intellectas · 3 years
When Finn was finally tired of having Heather home, his mother had asked Carl to come take the child to Hayley. After making sure neither his father, nor his brother were at home, he went there and picked up his niece, making his way to Hayley’s place – except she wasn’t home. He texted her and soon she texted him back to get the spare key from her neighbour. Waiting for Hayley to arrive, Carl was colouring with Heather when the door opened. “It’s a tight competition here, Hales.” he said before he finally turned to her. Except it wasn’t her. It was Luke. “Oh hi.” he muttered before turning away. “Thought you were Hayley.” he mumbled as Heather squealed and ran towards the other man. “Uncle Luke!” @intellectas​
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After leaving the orchard for the day, Luke was exhausted but still not ready to head home for the night, where he knew he’d shower, eat, and then probably pass out by seven-thirty. His old truck trotted along the street and as he came up on Hayley’s place, he figured he’d stop by for just a minute. He had a spare key and even though her car wasn’t there, he knew she didn’t mind if he made himself at home. Walking in the front door, he shed his jacket and hung it up. Not expecting anyone to be home he was startled by the voice he heard as he headed into the living room. “Oh shi--,” he muttered, stopping himself before seeing a small figure running at him. His attention went to Heather and he greeted her with a wide grin and open arms, catching her when she flung into him and picking her up in a big bear hug. “Hey babygirl,” he said, kissing her cheek as she began to go on and on about what she and Carl were doing. “That’s great, monkey,” he set her back down on her feet before glancing up at Carl, swallowing. “Hey... uh didn’t expect anyone to be home.” 
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intellectas · 3 years
Starter for: Sarah Myers ( @intellectas​ ) Where: Creekside Stables
Horse riding classes was the escape of the week and even after all these years, Isla was still able to learn something from Sarah. The woman was more her friend by now than just her teacher. And that was why it wasn’t that weird that she was going to ask this question to her. She had been seeing the man around the stables for quite some time now, maybe he had been there even longer than she had realized but it was only the last months that she realized him working in the stables. She had learned by now that Justin was his name but that was about everything that she knew. So that was how she had ended up trying to casually bring him up to Sarah. “You know that man working in the stables? The one with the brown hair?” She asked the woman walking next to her as she brought up Justin, trying to stop herself from becoming a shade of pink.
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Sarah felt by now that she was more company than a teacher when it came to giving Isla lessons. She’d mastered the basics enough to go out riding on her own, but Sarah still accompanied her, only occasionally giving instruction while they were out on the trails. It was wide enough to ride side-by-side and they were only moseying along the dirt path, not straining their animals at all when Isla broke the comfortable silence. Sarah’s brow lifted slightly as she glanced over at the blonde. “Justin?” she asked before she had to hide her little smile. “What about him?” There was usually only one reason a girl asked about an attractive man, but Sarah would let Isla give herself away all on her own. 
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intellectas · 3 years
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After work Dean decided to get some things for his house, it was time for him to put up all the Christmas decorations but mostly his mom had asked him if he could get a tree for her and bring it to her house later. Of course he couldn’t say no and even though he didn’t even get a tree for himself here he was looking at the different trees not really sure which one to buy and what was considered good in most peoples eyes. A laugh left his lips when he was approached by Sarah and shook his head. “Absolutely not. Which is making this very hard right now because I have a good feeling I’m going to pick out a bad tree and I’m going to ruin my moms Christmas.”
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Sarah glanced from Dean to the tree in question and she reached out to feel the branches, almost instinctively even though she had no idea how that would help her with her own decision. “It’s a little small...” she noted with a shrug. “Unless that’s what you were going for.” Looking past him, she nodded to a few in a grove behind him. “Those are a little taller, but not so much taller that you’ll have to get a step stool to decorate the top. What about those?” 
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intellectas · 3 years
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. Moms are awesome!” Scary mom was definitely not how he would have put it. “But I’m pretty cute and charming.” He grinned widely, throwing Sara an exaggerated wink - probably completely making a fool of himself, but he didn’t really care. 
He trailed along behind her, squinting his eyes at the first tree. “I dunno, doesn’t it look like lopsided to you?” He tilted his head a few times. “I dunno, it’s lopsided and sad.” 
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She smiled at his comment. It was always nice to hear something like moms are awesome, especially when she felt so defeated sometimes. And when he winked, she let out a laugh, shaking her head. And soon they were discussing the tree she’d pointed out. Noah had a point though. Though it was slightly lopsided, that didn’t bother her as much. It did look a little sad. “What? You’ve never seen Charlie Brown Christmas?” she asked with a slight brow raise. “Anything is better than that tree. But you’re right. We can keep looking.” She just felt like an idiot for now knowing exactly how to pick out the right tree. “Nothing too big. It won’t fit on the top of my car.” 
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
open starter honeycutt beach
Winnie hummed to herself as she walked alongside the beach, wrapped up in the memories she had of when she always used to come here with her siblings. Spotting someone standing alone, Winnie frowned, before making her way over. “Hey, are you alright? You look a little… pensive? Maybe? —And I totally interrupted you, oh gosh, I am so sorry, I totally should have thought before I came up to you.” She rambled, cheeks flushing pink as she spoke quickly.
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Jocelyn honestly wasn’t aware that she was lost in her own thoughts. She’d been standing at the edge of the waves for... how long now? She wasn’t sure anymore. Waves lapped at her toes and her feet sunk into the wet sand, but still she stood, arms crossed over her chest and red hair flapping all around her head as the wind blew. It took her a moment to realize someone was speaking to her before glancing over at Winnie. “Oh... yeah, no I’m good.” She brushed her head back out of her face, holding it in place so she could actually see Winnie. “I wasn’t like trying to be anti-social or anything. Just got lost in my head. But I’m good. What’s up?” 
