internship20011 · 5 years
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31st July - End of my Internship with Imagical Arts End of my Internship with William Gentry. It was a great learning experience and I am forever in debt to his kind offer to take me in as an intern. I have built a working relationship with him and will continue to work on his music in the capacity of a Producer and Mixing Engineer. 
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internship20011 · 5 years
22nd July - Breakdown of the elements so far in ‘Angel America’
What I learned from this -
It helps to export files before the production process is finished in order to check if there’s any complications that will prop up in the mixing stage.
Get into the practice of using the correct file settings to maintain the highest audio file integrity between session transfers.
Sound Design elements I used -
Guild Acoustic guitar
Bass Synth from Studio One
Get Good Drum Library for Kontakt
Hip Hop Drum Samples for layering
The drum samples I recorded at the studio
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internship20011 · 5 years
19th July - Old Town Road Beat Remake for Bill Gentry.
Re-made the instrumental for ‘Old Town Road’ by Lil Nas X for Bill Gentry to make a cover/perform over at live events.
What I learned from this -
How to remake the instrumentals for existing songs.
How to recreate Synth sounds in existing songs using my limited knowledge of sound design.
Sound Design elements I used -
A banjo sample
Hip Hop Kick Drum Sample
Hip Hop Snare Drum Sample
Trap Hi - Hat Sample
808 (Long Tail) Sample for the Bass
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internship20011 · 5 years
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17th July - Final Vocal Recording for ‘Angel America’
After a week of back and forth on lyrics, tone of delivery and other variables in Bill’s vocal performance we recorded the final vocal takes.
I usually use an SM 58 on Bill’s voice but this tracked required some shimmer and smoothness so I picked this AKG C414 instead. Disclaimer - This picture was taken before the pop filter was set up and the XLR cable was plugged in.
What I learned from today’s session -
Microphone choice shouldn’t differ only from singer to singer but also from song to song.
Find the best position in the room where the voice sounds the best.
Microphone technique is imperative towards capturing a good vocal.
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internship20011 · 5 years
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12th July - Mixing Session for Bill
I’m doing a rough mix for Angel America today to gauge the progress on the track.
The set up at Imagical Arts Studio that I utillize is as follows.
Mac Pro 2015 Model
Apogee Ensemble Interface
Adams Studio Monitors
The room is treated with Acoustic Absorbers so it makes my job much easier in terms of listening.
What I learned from today’s session -
Know your gear inside out. It changes how you perceive your work.
Organize your mix session within the software and outside in terms of time management etc.
Have templates to save time but always use your ears to discern whether the audio needs processing or not.
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internship20011 · 5 years
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8th July - Vocal demo session for Angel America.
I used an SM 57 microphone forgoing the other more expensive microphones because it sounds good on Bill’s voice. I A/B tested different microphones and came to this conclusion. 
What I learned from today’s session -
Different microphones suit different singers and their voices.
Save EVERY take.
When the singer is ‘in the zone’ get as many takes as possible.
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internship20011 · 5 years
5th July - Progress on Angel America. 
You can hear the acoustic guitar in the previous post being used on this version.
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internship20011 · 5 years
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5th July -  Used this vintage Guild acoustic to record some parts for ‘Angel America’.
The audio above includes the parts I recorded by micing this instrument. It has a rich tone that suits the song.
What I learned from today’s session -
Try multiple instruments regardless of their monetary value to find what works best for the song.
Tune your guitars before every take!
Vintage instruments are temperamental. They need love and care in the form of maintenance.
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internship20011 · 5 years
3rd July -
Initial demo/sketch for Angel America.
Songwriting - Bill Gentry
Production  - Joshua Perera
Guitar          - Joshua Perera
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internship20011 · 5 years
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2nd July -  Recording drum samples to use for the song “Angel America”.
We’re attempting to achieve a big drum sound using digital techniques such as Parallel compression and gated reverb.
What I learned from today’s session -
The Artist’s vision is what’s most important.
Be open to all avenues of experimentation.
Be clear about the vision with the Artist before implementing the sound I hear in my head.
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internship20011 · 5 years
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1st July  - Back to recording after a weeks break due to Bill’s travels.
We’ve started work on a new idea of Bill’s called ‘Angel America’.Today we recorded a Demo of the song.
What I learned from today’s session -
Spend some time catching up on life with the Artist if you’re meeting for the first time / after a long time in order to break the ice and understand what the Artist is trying to express.
Get on the same page in terms of Artistic vision.
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internship20011 · 5 years
25th June - Vocal Edit Session of Beverly Morata’s Vocals.
Edited a previous vocal recording of singer Beverly Morata so that it could be sent off for mixing to producer Bruno Brugnano in Thailand who was producing this track titled ‘Beautify’ for Bill Gentry.
What I learned from this session -
A good vocal recording makes the vocal editing much less tedious.
Always ask the mixing engineer/producer what format they prefer the multi - tracks exported and sent as.
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internship20011 · 5 years
24th June 2019 - Made a beat for Bill Gentry for him to experiment on. #ImagicalArtsStudio
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internship20011 · 5 years
20th June - Bill wanted to experiment with a hip hop beat. This is what I came up with. #ImagicalArtsStudio
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internship20011 · 5 years
19th June - Finished the Mix and Master of Put You In A Bottle by Bill Gentry.
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internship20011 · 5 years
18th June - Put You In A Bottle
Did a Demo with Bill for another song that originated as a Logic Loops song.This one’s called Put You In A Bottle.
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internship20011 · 5 years
17th June - Finished a mix for Bill Gentry.
This song is called ‘Never Enough’ and had been sitting around unmixed for a couple of years due to the producer of it leaving the country. I mixed it and mastered it.
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