Interview: Vriska Serket (11/20/19)
Interviewer: Wilford Warfstache (WW)
Interviewee: Vriska Serket ( @aquaticculler ) (VS)
Date: Nov. 20, 2019
Time: 12:33 AM - 2:33 AM (CST)
(*”8″ = “B” and “eight” sounds; I.e “no8ility” = “nobility,” “expect8ions” = “expectations”)
WW: Okay! I think I’m all set- now.. you were a blueblooded troll, correct? Did bluebloods have any set roles or expectations? (Like how jades were more or less all caretakers, from what I understand.)
VS: I was a cerulean, yes. Expect8ions were really just what you'd expect, nothing too out of the ordinary. Our caste was mostly just the troll version of "lower upper class", we had the 8enefits of wealth without the responsi8ility or expect8ions of no8ility
WW: Well, that certainly sounds like it’d be interesting..! Were there any, ah.. differences?, I suppose?, between the blues? (Ah.. teal, cerulean, and indigo, I believe?) As in.. well, like physical abilities and such, how some trolls seemed to have certain abilities that others didn’t.
VS: Yes! Generally speaking, teal 8looded trolls (apparently) could "S3NSE TH3 1NT3NT1ONS OF OTH3RS" -something my terezi said, once. Cerulean 8loods like me tended to fall into one of two categories, either we could mind control to a certain extent or we had higher strength for lack of psychic a8ilities, on par with an indigo vs the normal cerulean strength. I was in the former camp so to speak. Indigos just had a8surd strength, that's kind of their whole deal
WW: And you could mind control, you say? Did you do that often?
VS: Not particularly, it only worked on castes with stronger psychic a8ilities (Rust, 8ronze, Gold) and for the most part I had no reason to
WW: Ah, that’s fair, that’s fair.. was it something you had to train/learn? Or was it more of an.. innate ability?
VS:  At it's 8ase level it was inn8, 8ut when I was a little wriggler I pro8a8ly had to practice it to get 8etter at it, I don't remem8er much of 8eing a wriggler though, that was thousands of sweeps ago. Or hundreds. Or millions. Time flows weirdly in paradox space
WW: Oh, goodness gracious, what in the world happened to bring paradox space into it all? Was that something that happened then or a matter of ending up here?
VS: I died as a god tier, then woke up in paradox space. After what felt like a very long time in paradox space I woke up here missing a lot of memories.
VS: I do remem8er finding this place though, it was a dream 8u88le and it looked interesting. Didn't know it was one way only though, we are 8asically stuck here
WW: Well, that’s odd, hm? Ah.. what is a dream bubble, exactly?
VS: Simply put, pocket worlds in paradox space
VS: Less simply put
VS: Dream 8u88les are essentially pocket dimentions typically created 8y memories of whoever is residing in them, and those are scattered throughout paradox space. Apparently though, "inworlds" can also 8e found there too, though I am presently unsure if only certain ones are present, or if every8ody's are. I also do not have an explan8ion for memory loss while travelling certain dream 8u88les and not others, perhaps there are different types that can 8e distinguished. I did not put enough time into researching them while I was active in paradox space
VS: At least that's how I see them
VS: I do know that they transcend canons though! I met our meenah in paradox space, and her canon is wildly different from my own
WW: How odd! I wonder if that means they still exist in our world.. (oh! And you mentioned a, ah.. god tier? What is that?)
VS: A god tier is a s8ur8 mechanic, as a method to reach higher powers according to your classpect. You find your quest8ed, which is a stone 8lock with your aspect engraved, wherever you're destined to, and then you die on it and merge with your dreamself, and gain a 8unch of powers
WW: And what was your godtier, if you don’t mind?
VS: Here's where I differ the most from other Vriska's, I was a seer of life
VS: And I still am
WW: Oh? What are other Vriskas usually, then?
VS: Thief of Light
WW: And is that a huge change? (As in, like.. total opposites or something to that effect.)
VS: It's not total oppos8s, 8ut it is going from an active class to a passive class
WW: And I figure that would be a big change? (At least, in the sense of a shift from one to the other.)
VS: That one isn't a huge change 8ut it is sizea8le enough
VS: Classpects are still highly de88d to this day, with no one set system of explaining it all is agreed upon
WW: Oh, that does sound like it could cause a lot of confusion..
WW: If you don’t mind my asking, what does a Seer of Life do? Or.. what can they do?