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intellectas · 4 years
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intellectas · 4 years
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As much as Sarah hated PTA meetings and always said she’d never go back to another one, she still did. And this one ran over, as many of them did, so naturally she was a half hour late getting home to the kids. Keys jingled in the door as she came in through the garage and was greeted by a big hug from her five year old who proceeded to start talking a mile a minute about everything they did for the evening. “That’s great, baby,” Sarah said, half carrying Ellie into the living room where she found Ferah and Parker. “I’m sure you had so much fun with Ferah, huh?” 
Ellie slipped from her arms and ran over to plop on the couch next to Ferah. “Sorry I’m late... again,” she sighed. “I guess I’ll start telling you to stay until 9 instead of 8:30 because these things never seem to end on time.” Sarah walked over to where Parker was engulfed in his video game, kissing the top of his head. “Speaking of 9, both of you need to brush your teeth and hop in bed. Say goodnight to Ferah.” There was protesting from both sides but eventually the video game turned off and both hugged Ferah before heading upstairs to begrudgingly brush their teeth and get ready for bed. “Sorry again,” Sarah sighed, glancing over at her babysitter. “How was everything?” 
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intellectas · 4 years
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“Well,” Charlotte explained, leaning on the bar that she’d just wiped down, “The Cracker Jack Cocktail is Irish whiskey, Amaretto, and butterscotch schnapps with ginger ale. I add a little cracker jack crisp to keep it cute. It’s actually pretty decent, but I haven’t officially added it to our specialty drinks menu yet.”
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“Really? That sounds amazing. I’ll have one with extra cracker jack crisp... wow, I haven’t had cracker jack since... I can’t remember the last time I had cracker jack.” She checked her phone for the fourth time and then finally set it face up on the bar. “Running a business is hard work. But I don’t need to tell you that, do I?” 
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intellectas · 4 years
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Alex nodded in agreement when Jaz told her that doing a job hungover was no fun. It was the same with her, there was no fun in that at all. The fact that she would have to stand here with a pounding headache while the music around here sounded so hard as well. No, she would be dying and her boss would be far from happy. “I definitely get that. You are right to let go tonight in that case. You need me to get you another drink?”
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“Been there before too, huh?” she asked with a smirk and brow raise. She was sure many people had done it once or twice before. “That’d probably suck even more for you because you’re serving it to potentially drunk people who are loud and annoying. So it’s a double whammy for you.” Jaz looked down at her now half-gone drink and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll finish this one and then slow down a little bit. Don’t wanna get sloppy just yet.” She smiled and winked across the bar, hopefully showing the woman she was just joking--she didn’t want her to have to worry about a sloppy drunk sitting at her bar. 
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intellectas · 4 years
A smile tugged at Luv’s lips and she gave a soft chuckle. “Yeah, then Ari might think I’ve gone fishing without her.” Beau had always had a way about him that Luv admired. He was low key, but seemed so stable. She’d been trying to make her life feel that way for what seemed like her entire existence. Now, she was trying to do that for 3 little girls as well. As he spoke, she thought about the kitty pool that sat in her shed out back. “What kind of fish do I put in the kiddie pool? And where do I get them?” She asked reluctantly, truly uncomfortable asking for help of any kind. “And how do I get the hooks out of their mouths when I’m done?” She hated that she wasn’t knowledgeable in this. It wasn’t like reading Moby Dick made her qualified to fish. “I guess at least I know what gift to get her from Santa, right? Just two more to go.”
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Beau thought about it for a moment, scratching his chin. “Uhh... prob’ly best to have somebody show ya.” He assumed she’d probably ask him next and it wasn’t like he was a particularly busy guy. “I can show ya if you want.” He gave a noncommittal sort of shrug. “I’m usually off the water by three in the afternoon most days and I don’t go out on Sundays at all. Just gotta be at dinner by six on Sundays. But yeah, pick a day and I’ll bring some wish and some water.” He nodded at the bait and tackle store behind them. “See if Ambrosia’s got a kid’s fishing pole. They’re pretty cheap, and I’ll come over and teach all y’all how to do it. But you gotta promise me one thing... otherwise I can’t do it...” he paused a moment before he smirked. “Promise me ya won’t freak out when I show ya how to take the hook out. You gotta at least try. Deal?” 
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intellectas · 4 years
Noah chuckled softy, head shaking. “Um. No. No I definitely didn’t say that because that woulda been a lie.” He enjoyed being outside, being in nature, but that definitely didn’t mean he knew a single thing about how to keep a tree alive until Christmas - at least short of leaving it outside and letting nature make sure it had everything it needed. “How can they not?” he asked, falling into step beside her. “I mean look at us. How could you not wanna help?” 
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“Maybe I dreamt it or something,” she sighed, waving it off. Well now she was definitely at a loss, but like she’d said--someone was bound to help them. That’s what the workers were here for right? Maybe? Sarah glanced over at Noah, raising a brow. “Yeah, you maybe. You’re cute and charming. I’m the scary mom with bedhead...” she ran a hand through her hair, having giving herself secondhand insecurity from her own comment. “Oh! That one looks nice,” she said, approaching the first tree she saw and reaching out to feel the branches, as if she knew what she was doing. “Whatcha think?” Maybe she wouldn’t even browse. A tree was better than no tree, no matter what shape it was in.
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