252Fcard%252Fimage%252F1043969%252Ff31e2d22-3c52-40f4-a31c-27275c57ff6e.jpg%252F575x323__filters%253Aquality%252880%2529.jpg?signature=g3r4cp7H2NYptU9WjIO1bn4NTR4=&source=https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com More than a week after researchers at Google detailed one of the most serious iPhone exploits in recent memory, Apple has responded. In a statement published Friday, Apple went on the defensive, saying that Google researchers were “stoking fear” and had exaggerated the seriousness of the attack. Cupertino’s statement comes more than a week after Google’s Project Zero researchers published a blog post detailing how malware embedded in specific websites could steal large amounts of personal data off users’ iPhones. This included messages, both encrypted and otherwise, real-time GPS locations, and passwords.  Read more… More about Tech, Google, Apple, Iphone, and SecurityMore than a week after researchers at Google […] https://is.gd/AghqWg
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Meghan McCain Pounces on Pam Anderson Over Julian Assange: ‘He’s a Cyberterrorist!’
https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_360,w_640,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_585/fl_lossy,q_auto/view_56_bzlct5 Things got heated Friday on The View when conservative co-host Meghan McCain angrily confronted Baywatch star Pamela Anderson over Julian Assange, calling the WikiLeaks founder a “cyberterrorist” who has put America’s security at risk. Anderson, who has repeatedly declared her love for Assange, told The View panel that Assange’s health is “really deteriorating” since he was booted from the Ecuadorian embassy and imprisoned on conspiracy charges.  “It’s devastating that people have fallen for this smear campaign especially in America,” she added. “I feel like an outsider looking in, looking at how America has embraced all this—this propaganda.” Read more at The Daily Beast. Got a tip? Send it to […] https://is.gd/Uz8pqG
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: What Does Good Cyber Resilience Look Like in 2019?
http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/SecurityIntelligence/~4/Fs4vkVo49AU The Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus once said, “πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει.” If you’re getting the blue screen feeling, it’s probably because that’s Greek to you. Here’s the translation: “Everything changes and nothing stands still.” While that quote was said 2,500 years ago, you wouldn’t be faulted for feeling it describes today’s state of cybersecurity. Most security professionals know they live in a constant state of flux. Some new tactic or piece of threat intelligence can change an entire protective strategy, meaning that if your cyber resilience planning isn’t keeping up with the latest trends, you may find yourself, post-incident, looking up some Plato, who said, “Good people […] https://is.gd/BAdGzr
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Exploit for wormable BlueKeep Windows bug released into the wild
https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/xp-worm-800x450.jpg Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson) For months, security practitioners have worried about the public release of attack code exploiting BlueKeep, the critical vulnerability in older versions of Microsoft Windows that’s “wormable,” meaning it can spread from computer to computer the way the WannaCry worm did two years ago. On Friday, that dreaded day arrived when the Metasploit framework—an open source tool used by white hat and black hat hackers alike—released just such an exploit into the wild. The module, which was published as a work in progress on Github, doesn’t yet have the polish and reliability of the EternalBlue exploit that was developed by the NSA and later used in […] https://is.gd/Ovfu5z
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intell-news-blog · 5 years
intelligence-news.com: Taliban Attacks Test Trump as He Seeks to End Afghan War
https://www.intelligence-news.com/ Taliban Attacks Test Trump as He Seeks to End Afghan War Taliban Attacks Test Trump as He Seeks to End Afghan War by Deb Riechmann – Associated Press Relentless, deadly attacks by the Taliban, including a car bombing Thursday that killed a U.S. service member, are testing President Donald Trump’s resolve to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and end what he has called America’s “endless” war. The death of the American — the fourth U.S. service member killed in the past two weeks in Afghanistan — could be used to argue that it is long past time to bring U.S. troops home. But the Afghan government and others worry that […] https://is.gd/hoUut4
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