internetnotfound · 5 years
003 iSnack - The Response
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Sadly all I got in response this time was views.  I think my friends who actually cared what I posted enjoyed it and those who didn’t just were like “oh here we go again”.
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Overall, I think this was a really fun project to do. It definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone into a place that I didn’t think I would be able to get to. I know that there is a lot of people out there that ‘misuse’ social media in a bad way but I’m glad that there are many fun and harmless ways to do it as well.
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internetnotfound · 5 years
003 iSnack - The Upload
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I have enjoyed editing these little videos together. I always enjoy video editing but this has give me ideas for when we have to create a YouTube channel. I think I’m going to end up focusing on the editing more than the actual content. 
Part 1:
Part 2:
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internetnotfound · 5 years
003 iSnack - The Recording
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I called this last episode the season finale. Even though I implied that I would be coming back that is not the case. I think here is where iSnack comes to an end. 
My acting has gotten stronger, I think I’ve come along way since the first video I posted. It was definitely easier to record and not think about how I was self-conscious about recording. 
I also realized that at some points I kept calling it iSnacks. Oops. 
View the footage here:
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internetnotfound · 5 years
002 iSnack - The Response
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Like last time, not all my comrades made it to the finish line. I did get more views to the end though! More positive responses from friends! For the record, I did not give any of my Snapchat friends forewarning that I was doing this. I just uploaded it with no regard for anything. 
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When my boyfriend watched my story he said he thought it was an ad at first. I think that’s great marketing! I showed it to a friend in person and he complimented my acting skills, he was impressed that I did not stop laughing.
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internetnotfound · 5 years
002 The Upload
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I went full out with this editing. I cut out any filler words I used, added music, a filter and even made an intro to it! Not going to lie, I think I did pretty good with this.
Part 1:
Part 2:
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internetnotfound · 5 years
002 iSnack - The Recording
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I don’t know if you can tell or not but there are a few changes in myself for this video. I’m not laughing, stopping, making annoying noises like I don’t want to do this. Dare I say I was more confident?
I was alone when I filmed this so maybe that helped. I’d like to think my acting skills improved greatly.
View the footage here: 
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internetnotfound · 5 years
001 iSnack - The Response
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As you can see by the views, not everyone made it to the finish line. Sad sad. I also wonder how many of those that watched actually watched the full thing. Did they just tap tap tap through it all? Who knows. Those who responded to me I know they fully watched. 
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My boyfriend, 
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my best friend 
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and another close friend. Natalie gave me the perfect gate way to edit my videos before I posted them up. She gave me the push I needed to edit the next ones.
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internetnotfound · 5 years
001 iSnack - The Upload
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For this first video, I decided to just upload the raw footage straight onto Snapchat. It ended up being like three minutes long. 😬
View the footage here:
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internetnotfound · 5 years
001 iSnack -  The Recording
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This was probably the hardest thing I had to do. To misuse social media. I was going to misuse social media by reviewing snacks on Snapchat as if I was a social media influencer/tech reviewer/PR unboxing. I think I spent a good five minutes staring into nothing trying to convince myself to do it. My boyfriend asked me if I was okay, as he laughed at my inner struggle. He had to leave the room in order for me to film this and even then I couldn’t stop laughing/hating it. But alas I went through with it and ended up filming this.
View the footage here: 
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