Your future self is talking shit about you
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“You will discover, just as the ballads and novels promise, that some loves really are forever. It is the time you have together that is not.”
— Beau Taplin • B a l l a d s  a n d  N o v e l s 
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“God is silent. Now if only man would shut up.”
—  Woody Allen (via amortizing)
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Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
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All her life, she had learned that passion, like fire, was a dangerous thing. It so easily went out of control.
You should go into this book expecting what it is: a slow-moving character portrait filled with complex family dynamics and small-town politics. If you know what this is, like with Ng’s Everything I Never Told You, and don’t go into it expecting fast-pacing and high-octane drama, you will probably find this quiet read to be extremely engrossing and emotional. I have to be in the mood for this kind of read, but when I am, it packs a powerful punch. These characters are so vivid, so real, so caught up in the little fires of everyday life in Shaker Heights. There’s several stories going on in here, but the book begins with literal fires lighting up the Richardson household and the knowledge that the youngest daughter, Izzy, the wild card, has disappeared. Presumably because she is guilty of the arson.
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“Sometimes you need to scorch everything to the ground, and start over. After the burning the soil is richer, and new things can grow. People are like that, too. They start over. They find a way.”
— Celeste Ng, Little Fires Everywhere | @theliteraryjournals
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I’m now fairly certain that the tiny crack in your voice right after you say Goodbye roughly translates to Stay in some hidden language of the heart.
Beau Taplin
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“Women always have to fight harder. People hear, but they don’t listen. When we whisper, they ask us to speak up. When we scream, they accuse us of being too much.”
— Ming D. Liu, On Being Female (via mingdliu)
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Someone once asked me what love looked like and I found myself thinking of love songs and movies; something along the lines of kissing in the rain, making up in the midst of disheartening fights, and dancing in the dark to our favorite songs. But somewhere between the passionate touches and handholding, I saw that love wasn’t always that simple.
It was thunderstorms at the end of a sunny day, obstacles that took a while to overcome, and continuing to let the rhythm of love move us, even when it felt like we were falling apart or stagnant. Through the dark times, there was the luminous boulevard that was waiting, the deserted alley ways that frightened those who weren’t brave enough.
Love is tenderness when life is harsh, it is the asylum when you are under destruction, and it is freedom when you are being held captive.
Ming D. Liu
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Looking back on my past days, it’s really opened up my eyes; I treated myself like shit, as if I was a garbage can ingesting the leftovers of everyone’s love.
I tried to hunt men who preyed on victims like me for breakfast; I tried to feast on their nonexistent love the way they have me for a snack. They would tell me to walk away, and I’d still be gripping onto their knees, begging them to let me stay. I’d laugh at their jokes, even if I was the one they made fun of to their friends. And time after time, I would let them step on me, even after I complained about the bruises. It was as if the many times they cut me and left their scars, I still wanted them to touch me no matter how hot their fingers burned.
I’m sorry. I am so sorry I let those men touch you as if they were worthy of doing so; with hands held by Satan, and I pretended they were dipped in holy water. I’m sorry I let them find a way into your heart without seeking their true intentions first, how they dug a hole into your soul just to do so and walked away as if they weren’t the culprit. I’m sorry I had let them make you feel as if you weren’t good enough, and I’m sorry I let you believe that for so long. They came, took what they wanted at the moment, and left without an apology or goodbye; they gave nothing nor offered anything in return. 
I’m sorry I let those people in, just to have you shut yourself out.
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“The next person who comes into your life is not supposed to bring back what the last person took with them.”
— Ming D. Liu (via mingdliu)
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“I can see the catastrophe on the last page before it starts. I can feel the heartache before you even leave a mark.”
— Ming D. Liu (via mingdliu)
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“I forgive you. Not for you, but for me. I forgive you because hate is just another way of holding on, and you don’t belong here anymore.”
— Beau Taplin • F o r g i v e n e s s 
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“They say we have the rest of our lives to fall in love, but the fatal truth is this: from time to time, the one comes along earlier than you might expect, and when you push them away, they’re gone, sometimes for good.”
— Beau Taplin • T h e  E a r l y  B i r d s
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If you’re a girl who likes girls reblog this so I can follow you! I want to make new friends! Also follow each other and make friends!🤗
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Ladies reblog if you enjoy receiving sexy messages from horny female's.
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