VS: Well a seer is the passive understanding class, so I understand life, and I invite understanding through life
VS:  Though life as an aspect tends to more dou8le down on your class, from source examples
VS: So in my case I understand [a lot] and I invite understanding through [usually oversharing]
VS: It's a little 8it iffy
WW: Well, that sounds interesting..! What do you mean by understanding a lot?
VS: Knowing things, seeing things (metaphorically, literally we're 8lind as fuck), just in general. In my time on this planet I've studied everything from mathematics, to 8iology, to quantum physics, to cooking, to astronomy, ect. ect.
VS: Of course I'm aware of my own 8lind spots, I know there are gaps in my knowledge, lots of them in fact
WW: And you said you overshare a lot? Does that ever cause any trouble for you?
VS: Sometimes, 8ut I also know when to shut my mouth so to speak. Whether or not I do is another matter........
WW: Well, that’s certainly a relatable statement— Has there been anything you’ve found issue in learning?
VS: Human anatomy
VS: Dear god what is with these 8odies
VS: Programming is something we've collectively had issues with, 8ut we're okay at it now
VS: And any form of art that isn't music or writing
WW: Oh? Is there a form of music you prefer over the others?
VS: Violin was always fun
WW: Violin? Is that one that’s particularly hard to learn?
VS: It varies from person to person, 8ut it is considered one of the more difficult instruments. All instruments have difficulties in learning though, so it's hard to r8 one over another in terms of difficulty
VS: Instruments we've at least started learning to d8 are(in no particular order):
VS: Though we were only competent at:
VS: I have never 8een good with the voice, personally
WW: Oh, gosh, that’s a lot! Were you doing more than one at a time?
VS: We did voice along piano and violin. Other than that, no
VS: Some of those we did for less than a year
WW: What’s the longest one you’ve done?
VS: 5 years of voice pro8a8ly?
VS: May8e longer
VS:  *We only did viola for two weeks 8efore swapping to violin, 8ut I'm counting it 8ecause I can still play it through violin skills
WW: Oh! Is there a difference between viola and violin?
VS: Viola's are similar to a violin, 8ut are larger and play lower notes than a violin. It's 8etween a cello and a violin in scale and size, and is played similarly to a violin
WW: Ooooooooh! Well, I didn’t even know those existed, heh— and you mentioned writing? Is that something you like doing?
VS:  I personally don't write often, 8ut Eva likes to write poetry. She's also trying to write a 8ook
VS:  I guess you can count this as writing though, I do love answering questions or going on lectures a8out things
WW: It does sound fun! Are there any particular subjects you like talking about?
VS: Quantum physics, Astronomy, and Philosophy
VS: All at once ::::)
VS: They're all connected
VS: Well everything is, really, 8ut those three are the most o8vious
WW: How so? 
VS: Well using quantum physics to explain certain aspects of astronomy, and how they rel8 has several different theories that we do not have the energy to get into right now, 8ut it is fun to use those to 8oth prove and disprove free will ::::)
WW: Disprove free will?
VS: Mhm!
VS: Certain theories of how the universe works ends up with us having no free will at all
VS: That everything is predetermined, 8ut at the same time having free will
VS: It's the theory that I su8scri8e to that eventually the universe will stop expanding, then contract upon itself, and then eventually another 8ig 8ang in exactly the same way will happen. At the end of the day we're just atoms and electrical signals 8umping next to each other in a specific way, like a game of pool with a good enough computer if you run the same shot over and over again the 8alls will end up in the same exact place, right? It's the same concept only applied to every single particle in the universe. That we've had this convers8ion potentially 8illions of times 8efore in the same exact way and we will have it 8illions of times again. Oh 8ut this is usually the end of my ram8le on the su8ject, this is missing all the material that leads up to it
WW: Well, that all sounds quite interesting..!
VS: 8ut we are tired so the condensed version of the ending will do
WW: That’s quite alright! I’ve never heard it before anyways, so I’m simply happy to learn something new!
VS: I'm glad to have presented you something new and interesting to learn
VS: I'll go over other theories at a l8r d8
VS: We seemed to have side tracked quite a 8it whoops
WW: Eh, it happens sometimes!
VS: Or I have rather hahahaha
WW: Hey, I think it’s still just as valid! It is something you’re interested in, after all!
VS: Alright next question~
WW: Hm.. well, did you have anyone you considered most important to you?
