interweb-weaver · 10 hours
Is it possible you can do a vore of a nerd willingly and forcingly his way down into a frat guys belly that he had a crush on
Tim had finally mustered up the courage to show up to the party his study buddy (and secret crush) Doug had invited him to and was now standing against the wall in the crowded living room. It wasn’t a complete rager of a party but it was no doubt a frat party. Guys had already lost their shirts and were daring each other to see how long they could keg-stand. He stood on tiptoe as he scanned the heads of the other guests, bobbing his head around the occasional pair of hairy legs that would be held up for another keg-draining dare. He finally spotted someone familiar poking around in the kitchen, the familiar tight rump of Doug’s best friend, Ryan, hanging out of the refrigerator.
He walked up to the kitchen island and caught the other guy as he straightening back up after he finished combing the fridge for more beer. He must’ve not noticed the little pipsqueak as Ryan nearly jumped out of his shorts when Tim spoke up.
“Huh?” He pulled his head from the fridge with can in hand, “You scared the shit out me little bro!” A hot blush ran over Tim’s face, embarrassed to be already making himself a fool in the first 10 minutes of arriving.
“Sorry I came up so quiet, uhm…” The much taller muscle jock stood with a look of slight annoyance, the action of cracking open the beer can and taking a fresh sip relaxing him from the accidental scare. “Do you happen to know where Dougs hanging around?”
“Oh yeah, here,” Tim was suddenly wrapped up in the bow of Ryan’s arm and tucked under his side, “I don’t mind dropping you off,” the jock’s large forearm draped over his shoulder as he took him towards the house’s back hallway.
Soon Tim was deposited in-front of a door at the end of the dark hallway, the tall escort knocking on the door and waiting beside the smaller man. The smell of fresh weed smoke wafted under the door and made the end of the hallway smell like a day-old hot box, the smell only gaining strength as the door cracked open and a red, glossy eyed jock answered.
“What’s up man,” the guy’s gaze shifted down to Tim, “Oh, what’s up littler man. What can I do for y’all?”
“’Sup Germ, is Doug in there? Tim here is looking for him.” Ryan pulled Tim around and placed him in front of him with both hands resting on his shoulders.
“Oh yeah, come on in. He’s grinding up some fresh vegetables for our next rotation.”
Tim found himself in a hazy room that smelled nearly as smoky as it did manly, this must being a bedroom converted into a smoking lounge for the party’s duration. The yellow lamp shade illuminated the room and all four other guys who were chilling on the different varieties of cushions, Germ soon joining them back in the circle.
Doug’s thick tongue licked across the length of the blunt he just finished rolling, his low-lidded eyes raising as he saw Tim getting gently ushered into the circle and plopped down right next to him.
“What’s up buddy! Glad you could make it!” Doug smiled and raised his fist to Tim who returned his fist bump. “Thanks Ryan for escorting our little buddy here to the VIP section,” Doug and the other guys chuckled collectively, Tim looking around and seeing all their relaxed postures and starting to feel more at ease himself.
“No problem man. When are you gonna spark that up?” Ryan laid against a pillow with his arms folded behind his head.
“Just finished rolling this big sucker,” Doug handed the near cigar sized blunt to his reclining friend.
“Bro what the fuck is this… this better not be another cross-joint situation and this shit barely burns. I bought weed this week!” Ryan examined the handiwork.
“Relax dude, we’ve been smoking those the whole time. They take two papers though but Germ brought enough of those.”
“Alright… pass me a lighter.”
Tim watched in awe as the thick blunt was passed around slowly.
“Uhm… Doug, I’ve never smoked weed before,” Tim murmured.
“Really? That’s my bad honestly, I should’ve had you try a lot sooner than now. Its real easy,” He took the rolling spliff from his friend and puffed on it a couple times before offering it to Tim. “See? Not so bad right? Just take a little hit to get used to it.” Tim swallowed and took it into his own hands, the width warm from both the different hands it was passed around in and the red hot cherry. With a slow intake of air, Tim sucked on the wet end and felt his chest fill up with the creamy smoke. He didn’t realize how much it had began to burn until he exhaled a small amount of exhaust.
The guys around him chuckled as he caught his breath.
“That was impressive!” Doug patted Tim on the back as it was passed on in the rotation.
Some time during the session, Tim looked over glossy-eyed at Doug and must’ve just kept his gaze on his handsome face. It wasn’t until he looked up from his phone did he notice Tim.
“How are you feeling buddy? Looking a little tired there.” He smiled, crossing his hands over his stomach.
“I-I feel good! I guess I haven’t felt this relaxed in a while.” Tim rubbed his shoulder with a hand, “Thanks for inviting me again.”
“No problem buddy, I could tell you needed a break and this party was just lowkey enough where you wouldn’t get trampled. Now you’re all high in here with me!” Doug’s arm reached out and hooked around Tim’s shoulder and pulled him down onto his friend’s chest, the hug tight and smelling of Doug’s body spray.
Tim simply smiled and closed his eyes, going limp into the solid but still comfortably squishy jock. Doug must’ve not minded either as he held him there for a moment before pulling him up to face him.
“Are you really okay? When I do that you usually fight my off harder.” Doug looked at him puzzled, the low lidded smile spread across Tim’s face adding to his confusion.
“Yeah I’m okay, just never realized how it felt to be bear hugged like that.” Tim’s hand started to gently rub down the front of Doug’s hoodie, feeling the fabric covering the soft padding that settled over his abs.
“Heh, really? Probably because of all this Winter weight,” Doug slipped a hand up his hoodie and showed off the pudgy midsection that was covered in a light dusting of hair, “Getting ready for hibernation and all.” Doug grinned and squeezed the roll of his stomach gently.
“No shame in bulking up, thats how you get bigger right?” Tim didn’t feel his face beginning to flush red.
“Yeah but… that part is hard, food is too good.”
Tim could be food.
“Can I get in there?”
“In where?” Doug got confused by the lack of specificity.
“In there.” Tim shamelessly reached into Doug’s hoodie and rubbed the sides of his fuzzy stomach.
“Are you serious? You can’t even fit in there buddy. Even if I could, why would I want my study buddy turned into a study snack?”
Tim’s heart and crotch jumped at the thought of sliding between those soft lips and into that squishy core.
“Why not? You guys need at the protein you can get. Here,” Tim shoved his hands into the back of Doug’s throat, much to the surprise of the larger man. Tim stood up and dove further across Doug’s tongue, forcing his hands together down into his gullet. An instinctive gulp took him up to the waist and with his added weight, Doug was forced to sit back as Tim’s legs wiggled down with the rest of him. Another gulp locked the man inside, the bulge in his neck traveling down until it fully rounded out the furry orb that was framed by the now too small hoodie.
Tim was in heaven, a dark, sticky, hot pit that he considered heaven. Despite the shock of the what happened and the sudden tightness inside his stomach, Doug didn’t freak out as much as he ought to have. He simply just patted and poked his now rippling and jiggling mid-section, fighting back the urge to burp.
“What the hell D? Did you just eat that guy?” Called out Jeremy, sitting up and looking away from his phone. He must’ve finally noticed the jostling belly after he heard the loud groans the overloaded stomach let out in protest.
“I… I didn’t… I think he fed me… himself?” Doug slipped his hands up underneath his belly and gently lifted, the hard bulges made from Tim’s frame pressing through the exterior skin.
“Thats crazy… did he like taste good?”
Doug smacked his lips, an undeniable flavor lingered. He didn’t initially register it as good but as he rolled his tongue around, the saliva grew enough for him to swallow it down.
“I think so? Look, you can see him moving around.” Doug lifted his belly to his friend, shaking it and watching it stretch in different directions.
Doug woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, it’s ringing pain only aided by the obnoxious chirping of his phone alarm. He rushed out of bed in a shaky stumble and stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. There stood a hairy pot belly, hanging down onto the counter in the place of where his abs were.
Doug groaned as he felt his stomach gurgle and shake, a heavy weight hanging at the front of his gut like a rock. As he took his toothbrush out of the cup and readied it to clean, a deep gurgling burp forced a pair of slimy tennis shoes up out from his throat and into his sink.
“Oh fuck… How the fuck did I swallow shoes? Probably some stupid dare… yuck.” Doug tossed them into his bathroom trashcan and went about his business. He would spend the rest of the day unaware that his number one study buddy decided to donate more than just study time to his “best friend.”
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interweb-weaver · 11 hours
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Artist: Delbucket’s Shrinking Boys
On coiledfist.org
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interweb-weaver · 21 hours
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Italian Master- WorldCup
Artist: A Nonmous
On coiledfist.org
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interweb-weaver · 3 days
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interweb-weaver · 4 days
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interweb-weaver · 4 days
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interweb-weaver · 5 days
A crush on a professor
This is my first vore sotry, tell my if you like it and what could be better
Everyone is always talking about their school crushes like “oh the cutest girl in the class” or “This big-tittied teacher” but what I never expected would happen was me falling for my logic professor Robert.
He is a tall man with some scruff on his chin, not athletic but very good looking, his eyes are a light brown, he has black trimmed hair and big nice arms, but what I like most of him is his belly, he has a big bulging belly that jiggles when he walks and when he laughs, which makes me have trouble concentrating at all in his class which is bad considering I’m failing his class, every week I go to a cooking class and I always offer him some of my creations for him to taste with the excuse that I want to know if they are good or not, and we often chat on the breaks we have, but every time I’m with him I just can’t stop getting turned on, all of him is just perfect and just imagining all the things I would do if he let me makes me get an instant hard on, plus he always jokes that if one day I stop feeding him he will eat me which to be honest I would like, being a part of that perfect round belly would be a dream.
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interweb-weaver · 5 days
Should have picked a different Apartment
Contains Unwilling M/M vore with implied digestion
Going into the apartment that gave the thief bad vibes in the first place was the thief’s first mistake knocking over a vase was the second.
“Hell” cursed the thief hopping against hope, that no one had heard the crash of the vase.
Unfortunately for him the owner of the apartment had heard it, and very casually walked into the kitchen from the bedroom. “Can I help you” he asked in a polite manner that never the less held a threat.
“Oh hell”
“Stay back I’m armed” warned the thief
“I quiver with fear” replied the owner a shark toothed grin spreading over his face
The thief swallowed, he hadn’t considered how big this guy really was when he’d made that threat but, taking him all in - he was about twice as wide as he was, and nearly a foot taller.
“Don’t even think about calling the cops!” He said attempting to gain some kind of control over the situation.
“Goodness me no” said the owner “I would never drag law enforcement here to deal with something so trivial”
“I’m trivial?” Asked the thief angrily in spite of his fear, yes he did have a reputation to uphold, in spite of the fact that he was currently frozen in fear.
“Yes” replied the owner “In a few hours, maybe a bit longer, you won’t be here” he considered something “Unless you want to get out right now that is, and save me the trouble”
“Hey! I think you’ve gotten mixed up with who is making the demands here!” snapped the thief. Less angry and more… huffy.
“Oh you are quite correct” replied the owner still smiling all the while - the same shark toothed calm smile.
“So, are you gonna give me all your money?” said the thief. It wasn’t actually a demand, it was a question. He really would have preferred to just get out of here, but his pride demanded that he at least make the attempt to leave here with some kind of valuables to put in his bag on the Balcony.
The owner stepped from the shadows, into an area that was bathed in moonlight and, shit thought the thief he really was Big, not big with a small b, but Big with a big B. He had short brownish hair which sat in a quiff, blue eyes, very lightly tanned skin, and it was impossible to not note his physique - he was positively herculean - the dressing gown he was wearing was only highlighting the thick round of his pecs which were visible at the top, and each of his thighs were as thick as a tree trunk - well maybe not literally but metaphorically yes!
“Is this a hold up?” he asked inquisitively still smiling “If it is, I feel the need of introductions, since we might be here a while - my name is Cecil”
“I won’t tell you mine!” replied the thief
“Very well” replied Cecil and thief could have sworn he added under his breath “It’s not as though food needs a name”
“Well I was just going to - ” quick as it had been said Cecil had moved forward at speed closing the distance between them, looming over the thief who gulped in fear again - he really didn’t want to see what this guy was going to do to him.
“I wouldn’t like you to come all this way for nothing”
“No no, I want you to let me go”
“You know, I realised you looked familiar - though granted with those balaclavas every thief looks similar, but your build well that’s very distinctive - you robbed this building before didn’t you” his voice suddenly became very dangerous
The thief did remember it had been a few nights ago - an old lady’s apartment she had gotten up tried to take him, and he’d pushed her to the ground then he’d robbed her apartment. Not that there had been that much to take, only an antique necklace with a locket, it had been a waste though - too distinctive to get anything for it.
“Your silence, whether of fear or guilt is very confirming” said Cecil “Luckily for you, she isn’t dead” not thought Cecil that that’ll change your fate “But you did steal something of great sentimental value to her, a necklace, with a locket, made of gold?”
His and his boyfriend’s neighbour was an old, old lady who had once had to flee her home - the only treasure she had from it was in a necklace her parents gave to her as a child it contained a locket inside of which was a series of small locks of hair from her siblings. “Uh yeah” said the thief nervously, really regretting shoving that old lady now.
“Where is it?”
“In my bag”
“Which is where?”
“Oh the balcony”
Cecil moved to look at the dark balcony and saw the idiot thief attempting to lunge at him with a heavy lamp.
A few things happened in quick succession: first, Cecil dodged the swing, second the thief stumbled backwards losing his footing and finally third Cecil lunging forward like a python wrapped his huge arms around the thief opened his mouth wider than should have ben possible and shoved him headfirst into his mouth.
The thief shrieked in surprise and started kicking his legs trying to get out, but he was doomed Cecil slurped trying to see if any flavour came off of his meal. He disliked eating people like this he could never be sure that they were really clean, but oh well he was doing his part to keep crime off the street, and only part of his muscle came from the cheat of devouring people There was also the issue that clothes stood in the way of tasting the guy properly, there wasn’t much meat on him anyway. Sometimes - infact most of the time he preferred them this way - lean and mean easy to subdue though they still kicked up a storm in his gut speaking of which.
Angling his head back to help gravity do the rest he grabbed the socks and shoes off of the thief's feet and tossed them to the one side. In a few seconds the thief was curled in the stomach of Cecil whose dressing gown came loose exposing his tan thief filled gut and who let out a loud deep belch and moaned.
“you ate me, you actually ate me!!” Yelled the thief
“You tried to kill me with a lamp buddy” said Cecil
There were footsteps and in stepped Blake who merely sighed at Cecil’s gut. Whilst Cecil sat down on the sofa and spread his legs - the better to accommodate the expanse with.
