intherightlight · 5 years
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intherightlight · 5 years
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intherightlight · 5 years
Someone who doesn’t watch the show (or someone who hasn’t seen the new episode) please caption this xD
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intherightlight · 5 years
They referenced Hamilton and Phantom of the Opera in the episode with the Kirin too! Not to mention that time when Pinkie Pie pretended to be the Phantom while playing the organ.
I love it when they show off musicals!
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I can’t believe MLP did this!!! 😭
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intherightlight · 5 years
I chose the best day to log on to Tumblr
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intherightlight · 5 years
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intherightlight · 6 years
Fun facts about your favorite My Little Pony characters!
Twilight Sparkle is afraid of quesadillas and ladybugs.
Rarity has worn more outfits than any other character.
Rainbow Dash is almost always shown flying, even in situations where she doesn’t necessarily needs to be. Not only does it help show off her personality, it also allows for better group composition shots.
Applejack named her hat Tallulah. It was given to her by her deceased father.
Neither Spike nor Gallus know their birth parents.
The reason Princess Celestia keeps losing fights is because she’s always restraining herself, and if she cut loose and used her full potential, nothing in Equestria could stop her.
Trixie was likely the product of a one-night stand in Las Pegasus.
Princess Luna is haunted by the guilt of betraying her sister and home, and once that guilt became so powerful it manifested into its own dream-corrupting monster.
The reason Tempest’s horn seems to randomly flicker sparks is because her body is instinctively trying to use magic. These sparks are difficult to control and put Tempest into some dangerous situations prior to the Storm King recruiting her.
Pear Butter and Grand Pear never made amends before Pear Butter’s death.
When Coloratura performed “The Magic Inside”, it was likely the first time in years she had heard her own voice without it being autotuned.
Silverstream was traumatized by the destruction of her home at the hands of the Storm King, and her love and fascination of the world beyond Seaquestria conceals her lingering fear of the Storm King taking away everything she loves again.
Princess Amore still hasn’t been resurrected since being murdered by King Sombra, making her the only ruling Princess in Equestria’s history to not be accounted for in the present.
For the nine wonderful years that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has been airing and been enjoyed by viewers around the globe, it has won very few awards despite hundreds of nominations, has been mocked by mainstream critics and media simply for being a show for little girls, and in the end proved that we have a long way to go before media for girls is recognized with the same level of respect as media for men.
Pinkie Pie got her cutie mark of balloons from throwing a big party!
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intherightlight · 6 years
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“Even if you weren’t a good person yesterday, you can still be a good person tomorrow.”
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intherightlight · 6 years
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intherightlight · 6 years
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We’ve all heard the rumors that FIM is going to be cancelled, and replaced with a G5 reboot.  We all have our own pet theories - hopes, and dreads, and wishlists of what is to become of the franchise.
A good-hearted, well-meaning friend of mine recently wrote a small essay about his.  He said that he hoped that in G5, there would be more male protagonists. (His rationale was that it would help young male pony fans not get bullied.)
I could not possibly disagree with this sentiment more.
The show already has appeal for everypony.  Aiming to entertain parents as well as children has been part of FIM’s mission statement. However, at its core, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is still first and foremost a safe space for girls - a world populated almost entirely by females with many powerful role models.
The fact that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has male appeal (either despite or because of this) is a sign of glorious progress, (and I don’t use that word lightly).  The fact that so many of us find a spiritual home in Equestria is a testament to its awesomeness, and proof that boys and men can and should learn to identity with female characters.
It sounds like a no-brainer, but a lot of people vehemently resist the notion.
The point is: Now that we are here in the fandom, we should not seek to co-opt MLP in any way.  Simply put, girls need Equestria more than we do.
My wife and I raised a daughter.  Let me tell you, almost all media geared toward girls was coded with highly toxic disempowering messages.  Filtering stuff like that out, and helping to foster a sense of self worth in a female child is a massively uphill battle, believe it or not. I did not fully appreciate this until I became a parent.
I don’t want to lecture anypony on gender politics.  That’s not my way, but I do feel there’s something here that bears discussion.
These days, you hear an awful lot of talk in the media about what is and what is not empowering - and what does and does not constitute positive representation for women.  I’m not getting into any of that.  A comic strip artist from the 1980’s created what is now known as the Bechdel Test, and quite frankly, it cuts through all of the BS better than any HuffPo article ever could.
It is quite simple.  Take any movie.  Ask yourself three questions:
1. Does it have at least two female characters? 2. Do they talk to one another… 3. ….About something other than a boy / man?
It sounds silly, but please.  Think about it.  Run the past ten films you saw through the Bechdel gauntlet.
99% of Hollywood movies fail.  The ones that pass usually only barely squeak by.
The My Little Pony Movie is bucking incredible!  It not only passes the test, it aces it harder than any mainstream film in recent memory.  The whole mane cast is female (except for the Storm King, Spike, the kitty cat, and the henchman with an eating disorder).
Girls need that.  Where else can they get it?
The fact that Equestria is populated primarily by females is actually really, really, really important.  It’s a fundamental part of its zeitgeist.  The fact that bronies can (and do) get behind such a world is a big part of what attracted me to the fandom in the first place.  Let’s cherish that, and take pride in it.
Bottom Line: We are guests in this phenomenon we call Equestria, and have no right to remake it in our own image.
(That being said, even if, hypothetically, we were to do so, it would not help victims of bullying.  At all.  It is not our job to change who we are.  It is not our job to change what we love, merely to seek out the approval of sadists).
Please support me on Patreon.   That is, if you want to.   No pressure of course, but I ask because I do have mouths to feed.   You can also follow Heart Full of Pony on FimFic
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intherightlight · 6 years
oh fuck
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intherightlight · 6 years
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Snow White AU 😋🍎
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intherightlight · 6 years
I want all of my followers that are not into MLP to look at this.
I’m not trying to get you to watch it but just look.
Okay you may continue with your day.
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intherightlight · 6 years
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happy 8th birthday to some cute horses!
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intherightlight · 6 years
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Yes hello, Eris is canon, she’s Discord’s cousin, she wants to destroy instead of annoy, and she keeps a brainwashed Daybreaker as her pet. Have a good day.
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intherightlight · 6 years
So uh...
That Rarity music video for “The Other Side” sure was... something...
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intherightlight · 6 years
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She’s tax evading.
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