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Oh my god it is 7:30 in the morning my brain cannot take this asdfghjkl
My most ridiculous/convincing theory to date
Book 5 spoilers!!
Alright laid ease, gentle men’s and those of other gender orientations, we going ✈️super ambitious crackhead theory
So, you know how in the book 5 chapters, Agatha finds Arthur’s letters in Tedros’s coat, and discovers that the Camelot Beautiful ledger money has something to do with an “Abermarle” at Putsi Bank? Well, the Abermarle we know is the woodpecker/admin-y sort of dude at the School, yeah? Well, Soman is never going to give a person the same name twice, he’s not that bad. So, what I think??
I think that the money Camelot has been losing for the past ten years or whatever has been sent to Abermarle at a secondary location (Putsi) as bribes to get Tedros into the School for Good, to preserve Arthur, and Camelot’s reputation: because Tedros is a Never.
It’s not as dumb as it sounds.
1) we know Rafal wasn’t above bribes; he let the Sherrif of Nottingham pay to get Dot into Evil, and we know he hated Arthur. He’d have probably been gleeful to hear that Arthur’s son was a Never but they were trying their hardest to hide it. And he no doubt knew it would backfire in the end.
2) Abermarle did the rankings. It would have been easy to fake Tedros topping the leader board, and no one would have doubted it. And, to be fair, most of the boy’s subjects only required being handsome and good at swordplay, and what are the subjects we see him in? Good Deeds, where he’s failing a quiz that Agatha (100% Good) got 100% on, and Surviving Fairy Tales, where it’s proved he can’t tell the difference between Good and Evil well, or follow Good’s rules properly. All he can tell is that spark between him and Agatha.
3) Merlin says himself in TLEA that Tedros has always had trouble with the The Good Defend, The Evil Attack rule. And we see that he loves, sure (Agatha, Guinevere, Lance eventually, his friends) but his hatred is much more potent and much more frequent (Agatha initially- remember the dummy- Sophie, Lancelot, the Snake, Rafal, The Mistral Sisters, the advisors) and he definitely has Never-like tendencies (he calls the mistral sisters fools like a classic Disney villain lmao… And NGL, his temper in that scene is a lil unsettling), he kills the gargoyle without a second thought, he steals the Storian unsettlingly easily, and his temper is definitely something to consider, as is his brief spell as a villain in AWWP.
4) Nevers are born from relationships with no love between them… Like Guinevere and Arthur’s? There’s something Merlin and Guinevere aren’t telling Tedros, that’s for sure. Could that be it?
5) Explains why Tedros couldn’t pull the sword- Excalibur is Good’s holy sword, so would it let a Never pull it? Probably not…
6) This means that Rhian is an Ever. Gremlaine and Arthur definitely did love each other, so if he was born an Ever and Tedros was a Never, could it be that the way we see Rhian is how Villains see the so-called Heroes?? After all, maybe Rhian just thinks he’s doing the right thing- taking the throne from the villainous usurper?
7) Tedros is also conspicuously lacking in any Ever-y talent. At the Circus of Talents, he never showed it, he just proposed to Agatha, we know he’s shit at magic, and all he ever does is wave a sword around… What’s his real talent?
8) This could explain why Tedros’s attempts at doing Good are always sort of… Evil. Trying to kill Sophie (X2). Trying to kill Agatha. Sieging Gavaldon. Trying to kill Rafal. Trying to fight the Snake and fighting with Agatha. Need I go on??
9) he’d be a sick villain lmao
10) direct quote from @bugeyedtramp “and also “look for the girl who is truly Good” HMMM??? TO ACT AS A COVER FOR CAMELOT MAYBE?? ” Oof… Yeah maybe Arthur knew Tedros needed someone to balance him out??
11) Addition from @sabrinaofwoodsbeyond
Tedros not being an Arthurian name could be a misdirect bc Tedros actually plays the role of Mordred! Rhian could be able to pull out Excalibur because Excalibur favors Evers no matter what their morals are! And this could be a really good “the circumstances of your birth don’t determine everything, Evers can go bad and Nevers can learn to be good” Moment!!
She’s done it again folks; Sabrina, making my batshit theories plausible since 2017 ish
Also, this was pointed out;
Also you could make the argument that poor Agatha’s soul gravitates towards Nevers with serious issues but that’s a whole nother can o worms
(True though!)
TL,DR; Tedros is a shit Ever, his parents didn’t love each other, he doesn’t follow the rules well, the school master did take bribes and Soman never names the same character the same thing twice
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Tedros: I am Arthur's only son. Right mom?
Guinevere: yep.
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Sge 🖤😂
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