“hey darling, said Cecil grinng at Blake who walked into the room and sat beside him
“it’s the middle of the night” replied Blake grumpily
“hey I didn’t choose what time this ruffian decided to perform home invasion!” Said Cecil cheerily
“you are way too upbeat at all times” grumbled Blake as he reached out with one hand and began rubbing Cecil’s stomach coaxing up another belch
“You are way too good at this” sighed Cecil dropping his head back and wrapping an arm around Blake’s torso pulling him against the dome of flesh that bulged occasionally with the struggles of its unwilling occupant in spite of himself Blake grinned and began rubbing with both hands as he shifted himself to straddle Cecil earning him a grunt of surprise and a belch as Cecil placed a hand on either side of Blake to keep him there. Blake leaned forward and tenderly kissed Cecil on his lips Cecil responded by wrapping his arms more firmly about Blake and giving a small moan of pleasure as Blake’s hands continued to massage him feeling as though he had found a good sized pocket of air Blake leaned away from Cecil as a gurgle starting in his stomach rapidly made it’s way up and out of Cecil’s mouth who had been sitting there eyes slightly heavy lidded
“Bouarrrrrrp” he moaned and Blake immediately fell back upon him “You are so so hot when you are like this” he whispered in Cecil’s ear “all full and belching” Cecil loved the praise from his gorgeous Boyfriend but…
“I’m hardly full” he replied “in fact I could scarf down 2, 3 more of these guys no problem” he whispered in Blakes ear he belched again smaller this time yet he chuckled as he saw Blake blush and giggle “in fact I still could do with another snack” he bit gently on Blakes ear relishing how it made Blake tingle all over “For some reason whenever I eat you - I feel at my fullest, my belly stretched to the max like I’ve eaten a full buffet plus some assholes that bother us on the way home - all of that just from you stretching me out” his voice was filled with desire, but it softened to gentle tenderness “all that from just you - my favourite 5 star meal”
“Cecil…” said Blake his hands moving from Cecil’s gut to his face “you are the most beautiful man” he kissed him moaning as Cecil’s hands began to grip his body until they were interrupted by a voice from Cecil’s gut
“Ewww, excuse me if you are going to, engage in activities then show me some respect and let me out”
“How are you still alive?” asked a gobsmacked Blake to Cecil’s gut “That last belch should have taken you to the Flats in the sky” he looked at Cecil who was similarly surprised
“Wait what the hell?” Yelled the thief
“Hey buddy good food shouldn’t talk” snapped Cecil annoyed that his time with Blake was being taken up by this asshat.
“I’m not food” shrieked the thief shoving violently against Cecil’s stomach walls
“Stop speaking and squirming” Said Cecil “Squirming’s all well and good at the start really gets me going - but after a while it’s just like shut up accept your fate and digest”
“You’re going to digest me?!!!” Shrieked the thief kicking again more violently
“Stop that” groaned Cecil grasping his stomach and belching again Blake slid off of his lap and onto the floor. It was surprisingly painful getting kicked - usually it didn’t hurt this much
“Hell no, Let me out - you can’t do this”
“You shouldn’t have broken into our Flat buddy”
“I am not your Buddy” yelled the thief shoving again at Cecils stomach walls this time actually hurting him more than quite a bit, damn it felt like getting stabbed - please tell me he didn’t actually have a weapon he thought to himself
“Ow” he whined “stop”
“Ha ha ha ha” not so confident now are you - you stupid greedy musclebound glutton”
“Stop hurting him” snapped Blake getting off the floor and ramming both hands onto the squirming mass Blake may not have had the ability to devour people and turn them to mush - but he certainly had the power to deliver a fierce push the thief yelped as we felt the shove and Cecil let out a loud rumbling belch. “BOUARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP Damn” ,he said “I must have gulped down a lot of air with that guy”. His hands returned to a much less engorged stomach.
“Would explain why he lasted so long and how despite being so scrawny he was able to give you such a bloat” said Blake whose own hands were on each of Cecil’s broad shoulders and were tracing down each of his biceps.
“Yeah” sighed Cecil “I mean he wasn’t so much scrawny as lean and thin”
“How did he taste” asked Blake
“Not of too much” replied Cecil “I was more eager to get him down than to taste him” Blake’s hand returned to and rubbed Cecil’s stomach feeling the lumps were moving weakly but not for much longer he thought
“Blake” asked Cecil
“Can you check the balcony please? This guy said he left his bag with Miss Olgania’s Locket in it”
“I will do that once I’m sure he can never rob Miss Olgania or us or anyone ever again” said Blake leaning forward and kissing Cecil
“Mmmmm” moaned Cecil moving forwards “My gut, my muscles - the most secure prison”
”Just right” Replied Blake smiling as his hands returned to his stomach.
Miss Valecia Olgania was aged somewhere in her seventies though she would never admit it insisting that she stopped aging at 39! She had grey hair pulled into a bun at the back of her head and wore a patterned black and white skirt and a pink top.
Upon hearing a knock at her door she moved over to it and after checking the spy-hole and seeing that it was her downstairs neighbours Cecil and Blake she unlocked, unchained and opened the door with a smile.
“Miss Olgania, it is our pleasure to return to you the locket that was stolen by the thief” said Cecil presenting the locket which was indeed within the black bag that the thief had said it was in, alongside several other presumably stolen goods which they had handed over the the police.
“Oh you really both are the kindest gentlemen!” Said Miss Olgania gladly taking the locket in her hands and holding it to her chest
“We just do our part for the community” Said Cecil
“and you are a part of it Miss Olgania” added Blake smiling
“But how did you get it back?!” Said Miss Olgania slightly puzzled - but only slightly.
Cecil laid a hand over the slight increase in thickness in his abs that was the only indication of his meal “let���s just say that he won’t be bothering you or us again any time soon.”
Miss Olgania simply smiled and laughed “Well all I can say is thank you my dears, and an invitation to my humble abode for a most ordinary meal is most certainly in order!” She invited them in and closed the door bustling over to where her calendar hung on a small hook and pulling it off, shall we say Friday night between 5 and 6?”
“That sounds wonderful said Cecil”
“Concurred” said Blake grinning
“And while we’re here why not have a cup of tea?”
“why not indeed” they chorused - after all who would refuse a cup of tea from such a nice lady?
Well I know someone who might but since he’s now part of someone who would never do so - I think we can leave him out!
Thank you so much for reading if you’ve made it this far
I very much hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comments about grammar and spelling and punctuation would be very very welcome - I would much rather know if I’ve made a stupid mistake than not know!
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interweb-weaver · 5 days
Satisfying room service
This is a commission from a friend on instagram, if anyone would like for me to write you a story like this, hit me up! hope you enjoy it.
After hours of flying and being unable to rest comfortably, Dan finally arrived to his hotel room, the first thing he did after arriving was belly flopping directly into his bed, he stretched and felt his shirt untuck itself out of his belt, so Dan began unbuttoning his shirt to let his big hairy belly rest free, he was feeling very hungry after almost 12 hours of nothing to eat, so he picked up the phone and ordered a ton of food for room service.
After impatiently waiting some time Dan finally heard a knock on the door, his food finally had arrived, he opened the door and a cart full of exquisite looking dishes greeted him from the other side, his mouth began immediately to water, his gaze traveled between the fries, burgers, ribs, steaks, other delicious meals that laid before him, after a while his eyes met up with the waiter who had brought him his food, he was tall and slender, he had a pretty face and he looked a little bit blushed, Dan wondered why he was flustered until he remembered his stomach was completely exposed for anyone to see, it seemed like the waiter liked watching Dan’s big belly, but was ashamed to admit it.
Dan rubbed his immense belly and beckoned the waiter to enter his room to leave the cart full of food, but before the waiter could leave Dan cut him off and with a playful smile asked “hey, do you want to be a good boy and win a big tip today?” the waiter looked surprised “don’t worry, all you have to do is help me pack all of that food into my tank here!” continued Dan while rubbing his belly.
The waiter’s eyes got completely wide, but he just nodded and followed Dan back to his bed where he left all the food, “Good kid, I already like you.” Dan said with a chuckle.
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interweb-weaver · 5 days
More Than Neighbors
A commission for an anonymous user here on Tumblr, thank you for commissioning me!
Content: M/M Vore, Oral Vore, Endo, Digestion, Melting Digestion, Multiple Instances of Vore, burping
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The sun cast a warm glow over the new neighborhood as Jake and Andrew arrived at their freshly leased apartment. The building, a quaint three-story structure, stood proudly with a coat of welcoming beige paint. As they stepped inside, the scent of fresh paint tickled their noses—a sign that this place was truly their canvas to fill.
The apartment had a cozy charm, with sunlight streaming through the large windows that adorned the living room. The kitchen, though compact, exuded a functional elegance, complete with gleaming appliances and granite countertops. A promising beginning to their life together.
With an exchange of glances and a shared smile, Jake and Andrew embarked on a rhythm of unpacking. The air was charged with the excitement of new beginnings. The sound of cardboard boxes being shuffled and furniture being arranged reverberated through the apartment.
Jake's lively voice, filled with enthusiasm, echoed, "Babe, I'm thinking the couch should go right here, what do you say?"
Andrew, a bit more measured in his responses, replied, "Yeah, that works. Gives a nice view of the TV and opens up the space."
Their shared brainstorming intertwined with the mundane yet significant task of setting up their home. Little did they know that this cozy abode would soon become the stage for a more unconventional kind of interaction with their neighbor. Or, at the very least, one that Jake attempted to hide really well.
"I'd love to stay and help, but I've got to go to work. Maybe wait on the heavier tasks till I'm back home, and set up what you can until then," Andrew suggested, a hint of regret in his voice as duty called him away.
Jake nodded, a teasing grin playing on his lips. "Sure thing, babe. I'll leave the heavy lifting for when my strong man is back in action." He winked playfully, earning a chuckle from Andrew.
As Andrew prepared to head out the door, Jake couldn't resist a mischievous comment, "Thinking of greeting our neighbors later. You know, being the friendly new guy in the building."
Andrew shot him a sidelong glance, his lips curling into a smirk. "Just don't get into any trouble. And no overly friendly offers, alright?" he quipped.
Jake feigned innocence, a twinkle in his eye. "Who, me? Never!" he teased, giving Andrew a quick peck on the cheek before sending him off to work with a playful swat on the butt. "Hey, I just want to make sure we're on good terms with everyone around here. Plus, who knows, maybe they're super cool."
With a peck on Jake's cheek, Andrew replied, "Alright, social butterfly. Do us proud. See you later, okay?"
"Sure thing. Have a good day at work!" Jake replied, continuing the mundane task of unboxing their many sentimental objects for the next hour.
Jake took a moment in the shiny new bathroom, adjusting his hair and shirt. He wanted to make a good first impression, not just for himself but also for Andrew. With a deep breath, he looked at himself in the mirror, nodding as if giving himself a mental pep talk.
Feeling ready, Jake strolled out of the apartment, locking the door behind him, and headed for the next door. It felt a bit odd, making the rounds so soon, but he figured it was better to know his neighbors sooner rather than later.
Arriving at the door, he took another moment, clearing his throat and then knocked twice. The anticipation was a mix of nerves and excitement, not knowing who would answer the door.
The door creaked open, revealing a man with a dad bod, dressed in a blue gym shirt that depicted a muscular guy lifting, paired with black shorts. The shirt hugged his form in a way that accentuated his physique rather than hiding it, and the casual attire only added to the relaxed charm he exuded. This was Thomas, the neighbor Jake was about to get to know.
"Hey there!" Thomas greeted, a friendly smile on his face. "You must be the new neighbor. I'm Thomas." He extended a hand, a firm handshake revealing the calluses of someone who might hit the gym often.
"Jake," he replied, returning the handshake. "Nice to meet you, Thomas."
Thomas chuckled a bit, the friendly tone still lingering. "Likewise, Jake. So, what brings you to this side of the building?"
Jake shifted slightly, feeling a bit shy under Thomas's friendly gaze. "Just moved in with my boyfriend, Andrew, next door. Thought I'd say hi to the neighbors."
"Ah, the happy couple! Welcome to the neighborhood," Thomas said, rubbing his chin playfully. "You know, you're lucky to have me as a neighbor. I'm like the unofficial welcoming committee around here."
Jake grinned, finding Thomas's confidence oddly endearing. "Well, lucky us then. Thanks for the warm welcome."
Thomas leaned against the door frame, his demeanor casual but with a hint of self-assuredness. "No problem at all. Say, why don't you come in? I was just about to make some tea. A little neighborly chat won't hurt."
Jake hesitated for a moment but couldn't resist the friendly offer. "Sure, why not? Tea sounds good."
The apartment had a pleasant aroma of warmth and familiarity as Thomas led Jake in. It was a cozy space with an inviting feel, making Jake feel a bit more at ease. Thomas moved effortlessly to the small kitchenette, pulling out two cups and preparing tea.
"Here you go, Jake," Thomas said, handing over one of the steaming cups. "I've got a knack for tea, so enjoy."
"Thanks," Jake replied, taking a sip, the warmth of the tea comforting in his hands. "You've got a nice place here."
Thomas grinned, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Yeah, it's my little bachelor pad. Not as neat as it could be, but it's home."
They exchanged pleasantries, Jake finding himself drawn to Thomas's charismatic demeanor. The conversation flowed easily, with Thomas expressing genuine interest in getting to know his new neighbor. At one point, Jake couldn't help but voice a thought that had been lingering in his mind.
"You know, Thomas, you're a pretty interesting guy," Jake said, a playful glint in his eyes. "And, well, quite attractive."
Thomas's response was a cocky smirk, as if he'd expected the compliment. "I get that a lot, and for good reason."
Jake blushed slightly, his admission out in the open. "I hope I'm not being too forward or anything. It's just, you seem like a cool guy."
Thomas chuckled, the cocky edge still present. "No worries, Jake. I can handle a compliment. And cool? I'll take it. We'll have to hang out more, get to know each other better. Maybe introduce me to that boyfriend of yours."
Jake nodded, feeling a warmth spreading through him. "Yeah, that sounds great. Andrew would love to meet you, I'm sure."
With that, the conversation continued, the two sharing stories and laughter, the bond between neighbors growing stronger. Little did Jake know that the more time he spent with Thomas, the deeper his fascination would become. Jake couldn't stop eye-ing his neighbor's dad bod, and especially his slightly protruding belly, which was cozy and inviting.
"What's up?" Thomas said, noticing Jake's attraction to his body and his extended silence.
"Say, Thomas," Jake spoke, his voice a little shaken and apprehensive. "I was wondering if you could… You know," He said, avoiding his neighbor's direct gaze. "Swallow me up?"
The revelation hung in the air, creating a moment of awkward tension between Jake and Thomas. Jake's request was so unexpected that even Thomas, with his confident demeanor, was momentarily taken aback.
"Swallow you up?" Thomas repeated, a bemused expression crossing his face.
