intelligenced-fella · 7 years
It stopped. No more pain. The last thing she remembered was. . . Panic, when she couldn't breathe. Then it was like... a dream. The brain keeps functioning for a while even after you die. And you know what was stupid?
She saw <i> him </i>.
He made her smile, laugh, feel pain and sadness. In the end that's what life was about. But both of them were too stubborn and angsty to actually realize that sometimes.
The first gasp of air felt horrible. This must be why babies cry when they're born??
She started coughing like hell. Her eyes closed and her whole body shaking-- As she gained consciousness, her color had started to come back.
The smell of vomit and alcohol being the first ones she could recognize-- Alcohol and... a certain scent mixed in that she could recognize anywhere.
"Ri-- Rick?"
Was she dead? If so, why the hell wouls he be there? Was it Hell?
Closed Starter - Breaking Point (Contains Drug abuse)
It was like all stuff was building up, small problems, small things that brought her a little amount of stress, to the point it was too big for her to carry and had an outburst. Over family problems, again. Abusive people trying to get back into her life. This attack caused her to forget all about the things that made her happy. And it didn’t stop. She knew it’d hurt the few people around her if they turned up when she was like this. But she didn’t care Tears streamed down her pale face, her hand slowly stroking the ball of fur in her lap. Like he knew what she was feeling. But her focus was on the pile of needles. She had been clean for so long. Even Rick knew about her going to rehab every once in a while, avoiding heroin over all. She had been doing so well. You know what heroin does to you? It makes you feel happy, like there is no stress in the world. That’s what she wanted Shana tied a scarf around her upper arm, going to extend her arm out and search for a spot to hit. Not even injecting all of the first dose, just… Letting herself feel something she hadn’t felt in over a year. In a way, she missed this. The cat raised his head and watched her. She knew the more, the better. And if she kept going she wouldn’t just numb the pain. She’d end it. Her tears had stopped. She felt relaxed and stressfree Just injecting another dose. And another. Even when she felt the splitting headache, she just kept going to the point she threw up all over the bed and eventually collapsing and starting to lose consciousness. The ginger looked dead. She wasn’t, she just turned grey… Her lips turned blue and she started choking. On her own vomit. Well, it was a matter of time.
The cat was meowing. Non-stop. Loud meows.
As a familiar voice chimed in the other room, the cat seemed to get even louder, clawing at the redhead’s chest.
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
"I'm doing that too. No offense, whoever's been teaching them, doesn't know jack shit. They need to learn about the basics too."
She grumbled and went to put another pile of papers over to him, with a clearly faked sweet smile. "It's an essay about basic quantum physics in English. Littlest grammarical error will lower their points. After a while they will do it in various other languages. About different subjects. I see that as a win-win."
Closed Starter
Citadel. Would think, after everything she had done in her adventures, they wouldn’t allow her in here. But there she was, walking down the street with a grin on her features. Opaquely colored glass littered the roads, but what would you expect in a place full of Ricks?
The redhead went through the piles of paper she had. How hard was it to make essays for three different Mortys? Very. Each one was different. Yet, the same person.
She felt a little bad for the Mortys. They deserved to go to a normal high school, crush over their Jessicas and fail on their own. Guess that wasn’t happening.
All the infinite Shanas, it was rare to see one with their Rick. Most cases, they had died, were left behind, left or just… Never met their Rick.
That made her think, maybe she should go back to hers.
Nah. Work called.
She watched in awe around the school. So many different Mortys and— Even a Rick dressed as Morty.
Not gonna question that.
Shana handed out essays she had made for students, chewing on her piece of gum and making snarky comments at Morty. How hard was it to write an essay about Citadel? Or Rick? Or quantum physics? Jeez…
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
God knew only way Shana got work at Citadel was to get close to... a certain president. The way the world had gone was too much and the people- Everywhere. All Ricks. All Mortys. Didn't deserve what was going to happen.
Best way to make sure things remained well was on the inside. But a job right at the core was too much. Too suspicious.
But a Rick immediately on her ass, watching her. They took education seriously apparently...
As she shook his hand, she didn't seem to get a squeak out of her, just staring trying to think of what to say. The fact there were infinite Ricks all so different, still astounded her.
"I... Yes, uh- Introductions. We're going through the basics, going through what they already know and I explained what my classes mostly will consist of and what I expect from them."
She explained, going to throw away the gum in her mouth to seem more professional.
Handing out a pile of papers over to him as well, before rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She lied about half of the stuff in her resume, so.
"Everyone did exercises of what they should know by now, most did well. And... They're gonna write basics of quantum physics."
Closed Starter
Citadel. Would think, after everything she had done in her adventures, they wouldn’t allow her in here. But there she was, walking down the street with a grin on her features. Opaquely colored glass littered the roads, but what would you expect in a place full of Ricks?
