intpjunk · 8 years
Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.
Marilyn Monroe (via quotethatword)
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intpjunk · 8 years
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ok but this is the entire intp experience
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intpjunk · 8 years
me: *realizes I think someone is attractive* me: *never looks at or acknowledges them ever again* me: so glad I dealt w/ those feelings in a mature adult way
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intpjunk · 8 years
INTP-isms #1
“I was gonna tell you, but I forgot.”
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intpjunk · 8 years
well I still have 300+ notifications and 30+ messages (some hateful, some that will require in depth responses that I need to write, and some very, very encouraging ones that I greatly appreciate) to file through and i am completely worn out. who knew that answering a question about my religious beliefs honestly would create such an upset? (that is rhetorical. i knew that people on this site would get mad.) anyways, i am headed to bed. good night to all of you and to the thirty seven others who are no longer with us. i hope your day tomorrow is gr8 and that something makes you smile really, really hard!!
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intpjunk · 8 years
im also a christian and i hate when people think that the bible and science cant coincide. like there are scriptures like job 26:7 that talks about he earth "hanging upon nothing" or Isaiah 40:22 that talks about the earth being round. both things that were not scientific knowledge at the time those books were written. the only thing that doesnt seem scientifically possible is the miracles performed in the bible and thats because theyre /miracles/
dude yes this is spot on. for real. it is very, VERY possible to believe in scripture and in scientific evidence. 
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intpjunk · 8 years
If you believe in the validity of science how to you account for the genetic diversity of humans being to high to possibly stem from just two individuals. It's impossible for the current population to have come from just two individuals.
I’ve thought about this question a lot, myself. The best answer I’ve found is the book “Basic Theology” by Charles Ryrie. He explains that, “Though by many inerrantists the question of where Cain got his wife would not be considered a problem at all, this question is often used by those who try to demonstrate that the Bible is unreliable in what it claims. How could it claim that Adam and Eve were the first human beings who had two sons, one of whom murdered the other, and yet who produced a large race of people? Clearly, the Bible does teach that Adam and Eve were the first created human beings. The Lord affirmed this in Matthew 19:3-9. The genealogy of Christ is traced back to Adam (Luke 3:38). Jude 14 identifies Enoch as the seventh from Adam. This could hardly mean the seventh from “mankind,” an interpretation that would be necessary if Adam were not an individual as some claim. Clearly, Cain murdered Abel and yet many people were born. Where did Cain get his wife?We know that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters in addition to Abel, Cain, and Seth (Gen. 5:4), and if there was only one original family, then the first marriages had to be between brothers and sisters. Such marriages in the beginning were not harmful. Incest is dangerous because inherited mutant genes that produce deformed, sickly, or moronic children are more likely to find expression in children if those genes are carried by both parents. Certainly, Adam and Eve, coming from the creative hand of God, had no such mutant genes. Therefore, marriages between brothers and sisters, or nieces and nephews in the first and second generations following Adam and Eve would not have been dangerous.Many, many generations later, by the time of Moses, incest was then prohibited in the Mosaic laws undoubtedly for two reasons: first, such mutations that caused deformity had accumulated to the point where such unions were genetically dangerous, and second, it was forbidden because of the licentious practices of the Egyptians and Canaanites and as a general protection against such in society. It should also be noted that in addition to the Bible most other legal codes refuse to sanction marriages of close relatives.But here is another issue to consider. If one accepts the evolutionary hypothesis as to the origin of the human race, has that really relieved the issue of incest? Not unless you also propound the idea of the evolution of many pairs of beings, pre-human or whatever, at the same time. No matter what theory of the origin of the human race one may take, are we not driven to the conclusion that in the early history of the race, there was the need for intermarriage of the children of the same pair?” 
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intpjunk · 8 years
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intpjunk · 8 years
hey! i just want to say good for you, i totally understand your views! it sucks that on this website it's hard to express them, and I commend you for that
hey!! thank you so much, my friend; you don’t know what your encouragement means to me at the moment. i’m pretty certain that this website’s claim of being “totally accepting of opinions and beliefs” only applies when those opinions and beliefs are exactly in line with their own
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intpjunk · 8 years
So no sin is worse than any others. So stealing a pack of gum is precisely as sinful as rape or murder? You don't see any issue with that in concept?
I see an issue with that concept because I’m a human being and the ranking of wrongdoings is fundamental to how we’ve run societies for literally thousands of years. The point being made in that claim is simply that even our best, most “righteous” actions are considered “filthy rags” (Isaiah I think 8:6?? I’ll have to double check that one, so sorry if I’m wrong) next to God’s holiness. Therefore, we are ALL guilty of being sinful beings. God doesn’t see me or you or Mother Theresa as being any better than anyone else. He sees sin and it’s repulsive to His perfection. Only Jesus’ perfect life is worthy of His praise, and when we make a decision to live our lives for Him rather than our own desires, we are forgiven and God sees Jesus’ perfection in us rather than our own sin natures. That’s what that means. 
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intpjunk · 8 years
I think your religion response was very INTP like. People like to equate logic and science, but that is not necessarily true. INTPs do not necessarily like science...we just like a logic about the way the world works that makes sense to us. I am not religious, but I think that has 10% to do with I didn't grow up in a religious household, and 90% that I'm just not that interested in knowing about theology. I hope no one gave you shit for that, it was a very interesting, mature answer to read :)
I totally agree with this!! I also really appreciate your encouragement and your maturity in being able to respect others’ dissenting opinions. Unfortunately, most people in this world haven’t figured out that it’s okay to not believe the same things. I 100%ly respect your opinion! I have a few nasty anons in my ask box, and a few that are simply hostile towards my personal beliefs, but I’m fine with that. After all, if you don’t have any beliefs strong enough to fight for, what do you have, really? 