Jake, realizing how unusual his request sounded, quickly began to backtrack. "Oh, uh, sorry. That was a weird thing to say. I just thought, you know, it's been a long day with all the moving, and I thought it might be a way to relax. Forget I said anything."
Thomas, recovering from his initial surprise, chuckled. "Hey, no need to apologize. That's definitely one way to unwind. But, you know, what about your boyfriend? Shouldn't he be the one you'd want to spend your evening with?"
Jake hesitated for a moment, glancing around the room as if searching for an excuse. "Andrew's at work. He won't be back for hours. I figured it might be a good time, you know?"
Thomas raised an eyebrow, the cocky smirk returning. "Well, well, looks like I've got some competition with your boyfriend's schedule. Alright, Jake, let's give it a try. Why not?"
Jake's eyes widened in surprise, the realization sinking in that Thomas was actually considering his bizarre request. He stammered, "Wait, really?"
Thomas chuckled again, approaching Jake with a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, really. I was beginning to think the tea in me could use some company." He teased.
As Thomas moved closer, Jake felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Little did he know that this seemingly casual decision would set the stage for a series of events that would reshape the dynamics of their relationships in ways he couldn't have imagined.
Thomas's demeanor shifted, and a dominant aura enveloped him as he towered over Jake. With a wicked grin, he leaned in, his tongue emerging to sensually trace patterns across Jake's face, leaving a glossy trail of saliva in its wake.
Jake, caught in a mix of surprise and arousal, felt a shiver run down his spine. The dominant display was more than he had bargained for, but there was a certain allure to Thomas's confident and commanding presence.
As Thomas continued to lick, his teasing commentary echoed through the room. "You wanted to relax, right? Well, I'm here to make sure it's a memorable experience for you."
Jake, unable to resist the heat building within him, nodded in agreement. "Yes, I… I wanted something different."
Thomas, seemingly pleased with Jake's response, opened his mouth wide. The sight of those teeth, the expanse of his tongue, and the moist interior of his mouth created a mesmerizing spectacle. Jake, transfixed, felt a combination of excitement and anticipation.
With deliberate slowness, Thomas brought his open mouth closer to Jake's head, giving him a teasing pause. "Ready for the next part?" he asked, a wicked glint in his eyes.
Jake, feeling the heat of the moment, nodded again. "Yeah, go for it."
Thomas didn't waste any time. He extended his tongue and, with a deliberate and sensual motion, began swallowing Jake's head. The sensation was unlike anything Jake had experienced before—being enveloped by warmth, the pressure increasing gradually as he slid further into Thomas's mouth.
As Jake descended into the darkness, he couldn't help but marvel at the intimacy of the act. The feeling of Thomas's teeth grazing against his skin, the wetness of his tongue, and the gentle pressure surrounding him created a heady mix of pleasure and surrender, and he couldn't be more grateful that he had been forward with his request.
Thomas relished the sensation of Jake's head nestled within the confines of his mouth. The warm, tight space engulfed Jake, and Thomas couldn't resist savoring the unique flavors that each part of his captive offered.
With a deliberate and practiced motion, Thomas began the process of swallowing Jake further. His hands, which had initially rested casually on Jake's torso, now came into play. Fingers pressed gently into Jake's sides, aiding the swallowing process and ensuring a smooth descent.
The fabric of Thomas's shirt stretched as Jake's form traveled lower, gradually disappearing into the voracious depths of Thomas's mouth. The sensation of Jake's descent was hot, tight, and surprisingly intimate. Thomas's throat worked rhythmically, each gulp accompanied by a low, satisfied hum.
As Jake's upper body passed the point of no return, Thomas reveled in the feel of his buttocks. The firm, plump curves were a tantalizing delight, and Thomas couldn't resist using his hands to savor the moment. Fingers kneaded into the soft flesh, ensuring every inch of Jake was embraced by the consuming journey.
Thomas's thick hands squeezed Jake's buttocks inside his mouth, relishing the feeling of the soft flesh yielding to his grasp. The act was both sensual and commanding, a testament to the control Thomas exerted over the devouring process.
As Thomas continued the deliberate swallowing, the bulge in his throat expanded, signaling Jake's gradual descent into the depths of his belly. The once-taut fabric of Thomas's shirt now strained and stretched, barely containing the increasing mass within. The sight was both enticing and provocative, the visible contours of Jake's form pressing against the fabric.
With each successive gulp, Jake's head popped beneath the surface of Thomas's belly, causing a noticeable bulge from the outside. The fabric of Thomas's shirt clung desperately to the expanding mass within, the tight material pulled upward by the gravitational pull of Jake's journey into the man's digestive abyss.
The struggle of the fabric against the growing bulge was accentuated by the relentless swallowing. Thomas's throat worked with practiced precision, each gulp drawing Jake further into the churning depths of his belly. The once-cocky bachelor now seemed entirely consumed by the act, his concentration evident in the rhythmic motions of his throat.
The tight shirt, now strained beyond its limits, surrendered to the pressure. With a final, audible rip, the fabric gave way, exposing Thomas's expanding midsection. The bulge, no longer restrained by clothing, continued its ascent, offering a visual spectacle of Jake's gradual submersion into Thomas's digestive embrace.
Thomas's belly was much more pronounced with Jake entirely swallowed up, showcasing his curled up form beneath the bachelor's muscles. He rubbed his belly, moaning, as he let out a huge burp.
Thomas grinned, running a hand over his now exposed belly, the remnants of his torn shirt hanging from his waistband. "Well, shit, there goes my favorite gym shirt. And I thought it was tear-resistant. You owe me a new one."
He looked down at Jake's bulge inside him, the corners of his mouth curling up mischievously. "But, you know, it's worth it, just to have you all cozy in there, buddy."
Thomas reclined on his couch, feeling the subtle weight of Jake nestled within him. The torn shirt hung around his waist as a makeshift reminder of their unusual encounter. He ran a hand over his rounded belly, savoring the comforting fullness.
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As hours passed, Jake found a peculiar coziness within Thomas's belly. His words, though muffled by the fleshy confines, conveyed a sense of contentment. "So damn cozy in here," Jake's voice reverberated, the sounds dulled by the warm expanse of Thomas's belly.
The bachelor lounged, occasionally shifting in a way that cradled Jake further within him. Thomas chuckled, responding to the muffled remarks. "Yeah? Glad you're enjoying it, buddy. Just chill. We got time, and let me know when that boyfriend of yours is about to come."
Hours drifted lazily by as Thomas continued to chill on his couch, occasionally rubbing his belly as if patting a pet that lay within. Jake, within the comfortable confines of Thomas's belly, began to squirm subtly. His muffled sounds conveyed a sense of restlessness.
Jake's voice was muffled, the words barely decipherable but hinting at the desire to be released. Thomas, catching on, sat up with a casual grin. "Alright, time to set you free, little guy."
Thomas leaned forward, placing his hands on his knees, as the process of regurgitating Jake commenced. A low, guttural sound accompanied the motion, reminiscent of someone trying to force out an unexpected cough. As the first signs of Jake's reappearance became evident, a mixture of saliva and stomach acids accompanied him.
With a final, controlled heave, Jake emerged from Thomas's mouth. The dampened form of the once-swallowed man glistened, adorned with a sheen of Thomas's digestive fluids. Jake coughed and sputtered, the residue of the endosomatic adventure clinging to his form.
Thomas chuckled, leaning back as he wiped a stray droplet from the corner of his mouth. "There you go, Jake. Back to the land of the living, or at least out of my stomach."
Jake fumbled for a nearby napkin, wiping off the remnants of Thomas's digestive embrace from his face. He hesitated, glancing at Thomas with a mix of uncertainty and arousal.
"Fuck, that was hot as fuck," Jake admitted, his cheeks flushed. "Do you think, um… That maybe we could do this regularly?"
Thomas reclined on the couch, a cocky grin forming on his lips. "Regularly, huh? Well, who am I to say no? My gut's taken a liking to your round shape, and I figure I'd want to make use of this torn shirt again."
Jake, still catching his breath, grinned at Thomas. "Thanks, man. That was something else." With a casual wave, he headed back to his apartment, the door closing behind him.
In the privacy of his own place, Jake couldn't help but marvel at the wild experience. "Damn," he muttered, glancing at himself in the mirror. "Shower time before Andrew gets back."
Over the next few weeks, Jake found himself drawn to Thomas's door almost as if by an irresistible force. The frequency of his visits increased, and a peculiar routine developed—almost every time Andrew was out for work, Jake would find himself knocking on Thomas's door, eager for the sensation of being swallowed once more.
It became a clandestine affair, a secret passion that Jake couldn't resist indulging. The cozy afternoons spent nestled in Thomas's belly provided a unique escape, a refuge from the outside world. Thomas, despite his initial cockiness, seemed to enjoy the arrangement just as much.
Their encounters varied. Sometimes it was a quick, spontaneous venture, while on other occasions, Jake lingered longer, savoring the warmth and tightness of his endosoma retreat. As Thomas rubbed his belly in contentment, Jake relished the intimacy of the experience. The thrill of being swallowed, the muffled sounds of Thomas's surroundings, and the cozy darkness of his gut.
Each gulp, each audible swallow, became a part of their unspoken agreement. The torn gym shirt, now a remnant of many sessions, hung as a testament to their peculiar encounters. Thomas, ever the cocky host, reveled in the power dynamics of their arrangement. He would tease Jake with casual remarks, mocking him for how much he craved being inside him, how his gut's taking him from his boyfriend, and relishing the satisfaction of being the one in control. The muffled sounds of casual chatter, the gentle burps that followed, became routine.
One day, after weeks of their clandestine routine, Jake found himself stewing away in Thomas's gut. The familiar sensation of being enveloped in warmth and darkness was his routine escape from reality.
"Almost time for you to be out, bro," Thomas said, getting on his knees, preparing to regurgitate Jake, as they had done several times before. But, before the expected release, Jake squirmed in protest.
"Fuck, just take me," Jake said, his words muffled by the tight confinement of Thomas's gut, fully taken over by a surge of lust.
Thomas, taken aback, paused, looking at Jake with a mix of surprise and confusion. "You mean… like, for real? You want me to…?" he hesitated, gesturing toward his own belly.
Jake, caught in the moment of passion, nodded, confirming the unexpected twist in their usual routine. "Yeah, man. Digest me. Take me in. I want it," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of desire and abandon.
The unexpected turn left Thomas momentarily stunned, but the allure of Jake's plea proved to be too intoxicating to resist. With a smirk and a shake of his head, Thomas took a deep breath and said, "Glad you said that, a few more weeks and I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from ending you whether you asked for it or not."
Thomas sat back, a casual air about him as he reclined, teasing Jake about the gravity of his words. "You know, bro, you just signed up for the no do-overs, no take-backs deal. You're in my gut now, and you're gonna stay there."
Jake, a mix of excitement and realization playing on his features, squirmed a bit, confirming his acceptance of the unspoken agreement. "Yeah, man, no turning back. I'm all in."
Thomas, with a mischievous grin, decided to take Jake's commitment to a new level. "Alright, bro, you signed up for the 'no more talking' package too." taking Jake's acceptance as a cue, tightened his gut, muffling Jake's words almost to the point of illegibility. With a smug smirk, Thomas leaned back, basking in the moment as he let out a colossal burp that reverberated through the air.
The sound echoed around the room, a declaration of the new reality they had both willingly entered. Thomas, still chuckling casually, patted his slightly bulging belly, sealing the unspoken contract between them. The muffled, indistinct sounds from within only served to emphasize the intimate connection they now shared.
Thomas glanced at the buzzing phone, a smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like someone's missing their boy, huh?" he teased, waving Jake's phone in the air. "Got a bunch of missed calls and texts. Your boyfriend's probably worried sick about where you are."
He chuckled, placing the phone on a nearby table. "Man, I wish I could see the look on his face when he finds out where you really are. In this big, bulging gut of mine." Thomas patted his belly with a satisfied grin. "But we'll let him stew in curiosity a bit longer. Gotta savor the anticipation, you know?" Thomas said, as he headed to his bedroom.
He sprawled across his bed, one arm behind his head, the other idly rubbing his rounded belly. The bulge from Jake's presence was noticeable, a testament to the intimate arrangement inside. He chuckled, a low, satisfied sound, as he felt Jake squirming within him.
"First night you're staying this long, bro," Thomas remarked, speaking into the empty room. "Better get used to it because, after tonight, you're not coming out. You're gonna be part of me for the last few nights of your life." He shifted slightly, getting comfortable, and let out a contented sigh. "Sweet dreams, man."
The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on Thomas as he woke up, his gut still pronounced from the previous night's indulgence. Stretching languidly, he sat up, feeling the weight of Jake nestled within him.
Yawning, Thomas got out of bed and ambled towards the bathroom. The tiled floor felt cool beneath his feet. Leaning over the sink, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. With a toothbrush in hand, he began scrubbing his teeth clean.
As he brushed his teeth, his gaze shifted to the protruding belly that pressed against the edge of the sink. Thomas grinned cockily, aware that Jake was experiencing his morning routine for the first time.
"Morning, Jake, you good in there?" Thomas teased, speaking as if Jake could hear him. "Can't quite make out what you'd be saying, but I thought the gesture was nice." He chuckled, imagining Jake's muffled protests from within the confines of his gut.
Finishing up in the bathroom, Thomas got ready for the day ahead, a self-satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
As Thomas went about his day, the vibrations of Jake's phone periodically echoed in the room, a persistent reminder of the outside world that seemed increasingly distant. Each buzz was a testament to Andrew's growing worry and curiosity.
Teasingly, Thomas leaned back and patted his belly, as if saying to Jake that he's here to stay. "You know, bro, I think your body's getting a little softer in there. I'm known to have a rough digestion."
From Jake's perspective, the world inside Thomas's gut was undergoing a slow transformation. His clothes, once distinguishable, were becoming indistinct as they melded with the acids. The sensation was peculiar and, at times, disorienting, as his skin slowly melted; It was pleasant, it felt cozier than any of the previous time he's been in here, but it was still disorienting.
The muffled sound of Andrew's persistent calls and messages on Jake's phone served as a distant background noise, a stark contrast to the cocoon of warmth and semi-darkness that enveloped Jake within Thomas's belly.
On the second day, Jake's form inside Thomas's gut underwent a notable transformation. The once distinct features of his body were now indiscernible, a result of the ongoing process of digestion. The clothes that clung to him had long since lost their original form, merging with the liquefying remnants of Jake's physique.
Thomas, perhaps subconsciously or out of growing curiosity, patted his belly, noting a subtle change. The solid tautness that characterized Jake's initial presence was giving way to a softer, more pliable feel. The acids worked persistently, melting away the boundaries of Jake's form. It wasn't an ethereal or surreal process; it was the gritty reality of digestion, the breaking down of flesh and bone into a churning mixture, but despite that it still felt good to Jake.