VS: During my time alive in my own 8ody, pro8a8ly terezi. In paradox space, meenah (the one I'm here with)
WW: What was your Terezi like? (If you don’t mind sharing)
VS: She was a sylph of doom, she talked 8out the inevita8le a lot, rules, limits, things I don't care a8out. She was also really strict, 8ut I liked her. I can't remem8er 8ut we were either flushed or pale
WW: What do those mean?
VS: M8sprit or moirail, respectively
VS: Oh you don't- okay
WW: Well, I know they’re types of romance!
VS: Good start! So
VS: M8spritship resem8les typical human romantic rel8ionships the most, it's not 1:1 8ut there's a lot of love
VS: Moirailegence is like the human concept of soul m8s, 8ut not like "I love this person" more "We need each other", you t8ke care of each other and keep each other pacified and calm. Stopping them from doing stupid things, or they stop you from doing stupid things (or try to, and then they're there to say "I told you so")
WW: Pfft- Well, I can think of more than a few people I knew who were like that.. but no matter, ah- you said Terezi was a.. Sylph of Doom? What does that entail?
VS: Sylph is the passive cre8ion class, they create for others, and invite the creation of their aspect
VS: In this case doom, which is all a8out rules, limit8ions, f8, ect.
VS: It is the oppos8 of life, which is generally a8out freedom, choices, and change
WW: So, does that mean that she created rules and such for others? (Or is that what you meant by strict?)
VS: To all those reading along who are versed in classpects, I am extremely tired and doing a terri8le jo8 of explaining things
VS: 8ut yes, that is exactly what she did
WW: Did you think they were patricularly fair?
VS: Some times I have to admit they are, 8ut I'm not a 8ig rules person. I like to passively oper8 doing what I do, and usually that falls within the rules
VS: If I can't do something, that just m8kes me want to do it more, until I can do it
WW: Had you two ever had any fights over them? (And ah, that is- a mood)
VS: Small tiffs, 8ut nothing major most of the time
WW: Well, that’s good to hear! And, hm.. what’s Meenah like?
VS: Meenah isn't from my canon, 8ut I met her in paradox space
VS: She resem8les meenah from homestuck itself decently well
WW: Would you say that’s a good thing?
VS: She's nice, a 8it crass at times, I like her
WW: Well, that’s good to hear! It can always be a bit frustrating when people don’t get along.. and- hmm.. who would you say is somebody you didn’t like in your canon?
VS: Tavros
VS: He was annoying as fuck
VS: I 8roke his legs though, that was fun
VS: (On that topic, I also 8roke joke's legs too!)
VS: Or jape or whatever his name was
VS: I didn't like him either
VS: 8ut tavros I just couldn't stand
VS: (And now he can't either hahahaha)
WW: Pfft- Goodness..! What happened to lead up to that?
VS: He was 8eing super annoying while we were playing flarp, so I introduced him to a scenario where there was a cliff, and there was my mind control powers, and suddenly there was a tavros jumping off said cliff
VS:  I wouldn't do that again, I've mellowed out a lot over the sweeps, 8ut I don't regret it
VS: Terezi got pissed at me for that one
VS: That was the only major fight we had
WW: Well, I could certainly imagine- but, ah.. what is.. flarp?
VS: Fantasy Live Action Role Play
WW: Oh! Were there particular things you could do? Or just whatever you wanted?
VS: GM (Game master)'s discretion (aka mine), 8ut for the most part you could do anything. Funnily enough it also had classes like in s8ur8
WW: Oh?
VS:  I don't have the energy to go over that, so let's wrap this up with any closing questions you may have and then we can continue l8r ::::)
WW: Ah, alright! I believe the only closing question I can think of is.. what, if anything, do you wish people would stop assuming about you?
VS: Stop assuming all vriska's are 8ad! I'm working on 8eing 8etter 8y human standards, it's annoying to 8e written off as a 8ad person just 8ecause "Oh she's a serket what do you expect"
VS: Anyways that's all the time we have for tonight, thank you for 8eing here, and thank you whoever actually read all this
WW: Oh, I’m glad to be here! Thank you for allowing me to! (And I hope you rest well!)
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Hello, Hello!
Hello!!~ As my, ah, bio states, my name is Wilford Warfstache! I am a fictive in a system, and this is my little corner of the internet..
As inferred, I’ve missed holding interviews quite a bit, and so this has been my solution! A blog where I can post* any interviews I may hold, as it’s not as much fun when it’s only private.. this is about as close to my old show I can get!~
(*All interviews are posted with the express consent and knowledge of the interviewee.)
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