The redhead went through the piles of paper she had. How hard was it to make essays for three different Mortys? Very. Each one was different. Yet, the same person.
She felt a little bad for the Mortys. They deserved to go to a normal high school, crush over their Jessicas and fail on their own. Guess that wasn’t happening.
All the infinite Shanas, it was rare to see one with their Rick. Most cases, they had died, were left behind, left or just… Never met their Rick.
That made her think, maybe she should go back to hers.
Nah. Work called.
She watched in awe around the school. So many different Mortys and— Even a Rick dressed as Morty.
Not gonna question that.
Shana handed out essays she had made for students, chewing on her piece of gum and making snarky comments at Morty. How hard was it to write an essay about Citadel? Or Rick? Or quantum physics? Jeez…
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Closed Starter - Breaking Point (Contains Drug abuse)
It was like all stuff was building up, small problems, small things that brought her a little amount of stress, to the point it was too big for her to carry and had an outburst. Over family problems, again. Abusive people trying to get back into her life. This attack caused her to forget all about the things that made her happy. And it didn't stop. She knew it'd hurt the few people around her if they turned up when she was like this. But she didn't care Tears streamed down her pale face, her hand slowly stroking the ball of fur in her lap. Like he knew what she was feeling. But her focus was on the pile of needles. She had been clean for so long. Even Rick knew about her going to rehab every once in a while, avoiding heroin over all. She had been doing so well. You know what heroin does to you? It makes you feel happy, like there is no stress in the world. That's what she wanted Shana tied a scarf around her upper arm, going to extend her arm out and search for a spot to hit. Not even injecting all of the first dose, just... Letting herself feel something she hadn't felt in over a year. In a way, she missed this. The cat raised his head and watched her. She knew the more, the better. And if she kept going she wouldn't just numb the pain. She'd end it. Her tears had stopped. She felt relaxed and stressfree Just injecting another dose. And another. Even when she felt the splitting headache, she just kept going to the point she threw up all over the bed and eventually collapsing and starting to lose consciousness. The ginger looked dead. She wasn't, she just turned grey... Her lips turned blue and she started choking. On her own vomit. Well, it was a matter of time.
The cat was meowing. Non-stop. Loud meows.
As a familiar voice chimed in the other room, the cat seemed to get even louder, clawing at the redhead's chest.
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Nonsexual acts of Intimacy - Select from the following for my muse to respond to...
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by your muse
♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣: Back scratches
♥: Your muse crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send 👍 for a random situation from this list:
1. Muse a is a pirate and Muse b is on a ship Muse a has boarded.
2. Muse a works as a cashier at a store Muse b goes to frequently.
3. Muse a is robbing a bank that Muse b works at.
4. Muse a and Muse b are jailed criminals sharing a cell.
5. Muse a and Muse b are waiting for a train together.
6. Muse a and Muse b both lose something, Muse a has Muse b’s lost item and vice versa.
7. Muse a and Muse b are rival shop owners.
8. Muse a and Muse b are seated next to each other on a plane.
9. Muse a and Muse b are two people trying to get the same job.
10. Muse a is Muse b’s boss at work.
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send 🎁 And an object to give it to my muse!
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send ✍️ and a letter to my muse for their reaction to receiving it!
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send 🌡 For your muse to find out mine is sick
Or send 🌡+ for mine to find out yours is!
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
“Did you have a nightmare?” “Would you sleep here, with me?” “It was just a dream” “I had a nightmare” “I’ll be here until you fall asleep” “Wake up” “Adults aren’t supposed to get nightmares” “I can’t sleep” “You’re dreaming” “I have nightmares” “Will you stay, until I fall asleep?” “It wasn’t real” “It’s not surprising that you have nightmares” “I had a bad dream” “It’s the same every time I close my eyes” “I’ll have nightmares for months” “I have these dreams” “This is a nightmare” “I woke up terrified” “This is going to be a nightmare” “I’m scared to go to sleep” “You’re a nightmare” “Do you want to sleep here?” “What are your nightmares about?”
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send “⚪” to throw a snowball at my muse.
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Christmas Time Memes!
Send in a symbol for our muses doing something Christmas related! Feel free to specify who’s doing what if you feel the need. Please remember to practice reblog karma where applicable!
🎄 - Decorating a tree together! 🍪 - Baking together! 🎅 - Decorating the house, inside and out! 🎁 - Exchanging gifts! 🎀 - Going to a holiday party! ☃️ - Messing around in the snow! ❄️ - Stuck inside with a blizzard! ☕ - Sharing hot drinks! 💕 - Under the mistletoe! 🍲 - Having Christmas dinner! 📺 - Movie marathons! 🔥 - Being warm by the fire or heater!