The sudden, impatient knocking on the door jolted Thomas from his casual reverie. He swung the door open, and there stood Andrew, a mix of worry and irritation etched across his face.
"Hey, sorry to bother you this early, but have you seen Jake?" Andrew asked, his concern evident in his tone. "He's been missing for two days, and I'm getting really worried."
Thomas, wearing a hoodie that conveniently hid the changes in his midsection, shook his head. "Nah, man, haven't seen him. Sorry." There was an apologetic note in his voice as he subtly adjusted the hoodie.
"Fuck," Andrew said, seeming distressed and unaware of Thomas's gut. "Sorry. Just… Let me know if you ever do, okay?" He said, as he continued to the other apartments to ask his other neighbors.
Thomas closed the door and laid back against it, he couldn't resist a teasing smirk. He lifted the hoodie, revealing the slightly softer, bulging gut beneath. "All it took is a lift of my hoodie to show him where ya went. Too bad he'll never figure it out." he remarked, the cocky edge still present in his voice, as Jake squirmed inside his acid-filled gut.
On the third day, Thomas decided to hit the gym, his usual routine slightly altered by the recent addition of Jake to his physique. The once-toned bachelor now sported more of a dad bod, and a slight beer belly had developed, a testament to Jake's presence in his gut.
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As he prepared for the workout, Thomas couldn't resist teasing Jake. "Well, bro, today's gonna be a tough one on you. Might speed up your digestion a bit," he quipped with a chuckle. "But hey, I figure I'll make the most of the gains from eating you. Gotta look more attractive when you're gone, right?" The casual banter flowed easily, as he got to exercise his muscles.
Thomas began his gym session with some heavy deadlifts, the weight clanging against the floor with each controlled drop. The impact reverberated through his core, the vibrations felt by Jake nestled within the confines of his bulging belly. With each lift, Thomas's abdominal muscles flexed and tightened, pressing against Jake in rhythmic pulses.
Moving on to bench presses, Thomas lay back on the bench, the pressure of the weights causing his gut to push outward. Jake, caught in the middle of this bodily symphony, experienced the compression and release as Thomas completed each repetition. Sweat glistened on Thomas's forehead, a testament to the exertion he was putting into the workout.
Transitioning to squats, Thomas's movements became more dynamic. As he descended into the squat position, Jake was subjected to the pressure between Thomas's thighs, a sensation that intensified with each rise. The fabric of Thomas's shorts stretched tightly over his expanding waistline, a visible reminder of Jake's presence within.
The stair climber machine was next on Thomas's agenda. With each step, the rhythmic impact resonated through his body, creating a gentle rocking motion for Jake. The pressure on Thomas's midsection increased, and Jake felt the subtle shifts as his surroundings changed with each step.
Finally, Thomas engaged in some core exercises, targeting his abs directly. Crunches and leg raises emphasized the region where Jake was nestled. The compression intensified with each repetition, the steady burn of the workout echoed within Thomas's bulging gut.
Throughout the entire routine, Thomas's banter continued. "You feeling the burn, bro?" he teased, fully aware of the unique experience Jake was undergoing within the confines of his ever-changing gut.
As the days progressed, Jake's once-solid form continued its relentless transformation within the acidic confines of Thomas's stomach. The digestive juices worked with ruthless efficiency, breaking down Jake's flesh and bones into a formless mass. The initial resistance of his physical structure gave way to the corrosive power of the stomach acids, reducing him to a mixture of liquid and dissolved remnants.
The process was slow and methodical. Jake's consciousness began to wane, his awareness slipping away in sync with the dissolution of his physical being. He became entangled in the chemical dance of digestion, losing touch with the boundaries of his form as the acids invaded every nook and cranny of his thick form.
The sensation was a paradoxical blend of pleasure and obliteration. Jake, in his reduced state, was suspended in a state of half-consciousness, afloat in the warm, corrosive embrace of Thomas's stomach. The once-distinct features of his body blurred into a formless, melted amalgamation, his essence merging with the strong digestive acids of Thomas.
As the dissolution progressed, Jake's thoughts became fragmented, his sense of self dissolving along with his body. The blissful haze of digestion enveloped him, a surreal journey into the abyss of being broken down and absorbed.
Thomas reclined on his couch, a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips. His fingers drummed lazily on his bloated midsection, now transformed into a softer, beer-belly dad bod. The once-defined muscles were replaced by a plump layer, evidence of Jake's gradual assimilation into Thomas's physique.
"Look at this," Thomas mused, patting his slightly flattened stomach. "You're almost all mine, bro. I've been digesting you real good. Your essence is now part of what makes me, well, me. Bet you can't even comprehend that with how melted you are."
He let out a hearty belch, the sound reverberating through his sloshy midsection. Thomas's arrogance echoed in his words, a mix of crass amusement and self-satisfaction.
"You thought you could handle being in my gut regularly, but look at you now. Just a sloshy mess, melting away into nothingness. And here I am, getting beefier, looking better than ever," he continued, chuckling at the thought. "You're practically my personal enhancement, bro. A little seasoning to make me even more irresistible."
Thomas shifted, adjusting his posture to emphasize the changes in his physique. The casual arrogance in his voice painted a vivid picture of a man reveling in the results of his unconventional dietary choices.
"In a few more days, you'll be nothing but a memory, a part of my gains. Can't say it wasn't a good run for you, though. The best thing you did was willingly dive into my gut."
Thomas stepped out of his apartment and immediately encountered Andrew in the hallway, looking disheveled and anxious. Andrew's eyes widened at the noticeable change in Thomas's physique.
"Dude, have you seen Jake? I've been going out of my mind looking for him," Andrew pleaded, concern etched on his face. "You know what, don't fucking answer. I know you would've told me if you had already."
Thomas feigned innocence, scratching his head. "It's good, dude. Jake? Uhh, not sure, man. I mean, I've seen a lot of people around, you know? Can't keep track of everyone." He said, "Maybe he ghosted you or something. It happens. But hey," He gave Andrew a pat on the shoulder, "I'm here for ya if you need me, dude."
"Thanks, man." Andrew said insincerely, wanting nothing more than to know where his boyfriend went, but still appreciating the offer.
As they moved further away from each other, Thomas couldn't resist a sly grin, his hand casually rubbing his now beefier belly. "Damn, Jake. Not a word to your worried boyfriend? Never took you for the silent type." He teased as his stomach growled, knowing that Jake wasn't in a state to respond let alone comprehend, only existing for a few more days before he's fully digested down by the bigger man.
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interweb-weaver · 5 days
Crushed Like A Bug
Content: Men Feet, Worship, Crushing
A commission for a user here on Tumblr! Thank you for commissioning me, I definitely want to write more feet stuff and this was perfect!
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Under the immense weight of Jake's bare foot, little Ethan felt like he was being flattened into the ground. "Please," he begged, his voice barely a whisper compared to Jake's booming laughter. "Don't crush me, man. Please!"
Jake's grin widened as he watched Ethan squirm beneath his sole. "Oh, come on, Ethan," he taunted, his voice dripping with cruelty. "You know you love being under my foot. It's where you belong."
With a disgusted grimace, Ethan reluctantly obeyed, leaning forward to plant a hesitant kiss on Jake's sole. "There," he said, his voice strained with humiliation. "I did what you asked. Now please, let me go."
But Jake just chuckled, his foot pressing down a little harder on Ethan's tiny body. "Not so fast, little guy," he said, his tone mocking. "You've gotta do better than that if you want me to spare you."
Gritting his teeth in frustration, Ethan forced himself to comply, his tongue darting out to lick the sweat from Jake's sole. The taste was bitter and salty, but he swallowed his revulsion, knowing that his survival depended on it.
As Ethan licked and kissed Jake's foot, Jake's laughter filled the air, mocking and cruel. "That's it, Ethan," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe if you keep this up, I'll consider not squashing you like a bug."
Ethan's heart sank at the thought, but he continued to obey, desperate to escape the crushing weight bearing down on him. As he licked and kissed Jake's foot, he prayed that his efforts would be enough to earn his freedom.
With a sense of dread coiling in his stomach, Ethan reluctantly complied with Jake's demand, his tongue darting out to lap at the filthy sole of Jake's foot. The taste was nauseating, a sickening blend of sweat, dirt, and grime, but Ethan pushed down his revulsion, knowing that his life hung in the balance.
As Ethan continued to worship Jake's foot, Jake's cruel laughter echoed around him, filling him with a sense of dread. "You call that licking, Ethan?" Jake taunted, his voice dripping with scorn. "I've had better foot slaves than you, and they didn't even last long."
Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he redoubled his efforts, his tongue working frantically to clean every inch of Jake's sole. He licked and sucked, his stomach churning with disgust, but he knew that he had no choice but to obey if he wanted to survive.
But no matter how hard Ethan tried, it was never enough for Jake. With a sneer of disgust, Jake lifted his foot higher, looming over Ethan like a monstrous shadow. "Looks like you're not cutting it, Ethan," Jake said, his tone cold and heartless. "Time to squash you like the bug you are."
Ethan's world spun in chaos as Jake's colossal foot descended upon him, blotting out the light and plunging him into darkness. The air was squeezed from his lungs as the immense pressure bore down upon him, crushing him with bone-crushing force.
With a sickening crunch, Ethan felt his body give way beneath Jake's foot, his bones snapping like twigs beneath the overwhelming weight. Agonizing pain radiated through every fiber of his being as his fragile form was flattened beneath the crushing force.
His screams were lost in the cacophony of destruction as his body was pulverized, his flesh and bone yielding to the relentless pressure of Jake's foot. Blood gushed from his mangled form, pooling beneath him in a macabre tableau of death.
Ethan's vision blurred with tears as he lay broken and defeated beneath Jake's foot, his world fading into darkness as the crushing weight bore down upon him. In his final moments, all he could feel was the overwhelming agony of his demise, the merciless cruelty of Jake's actions etched into his very soul.
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
Eat, Burp, Repeat
A commission for a lovely user here on Tumblr. I hope you all enjoy reading it! It's the first story I've posted in months.
Content: M/M Vore, Oral Vore, Multiple Swallowings, Safe Vore with Eventual Digestion, Betrayal
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“You fucking serious?” Demyan blurted out, staring at Levko as if he had just sprouted a second head.
Levko leaned back in his chair, his belly pressing comfortably against the edge of the table as he took a slow sip of his beer. The kitchen around them was warm and dimly lit, cluttered with the casual mess of a bachelor’s place—empty takeout containers, a stray gym towel draped over a chair. It had the lived-in feel of somewhere that valued comfort over style, much like Levko himself. He was the kind of guy who never fussed over a beer belly or the extra softness around his sides; he wore his dad bod like it was the most natural thing in the world. His beard, dark and full, framed a face that always seemed to be on the verge of a smile.
“Yeah, I’m serious,” Levko replied, shrugging casually as if he were suggesting they try a new restaurant instead of what he had just proposed. “I mean, why not? You’ve been curious about it, right?”
Demyan’s face twisted, caught between disbelief and a reluctant curiosity. He fidgeted with the hem of his hoodie, a nervous habit Levko had noticed the day they first met. They had been friends for quite a while, sharing the kind of quiet camaraderie that came naturally when an introvert gets adopted by an outgoing extrovert. Demyan, with his thoughtful eyes and soft-spoken demeanor, wasn’t the type to dive into wild ideas without thinking them through from every angle. It was one of the things Levko liked about him—the guy’s cautiousness balanced out his own impulsive streak.
“I—” Demyan started, then stopped, shaking his head. “No, I haven’t been curious about… this. I didn’t even know this was a thing until five minutes ago.” He rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous gesture that only seemed to make him appear smaller. “You’re telling me… you eat people? Like, for real?”
Levko chuckled, a deep, easy laugh that bounced off the walls of the small kitchen. “Not just anyone, man. Only those who are up for it, you know? Consensual and all that.” He tapped the side of his beer bottle thoughtfully. “It’s just… I dunno, something about it feels right. Like, natural. And look, I get it’s weird. Most people think it’s weird. But it’s not like I’m out there hunting people down. You’re my friend, Dem. And hey,” he added with a grin, “you’re delicious.”
Demyan’s cheeks flushed a deep red, and he quickly looked away, the comment hitting him in an unexpected place between flattery and utter confusion. He fiddled with his phone on the table, scrolling aimlessly just to keep his hands busy. “You can’t be serious,” he muttered again, though his voice had lost some of its initial edge.
“I wouldn’t joke about this,” Levko said, leaning forward slightly, his belly brushing the edge of the table. There was a sincerity in his eyes that Demyan had come to trust over the past few months. Levko had always been easygoing, the kind of guy who could make you laugh with a simple, well-timed comment or who could pull you into a conversation so deep you’d lose track of time. They had spent countless evenings just like this—talking, drinking, unraveling bits of their lives to each other.
Levko ran a hand through his hair, his expression softening. “You’ve been dealing with a lot of stress lately, right? This could be… I don’t know, an escape? A way to let go? You’d be safe the whole time. I’d never hurt you, Demyan, not unless you want it.” He gestured to himself, his body, the soft belly that rose and fell gently with each breath. “I’ve done it before. They usually come out fine.”
“Yeah, but… swallowed? Like… actually in there?” Demyan gestured vaguely at Levko’s stomach, his fingers trembling slightly.
Levko’s grin widened, a gleam of mischief in his eyes. “Yeah, man. Actually in there. I’ll keep you safe. I promise. And I think you’d be surprised how… relaxing it can be. Hell, you might even like it.”
Demyan swallowed hard, his mind racing through a hundred objections and half-formed thoughts. He knew Levko wasn’t messing with him—he could tell from the way Levko was watching him, the playful yet earnest glint in his eyes. They had grown close these past few months; Demyan had even started looking forward to their late-night talks, their inside jokes. There was a comfort in Levko’s presence that was hard to deny, even now.
But this… this was something else entirely. Still, a part of him—the part that had always been drawn to the unknown, to the edges of experience that he’d never quite dared to explore—felt a pull. He didn’t fully understand it, but the idea, as insane as it was, didn’t immediately repulse him. And maybe that was the most surprising thing of all.
Demyan sighed, his shoulders slumping as if the weight of the conversation had finally gotten to him. "Fine, alright," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "If you really think it's safe… I guess I'll try it. But I swear, if this goes sideways—"
"Fuck yeah!" Levko interrupted, his face lighting up with a grin. He gave his slightly protruding gut a hearty pat, the soft flesh jiggling under his touch. "Knew you'd come around, man. This belly? Always knew it was made for you specifically. You’ll fit right in, trust me."
Demyan rolled his eyes but couldn't help the slight chuckle that escaped. "You’re unbelievable, you know that?"