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intpjunk · 8 years
I assume that as a Christian you believe God is benevolent, omnipotent, and omniscient , so how do you compromise that with your belief that God intentionally utilized evolution, a cruel, inefficient, wasteful and crude process to create life?
For starters, the words “cruel,” “wasteful,” and “crude” all belong to the logical fallacy known commonly as “an appeal to emotion.” Your assertion in this ask cannot even be used as an argument because of your diction’s purpose in provoking emotions through your personal beliefs rather than making truth statements. First, we must re-write this question. Let’s try it this way:
If God is all knowing, all powerful, and all good, why would He utilize such a long process as evolution to create life?
Now THIS is a question that can be responded to. The answer itself is in the question: He is omnipotent and omniscient....the being the possesses the power of being within Himself....He can do whatever the crap He wants. At the end of the day, all of creation - no matter through which method one may believe He used to create it - points back to His power and His sovereignty. That’s why. Time doesn’t exist to Him; He is eternal. One day, millions of years, it’s all the same to Him. 
I’m a little confused, though, on your description of evolution as being “cruel.” The evolving of life over time is a natural process...it is in no way evil or malicious. It’s like hair turning grey and thunderstorms. They’re just natural processes. This argument against Christianity always confuses me because it’s circular. If the foundational belief is that there is no God, then people attribute these things to science (I.e. Oh, tornadoes aren’t evil, they’re just things that occur in nature!). But, when the foundational assumption is that there IS a God, then this turns into an accusation (I.e. Why does God, if He is actually good and actually exists, let these evil things happen in the world? Clearly, there is no God!) Like ???? These arguments hold no consistency that can even be falsified. 
Again, I’d just like to be honest in saying that I don’t have a set-in-stone opinion on the creation process. Now, micro-evolution is indisputable. Organisms change over time. Fact. I’m not positive what I believe on macro-evolution, but my point in this is saying that I haven’t ruled it out as a possibility and also that one’s opinion on HOW God created this world doesn’t affect the reliability of Scripture or the question of one’s Christianity. 
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intpjunk · 8 years
dang, I’ve lost like ten followers in the past half hour because of my post on religion. tbh, i almost ignored the question because i knew some people would write me off in disagreement (which, like, is okay with me because you are totally free to believe whatever you want! that’s completely your right and I respect that!)...but i really felt that i needed to respond with total honestly. i’m not ashamed of what i believe, and you shouldn’t be either, no matter what it is that you’ve chosen to believe! there’s a difference between disagreeing respectfully and attacking another’s beliefs, and i really felt that my response was simply a statement of my personal faith, not an attack on anyone else’s opinions.
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intpjunk · 8 years
*waves ecstatically* Me too me too!! It's wonderful to meet other INTP Christians! :D
it’s a party it’s a party and we are all invited!!! :)
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intpjunk · 8 years
Hi yes hello INTP here who has a crush on a guy I talked to like twice and held weird eye contact with once. (Seriously he was doing a presentation and I'm pretty sure we maintained eye contact the whole time. It was exhilarating and horrifying all at once.) Help me I am a mess and this sudden influx of emotions is entirely unwelcome.
hello my friend. unfortunately, it seems that you have been struck with feelings for a boy and there is no currently known cure for this. BUT HEY, sometimes (at least....I’ve heard rumors of this) these crushes can turn into actual things!! If he maintained eye contact with you the whole time he was presenting, then it’s possible that he sees you as some sort of comfort for his nerves. maybe i’m overthinking it, but it definitely sounds like there’s potential, there :)
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intpjunk · 8 years
Okay so I am also a Christian INTP and I read your full religion post and like, I TOTALLY AGREE WITH BASICALLY EVERYTHING YOU SAID and yeah. i love mah boi JC. You're pretty rad too.
yes hello i am here to destroy this misconstrued concept of Christianity in this society and on this website. you are rad, yourself!!!! :) it’s seriously great to know that there are more of us out there in the world, for real 
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intpjunk · 8 years
13 through 20, for the thing. Also, hiiii
hiiiii wassup how r u
13) i mean i’m a mediocre flute player and i can rap the mcdonald’s rap. also, i can reach my arm all the way around my head and touch the ear that’s on the same side of my head as the arm that i’m reaching with is. that’s sorta neat, i guess
14) i can smell a crazy person from a mile away, dude
15) already answered!
16) dang ok um Pride and Prejudice or Meet the Robinsons
17) a guy with great hair and nice eyes who is taller than me...he must be kind and thoughtful and intelligent enough to push me intellectually. also, he must be down for midnight pancake runs always
18) so i’m the oldest of four siblings and the youngest two are 9 and 6...i literally adore them, and sometimes i really enjoy working with kids (heck, i’m working a camp all summer), but i’m not, like, SET on having my own. i’m not opposed to it, necessarily, but i’m just open minded about the matter, if that makes sense
19) before i can even fantasize about weddings, i should probably find a boy who’s willing to put up with me for any extended amount of time lolz. i’m honestly not partial to church weddings or non church weddings! i’ve seen both done beautifully, so
20) already answered!
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