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Send 💞 for a headcanon about the(potential or not)relationship between my muse and yours
Relationship doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic!
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Closed Starter
Citadel. Would think, after everything she had done in her adventures, they wouldn't allow her in here. But there she was, walking down the street with a grin on her features. Opaquely colored glass littered the roads, but what would you expect in a place full of Ricks?
The redhead went through the piles of paper she had. How hard was it to make essays for three different Mortys? Very. Each one was different. Yet, the same person.
She felt a little bad for the Mortys. They deserved to go to a normal high school, crush over their Jessicas and fail on their own. Guess that wasn't happening.
All the infinite Shanas, it was rare to see one with their Rick. Most cases, they had died, were left behind, left or just... Never met their Rick.
That made her think, maybe she should go back to hers.
Nah. Work called.
She watched in awe around the school. So many different Mortys and--- Even a Rick dressed as Morty.
Not gonna question that.
Shana handed out essays she had made for students, chewing on her piece of gum and making snarky comments at Morty. How hard was it to write an essay about Citadel? Or Rick? Or quantum physics? Jeez...
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
Tumblr media
<i> Would he? </i>
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
• ʙᴀsɪᴄ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ •
Full name: Shana Samantha Phoenix
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 28
Birthday: 21st of January
Sexuality: Bisexual. Probably hates everyone equally, despite of gender.
Religion: Atheist.
City or town of birth: Seattle.
Currently lives: Just outside of seattle, in a town.
Languages spoken: English, French, Spanish, Germany, Bird person's language..
Native language: English
• ᴘsʏᴄʜɪᴄᴀʟ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ •
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 110lbs
Figure/build: Voluptuous, ++ thighbrows.
Hair colour: Auburn
Hairstyle: Back length, thick, wavy, a little wild.
Eye colour: Emerald.
Skin/fur/etc colour: Pale.
Tattoos: A few here and there. Will be posting pictures!
Piercings: Ears, tongue.
Preferred style of clothing: Lab coat, dull colors.
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: A key necklace. A key that will work on almost any door.
• ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ •
Smoker?: Yes, when stressed.
Drinker? Won't say no if you offer.
Recreational Drug User? Which? If she's offered, more than happy to.
Addictions: Cigarettes.
Allergies: Kiwi.
Any medication regularly taken: Anti-depressants, anxiety pills- All that crap.
• ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ •
Personality: Sarcastic, tries to appear as positive as possible.
Likes: Physics, Chemistry and building stuff. Rain, nighttime, food, astronomy.
Dislikes: Wind, snow, s t u p i d i t y.
Hobbies: Building! Mostly scientific experiments, but nothing too big.
Taste in music: Rock.
• sᴋɪʟʟs •
Talents/skills: She's good at physics, writing and surprisingly- Fashion.
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Car, yeah! Helicopter, motorcycle-- Maybe Rick could teach her how to drive a spaceship.
• ᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴀʙɪᴛs •
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): <i> Omnivore. </i>
Favourite food(s): Pizza, sushi, hotdogs, chiness food, steak--
Favourite drink(s): Smirnoff ice, margarita, dr.pepper, m i l k.
Disliked food(s): Meatloaf. Especially if it's made by Beth.
Disliked drink(s): White wine. Sour milk.
• ʜᴏᴜsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴏᴍᴇ •
Describe the character's house/home: The normal looking house in the neighborhood, but she lives in the attic and hangs in the garage with the tools.
Do they share their home with anyone? Who? Her family. Sister, parents and a cat.
• ᴄᴀʀᴇᴇʀ •
Level of education: College drop-out.
Current job title and description: Unemployed. Per se. She fixes bikes, gameboys, motorcycles around the neighborhood and does students' essays in exchange for money.
• ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ •
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Depends on the situation. If they're friends or someone important, she's gonna try and make it better and be peaceful. If that doesn't work, she will fuck them up.
Fighting skills/techniques:
Special skills/magical powers/etc:
Weapon of choice (if any): She's flexible! Street fighting goes! And she's a good shot. After dropping out of college she went to the military. That ended with her stealing stuff from there tho.
Weaknesses in combat: People she cares about.
• ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ, ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ғᴏᴇs •
Parents names: Damned if I know-
Are parents alive or dead? Alive!
Is the character still in contact with their parents? Lives with them.
Siblings? Relationship with siblings? Sister, Jessica. Hey, you know her!
Other Important Relatives: Molesting uncle, yo.
Children: None yet.
Best Friend: Her cat. But, maybe Rick, aye?
Other Important Friends: Morty! Jerry, birdperson! Squanchy.
Acquaintances: People from Morty's school.
Pets: A cat! It's name is Mortimer... I know right?
Enemies? Evil Morty.
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intelligenced-fella · 7 years
rick and morty except they all talk that ‘heckin smol doggo’ way
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