Levko just smirked, rubbing his stomach as if it was already happening. "Just relax, alright? We’ve got this."
Levko opened his mouth wide, showing off the slick, fleshy tunnel that awaited. Without any further hesitation, he pushed Demyan’s head into his mouth, letting his tongue slide against Demyan’s face. The taste of sweat and skin met his taste buds, and he couldn’t help but moan in satisfaction. "Mmm… you taste better than I thought," he mumbled, words garbled by the obstruction in his mouth.
Demyan’s voice was muffled, but still audible, tinged with a mix of disbelief and nervous laughter. "Damn, this is... really happening, huh?"
Levko responded with a deep, guttural hum that vibrated against Demyan’s face as he continued to savor his friend’s flavor. Slowly, Levko’s jaws stretched wider, taking in Demyan’s head completely. The feeling of his friend’s head filling his mouth was electric, sparking a surge of adrenaline through him. His throat muscles started to work, kneading and pulling Demyan in deeper.
Demyan squirmed slightly, feeling the warm, wet press of Levko’s throat close around his head. "Tight as hell in here…." His words were almost lost, choked off as the tight passage of Levko’s throat squeezed around him.
Levko ignored the comment, too focused on the task at hand. His hands gripped Demyan’s shoulders, guiding him further into his mouth. He took his time, savoring each inch as it passed over his tongue. Demyan’s shoulders popped past his lips, Levko’s jaw stretching to accommodate, and with a powerful swallow, he pulled Demyan further in.
"Mph—" Demyan tried to say something, but Levko’s throat had him in a firm, relentless grip, squeezing his words into muffled vibrations. His arms were pinned to his sides, and he could feel the slick, rhythmic contractions of Levko’s throat dragging him downward.
Levko paused for a moment, relishing the sensation of Demyan’s torso slipping past his lips. He grinned around the mass, his teeth grazing Demyan’s chest as he swallowed again. The feeling of Demyan’s chest stretching his throat was intense, but Levko was too caught up in the moment to care. He just kept gulping, each swallow sending more of Demyan into his eager belly.
Demyan’s legs kicked weakly as he felt his upper body slip deeper into Levko’s gullet. "Fuck, man," he muttered, his voice muffled and distorted. He could feel the pressure of Levko’s throat all around him, squeezing and pulling, guiding him inexorably downward.
Levko adjusted his stance, leaning back slightly to let gravity help him along. Demyan’s waist passed over his tongue, the bulk of his friend’s body stretching his throat wide. Levko’s hands pressed against Demyan’s thighs, pushing him further in. Another deep swallow, and Demyan’s knees were at his lips.
Demyan’s muffled voice came again, sounding strained but oddly calm. "Shit, it’s so tight. Can hardly breathe in here…."
Levko responded with a low, pleased grunt, his throat vibrating around Demyan. He was nearly there now, the bulge of Demyan’s head pressing into his gut, visible from the outside. Levko took one last big gulp, his throat muscles working hard to pull the last of Demyan’s legs down. He felt Demyan’s feet slide past his lips, his throat closing around them in a final, triumphant swallow.
With a deep, satisfied exhale, Levko rubbed his gut, which now sported a sizable bulge where Demyan was curled up inside. He let out a huge, rumbling burp that echoed through the room, making his belly quiver slightly.
"Fuck, yeah," Levko said, grinning as he patted his swollen stomach. "Always knew this belly was made for you, Demyan." He could feel his friend shifting slightly inside, the movements faint but distinct. "Get comfy in there," he added with a chuckle. "We’ve got all the time in the world."
Levko leaned back on the couch, his dad bod belly visibly swollen and wobbling slightly as Demyan shifted inside. He gave his stomach a gentle pat, the sensation tickling his insides. "How you doing in there, buddy?" he called, his voice casual and warm.
Demyan's voice was muffled but audible, a mix of awe and mild discomfort. "It's… uh, it's tight in here. Really tight."
Levko chuckled, feeling the vibrations of Demyan's movements. "Yeah, well, it’s your first time. You’ll get used to it. Plus, you fill me up nicely." He rubbed his belly in wide, slow circles, savoring the fullness. "Hang tight. I’ll get you out soon."
With a grunt, Levko leaned forward and let out a loud, resonant burp that seemed to rattle the walls. "BUUUUUURRRP! Ah, damn. That was a good one," he said, grinning as he gave his gut another pat. "You alright in there? I know it gets a little gassy."
Demyan coughed, his voice slightly strained. "Jesus, Levko. That’s… pungent."
"Ha! That’s all part of it, man. You get the front row seat," Levko said, his tone playful. He relaxed back, letting out another deep belch that echoed around the room. "BUUUUURRRP! Sorry, can’t help it. You just bring out the best in me."
There was a brief silence, just the sound of Levko’s gurgling belly and Demyan’s soft shuffles. After a few moments, Levko patted his gut again, feeling Demyan start to settle down. "You okay, bro? Still with me?"
"Yeah," Demyan mumbled. "Fuck, your gut really doesn’t go easy, even on a friend."
"See? Told ya you’d come around," Levko said, his voice filled with a teasing satisfaction. He gave his gut a playful shake, feeling Demyan’s weight inside jostle slightly. "Just relax. You’ll be out soon, no worries."
A few hours later, Levko leaned forward, feeling the familiar urge. "Alright, hold tight. Gonna bring you back up." With a deep breath, Levko’s throat convulsed, and he began the slow process of bringing Demyan back up.
Demyan emerged, slick with saliva and blinking in the light. He stumbled slightly, catching his breath as he wiped his face. Levko smirked, handing him a towel. "You okay? How was the ride?"
Demyan chuckled, albeit shakily. "Honestly? Kind of… fun. In a weird way."
"See? I told you, bro," Levko said, leaning back with a satisfied sigh. "You’re a natural. We’ll do it again when you’re ready."
Demyan nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face despite the lingering unease. Levko clapped him on the shoulder, his grin wide and reassuring. "Welcome to the club, man. My gut’s always open for ya."
Over the next few weeks, Demyan kept finding his way back to Levko’s apartment, the whole thing becoming more of a casual routine than he ever expected. Levko made it look easy—too easy, really. Each time, he’d just smile and say something like, "You ready for round two, bro?" before opening wide and swallowing Demyan down like it was nothing.
Levko’s gut, always snug and warm, became a second home of sorts for Demyan. The tightness, the heavy pressure, and the strong, musky air inside that belly—Demyan got used to it all. Levko’s grip got firmer, more assured, and his swallows were quicker, almost effortless. The first few times, Demyan squirmed a lot, but Levko just kept going, guiding him down smoothly until Demyan was curled up inside.
Every time Levko let out one of his trademark burps, they got louder, messier, and more guttural. "BUUUUURRRRRP! Damn, you really fill me up, man," he’d laugh, rubbing his bloated belly with a cocky grin. The burps were raw and heavy, vibrating through Levko’s whole body and leaving Demyan swimming in the aftermath.
"Fuck, that’s nasty," Demyan would sometimes grumble from inside, but it was hard to be too annoyed when Levko was just having fun with it. He’d always respond with a playful slap on his belly. "What can I say? You bring it out of me," Levko would tease, leaning back with a smug look, hands cradling the swell of his gut as if showing off a prize.
As the days passed, Levko got rougher, less patient with the whole process. He’d toss Demyan back like a shot of vodka, tilting his head and gulping hard, dragging Demyan down in one swift motion. "Down you go," Levko would say, hardly giving Demyan a chance to settle before snapping his jaws shut.
Inside, it was all tight heat and a constant churn, the pungent air filled with the sharp, acrid scent of Levko’s digestive juices working overtime. Demyan would wriggle a bit at first, but Levko’s body seemed to tighten around him, squeezing just enough to remind Demyan who was in charge.
Levko seemed to relish how Demyan fit so snugly inside, the way his belly bulged and rounded out with every swallow. He’d pat it proudly, belch loudly, and laugh, always keeping the mood light. "Feels like you’re getting cozier in there, huh?" Levko would say, half-joking, half-serious.
Each time, when Levko finally let him out, Demyan was a little more tired, a little more pliable. The roughness, the relentless swallowing, the lingering stink—it all became part of the strange bond they were building. And through it all, Levko never lost that easy-going, dad-bod confidence, making it feel less like a weird favor and more like just another day hanging out with a friend.
It had been about five weeks since this all started, and in that time, Levko had swallowed Demyan down more times than either of them bothered to count. It had become so routine, Demyan showing up at Levko’s place, shooting the shit for a bit, then letting himself get gulped down like a daily habit. Levko’s tight, pungent gut had become as familiar to Demyan as his own bed, and every burp, every groan of that belly felt like clockwork.
Today was no different. Levko opened the door with that same laid-back grin, shirt halfway unbuttoned, dad bod on full display. “Well, look who’s back,” he said, barely even waiting for a greeting before guiding Demyan in, his grip already firm on Demyan’s shoulders. Levko didn’t even ask if Demyan was ready this time; he just opened wide and started the process, like they were punching a time clock.
Demyan felt the now-familiar pull of Levko’s throat, the way it gripped and dragged him down, every gulp efficient and tight. Levko’s biceps bulged as he maneuvered Demyan down, not even trying to be gentle anymore. It was like Levko was enjoying the little bit of power, those strong arms pinning Demyan just enough to feel it.
Inside, it was all the same: hot, cramped, the heavy smell of Levko’s gut surrounding him. Demyan barely had the energy to squirm anymore; it was just too exhausting. The air was thicker today, the pressure more intense as if Levko’s belly was already tired of the routine, ready for something different.
After the usual settling in, Levko leaned back, rubbing his belly and letting out a massive belch that rattled his whole body. “BUUUUUURRRRP! Fuck, never gets old,” he laughed, giving his gut a few pats. But then, instead of the usual light teasing, his tone shifted. He sounded casual, but there was something else there, something a little darker.
“Hey, Demyan,” Levko called down, almost offhand, his voice slightly muffled by his own gut. “You ever think about just… staying in there? Like, for good?”
Demyan tried to respond, but the tightness and the constant churn of Levko’s stomach made it almost impossible to get a word out. He managed a weak, “What?” but it was barely audible, swallowed up by the sounds of digestion already starting around him.
“Yeah,” Levko continued, like he was just tossing out a casual suggestion. “I mean, you’ve been down there a lot. You’re practically part of me already. Might as well make it official, huh?” He squeezed his biceps, flexing them just enough that they pressed harder into his belly, making Demyan’s already weak protests even quieter. “Come on, man, you’re so fucking comfortable in there. Feels like it’s time to let my gut do what it’s meant to do, don’t you think?”
Demyan tried to protest, but all that came out was a muffled groan, the tight squeeze of Levko’s muscles making it nearly impossible to speak. His body felt heavy, too weak to even push back against the walls of Levko’s gut. His mind raced, but his energy was fading fast. He’d been through this so many times, the heat, the pressure—it was all just too much.
“Don’t stress it, Demyan,” Levko said, patting his belly with a bit more force, his tone half-mocking, half-serious. “It’s not like you’re gonna feel it for long. You always said you wanted to relax, right? What’s more relaxed than being part of me? Besides, you fucking fit in there perfectly. I’ve always said this gut was made for you.”
Levko belched again, louder this time, almost like he was sealing the deal. “BUUUURRRP! Shit, you really fill me up good. I gotta admit, man, feels right.” He rubbed his stomach in lazy circles, each motion pressing Demyan tighter against the slick, churning walls. “Fuck yeah,” Levko muttered, more to himself now, feeling the way his gut swelled with Demyan’s form inside. “Always knew you’d be perfect in there.”
Demyan, too tired to argue, just lay there, letting the realization sink in. He could feel the acid starting to bubble around him, Levko’s gut working him over with a casual persistence that matched Levko’s tone. As his last bits of strength faded, Demyan couldn’t even muster a full response, just a quiet, resigned noise that got lost in the constant churn of Levko’s belly.
Levko leaned back, completely relaxed, his hands resting on the bulging curve of his stomach. “Yeah, man,” he said, almost gently, “this was always the plan. Just relax. You’re home now.”
The digestion started slow, like it always did, but this time there was a finality in the way Levko’s gut gurgled and churned. Demyan felt the acid starting to pool around him, seeping into his clothes, biting at his skin with a burn that was both familiar and terrifyingly new. He tried to shift, tried to get comfortable, but Levko’s stomach squeezed him tighter, making it clear that this wasn’t going to be like the other times.
Levko leaned back on his couch, his hands pressing down on his swollen belly with a heavy satisfaction. “Fuck, man, I can already feel it working,” he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of pride. “Feels different, you know? Like it’s finally time to let this gut do what it’s supposed to.”
Inside, Demyan was struggling, the heat and pressure overwhelming. He could feel the acid getting stronger, bubbling up around his legs and creeping higher. He managed to mutter, “Levko… stop… please…” but his voice was weak, barely a whisper against the constant rumble of Levko’s digestion.
“What’s that?” Levko asked, not really listening. He gave his belly a rough shake, feeling the satisfying slosh of his friend inside. “You saying you like it? Feels good, right? Knew you’d come around.” He chuckled, patting his gut as if it was just another game they were playing.
Demyan winced, the acid stinging more fiercely now, starting to eat through his skin. He pressed against the walls of Levko’s stomach, trying to find some kind of grip, some way to resist the inevitable. “No… fuck, Levko… hurts…” But the words came out slurred, too faint to cut through the thick, humid air inside Levko’s belly.
Levko belched loudly, savoring the feeling as the pressure in his gut increased. “BUUUURRRP! Damn, you’re really giving me a workout in there. Keep it up, man. Gonna make me stronger, you know? Fuck yeah.” He flexed his arms, his biceps pushing hard into his belly, squashing Demyan deeper into the acidic pool.
The pain was sharper now, the acids working faster than Demyan remembered. He could feel his skin softening, melting into the pool of digestive juices that sloshed around him. His muscles were starting to give way, the burn spreading to his bones. He wanted to scream, to thrash, to do anything to make it stop, but every movement just sapped more of his strength.
“Levko… don’t… don’t do this…” he muttered, his voice shaking, but all Levko heard was muffled noises, lost in the deep gurgles of his belly.
“Fuck, you sound great in there,” Levko said, misinterpreting the broken words. He pushed his gut in, feeling the way it squeezed Demyan even tighter, forcing more of him under the acid. “Shit, you’re really getting into it, huh? Knew this was meant to be.”
Demyan’s mind was swimming now, the heat and the pain blurring his thoughts. His legs felt like they were dissolving, the bones softening as the acids gnawed at them. He could feel his fingers fusing together, the skin melting into a sticky, useless mass. It was all too much, and yet he couldn’t find the strength to scream, to beg louder than the relentless churn of Levko’s gut.
Levko stretched, feeling the pull of his bloated belly, the way it sloshed with the thickening remains of Demyan. “You’re putting up a good fight, I’ll give you that,” he said, his tone almost admiring. “But it’s time to just let go, man. My gut’s got you now, and it’s not letting up.”
Demyan’s chest tightened, the acid creeping higher, burning through his torso. His breaths came in shallow gasps, each one drawing in the rank, acidic air that only made the pain worse. He tried one last time, pushing weakly against the unyielding walls, his voice barely a croak. “Levko… please…”
But Levko wasn’t listening. He was too lost in the feeling of his friend becoming a part of him, the way his belly grumbled greedily, eager to finish the job. “Fuck yeah, that’s it,” Levko muttered, rubbing his gut with a rough hand. “Knew you’d be perfect in there. Just relax, let it happen. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.”
Demyan’s strength was almost gone. He could feel his body giving in, the acids breaking down the last of his resistance. His skin was gone, his muscles turning to mush, and his bones were starting to dissolve. He was nothing more than a heavy, churning mass inside Levko’s gut, every part of him surrendering to the relentless digestion.
Levko belched one last time, loud and content, a final declaration of his dominance. “BUUUURRRRPP! That’s the last of you, man. Good job. You’re mine now.”
And with that, Levko lay back, his belly slowly shrinking as it processed the remains of Demyan, a satisfied smile on his face. He didn’t hear the final, weak whispers, didn’t see the last, desperate push against the walls. All he felt was the slow, steady churn of his gut, doing exactly what it was made for.
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
The Dare
Another commission for another lovely user, hope you all enjoy reading this one! Thank you for commissioning me, your support means a lot
Content: M/M Vore, Oral Vore, Digestion, Fatal Vore, Casual Vore, Bulge Play, Belly Teasing, Public Digestion, Pred Prey Dynamics, Taunting, Reluctant Prey, Friends to Food, Intoxicated Vore, Humiliation, Sadistic Pred, Burping, Struggle Play
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“Alright, losers, let’s spice this shit up,” Dylan declared, kicking an empty can across the room. “What’s the dumbest thing you’d do for fifty bucks?” His eyes flicked to Corey, sprawled out on the couch with his shirt half off and a glazed look in his eyes.
Corey looked like he hadn’t a clue where he was, let alone what Dylan just asked. Dylan rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Hunter, who was scrolling through his phone, barely giving a shit about the conversation.
“Come on, Hunter, bet you wouldn’t down that entire bottle of hot sauce. I’ll throw in an extra twenty if you don’t puke.”
Hunter snorted, glancing up just long enough to roll his eyes. “Piss off, man. I’m not fucking my guts up for some chump change.”
Dylan shrugged, undeterred. “Alright, fine. What about you, Brad? Bet you wouldn’t jump off the roof into the pool.”
Brad laughed, shaking his head. “Not breaking my neck for your entertainment, asshole.”
That’s when Dylan’s eyes landed on Colby, who had been quietly sipping his beer, clearly trying to stay out of whatever dumb shit Dylan was about to pull. Dylan’s grin widened, and he slapped Colby’s back hard enough to make him choke on his drink.
“How about you, Colby? You’re usually up for anything when you’ve had a few.”
Colby coughed, wiping his mouth as he shot Dylan a wary look. “What stupid shit do you have in mind this time?”
Dylan leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper loud enough for everyone to hear. “How about I swallow you whole? Bet you wouldn’t be able to handle being in there. Fifty bucks says you’ll wuss out.”
Colby blinked, caught between thinking this was some kind of joke and the hazy blur of too many beers. “Wait, what the fuck did you just say?”
Dylan’s smirk widened. “You heard me. I mean, look at you. You’ve always been kinda small, right? Bet you’d slide down real easy. No guts, no glory, huh?”
The other guys hooted and hollered, egging Colby on as he stared at Dylan, half in disbelief and half in something else—a fucked-up mix of curiosity and whatever liquid courage he’d chugged down. Colby’s cheeks flushed, either from the booze or the sudden spotlight Dylan had just thrown on him.
“Dude, you’re outta your mind,” Colby scoffed, trying to laugh it off. “That’s some freaky-ass shit.”
“Aw, come on,” Dylan taunted, leaning back with his arms behind his head like he’d already won. “What’s the matter? Too chicken? Don’t worry, I won’t even digest you… this time.”
The room erupted in laughter, the jeers and catcalls bouncing off the walls, making Colby feel like he was shrinking even further into the worn-out cushions of the couch. Dylan was loving every second of it, the way Colby squirmed under the scrutiny, trying to figure out if Dylan was serious or just fucking with him like always.
Colby glanced around at the expectant faces, his friends all watching, waiting. The heat of their attention made his skin itch, his nerves buzzing with the need to prove them wrong. Dylan’s smirk was still plastered on his face, that arrogant look that made Colby’s blood boil, daring him to do something about it.
Colby set his beer down with a thud, the liquid sloshing dangerously close to spilling. “Fuck it,” he muttered, shaking his head like he couldn’t believe he was about to do this. “You’re on, asshole. But if you fucking digest me, I swear to God, I’m haunting your ass.”
Dylan laughed, deep and loud, clapping his hands together like he’d just scored the winning touchdown. “Oh, this is gonna be fun. Get ready, ‘cause once you’re in, there’s no going back.”
He cracked his neck and rubbed his hands together, his eyes sparkling with the kind of excitement that made Colby’s stomach flip. Without another word, Dylan grabbed Colby by the shirt, yanking him closer and giving him a once-over like he was sizing up his next meal.
“Hope you’re flexible,” Dylan said, half-joking, half-serious as he popped his jaw, opening his mouth wide. “You’re about to find out what it’s like to be lunch.”
Colby’s heart pounded in his chest, the reality of the situation sinking in as he felt the heat of Dylan’s breath wash over him. He could see the slick, wet darkness of Dylan’s throat, the muscles flexing in anticipation. It was fucked up. It was insane. But with all eyes on him and Dylan’s grip like a vice on his shirt, Colby didn’t see any way out of this without looking like a total bitch.
With one last, shaky breath, Colby braced himself, closing his eyes as Dylan’s mouth stretched impossibly wide, the wet, slick heat of it already pulling him in.
“Bon appétit, bitch,” Dylan mumbled around him, the sound muffled and warped as he took the first gulp, Colby’s head slipping past his lips and into the tight, constricting tunnel of his throat.
Colby’s protests were cut short as Dylan’s throat muscles clamped down, dragging him further into the darkness. He could feel the squeeze around his shoulders, the slick walls pressing in on all sides. His muffled curses were lost in the gurgle and groan of Dylan’s gut preparing to make room for him.
“Holy shit, dude, he’s actually doing it,” Brad laughed, watching in disbelief as Dylan’s throat bulged with Colby’s form, his belly already starting to swell as more of Colby was swallowed down.
Dylan just grunted, his focus on the task at hand, every swallow pulling more of Colby into the tight confines of his expanding gut. He could feel Colby squirming, the occasional kick or push against the walls of his throat, but Dylan just grinned around his meal, taking his time, enjoying every second of Colby’s reluctant descent.
Colby tried to shout, to tell Dylan this was enough, but every attempt was drowned out by the wet, relentless pull of Dylan’s throat. The tightness around him grew more oppressive, the air growing thinner as Dylan’s grip on his waist tightened, shoving him further down.
“Fuck, man, this is... this is nuts,” Colby gasped, his voice barely audible as his chest was squeezed tight, his head now fully lodged in the cavern of Dylan’s stomach.
Dylan paused, panting slightly, his tongue flicking over his lips as he glanced down at the bulge in his gut. He rubbed a hand over the swollen mass, chuckling as he felt Colby’s movements slow, the reality of his situation sinking in.
“See, told you I could do it,” Dylan said, a little breathless but still smug as hell. “Guess you’re stuck with me now, huh?”
Colby’s muffled response was lost, but Dylan didn’t care. He let out a deep belch, the sound echoing in the small room and drawing more laughter from the guys around him.
“Damn, bro, you taste even better than you look,” Dylan teased, giving his belly a satisfied pat as he leaned back, basking in the attention and the feel of Colby squirming inside him.
The night was still young, and with Colby tucked away in Dylan’s gut, it looked like things were just getting started.
Dylan leaned back on the couch, his belly swollen and tight, Colby squirming visibly inside. He grinned, running his hand over the rounded curve of his gut as his friends watched, half in awe and half in disbelief. Brad, Hunter, and Corey were all gathered around, beers in hand, leaning in close to get a better look at the human-sized meal Dylan had just swallowed whole.
"Fuck, man, you really did it," Hunter said, shaking his head with a laugh. He leaned down, pressing his ear against Dylan’s bloated stomach, listening to the muffled, frantic noises coming from within. “Holy shit, dude, I can hear him in there. He’s freaking out.”
Dylan burped loudly, patting his gut as it gurgled loudly in response. "Yeah, he’s not loving it too much," Dylan said, his tone dripping with mock sympathy. "But hey, a bet’s a bet, right? Colby knew what he was signing up for."
Inside, Colby was struggling, his arms and legs pushing uselessly against the walls of Dylan’s stomach. The tight, humid space squeezed him from all sides, every movement met with the relentless churn of digestive juices starting to bubble up around him. He could feel the heat rising, the stinging burn of acid nipping at his skin, but his screams were drowned out by the thick, sloshing noise of Dylan’s gut getting to work.
"Bro, you gotta let me out! This shit ain’t funny anymore!" Colby’s muffled voice echoed from inside, barely audible but panicked, his words broken up by gasps as the air grew thinner and the pressure around him increased.
Dylan just laughed, a deep, hearty sound that made his gut ripple. "Nah, man, you’re staying put. We got a long night ahead of us, and I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna make it a real good time." He drummed his fingers on his belly, feeling Colby’s struggles intensify with every mocking pat.
Brad, ever the instigator, leaned in closer, tapping on Dylan’s gut like it was a bongo drum. “Yo, Colby, how’s the view in there?” he called, laughing when the only response was a muffled yell and a frantic kick that made Dylan burp again.
“Jesus, that’s fucking wild,” Corey said, taking a swig of his beer and shaking his head. “What’s it feel like, Dyl? Dude kicking around in there like he’s trying to get out?”
Dylan shrugged, leaning back with a cocky grin. “Feels kinda good, actually. Like a nice belly rub, just on the inside. Plus, dude’s got some fight in him—keeps things interesting, you know?”
Hunter pressed his hand against the side of Dylan’s belly, feeling the vibrations of Colby’s muffled screams. “Shit, man, I can feel him shouting! That’s insane.” He laughed, pulling back and giving Dylan a light shove. “You’re fucking twisted, dude.”
Dylan just smirked, giving his gut another pat. “Nah, he’s fine. Just giving him the full experience. He wanted to know what it’s like, right? Well, this is it. No turning back now.”
Colby’s struggles grew more desperate, his fists slamming against the slick, fleshy walls, but it was like trying to punch through quicksand. The heat was overwhelming, the acid burning at his skin, and every gulp of air he managed to take was heavy with the sickly-sweet stench of Dylan’s stomach.
“Let me out, you prick!” Colby screamed, his voice cracking as the acids started to rise, creeping up his chest and stinging his throat. But Dylan only burped again, louder this time, a deep, satisfied rumble that shook Colby to his core.
Brad slapped Dylan’s gut playfully, grinning as he felt the resistance from within. “How long you think he’s got in there before he’s just soup?”
Dylan shrugged, a lazy smile spreading across his face. “Couple hours, maybe? I dunno, depends on how hard he fights it. But hey, I’m in no rush. Got all night to let him stew.”
Hunter leaned in close, putting his ear against Dylan’s belly again, listening intently. “Dude, he’s still going at it. Bet he thought he’d be out by now, huh?”
Dylan chuckled, giving his gut a squeeze. “Yeah, well, guess he didn’t realize just how serious I was. Should’ve known better than to take me up on that dare.”
The room was filled with laughter, the guys all taking turns poking and prodding at Dylan’s belly, teasing Colby as he writhed and squirmed inside, his muffled screams growing weaker by the minute. Dylan relished every second of it, the way his friends were eating it up, the feel of Colby’s futile resistance slowly fading.
As the hours dragged on, Dylan’s gut began to settle, the frantic movements within slowing to a sluggish, tired squirm. The room had grown quieter, the initial shock and excitement giving way to a more subdued atmosphere as the reality of Colby’s situation set in. Dylan’s stomach continued its relentless work, the gurgling sounds deepening as the acids took hold, breaking down their meal in slow, merciless increments.
Colby’s voice was barely a whisper now, a faint, trembling plea that barely registered above the churning noise. “Please… let me out…” But Dylan only sighed, a look of bored indifference crossing his face as he gave his gut one last pat.
“Sorry, Colbs, but this is the end of the line,” Dylan said, his tone casual, almost dismissive. “Should’ve known better than to play this game with me. You’re in too deep now.”
He leaned back, closing his eyes as he let his body relax, the weight of Colby inside him a comforting pressure that made him feel full and satisfied. Brad, Hunter, and Corey watched, a mix of fascination and horror on their faces as they listened to the last, fading sounds of Colby’s struggle.
Dylan let out a long, slow burp, the taste of beer and pizza mingling with the faint hint of Colby’s essence, a final reminder of the poor guy’s fate. He smirked, rubbing his belly as the last of Colby’s movements ceased, the once frantic squirming now reduced to a sluggish, defeated gurgle.
“Guess he finally gave up,” Dylan muttered, his voice dripping with casual cruelty. “Gotta admit, he lasted longer than I thought he would. Props to him.”
Hunter nodded, raising his beer in a mock toast. “To Colby, the dumbass who dared to be dinner.”
Brad and Corey joined in, clinking their cans with Hunter’s, laughter bubbling up again as they celebrated their friend’s fucked-up victory. Dylan just chuckled, savoring the lingering warmth in his gut, the knowledge that he’d won, that Colby was now just another meal, digesting away inside him.
“Rest in pieces, buddy,” Dylan said, his voice soft, almost fond as he gave his belly one last, affectionate rub. “You were a hell of a dare.”
And with that, he leaned back, letting the night carry on around him, the laughter of his friends mingling with the steady, rhythmic churn of his gut as it went to work, turning Colby from friend to fodder in the span of a single, unforgettable evening.
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
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After I caught my roommate leaving the shower one day and saw how hung he was, I knew I had to make a move on him. We quickly became friends with benefits, and were always trying new things to spice things up.
He came home one day with some pills that he claimed would shrink my body down slightly, making my hole tighter for him to fuck. I took a few before straddling his thick thighs and sliding his meat into me, feeling it gradually expand inside me as my body became smaller. For a while it felt amazing to have something so massive pounding away at my hole, but eventually it became too painful to bear. I wasn’t supposed to keep shrinking for this long, still getting smaller even after my roommate lifted me off his lap.
The process seemed to halt once I was about 6 inches tall, and I looked up at his distressed face as he read the back of the box of the pills he made me take. “Shit man, I guess I read the dosage wrong. Looks like you might be stuck like that for a couple of days…” He could see I was angry about his mistake, but didn’t seem to care as he snatched me up in one hand. He found my situation quite amusing, and just laughed as I squirmed within his grasp. “Don’t worry bro, I’ll keep you somewhere nice and safe, plus we might still be able to have fun in the process…”
His hard cock was still throbbing with excitement as he lowered me towards it, letting out a loud moan as he shoved my feet into his slit. I tried to struggle as he forced my body down his shaft, but it only made me sink faster down the tight, slimy passage leading to his balls. I slipped deeper inside him until my body was compressed and curled up by the walls of a fleshy chamber, the space half filled by a pool of this thick, raw seed.
There was no way he could hear me in my position, so the only way to interact with him was to squirm around inside his sack. His erection remained strong from the way my movements stimulated him, providing an almost permanent state of ecstasy. My roommate spent the entire day lazing around in our room, smoking a joint to relax and fully enjoy the pleasure of keeping me inside his body. It took all his energy to resist the urge to cum and release me too soon.
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
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After a long day out, Will and Saul were exhausted. Though they'd only walked a couple blocks after a short bus ride, because of their small size, it felt like much longer. However, their status as tinies wasn't all bad. One positive was that they could share the last seat on the bus. It was getting late, and there were only a few stops left when a giant got onto the bus. Neither of them cared to notice since there were already plenty of giants on the bus, even the driver was a giant, but they were forced to notice when the giant walked over to them.
"Hey fellas," the giant started as he leaned forward, "think you can move to let me sit down?"
"Um.. no?" Will answered, glancing over at Saul.
"Yeah man," Saul stated, "we were here first, so you gotta stand."
"Well, fellas, I don't think you're really in the position to say no," the giant threatened.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm saying, ya'll should know your place as littles, ain't got no reason disrespecting one of us," the giant continued, pointing at the tinies he was scolding.
"Yeah whatever guy."
"Oh, you're a total weirdo."
"I'm gonna give ya'll one more chance, since we just met," the giant said. By now they'd been talking so long that the bus was just about pulling up to the next stop. "Just get up and we don't ever have to speak to each other again."
"We already told you, we ain't moving," Will replied, unable to hide the anger in his voice.
"Yeah if you wanna sit you're gonna have to sit on the floor," Saul added.
"Alright alright," the giant laughed as the bus doors opened. Nobody was getting off, but a crowd was getting on. "Looks like I gotta make some room in the aisle," he chuckled.
Before either of the tinies could give another snarky reply, the giant quickly took his seat on top of them, avoiding the approaching crowd. Luckily for the giant, none of the other passengers noticed him make the tinies disappear. The combination of their small size and the phones in every giants' hands made Will and Saul almost invisible to them. Will and Saul, even with their resistance, were crushed underneath the giant's ass. Each of them was delegated to one ass cheek and the firmness of his ass combined with the toughness of the cargo shorts and the plastic bus seats made for a fairly uncomfortable bus ride. Just as the giant was getting comfortable, one of the standing passengers approached him.
"Ay, Alejandro," the passenger greeted the giant, "I wasn't expecting to see you until later, you still coming over?"
"Nah can't anymore," the giant explained, "something came up, I gotta go home as soon as possible."
"Oh damn that's a bummer, sounds like it's something real important."
"Yeah, it's very important," Alejandro confirmed, rubbing his ass into the seat.
"Good luck I guess, I gotta go though, this is my stop," the passenger said before waving goodbye.
Will and Saul were screaming, trying to make their voices reach the passengers around them, but nobody could hear. Even the one talking to Alejandro could barely even hear Alejandro himself. As much as Alejandro thought he hated hearing Will and Saul speak, he couldn't deny the amusement he felt as they screamed underneath him, so much so that a smile crept its way onto his face. The roads were bumpy, causing Alejandro to bump up and down on his improvised seat, further squashing the tinies but the brief air time Alejandro had let some of their screams escape from underneath him. No matter how amusing it was, he couldn't let the other passengers hear Will and Saul, so he grabbed his seat and pressed his feet down, keeping his ass pushed against the seat and therefore the tinies as well. This maneuver caused his legs to flex as well, making his ass even harder and making the tinies feel even more squished like two little gummy bears.
"You ain't gotta yell fellas," Alejandro whispered, "we're all going to the same place, yelling ain't gonna change anything.
Of course, this didn't stop their screaming, but increased it. Luckily though, even with most passengers gone, the screams were still mostly muffled. Alejandro knew their cries for help wouldn't stop, he'd done this too many times not to know, but he'd never done it with two tinies. Will and Saul were always warned about giants who 'attacked' tinies but they never thought they'd actually meet one. They assumed their were safe around so many people but really, nobody in that bus cared about them.
Alejandro now only had a couple stops left until he got off. By now, a lot of the seats were actually open, but he wasn't going to let Will and Saul off easy. The bus came across a pothole, causing Alejandro to jump just high enough from his seat that he could feel the impact of his ass on the tinies to the point where he could feel the exact points on his ass where they rested.
The bus was at the stop before his now, so he looked around to make sure nobody was watching and stood up briefly looking back at Will and Saul. Like he predicted, that pothole induced slam was so strong it knocked both of them out and they were laying in a very visible sweat print. Even unconscious, he wasn't done with them. He picked each of them up, putting them in his back pocket before securing them with the velcro flap. He sat back down, crushing them yet again, but it wasn't as bad as their weren't underneath as much of the cargo shorts anymore. If they were awake they would feel his ass in a more flattering way. It was still firm, but the fat on it was more noticeable now, cushioning Will and Saul. It was also quite a bit warmer inside his pants than outside, though that mattered little as neither of the tinies were able to appreciate that.
When Will came too, it felt like he was still unconscious. He couldn't see anything and it was pitch black. The walls seemed to be moving around him flattening him like a rolling pin. He definitely wasn't on the bus anymore, none of the walls around him were hard enough to be the seat and he couldn't feel the bumpy roads. There was also a very different smell where he now was. Compared to the bus, it was far more rank. While the bus obviously didn't have a pleasant smell, this new location was far worse. The smell seemed to attack his nose the same way the walls attacked his body. He reached out between the walls, trying to feel what was out there. His hand landed on a warm, damp corner where the walls met. There was a small opening in the corner but when Will touched it, everything around him seemed to shake.
The sudden sensation on his hole jolted Alejandro up from his bed. He'd been waiting for Will to wake up, though, so at least he was given a sign.
"Good morning, Will," Alejandro welcomed, "I learned your name from that friend of yours."
"Let me out!" Will screamed, "Somebody help me!"
"Ain't no reason to be yelling like that fella, nobody can hear you. If they could, they'd have stopped me years ago."
"Where's Saul?"
"Don't worry 'bout him, he's already outta here. If you play along nicely, maybe you can join him."
"Where am I?"
"You slow or something? You're in my ass crack. Don't feel special though, plenty of tinies have been where you are right now, even under that same yellow thong."
"Let me out you psycho!"
"You gotta earn your way out, just like your little friend."
"You're crazy! Why are you doing this?!"
"Somebody's gotta teach you fellas a lesson and I don't got anything against you little people, but ya'll are just easier to do this to. There's plenty of people my size I wish I could give this treatment too but that ain't possible now is it?"
"Just let me go!"
"Ya'll both bad listeners, but I guess we can start playing. If you want to get out, it's very simple, you just gotta tell me what that last thing I ate was. See, simple."
"How the h-"
Before Will could finish his thought, he was blasted by warm gust of wind. It was a direct hit, his face still looking towards Alejandro's hole. It was strong enough to push him back slightly, even with the tight walls surrounding him. He could hear Alejandro laugh a little bit, he was clearly having fun.
"What is wrong with you?!"
"Hey, I don't wanna hear you talking again if it ain't an answer. You only got 3 guesses so make em count."
As much as Will hated too, he took in a whiff of the lingering smell. It stung his nose and Alejandro must have felt him because he laughed a little more. It smelled like eggs at first but so did most farts, it was the morning though so maybe he had some for breakfast. If he was planning to do this would he really eat that though? That sounded way too easy. How specific did he need to be? He couldn't afford to take risks with only 3 guesses, so he gave what he assumed to be the safest answer.
"Um, an omelet?"
Almost like Alejandro could control his farts, the second one was let out right after he said 'wrong', almost like a buzzer on a game show. This time, Will made sure to sniff as soon as the fart came out, it stung more doing it that way but he got a stronger sense of the farts contents. While the egg smell was definitely there, it wasn't really all that strong. There was a particularly rancid smell that seemed to be from chorizo. That still made sense in combination with the eggs, so with one last sniff for confirmation, Will gave his second guess.
"A breakfast burrito?"
"Nope, wrong again! Last guess."
Alejandro pointed his ass to the ceiling and spread his cheeks apart, making Will fall closer to his hole in.
"Maybe that'll help you."
The last fart was definitely the strongest and not just because Will's face was practically touching the hole. Once again he sniffed repeatedly, trying to decipher what possibly could've made that smell. Maybe there weren't any eggs at all, but he knew there was chorizo. It was morning but would the last thing he ate really be breakfast? Who knew how early it was. He was trying to think of other meals with chorizo in them, but he couldn't clearly make up anything else from the smell. It was too varied, definitely not based on one food. Clearly chorizo was the main part of the dish but there had to be a lot of other ingredients. There was a faint smell of beans, so that was something. The smell was running out and the heat was starting to build up, causing not only Will to sweat, but Alejandro too. If he didn't guess soon enough, Alejandro's general musk might just throw off his guess.
"Chorizo and bean stew?"
"Is that you're final guess?"
"Well that is... wrong!"
"Because you played along much better than your friend though, I'll give you an option. Yes, you failed the game, but I think you learned your lesson," Alejandro started.
"I'll let you see your friend again, or you can stay in there. I think we can have some fun together, we could play this again but with lower stakes," Alejandro offered.
"Plus, you'd get breaks whenever a new tiny is in there, you can even watch if you want. Maybe consider it."
"Hell no. Get me outta here!"
"Fine, fine," Alejandro complied before pulling his thong to the side and digging in his ass with his hand to pry Will out.
He brought Will to his face, admiring the stench he'd left on him. It was a much stronger stench than Saul had, clearly Alejandro still had a lot to improve on though.
"Before I go though, I need to know," Will asked, "what was it that made your farts smell so bad?"
"You're asking for the answer?"
"Yes, the games over why can't I?"
"Well, the last thing I ate before the game was that other little guy from the bus, Saul I think. I can't lie either, he tasted pretty good, let's see if you're the same," Alejandro answered, licking his lips.
Without hesitation he dropped Will into his mouth and swallowed him in one gulp. There was some struggle on the way down, but nothing he hadn't experienced before. This would be there reunion, but Saul was long gone, if anything was their reunion, it was when Alejandro was blasting Will with farts. Now he was destined to the same fate as Saul, becoming fuel for Alejandro.
To Alejandro's delight, Will tasted just as good, if not better, than Saul and it felt like a real reward to finally shut him up. Now the only time he would have to hear Will was when he blasted him out. It's unfortunate, though, that he didn't agree to stay in his ass, not a surprise though, no tiny had ever agreed to that deal. The tinies he 'disciplined' were much too needy for that position, he assumed. He knew that as soon as one of them took that offer, that his treatment was effective. Until then though, he had to practice his craft on any and every tiny he saw fit.
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interweb-weaver · 6 days
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Climbing Partners
[ Art from ksk199999 on DeviantArt, story by me ]
Brandon and Jordan (both 21) had been climbing buddies for about three years. Jordan always wanted a higher, tougher climb, and Brandon was always went along. Brandon loved the time he spent with his buddy, but wasn’t always enthusiastic about traveling so frequently to the mountains each summer. While he enjoyed the challenge, sometimes he just wanted to relax in the sun for a week instead of busting his ass climbing as a vacation.
On one sunny summer day at Brandon’s apartment pool during their breaks from college, Jordan asked Brandon about going for another climb.
“Hey man, how do you feel about going for a climb this weekend?”
“That sounds like a great time, but why don’t we just chill by the pool this weekend? I’d love to just hang with you. We can totally go on a climb next weekend though.” Brandon responded.
While his request was very reasonable, Jordan still couldn’t let go of the idea of reaching a new death-defying height and seeing the incredible views. Jordan made his point known to Brandon, “Dude, there’s always more time to relax, we won’t always be able to climb. C’mon, let’s do it dude.”
Just before Brandon could say something, he got a spam on his phone reading, “Buy now! The brand new Size Gun uses atomic energy technology to transform the size of those around you, to any height within the range! Only $50! Get it before the price goes up!” He showed Jordan before he tried to delete it.
“Dude, look at this bullshit!” Brandon laughed.
Jordan smiled, “Imagine if that was real dude, we could both have the weekend we want.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you could relax all day by the pool, and I could be shrunk to make you the size of a mountain. Honestly the view of your apartment complex would be spectacular from a new perspective.”
Brandon started thinking. It was Tuesday, he just got a bonus from last week’s paycheck, and Jordan was absolutely right. He honestly was excited at even the possibility of a real man being the size of a toy in his hand. “You know, what if this thing is legit? There has to be some sort of legal thing preventing them from selling this, so why not try and get my hands on it before they get caught? And honestly it’s so cheap for what it’s offering.”
“There’s no way though, right?”
“I don’t know man, but even if there’s a small chance, I’d bet something for it. Let’s see if this is real.” Right then, Brandon clicked the link and ordered the product. He put priority shipping on it. “It’ll be here Friday. If this thing doesn’t work, then we‘ll spend Saturday climbing and Sunday relaxing, deal?”
“Dude, I’m so in. This could be sick.”
Friday came and a package arrived. Brandon spent the night figuring it out and texted for Jordan to come over the next morning for a surprise.
On Saturday, Jordan knocked on the door of the apartment, and Brandon opened. “Is it real dude?!” Jordan asked with excitement.
“Well come inside and see!”
Jordan walked in and closed the door. Brandon led him to the living room where on the table sat a sci-fi-looking gun of sorts. “How does it even work??”
“Well I tried reading the instructions to find out, but they were in Chinese. Found a YouTube video where they basically said they can’t release how it works due to it being such a new technology. Anyways, it only works on biological matter. It’s not able to make anyone taller than their normal height, unless someone else is shrunk, then the height can be transferred to whoever. The limit on shrinking is currently an inch tall. It’s also supposed to make the person a bit more durable than you expect since it makes them more dense, but the guy said to still be extremely careful if ever handling a shrunken person.”
“One inch seems a bit tiny for climbing you, maybe we could do two inches instead?”
“Yeah sure, but don’t be shocked if you get there later.”
Jordan laughed off that last comment, “Dude I am so excited. I’ve kept on thinking about everything ever since earlier this week. Can we test it out?”
“Yeah man! It connects to my phone, then I have to make a profile for you. I made one for myself already. I’ll input your height and scan you with the gun. I hope you’re chill with it man, you have to be naked for the scan.”
Jordan nodded his head.
“Alright go ahead and strip.”
Jordan blushed slightly while he awkwardly got naked. He heard Brandon say it only shrank biological matter, so he’d be naked when he shrinks anyways. He really did want a climbing challenge, and only brought up this idea as a joke. Now that he is about to actually be able to do this, he started thinking about Brandon’s body. Brandon stood at a good 6’0”, and Jordan at a below average 5’8”. Brandon had impressive muscles, and occasionally Jordan wished he could feel them, but always wanted to respect Brandon and never asked.
But now Jordan was going to feel Brandon’s muscles up close, for maybe even a few hours. Even more pressed in his mind was Brandon’s specific features he might get to climb on. His feet, his pecs, his biceps, and maybe even other parts of his body. Thinking about all this gave Jordan a boner that he didn’t even notice, and he was already in just his underwear.
“You excited for today lil’ buddy?” Brandon smirked.
“I-“ Jordan blushed a bright red.
“Hey dude it’s alright, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t gotten the thought of you as a living toy out of my head”
“Oh, uh.. then let’s do this.” Jordan nervously took off his underwear.
Jordan, fully nude, stood before Brandon. Brandon pointed the gun and a fast burst of light emitted from it. Brandon set it down, while Jordan clothed himself.
“Why are you getting dressed? Your clothes won’t shrink.” Asked Brandon
“I wanna feel them get bigger on me.” Jordan said.
Brandon chuckled a bit, “Fair enough I guess.”
Brandon looked at the app on his phone. Jordan filled his profile for the app. He input his height, weight, sex, his feet size, then left blank the desired height spot for Brandon to fill out.
“I wanna start by just making you just slightly shorter, just to see if it works, how does 5’0” sound to you?”
“I mean 8 inches seems like a lot, but yeah let’s do it!”
Brandon once again pointed the gun, he pressed the trigger and the light flashed. No sounds or anything.
“Did it work?” Asked Jordan.
“I think so.. it’s not supposed to be instant, but shouldn’t take too- oh there ya go.” Brandon noticed Jordan’s eyes shrink down a bit.
Jordan felt a sensation through his body. His previously snug shirt and shorts now a bit loose. “Holy fuck dude it worked!!” Jordan reacted.
“Damn dude, my shorty got even smaller.” Brandon jokingly smiled.
“Dude I wasn’t short before. 5’8” isn’t short.”
“Maybe, but an angry 5’0” sure is cute.” Brandon began to laugh a little bit started messing with his friend’s hair.
Jordan’s face got a bit red again, then he pushed Brandon’s hand off his head.
Brandon didn’t say anything, just smirked and started inputting stuff into the app again.
“Hey! What are you doing now?”
Brandon pointed the gun and fired the silent blast again. “Made you small enough so you can’t fight back.” Brandon smiled.
Before Jordan could do something, he felt the sensation and this time got a bit dizzy. He fell back a bit, then his shorts fell down his legs and he tripped on them “What the- how big am I now?” Sitting with his butt on the ground, Jordan looked up and saw a staggering figure. His friend seemed more than twice the size of a normal human. He began to cower a bit as Brandon’s hands reached down.
Brandon laughed at Jordan’s choice of words as he crouched down and helped the little guy up. “You’re 2 feet small now.” Brandon laughed once Jordan was on his feet, seeing the huge oversized shirt on his friend was hilarious. He snapped a picture then removed the shirt from Jordan. “There you are again! All your glory. Still excited I see.” Brandon poked Jordan’s dick, Jordan tried to fight Brandon’s hand again but ended up pushing himself back more than doing anything to stop Brandon.
“I- I’m so sorry Brandon,” Jordan tried his best to cover the hard-on, “This is all so new to me, and seeing you so huge is kinda turning me on. We can stop if you want to, I don’t wanna do anything you’re not okay with.”
“Well I saw your hard dick earlier too bud, I kinda figured this was turning you on. Now that you’re tiny I can say that this is also really hot to me. I’m not gonna stop, no matter what you’re going down to two inches.” Brandon said with a hint of seriousness that hadn’t been there before.
Jordan was shocked. Brandon was speaking with such authority over him. He felt like a child, any sense of control was lost in that tone. A fear set in, he was at the mercy of this man. There was nothing he could do to stop his friend if he wanted to. Thankfully he didn’t want to.
Brandon shot the gun at Jordan one final time, then Jordan passed out.
After what seemed like hours, Jordan woke up. He was outside, laying on a cloth surface of some sort. It was hot outside, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so still pretty bearable.
Jordan sat up and looked around. He was on a humungous beach towel that was flat on the ground. He looked up and saw Brandon laying back on a pool chair in just his swimsuit. He was sound asleep with his hands behind his head, feet on the ground touching the opposite end of the towel.
Jordan grew excited, it was time to climb his friend. The moment he’d been waiting for. He began to run to Brandon’s right foot, realizing the distance, he slowed to a better pace.
Jordan had never in his life imagined a foot this massive. Size 13 was big, but it had never seemed this big. Still, once Jordan reached the foot he realized he could at least climb onto the foot with relative ease. The smell was prominent, but Jordan didn’t think it smelled bad by any means.
He paused though, and decided to explore the foot a bit before venturing upwards. Starting with the pinky toe, Jordan compared his own body to it, roughy half his size. He was amazed at the size. Moving to each bigger toe, Jordan found the sizes so hot. Reaching the big toe, he laid down next to it for a moment. It was bigger than he was. He stood up and bent over onto the toe and spread his arms, feeling the massive toenail. He then went to the side of the foot, and positioned himself under Brandon’s arch, nuzzling into the soft skin a bit, and noticed that Brandon was a bit sweaty already, just from laying in the heat. Jordan didn’t want to leave, but he decided to keep going before the sweat got too much worse.
Jordan got up and walked back to the pinky toe to climb onto the foot, and crawled his way towards the leg hair. The hairs didn’t contain a lot of traction, so Jordan had to sort of wrap one around his hand and pull himself up little by little. Getting past the knee, Brandon’s thigh was much easier due to the less harsh angle. It was still tough, but not as difficult.
He then reached the next challenge of his journey, Brandon’s swim shorts. They were made of a waterproof material without a lot of traction for the tiny man to grab onto, so Jordan decided to crawl under the shorts. What was one more detour? The man was seemingly sound asleep, and seemed pretty comfortable with Jordan’s hard-on earlier, so why not stop by and see Brandon’s beast for a moment?
Jordan slipped under the shorts and made his way towards it in the darkness. Before that, there was a sort of net/mesh barrier he needed to get through. Managing to push it up and squeeze underneath, he was safe from falling because of the barrier. The overwhelming musky scent of Brandon’s cock began to hit, it put Jordan into a horny state of mind. Climbing over just a bit more, he bumped into the semi-hard anaconda. Pausing for a moment to reflect on what he was doing, he continued. Jordan began to nuzzle up against it, and attempted to reach his arms around, but was far too small to reach around the girth. Still he tried to squeeze. It began to grow a bit harder from the sensation he was giving it, that’s when Jordan backed off and decided to keep going.
Climbing upwards a bit more another issue arose, the elastic band around the swim shorts were skin tight to Brandon’s waste. He went in arms and head first and tried to army crawl under the obstacle. It took a few minutes but eventually he crawled up the other side, revealing a glorious landscape Jordan rarely got to see; Brandon’s beautifully toned and tanned abs.
He paused to catch his breath, and at the same time turned around. Jordan saw the whole apartment complex’s pool space. Given it was a nice weekend day in the middle of summer, there was actually quite a few people. Some families, a lifeguard, and even some pretty big guys, all enjoying the pool and the sun. Thankfully Brandon picked a spot away from most people which wasn’t by the edge of the pool. He was the only person in this corner. Seeing all the ginormous people going about their day, not realizing a tiny person was climbing the man tanning in the corner, was intriguing.
Jordan wondered to himself if Brandon was going to grow him back after this. The way Brandon seemed so eager to have power over him made him wonder if he should climb down now and try and find someone who would certainly help him get back. Then Jordan realized, these people might not see him, they could crush him and just think he was a bug. But even if he found someone who wanted to help, Jordan couldn’t grow back without the mass stored in Brandon’s machine, and without Brandon’s app. Brandon had all the power, even if Jordan was in someone else’s hands.
He turned back to the giant he was climbing and accepted his fate, feeling someone content. Brandon would certainly grow him back, he beat himself up mentally for considering that Brandon didn’t have his best interest in mind. After all, Jordan asked for this. Besides, Brandon’s abs were hot. Jordan climbed up a bit onto his friend’s belly and laid there for a moment. Spreading himself and feeling the muscles. He then got up and kept going.
Knowing his end goal was the top of Brandon’s head, Jordan realized he could never climb straight up Brandon’s neck, he’d have to climb onto his biceps and forearm to reach Brandon’s head. But now Jordan felt he needed to hurry, if Brandon woke up, Jordan would certainly fall flat onto the concrete below.
But Jordan couldn’t help himself when he reached Brandon’s pecs, again he laid down for a moment then spread himself out between them. His mind going back and forth, Jordan got up and kept going. Finally being able to stand when reaching the collar bone, Jordan moved pretty quickly towards the bicep. He laid against the muscle for a moment, feeling it with his arms spread yet again, and then his footing slipped.
Jordan fell what felt like almost ten feet, but was actually just down to Brandon’s rank armpits. Definitely no deodorant used today, not that Jordan was complaining. He had caught himself using the armpit hairs. And used the same strategy from before, and began to wrap his hands around the hairs to secure himself and climb up. He made his way up and this time didn’t fondle with Brandon’s ginormous arms this time, and instead kept climbing.
Using the last bit of his strength, Jordan finally reached the end. And laid on top of Brandon’s head in relief. Immediately, Brandon’s massive hand made a move to scoop Jordan. The hand enclosed around him and Jordan could barely move. He struggled for a bit but gave up upon realizing Brandon was up and walking, likely back to the apartment.
Brandon opened his hand and placed Jordan on the desk in his room. Jordan collected his composure to the best of his ability and stood up and watched Brandon.
Brandon walked around the room a bit, picked up an old pair of socks off the floor and placed them in the laundry. He then took off his swimsuit, this time turned around revealing his muscles butt to Jordan. He threw the swimsuit into the laundry then turned and went to stand at the end of the desk. Jordan while on the desk was eye level with the head of Brandon’s dangling cock. His dick now appeared much more massive when it was freed from its mesh cage.
Jordan stared at the dick in front of his face for a moment, then began to lean his head back to look up at Brandon. Brandon was looking down at him with a pondering look in his eyes.
“Just so you know, I was awake the whole time.” Brandon stated.
“So you almost let me fall off your bicep??” Jordan seemed shocked. Why wouldn’t Brandon save his friend?
Brandon replied, “You caught yourself, I almost flinched, but I’ve seen your reflexes before and knew you could handle it. But regardless, do you remember the other parts of the journey?”
“The uh- oh, um..”
“It seems you rather enjoyed my feet, my abs, my pecs, my biceps, and not to mention my eight inch cock. I’m glad you took a fascination to me.”
“Wait, why are we in your room? Are you going to grow me back?”
“Not today. We said the weekend, remember? I want to play with you since you got to play with me.”
“Brandon, I-“ Jordan was shocked. He was reminded of his powerlessness from Brandon’s tone of voice. He had never seen this side of Brandon before today, and felt completely helpless to do anything besides comply. His dick got hard again.
“Jordan you are enjoying this more than I am, let me have some fun, okay?” Brandon left the room for a moment and returned with the gun, “To be honest, I wish I could make you smaller than an inch, but it’ll have to do.” The light flashed and Jordan felt himself dwindle down even tinier.
Brandon picked up Jordan with a hand that now felt twice the size. Brandon sat down on the carpet of the room and opened his hand and smiled.
“You are so cute, I’m so glad we did this.” Brandon said with a bit of a smile.
Jordan felt uneasy and turned on at the same time. He didn’t want to be like this tiny all weekend, but that thought started to fade when Brandon set him down. He tried to figure out where for a moment, but then realized he was laying between Brandon’s feet that were placed together. Brandon winked at Jordan then closed his feet softly.
Jordan could opened his mouth a bit and could taste the sweat from the gargantuan feet. Brandon slowly rubbed his feet back and forth a little bit, which caused such a pleasurable sensation for Jordan that he began to moan. Brandon heard the moans and stopped, picking out Jordan from his feet and bringing him over to his armpit.
“You know, I probably could have saved you now that I think about it, my armpit is pretty soft and could have protected you pretty well. Hope you enjoy bud.” Brandon said with a smirk.
Jordan was placed in Brandon’s pit once again, this time when Jordan grabbed the hair from the pit, Brandon closed his arm shut. The smell was ten times more potent, and the feeling of being enclosed under such a monstrous bicep was magnificent. The heat, sweat, and pressure only added to the experience. He had never felt more comfort, safety, vulnerability, and helplessness all at once. It was wonderful.
Jordan expected this to only last a minute or so, but instead it went on for ten or fifteen as Brandon walked around with Jordan before he could finally breathe normally again. He was plucked out of the pit, now smelling like it from the sweat, and held in front of Brandon again.
“I hope you enjoyed, I think I felt you ejaculate almost as soon as I closed my arm, but you’re still hard. Guess you wanna keep going.”
Brandon then brought his hand with Jordan in it down to the his dick. Without hesitation, Brandon grabbed his cock with the hand he was holding Jordan in, and began to masturbate. The cock was fully erect already, and Brandon slowly moved his hand up and down with Jordan being used as a sex toy.
Brandon then stopped for a moment to set Jordan down onto the desk once more, before continuing to masturbate at an increased speed and harder grip. Jordan sat watching the event transpire, only realizing a second before the climax what was about to happen as Brandon came all over Jordan’s helpless body, knocking him down. Brandon moaned as he released the cum.
He grabbed Jordan and brought him up to his mouth where he licked off the cum from Jordan’s back, then his front. The mouth and tongue were so huge to Jordan, and he could hardly process what was happened as he was receiving a sensory overload. When the second lick happened, Jordan came again.
Jordan was set on the desk once more as Brandon sat down in his chair and looked at Jordan. Brandon was smiling and had a look of glee in his eyes, “That was amazing, thank you for coming up with the idea for this weekend. I’m so glad I have you.”
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